A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 122

Chapter 121: Personally Sign

The three armies besieged the city, and the barracks was very busy.

Xiao Jingduo was wearing a full suit of battle armor, which was still stained with wet blood. It was already called Jin to withdraw troops today. He had just returned from patrolling the camp when he saw the soldiers guarding the camp running over, clasping his fists and saying, “Captain, someone from Chang’an has come, do you want to let it go?”

“Anyone from Chang’an?” Xiao Jingduo asked, “Who?”

“It’s my maid.”

Hearing this voice, the soldier quickly lowered his head: “See Princess Qianning.”

Rong Ke nodded lightly, Xiao Jingduo dared to run around the camp when she saw that Rong Ke was dressed so thinly, and couldn’t help saying: “It’s already September, and the wind is so cold at night, what are you doing? Out?”

Xiao Bing lowered his head and couldn’t see what was happening, but just hearing Xiao Jingduo’s words made his heart tremble.

How dare the governor speak to the princess like this? If the princess gets angry, will he be silenced?

Rong Ke did not expect that the soldiers beside him had such rich psychological activities, she said: “After reading the battle report for a day, my eyes were very tired, so I came out for a walk.”

“Then you should also wear more clothes. You’re injured, it’s not good, the wind is so strong, what should you do if you get a cold?”

“I won’t get cold.” After Rong Ke finished speaking, she turned her face to look at Xiao Jingduo, “What, are you going to keep holding my female officer?”

Xiao Jingduo just remembered that Xiaobing had just come to report to the female official. He was interrupted by Rong Ke like this, and he almost forgot. Xiao Jingduo went to instruct the soldiers: “Welcome in a few female officials.”

Xiao Bing couldn’t close his mouth in surprise, he lowered his head and walked out silently. On the way, he met the lieutenant general, and the lieutenant general asked, “Can the governor be in the main tent?”

Xiao Bing pointed in a direction: “The governor is there to accompany the eldest princess.” After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but secretly leaned over and asked the lieutenant: “General, you said the governor and the eldest princess…”

“Shut up.” The lieutenant rolled his eyes fiercely, “As long as you can talk, shut up.”

“…Oh.” The soldier silently shut his mouth and went to the gate of the barracks to welcome the arrival of the female officer in the palace.

Unless there are special circumstances in the military camp, it is strictly forbidden to bring women into the camp. Once found, there will be no amnesty. This group of men in the army has long been accustomed to this kind of environment, and at first glance they are all dark and rough. Today, however, there are a group of women wearing chest-length skirts with flowing shawls hanging between their arms. They are beautiful and fair-skinned, and their posture is decent. They drag their long skirts along the road of the military camp. The sergeants who came and went were stunned. It was the first time that Song Xue and others were surrounded by so many men. They refused to lose their air. The little soldier who led the way was watched by so many people, and it was also with honor, and he walked all the way down.

Song Xue and the others walked to the main tent with great difficulty, and they saw the woman in the purple and white dress at a glance.

Rong Ke just smiled lightly and nodded to them, not feeling anything special about this scene at all. Song Xue and the others were so excited that they were about to cry: “His Royal Highness, this slave has seen you! If I knew about these things, I would accompany you out of the palace.”

On that day, they all felt that this was just an unusual exit from the palace. Who knows, after Rong Ke left the palace, she never came back, and even almost caused a catastrophe.

“I’m fine, get up.”

Song Xue wiped away the tears on their faces and slowly got up from the ground. When the most capable female officials of Yonghe Palace came, they immediately surrounded Rong Ke and asked questions. Before he knew it, Xiao Jingduo was squeezed out.

Xiao Jingduo sighed silently in his heart, he saw Rong Ke for a while, maybe Rong Ke couldn’t spare the time to deal with him, so he had to talk to the guard who followed Rong Ke, and left first.

After entering the tent, Song Xue told Rong Ke about the things in the palace: “…After that day, His Highness Xin’an entered the palace, cried with the Queen Mother Wu, and then lived in the palace, I refuse to go back to the house. The saint and the queen mother are all well. The saint is very concerned about your safety. Before we left the capital, we specially asked several times. If it wasn’t for a few ministers to stop me, the saint would have come over by himself.”

