A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 123

Chapter 122: Power

Although Luoyang was half destroyed, when the weather warmed up and the land gradually thawed, the reconstruction of Luoyang City started lively. The soldiers who were besieging the city have not retreated. These days, they are cleaning up the broken walls and debris in the city, moving the charred stones to carts and transporting them outside. People passing by will come to help when they see it.

The reconstruction of Luoyang is in full swing, Rong Ke sits in Dongdu and immediately starts the new construction of Luoyang.

The provincial governor of Luozhou defected to King Liang. Now that King Liang died, many officials in Luozhou who were involved with King Liang were also imprisoned and asked to be executed. The Luoyang government office immediately vacated many places. Rong Ke successively transferred the new jinshi to Luoyang in recent years, and even in February, he personally presided over the jinshi examination in Luoyang, which was held at the same time as the imperial examination in Chang’an.

The provincial governor of Luozhou has been beheaded, and the rebuilding of Luoyang will not work without the provincial governor. Xiao Jingduo is the governor of Kunzhou, in charge of the military affairs of the ten states, and concurrently serves as the governor of the state where the governor’s office is located. Xiao Jingduo already has a position as governor and can no longer serve as the governor of Luozhou, but in fact, he is the governor of Luozhou. Responsible.

The map of the new Luoyang City was drawn by Rong Ke himself, and many policies in the general direction were also made by Rong Ke, and some specific affairs under the policy were detailed and implemented by Xiao Jingduo. In addition, most of the officials in Luozhou at this time were newly transferred from the poor family, and their backgrounds were much simpler than those of the old officials from the official family. The most important thing was that these were young people. Even if they sometimes had different political opinions, Rong Ke spoke. They are at least willing to listen, which is much more worry-free than Chang’an, and the implementation of the policy is also very smooth.

This has been busy for several months. In June, the construction of Dingdingmen Street was completed. The houses on both sides were just like, and the domed pagodas rose from the ground, giving a bird’s-eye view of the whole city.

Xiao Jingduo stood on the top floor of the pagoda, looking down, this city has a panoramic view. He said to Rong Ke, “This is the new Luoyang City.”

Rong Ke looked down and smiled.

The wind on the tower is refreshing, as if away from the mundane world below. But Xiao Jingduo knew that they didn’t.

“Changan is here to urge you to go back today.”

Rong Ke sighed after hearing this. Rong Ke has been out of filial piety and can wear bright colors. Today, she is wearing a light purple top, a long jade-colored skirt, and an ochre-yellow shawl hanging between her arms. The eyebrows are decorated with cinnabar. From a distance, she looks very fresh. Apart from filial piety and Song Xue, a few palace maids took the lead, and the ceremony was not grand at all, but even so, Rong Ke still didn’t want to go back: “After returning, just send a random edict, and you will have to argue with those stubborn old men. It’s annoying to waste a morning.”

“Just delaying is not a solution. All six are in Chang’an, and those who participated in the coup last year are also waiting for you to go back and deal with it. This step will be taken sooner or later.”

Rong Ke also knew this truth, she rejected it for a while, and finally reluctantly accepted the reality, sighed: “Go back and get up early again…”

The emperor has been looking forward to Rong Ke’s return since he received the news from Luoyang. He issued an imperial decree in April asking Rong Ke to return to Beijing, and then issued it again in May. It was not until June that Rong Ke set off from Luoyang with a large number of followers.

The situation when Rong Ke returned to Beijing was completely different from when he left. All the officials led the civil and military officials out of the city for ten miles to welcome the return of Princess Qianning.

In the capital, many people are secretly sweating.

Gan Ning is the most vengeful person. The final winner of the civil war is her, and she may not know how to settle accounts in the autumn.

Xiao Jingduo took the right party to stay in Luoyang to rebuild the city, while Bai Jiayi returned early with the left party to deal with the people involved in the rebellion. People who were involved with King Liang went to prison one after another, and it was useless for anyone to come forward to accommodate. In addition, there was a list in the Zuobu secretly, and it was written that although they did not participate in the rebellion, they watched the fire from the other side of the bank on the day of the coup.

This list was put before Rong Ke’s case long ago.

The first thing Rong Ke did when he returned to Beijing was to order the execution of those who led the coup d’etat last year, including Xin’an’s concubine. King Zheng rebelled and should have been beheaded, but Nian was sentenced to life imprisonment when he was young, and he was not allowed to leave the palace for the rest of his life. The Cui family members in the court were also dismissed by all members, and Rong Ke sent them back to Qinghe unceremoniously to teach the younger generation to be loyal, honest, and shameful. In addition, people who had close contacts with the Cui family, Liang Wangfu, and Zheng Wangfu were not spared. After being suspended, many people wanted to help them to clear the way, but not long after, their connections were also dismissed.