“The prime minister is right to stop him. If he really dares to come over, I have to take care of him well.” Rong Ke knew that nothing happened in the palace, and his heart that had been hanging on was slowly letting go . She asked, “What about other people in Yonghe Palace, have they been affected?”

“That’s not true. Xia Lan also wants to come, but Yonghe Palace can’t be separated from people, so she can only stay.”

“Where is Xia Feng, any news?”

Song Xue’s face became solemn: “Your Highness, since the day of your accident, there has been no news from Xia Feng.”

“In other words, Cheng Huizhen is also missing?”


Rong Ke sighed: “The bright moon is gone, and now it’s summer wind again.”


Since the people have passed away, it is useless to be sad. The most urgent task is to solve the king of Liang. Mingyue and Xia Feng both died because of King Liang, and dealing with King Liang is the greatest memory for the deceased.

Song Xue packed up her emotions and asked, “Your Highness, Lady Cheng is unusual after all. Now that she has fallen into the hands of King Liang, what should we do?”

Song Xue knew little about Cheng Huizhen, but Rong Ke knew the details of Cheng Huizhen. She looked indifferent and said, “What are you afraid of, relying on her, it’s good luck if it’s not bad.”

After the accident, Song Xue’s heart has been tense, even walking on the road, but now when she sees Rong Ke, she feels inexplicably at ease. Even King Liang, who killed two sisters, seems not to be afraid.

Song Xue put down her burden and suddenly found that the surrounding environment was too bad. She stood up frowning, and said, “How can your Highness’s residence be so simple? Your Highness, please wait a moment, and this slave will clean up. Qinglan, you come with me…”

. The maid with fluttering robes spoke softly and slowly, with complicated etiquette, and the female officials performed their respective duties. Every day when the generals of the three armies came to Rong Ke to report on their achievements, they would see the women with the head of Emei busy in the barracks. The battle reports were divided into several stacks according to their priorities and placed neatly in front of Rong Ke’s case. Xiao Jingduo, who often went in and out of the Liangyi Hall, didn’t feel anything, but many generals who had never seen such a posture sighed that women’s participation in politics was so active.

The King of Liang guarded Luoyang and did not leave. Although Xiao Jingduo and others surrounded Luoyang, they did not dare to attack the city forcefully. As a result, the battle becomes more difficult to fight. Rong Ke has to discuss matters with the lieutenant generals every day, but she mostly understands the situation and doesn’t get involved in military affairs much. Rong Ke had to admit that she was better at internal affairs than fighting with soldiers. After all, she grew up in the court and was good at guessing people’s hearts and handling internal affairs, but Xiao Jingduo was different. He was born in a farm family, lived in the Hou’s mansion and lived in a Buddhist temple, he served as a county magistrate in the frontier, and went to the desert to participate in battles. His control of Nong Sang and other practical matters and the situation of the war is actually better than that of Rong Ke.

However, Rong Ke is not a person who takes power without knowing it. Since he is not good at it, he will leave it to someone who is good at it. And she herself focused on the internal affairs of the military camp, such as food and grass storage, horse feeding, etc. In fact, there are many complicated and unreasonable things. As winter gradually entered, and after the armies of Yizhou, Xuzhou, and Xiao Jingduo fought together for several months, King Liang finally couldn’t hold it any longer.

The city of Luoyang was broken, and the army was pulled out. After the army left, many people discovered that the sidelines of each camp of the imperial army were straight and neatly arranged in a gossip-like pattern.

When the officials in Luoyang saw these, they all sighed in their hearts, Gan Ning is the love of God.

The battle of Luoyang was difficult, and the city gate was finally broken. Then, King Liang rushed out of the encirclement and fled in the direction of Qizhou. Xiao Jingduo personally led someone to chase, while Rong Ke stood in the devastated Luoyang city and sighed deeply.

The good-looking Dongdu turned out to be like this.

It was already the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, they besieged the city in August and fought until the end of the year to recover Luoyang. When Luozhou was beaten like this, Rong Ke couldn’t do anything like turning her head and leaving, otherwise, her reputation in Luoyang would be completely ruined.