Everyone in the DPRK is in danger, they complain about Rong Ke’s iron-blooded tactics, and they are also alarmed by the power of her intelligence network.

It was only half a month, and most of the hall was vacant. Xin’an’s concubine’s father was the prime minister in court. He wrote to Rong Ke many times, but he was rejected by Rong Ke. Later, the prime minister Yang finally rested and thought that he did not have this son and wrote to him that he was old and frail. , begging to serve.

Rong Ke didn’t even do anything, just let it go.

Duan Gong also persuaded Rong Ke for this reason: “Yang Gong has done his duty for the country over the years, no credit or hard work, and now he has been removed from the position of prime minister because of Yang Erlang’s affairs. How did you go on? You will surely chill the old minister’s heart by doing this.”

Rong Ke used to play in Gaozu’s study when he was a child, and he almost grew up under the eyes of old officials such as Duke Duan and Prime Minister Yang. When she was young, she was often instructed by these important officials on calligraphy and writing. Now Rong Ke has dismissed Prime Minister Yang without saying a word, not to mention Duke Duan, even Empress Dowager Xia felt that what Rong Ke did was inappropriate and too aggressive.

Did he ever think about being lenient? Since he did something wrong, he must accept the consequences. This is the same whether new or old ministers. If the old ministers in the world feel cold to me because of this kind of thing, then he will be my grandfather. The wrong person.”

Is the punishment of the family too severe? Even if King Zheng did something wrong, it should be one thing. It’s not a sensible move to send them all away. Aristocratic clans are very important among the people, and the ancestors of these prominent families also made great contributions to the world. It is really inappropriate for you to treat the Qinghe Cui clan like this.”

“It is their ancestors, not them, who have contributed to the world.” Rong Ke said, “I am not forbidding people from the aristocratic clan to enter office, as long as they have real talents and real learning, imperial examinations, and papers, Some are the way to get a job.”

Duan Gong was embarrassed: “Let the gentry go to the imperial examination, this…”

“It’s a shame, isn’t it?” Rong Ke took over the conversation and continued, “They think it’s because they are used to monopolizing official positions. Duan Gong, you have always been kind. In the name of strategy, come and tell me, is it a good thing to let them hold the court and hereditary position for a long time? If you have outstanding knowledge, then go to the imperial examinations and compete on the same stage with students from all over the world. If they still want to rely on the reputation of their ancestors to live in peace, it would be a big mistake.”

“In this world, the able will live in the place, and the incompetent will make way for the later. The era of aristocratic families has passed.”

Duan Gong heard these words and was speechless for a long time. After a while, he let out a long sigh, held his hand and said: “Today, the minister was abrupt, and the minister retire.”

When Duke Duan came out of the Liangyi Hall, he was about to meet Xiao Jingduo and several new scholars entering the palace to discuss matters. Xiao Jingduo was the first to avoid it and saluted, “Good morning, Duan Public Security.”

Duke Duan also returned the salute gently: “Dudu Xiao doesn’t need to be too polite. Is Dudu Xiao going to discuss matters with the princess?”


“The old man left the palace first, so I won’t send it.”

“Don’t dare, Duke Duan walk slowly.”

Xiao Jingduo stood on one side and let Duke Duan go first. When Duke Duan passed by, these young people all bowed their heads and said respectfully, “God Duan walk slowly.”

Duan Gong slowly descended from the stone steps of Liangyi Hall. He was walking in the majestic Taiji Palace, and suddenly he was filled with emotion.

Xiao Jingduo is the fourth batch of jinshi in the current period. At that time, the prince needed to be admitted to the jinshi in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the folk scholars, but today, the young officials in the DPRK are basically from the jinshi background, as they used to be Relying on the shadow of the door and the prestige of the family, they became a minority.

Rong Ke is right, the era of the Northern Dynasty when half of the court had the same surname has passed, the aristocratic family is about to decline, and the rise of the Jinshi group will eventually replace the famous family.

At the age of four, Bai Jiayi, the newly-rising light of the rejuvenation of the Bai family, was twenty-five years old, and Xia Zhiheng, the pillar of the Xia family, was twenty-eight years old.

The world is in full bloom, and it is fierce. After all, this world must be given to these young people.

In Liangyi Hall, after Duke Duan left, Song Xue took the opportunity to come in to report: “Your Highness, Cheng Huizhen has found it.”