So, Rongke will not be able to go back this year, and can only stay in Dongdu to clean up the mess. Fortunately, Chang’an and Luoyang are not far away. I heard that the princess will stay in Luoyang for the Chinese New Year. The servants of the princess’ palace and Yonghe Palace rushed to Luoyang in batches. In the end, the palace was almost moved.

Three days ago, Xiao Jingduo returned to Luoyang with a chill all over his body, and with him came King Liang and King Zheng who were **** by five flowers. If Rong Ke didn’t return to Chang’an, Xiao Jingduo would definitely stay, while the people from the left side of Yin Xiaowei took the order and went back to Chang’an to do their favorite thing – settle accounts after the autumn and clean up the remnants.

In the prison of the palace, King Liang looked at the person in front of him and smiled sarcastically: “I didn’t expect that when we parted in June, you and my uncle and nephew would meet again, it turned out to be such a scene.”

“My niece would never have imagined that the third uncle would do such a thing.”

“Can’t you think of it?” King Liang laughed, “Rong Ke, why do you pretend to act like this? I sent a secret order to the governors of Xuzhou and Yizhou, and if I come back victorious, I will be killed in Luozhou. Rong Ke, you were the first to be unkind, so you can’t blame me for being unrighteous.”

“The secret decree says that if King Liang has a different heart, he will be executed in Luozhou.” Rong Ke, dressed in a fox fur, stood far in front of King Liang, and said with a cold expression, “If you If you don’t have troops, this secret edict will not take effect.”

“Hahaha, the birds hide their bows, the rabbits die and the foxes are sad, Rong Ke, you really learned a good skill.” King Liang laughed, and after laughing, he looked at Rong Ke gloomily, “You count, how many people have you killed since you came to power? King Jiang An, Queen Mother Wu, Queen Mother Cui, Xin’an’s concubine, King Zheng, me, and maybe King Qi. How many people are there in our Rong family? Do you have to kill everyone before you can feel at ease? When you go to see the ancestors of the Rong family in the future, aren’t you afraid of being scolded by your back?”

Since the establishment of the Rong family, the royal family has been passed down for four generations. As for Rong Ke, he almost killed Gaozu’s lineage. Apart from her and her younger brothers and sisters, there are very few uncles and vassal kings left.

“Why do I need to worry about this kind of thing only after death?” Rong Ke recovered from his thoughts and said coldly, “You ignore the overall situation and your family and country, and insist on starting a civil war. , the sin is unforgivable. I think you are my father’s brother, and you helped the East Palace a lot when my father was there, so I will leave you a whole corpse. Poisoned wine or suicide, you choose. ”

After Rong Ke finished speaking, he was about to go out. How could Xiao Jingduo let Rong Ke see King Liang himself, he naturally accompanied him all the time. Xiao Jingduo and Rong Ke had just walked a few steps when they heard King Liang say: “Sanlang has just been able to leave, what I did has nothing to do with him. Since I am your uncle, you often hugged him when you were young. For the sake of you going to Chang’an, I’ll spare Saburo.”

Rong Ke stood up, but did not look back: “Third uncle, if you succeed that day, will you treat Rong Lang kindly after I die?”

“Hahaha.” King Liang raised his head, laughing terribly, and he almost burst into tears, “Okay, worthy of being Princess Ganning, whom Rong Wenzhe placed high hopes on, when his father Doting on you like that, if I know what you look like now, I don’t know if I will regret it.”

“These, I don’t need to worry about the third uncle. When the time is up, send the third uncle to the road.”

“Wait.” King Liang suddenly said, “You have a very capable female spy named Xia Feng, maybe she didn’t call her that name, but on the bright side, this is her .”

Rong Ke turned back suddenly, her eyes bright and terrifying: “What did you do to her?”

“What else can I do? Of course I’ll kill it.” Liang Wang looked at Rong Ke with a smile of watching a good show, “I’ve always wondered why the matter between King Zheng and Empress Dowager Cui is like this. Coincidentally, it turned out to be the light of precognition. You got the future development from that woman in advance, and then you can make arrangements according to the situation, so that you can go nowhere. Now this woman is in my hands, without her, what will you do in the future? ”

Cheng Huizhen is in the hands of King Liang? Xiao Jingduo frowned and looked at Rong Ke worriedly, but Rong Ke snorted softly.