“Oh? Where?”

“After the city of Luoyang was broken, King Liang broke through the siege by himself, and the rest were thrown into Luoyang city. Cheng Huizhen took advantage of the disillusionment after King Liang left, so he ran away from the guards by himself. His Highness some time ago She stayed in Luoyang all the time, Cheng Huizhen was probably afraid that we would catch her, she was trembling and hid in Tibet, and later, she simply hid in a nunnery outside Luoyang.”

“The nunnery.” Rong Ke laughed, “How afraid of me she is. In fact, if it wasn’t for King Liang’s reminder, I would have forgotten her.”

The government’s law is just a piece of paper in the Buddhist family. Even if a believer commits murder and arson in the secular world, as long as the master is willing to shave the person, the government has no right to pursue the person’s fault. Cheng Huizhen hid in a nunnery, and of course Gan Ning could no longer force her. Cheng Huizhen did such a thing in order to avoid Rong Ke, and Rong Ke didn’t know whether to praise her for being smart or say why she should.

Rong Ke has never figured out how to treat Cheng Huizhen. If you let her go and let her live a good life, Rong Ke admits that he doesn’t have such a big belly, but Rong Ke also feels that he is not guilty of killing her. Cheng Huizhen is inseparable from these assassinations, but if you look closely at her role in it, it is almost zero. Her only role is when the sacrifice fell off the cliff, but Cheng Huizhen was not the one who made the plan, she just knew her Just say the news. Later, Rong Ke used this to bring down Empress Dowager Wu and Empress Dowager Cui, and Cheng Huizhen also played some role, although the real decisive victory was actually Rong Ke’s strategy, not Cheng Huizhen.

Cheng Huizhen’s treatment is light and heavy, and now she is going to a nunnery by herself.

That’s fine, Rong Ke immediately instructed Song Xue: “Immediately have someone go to Cheng Huizhen’s funeral, and then send it to the nunnery where she is located, and take the opportunity to remind the nunnery’s teacher. Also, we Don’t let her know about it.”

“Slave understands.”

Only after the government has issued an ultimatum can the temple shave the believer, and this person can be considered a true monk. Otherwise, in the twice-a-year inspection ceremony, those who do not have the ultimatum will all be kicked out.

After Song Xue retreated, another palace maid came in to announce: “His Royal Highness, Governor Xiao asks to see you.”


Xiao Jingduo came to discuss with Rong Ke about the transfer of staff. Rong Ke vigorously cut off Liang Wang’s party members and children of aristocratic families, and Xiao Jingduo’s power also expanded rapidly. In the past, many people said that Xiao Jingduo had a boundless future, but now, Xiao Jingduo is already this “boundless”.

“The position of General Right Guard is vacant, who are you looking for?” Xiao Jingduo asked.

General Youwei is in charge of Xunwei, personal guards, and Yiwei, and is the main person in guarding the capital. This kind of candidate cannot be sloppy, Rong Ke pondered for a while, and said: “You first draw up a list , present the right person, and I will choose again.”


As the two of them were talking, a palace maid hurried over. When she saw Xiao Jingduo, she quickly stopped, lowered her head and said, “Duke Xiao.”

The maids of the Liangyi Hall are not rash, they walk in a hurry, and there must be something important to report. Xiao Jingduo and Rong Ke both knew this, and Rong Ke straightened up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Your Highness, the Queen Mother Wu wants to see you.”

Rong Ke paused, and after a while asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong with her?”

Rong Ke already felt that this would not be good news.

“It seems that the queen mother can’t hold on.”

The Empress Dowager Wu exhausted the lamp she had boiled and finally couldn’t stand it any longer.

When things came to an end, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was uneasy and peaceful, and kept trying her best. Now, she can finally close her eyes and have a good rest.

Before she left, she suddenly wanted to take a look at Rong Ke, and finally take a look at this great-granddaughter who had never been noticed by her since she was a child.

The elderly Empress Dowager Wu heard the greetings from the palace attendants from outside the palace: “I have seen Princess Qianning, and I have seen Governor Xiao.”

Who is Governor Xiao? Oh yes, it was the young gentleman who accompanied Gan Ning in his quest. Empress Dowager Wu lifted her heavy eyelids and saw a man and a woman walking towards her side by side.

The incense in the hall was so strong that she wanted to doze off. Thinking like this, the Queen Mother Wu slowly closed her eyes. After a moment of silence, a huge cry exploded in the hall: “Queen Mother, Queen Mother!”

Such a loud voice can no longer wake up this old lady of the three dynasties.

The Empress Dowager Wu passed away, and there was mourning everywhere inside and outside the palace.

The white flags were hunting and hunting. Sitting in the side hall behind the sacrificial hall, she asked Rong Ke in a low voice, “Zhi’er, can’t you really enter the palace and cry filial piety?”


“You are so heartless? Can’t you have any accommodation?”


The Empress Dowager Cui was angry: “Aren’t you afraid of being told by others!”

Rong Ke gently knocked the tea cup onto the table: “Let them talk.”

Rong Ke imprisoned King Zheng for his entire life in a house in the corner of Chang’an. Rebellion and rebellion are such a big crime, it is a miracle that he can save his life. Rong Ke is just a dick, and in the eyes of outsiders, he is still generous.

But in fact, Empress Dowager Cui knew that all this was carefully calculated by Rong Ke. If it weren’t for Rong Ke, Zheng Wang would never leave Beijing, let alone rebel.

The Empress Dowager Cui’s complexion was much darker than usual. Looking closely at her temples, she had already given birth to Chinese hair. She was silent for a while, and then said obscurely: “If you are angry with Goro because of me, then I will apologize to you. If you are still upset, you can blow your anger at me without involving my family and Goro.”

Many members of the Cui family were dismissed from office. She originally thought that Rong Ke was just frightening people, and the elders in the clan thought so too. They were the Cui Clan of Qinghe! But seeing that the positions vacated by the Cui family were being occupied by Xinke Jinshi, the Cui family gradually felt that something was wrong, and in the end, when Rong Ke came to the truth, they panicked.

Many people in Cui’s family were very angry when they saw this, and bluntly said that Rong Ke was doing the wrong thing, not being their official. But Queen Mother Cui has been in the palace for a long time, but she knows how terrible it is to leave the center of power. There is really no need to insist on these integrity.

Cui Cui knows that she and Rong Ke have a long history of grievances. Rong Ke’s grandmother is Queen Zhaode, and she has no blood relationship with Cui Cui. Rong Ke can even start with his own uncle , not to mention her step-grandmother. Not to mention, when Rong Wenzhe was still the prince, Empress Dowager Cui often embarrassed Xia Shi and Rong Ke. After Rong Ke became the regent, Empress Dowager Cui also planned the murder of Rong Ke again and again.

Rong Ke hates her, Queen Mother Cui can imagine it. Empress Dowager Cui was just still fantasizing, hoping that it would be enough for Rong Ke to target her instead of angering King Zheng. King Zheng is only fourteen years old this year.

The Empress Dowager Cui said sullenly: “If I die, can you spare Goro?”

Rong Ke smiled lightly, shook her head amusingly, and said slowly: “Guess what?”

Rong Ke got up and walked out without hesitation. In the hall, Empress Dowager Cui fell to the ground and did not move for a long time.

Many women inside and outside the mourning hall were crying, and when they saw Rong Ke coming, everyone gathered their clothes and saluted: “His Royal Highness Gan Ning.”

Prince and county kings fell one by one, and now even the powerful King Liang collapsed under Rong Ke’s hands. A foregone conclusion. It turns out that there are always people who think that the female regent will not last long, and they have the idea that Rong Ke will step down after this period of time, but now Rong Ke has proved by facts that she is the last and only victor. There is absolutely no possibility that a woman’s standards will constrain her.

Nowadays, most of the people in the court are Rong Ke, who in the world dares to neglect her? Only after realizing it did many people think about pleasing Rong Ke and doing what they like.

However, only the first person who eats crabs can benefit in everything. The first group of people who stand in the line has already become famous, especially Xiao Jingduo. It is not considered elegant and dignified, but no one can stop people from being famous and powerful now. Even the rest, such as Bai Jiayi and Xia Zhiheng, have also become rising stars and new nobles in the imperial court.

The situation seems to have changed at once, King Jiang An, King Zheng, King Liang, and their supporters behind them, these people who rely on the old and sell the old and block in front of Rong Ke are removed one by one, but For four years, only one of the three queen mothers in the palace remained. Empress Dowager Wu died of illness. Empress Dowager Cui’s family and son were all abolished and completely out of power. The only one left behind was Rong Ke’s biological mother. Everyone thinks that the accident happened overnight, but in fact, Rong Ke has been planning for this day for three years, and many changes have been merged unconsciously.

Princess Qi stood in the mourning hall and felt extremely embarrassed. The four brothers, Wenzong Rong Wenzhe, are now the only family left. When Princess Qi saw Rong Ke now, her calf was shaking.