She’s not going anywhere because of Cheng Huizhen? Forget it, she relies on her own brain. Another one who was stunned by Cheng Huizhen, Rong Ke thought disdainfully, no wonder you all failed, superstitious foreknowledge, how to trust yourself?

, let everyone see what their so-called princess regent actually relies on. I’d like to see how you will end up then.”

Rong Ke is not afraid of these things, but if it is publicized to the public, it is indeed difficult to handle, and it is easy to be used by people with intentions. Rong Ke could only ask, “Where is she?”

Liang Wang shook his head without saying a word, Rong Ke took a step closer and asked again: “Where is she?”

King Liang suddenly seized this opportunity, jumped up and rushed towards Rong Ke, a dagger in his hand at some point.

In the end, Xiao Jingduo was faster. King Liang knelt down clutching his abdomen, barely supporting his body: “No wonder I let you go on purpose, but she still wants to believe you. You stand so close to her. The place suddenly pulled a knife, and she even avoided it… Hahaha, so it is, so it is!”

Xiao Jingduo’s blade had a thin line of blood, Xiao Jingduo backhanded the long knife back into the scabbard, he didn’t want Rong Ke to see these things, and said to Rong Ke: “You go out first, here I am come clean up.”

“Yeah.” Rong Ke nodded lightly, then turned around and went out.

Wait for Xiao Jingduo to deal with the affairs in the hall, and when he walked outside the hall, he saw Rong Ke wearing a snow-white fox fur with a fluffy fox collar around her face, making her stand out Clear as jade. Rong Ke looked up at the sky and reached out from under the eaves: “It’s snowing.”

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, it snows today, what a good sign.

However, before Rong Ke could finish his sigh, his hand was heavy, followed by a warm feeling, which melted the snowflake she carefully held in her palm.

“It’s cold outside, don’t reach out to pick up the snow.” Xiao Jingduo put a hand stove in Rong Ke’s palm.

What’s wrong?

Liang Wang died, this is her third uncle, a very close blood relative when she was young. Even if Rong Ke behaved indifferently and decisively in the temple, it would be hard for her not to mind.

Her relatives are leaving her one by one. After her grandfather left, her father also left. After that, her cousin died tragically, her cousin and her were at odds with each other, her great-grandmother was dying, and now her third uncle has also left.

“I don’t want to go back to the palace, you accompany me outside for a walk.”

How could Xiao Jingduo refuse Rong Ke at this time? “it is good.”

Although the Luoyang Palace is also a palace, the rules and access control of the Luoyang Palace are much looser than the Taiji Palace with many towers. What’s more, Luoyang is now half burned, and even the palace has broken walls and ruins everywhere, and the guards of the palace gate can be imagined.

Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo left the palace smoothly. Today is twenty-nine. People come and go on the streets, and red lanterns can be seen everywhere. Even though there are still charred wood lying on the side of the road, the war that just ended has not affected the people’s expectations for the New Year.

Walking slowly, they came to the North City. The North City is very lively, and the atmosphere of the market is blowing.

Rong Ke seldom goes to the market in person. Her clothing and food are selected layer by layer and presented in exquisite boxes. Now seeing these dazzling gadgets from the folk, Rong Ke Great sense of novelty: “What is this?”

Xiao Jingduo actually refuses Rong Ke to come to such crowded occasions, but who makes Rong Ke happy, Xiao Jingduo has to keep his spirits up and pay attention to the surrounding environment. Hearing Rong Ke’s question, Xiao Jingduo replied, “This is Sugar Man.”

“What does the little lady want?” The old man who bought the candy man asked with a smile, “Aon will make it for you.”

This old man refers to Rong Ke as his granddaughter, and the faces of the people behind Rong Ke are a little stiff. what! But Rong Ke still smiled and said, “Can you do anything?”

“Yes.” The old man nodded. He saw that this beautiful little lady was dressed in extravagant clothes, and the man standing behind her was also good-looking. The old man thought it was a newlywed couple, but seeing that Rong Ke’s bun was not pulled high, he guessed that this was still a future The noble girl who came out of the cabinet, the one next to her, is probably a fiancé.

The lady nodded and said happily: “Then let’s be a Yinglong. Yinglong is located in the South Pole, and it is mainly raining. It is snowing today, which is just in time for the occasion.”

The old man was stunned, using sugar to hook the dragon? Do all the little girls like this now?

Seeing the old man’s expression was wrong, Rong Ke frowned: “Can’t you do it? Then change it to a unicorn. The unicorn is auspicious, which is also a good sign.”

Rong Ke was very unhappy when she was taken away, and asked, “Why did you stop me?”

“This is the East Market, not the palace. You asked the old man who made the sugar man to make Yinglong and Qilin for you. Isn’t this deliberately making things difficult?”

Make things difficult? Rong Ke thought about it carefully, but still felt that there was nothing wrong: “How can this be called making things difficult?”

Rong Ke looked around for a while, then stopped in front of a stall. There were a lot of ingenious things made of wood on the stall. When the stall owner saw Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo, he knew that it was a big customer, and he shouted vigorously: “My lady has good eyesight, this is a unique institution handed down from the ancestors. The Mo family, there is only one family in the whole world! No matter what you choose, madam, no one can open it except for our family’s unique technique! Oh, madam, what are you doing…”

This kind of bird has a hollow belly and can usually put some gadgets, which can only be opened with a special key. However, Rong Ke lowered his head, and in a few words, he disassembled this very delicate wooden bird into parts.

The stall owner looked at Rong Ke in astonishment, Xiao Jingduo felt that he was about to sweat. Rong Ke didn’t notice it, she lifted up the parts to look at them, gave a soft “oh”, and started to assemble the wooden bird. After a while, the wooden bird returned to its original state.

How can this be called the inheritance of the Mo family? Rong Ke knew that the stall owner must be talking big, she put the wooden bird on the stall and said to Xiao Jingduo, “It’s not difficult, let’s go.”

The eyes of the stall owner widened, Xiao Jingduo quickly said, “We bought all these things. Tan Song, pay.”

Rong Ke walked in front by herself, behind a few men with big arms and round waists, each with a lot of snacks in their hands. In such a cold day, there was a thin layer of sweat on their foreheads.

The men behind Xiao Jingduo’s substitute asked, “Your Highness, are you enough to relax?”

“Luozhou white flour is 37 cents per dou, raw silk is 210 cents, iron **** is 50 cents, and corn is only two and a half cents per dou.” Rong Ke sighed, “Although It has risen a bit now, but with the support of six departments, it is only a matter of time before the war will return to the level before the war. It is a blessing to be able to buy so many things in Dongdu for a penny.”

“In the second year of Jianyuan, when the country was just established, the eastern capital was more than 8,000 yuan per bucket of rice. I remember that at that time, even the rich and powerful could not afford rice and millet, and now, a bucket of rice can only be bought. Two and a half pennies, after paying the taxes, there are still many people left in the family. Today the world is peaceful and the warehouses are abundant. Although many people will say that you are cruel, but looking at the whole world, after all, there are more people who think of your credit. Now foreign enemies have The civil strife is over, and the time to rule the world has just come.” Rong Ke’s stage has just begun.

Rong Ke looked at the dancing snow, but did not speak, Xiao Jingduo stood quietly with her. After a while, Rong Ke let out a white breath and said, “It’s my wife’s kindness. Come back, it’s a little cold.”

Xiao Jingduo saw that she had figured it out, and before she could feel relieved, she heard Rong Ke say it was a little cold. He was really helpless: “It’s a little cold, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

In the sound of firecrackers, Qianyuan three years have passed. This year, the wars continued, and even the city of Luoyang was destroyed. The people of Luoyang hung firecrackers very high, hoping to get rid of their bad luck. In the palace, red lanterns are also hanging high everywhere. After the ladies met, they smiled and said auspicious words to each other.

The style of the palace cannot be compared with that of Chang’an. Rong Ke stayed in Luoyang for the New Year alone, which was much cooler than usual. But the palace does not have as many rules as the Taiji Palace, but it can have a good year.

Xiao Jingduo was finally able to get rid of the people in Dingyonghou Mansion and celebrate the festival quietly. Although he was alone this year, Xiao Jingduo was more comfortable than usual. He stood in front of the window, looking at the snowflakes falling one after another from the sky, and muttered, “It’s been four years since Qianyuan.”

The prosperous chapter finally kicked off.

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