She doesn’t think Rong Ke is a junior now, in the eyes of Princess Qi, Rong Ke is more terrible than the tyrant in the history books.

Rong Ke stayed in the mourning hall for a while, then went to the side hall. Princess Qi seized the opportunity and hurried to catch up.

, he really didn’t know… I didn’t expect you to be injured because of this, and King Qi and I both regretted it. This is the best gelling cream, it can clear heat and detoxify after applying it, and it can also soothe scars. What we gave to King Qi, we don’t need it, we will give it to His Highness, and please accept it with a smile.”

Speaking honorifics to a 19-year-old junior, Princess Qi herself was extremely embarrassed. But there is no way, she must say these words, there is room for the female family to come forward. If King Qi comes, once Rong Ke refuses, it will be over.

The maid of Prince Qi’s mansion was holding a plate and held it up to Rong Ke respectfully. Rong Ke just glanced at it and said, “Princess Qi is too polite.”

She was calling Princess Qi… Princess Qi’s heart was half cold, and she tried to smile: “Where, we are uncles and nephews of direct relatives, caring about you is what we should do. Your Highness, King Liang King Qi really didn’t know about the incident. He and King Liang led their troops to leave the capital. They only met once near Luoyang. After that, King Qi was busy fighting King Zheng, so he didn’t pay attention to King Liang. If he knew about Liang According to the king’s plan, he will not lead his troops back to the capital alone.”

“I remember that when Queen Zheng was captured, King Qi and King Liang have always been together. It’s such a long road from Qizhou to Luoyang that King Qi really doesn’t know anything about it?”

Rong Ke kept smiling when she said this. Princess Qi wanted to insist that King Qi didn’t know, but when she looked at Rong Ke’s eyes, she slowly weakened.

King Qi naturally knew it, but one was the elder brother who grew up together, and the other was the daughter left by the elder brother. Pretend not to know about it.

The King of Qi said that he did not stand in line, but what King Liang wanted to do at that time was to rebel, not to seize the successor. Did King Qi really not stand in line?

It’s just that the battle he tacitly lost now, King Qi and Princess Qi are in a hurry.

Princess Qi felt a chill in her heart. It was over, Rong Ke knew that she knew everything.

Princess Qi was so frightened that her face turned pale, but Rong Ke suddenly laughed, and even changed her name to Fourth Aunt: “Fourth Aunt don’t need to be nervous. I naturally trust Fourth Uncle, presumably Fourth uncle is the same, right?”

Princess Qi was not sure what Rong Ke wanted to do, but she nodded hurriedly: “Yes.”

“For some reason this year, the number of tributes from Shu brocade is much lower than in previous years. Yizhou is the center of Jiangnan Road and an important place in the southwest. The slightest change should not be careless. Are you willing to go to Yizhou and investigate Shujin for me?”

It’s just that there are fewer Shu brocades, and these silk brocades fluctuate very often. What can I check? Moreover, Rong Ke only said that King Qi should go to Yizhou to investigate the case, but he did not say what official position would be arranged for King Qi…

Princess Qi felt that she already understood, she pulled out a stiff smile and said, “We are naturally willing to share the worries for Your Highness.”

“That’s good. There is still something to do in the previous dynasty, so I won’t accompany the fourth aunt to drink tea.” Rong Ke stood up, and Princess Qi quickly followed. Rong Ke walked halfway, stopped, turned back and said with a smile to Princess Qi: “Chengdu Mansion is a good place, I always wanted to go there to see it in person, but I couldn’t find time. The fourth uncle and the fourth aunt went to the splendid beauty. A place to have fun.”

Rong Ke walked a long way, and Princess Qi suddenly tilted backwards as if she had lost her strength. The maid hurried over to support Princess Qi, and Princess Qi murmured inaudibly: “Unfathomable, moody, I’ve seen it today…”

Princess Qi got Rong Ke’s words, and the stone in her heart was put down. Although King Qi was under house arrest in Yizhou by Rong Ke, Yizhou, also known as Chengdu Prefecture, is a prosperous place. Rong Ke’s last sentence means that they can have fun as long as they don’t move their minds. No worries about underwear. To be honest, Princess Qi is satisfied with this kind of life.

After bidding farewell to Princess Qi, Rong Ke went to the mourning hall, planning to show up again and go back to deal with the affairs of the state. Unexpectedly, on the way, I happened to meet the Queen Mother Xia who was resting at the back.

The Empress Dowager Xia stopped her daughter and asked, “Keke, you are nineteen now, and your father’s filial piety is also gone. Shouldn’t it be time for your marriage?”

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