A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 30

Chapter 29: Strange Disease

Xiao Jingduo noticed that the teacup was abnormal, he glanced back at Furong, Furong was completely paralyzed on the ground at this time, she timidly shouted “Da Langjun”, her eyes were foggy, I saw pity.

Xiao Jingduo instructed Qiu Ju without hesitation: “Keep her in the ear room and watch carefully. I’ll give her a medicine later, so you can relax.”

Furong is even more frightened, what is Qiuju to be more relaxed? What medicine is he going to give her?

This question was not figured out until Furong fell asleep.


“Wait, don’t hurry.” Xiao Jingduo called Qiu Ju and said to her, “You are not in a hurry to do this, I have other things for you to do.”

After Xiao Jingduo finished speaking, Qiu Ju was a little stunned. Xiao Jingduo asked strangely, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel that Dalangjun is different from before.”

“It’s been three years, so naturally I’m different.” Xiao Jingduo laughed.

Qiu Ju shook her head and said, “It’s not about looks or height, it’s something I can’t tell. I remember that when Langjun left the house in three years, he was sharp, cold, and unsmiling, but now he is more restrained. It’s a lot more, not like the old way of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but when you speak, you don’t get angry and arrogant, and you have more momentum!”

Xiao Jingduo just smiled at this. He just passed away his mother three years ago, and was persecuted by Wu Junru, Xiao Ying and others one after another. Naturally, he was full of hatred and sharp like a hedgehog. However, in the past three years of Qingyuan Temple, he has been accompanied by books and Buddhist scriptures day and night. He has been in contact with gentle and courteous monks and literati. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, his temperament has also calmed down. But the youth’s experience is destined to prevent him from being a good-tempered person.

“That’s good.” Qiu Ju said with tears in her eyes, “Darang Jun will neither be indifferent nor bullied, how wonderful!”

“Okay, don’t cry.” Because of Zhao Xiulan, Xiao Jingduo was particularly afraid of women’s tears. Now Qiu Ju looks like she wants to cry or not. Xiao Jingduo’s brows start to hurt, so she can only do Baba comfort.

“Well, I’m not crying, I haven’t done what Langjun told me, and if I cry, I have to come back and cry again.” Qiu Ju wiped away her tears and said solemnly.

Xiao Jingduo nodded stiffly: “Okay.”

What is this strange disease? How to take medicine?

Many remedies were recorded in my grandfather’s medical book. Xiao Jingduo was looking at it carefully, and suddenly heard a small creaking sound, and then Cheng Huizhen’s voice sounded.

“Big cousin, are you there?”

Xiao Jingduo felt a headache, what exactly does Cheng Hui really want to do, why does she have to pester him all the time?

Cheng Huizhen ran to Xiao Jingduo with a soft smile, and spoke to Xiao Jingduo intimately: “Cousin, where did you go during the day, why did you come back so late? I waited for you long time!”

Xiao Jingduo moved to the side and distanced herself from Cheng Huizhen: “This is my business, what are you asking about?”

“I only care about my cousin, not to inquire about my cousin’s itinerary!” Cheng Huizhen explained quickly. In a previous life, Cheng Huizhen had heard that Xiao Jingduo was very taboo for others to inquire about his actions. At that time, Xiao Jingduo had already entered the dynasty as an official and held the power. Cheng Huizhen also sighed that Xiao Jingduo was so cautious at the time. No wonder he was promoted so quickly. He didn’t expect him to have these habits as early as when he was a teenager.

Cheng Huizhen was afraid of Xiao Jingduo’s misunderstanding, so she quickly cleared herself before peeking at Xiao Jingduo’s expression. Fortunately, Xiao Jingduo’s face was as usual, and it didn’t look like he was angry. Cheng Huizhen was relieved and continued to say in a friendly tone: “Big cousin, the strange disease has been raging in Chang’an these past few days, I made you a sachet, as long as If you wear it on your body, you will never get sick!”

Xiao Jingduo is not a big believer, so many famous doctors in the Imperial Physician Department are helpless against this plague, and he has not even found out what the disease is. How dare Cheng Huizhen say such a thing?

But Cheng Huizhen had already handed the sachet to him, Xiao Jingduo had no choice but to reach out and take it. His nose moved, and his heart suddenly trembled.

How can this fragrance be so familiar? Xiao Jingduo glanced at his grandfather’s medical book without a trace. Isn’t this the prescription he was looking at just now? How could Cheng Huizhen know? And the timing is so coincidental.

Xiao Jingduo’s eyes flashed a dark light, he asked Cheng Huizhen calmly: “What’s in this sachet, why haven’t you smelled it?”

Cheng Huizhen is very proud of this: “There are medicinal herbs in the sachet, specially to restrain this strange disease. As long as you wear this by your side, you are guaranteed not to get sick!”

“Oh? It actually has such a miraculous effect.” Xiao Jingduo played with the sachet in his hand and asked unintentionally, “Where did this recipe come from?”

Cheng Hui was really stuck for a while, and the ghost soldier plague broke out in her previous life. At that time, Chang’an was in a state of panic. She hid in the mansion and trembled in fear. Until a month later, the court issued a prescription, which not only cured After the plague in the city, even the ghost soldiers were driven away. Seeing this miraculous effect, the people naturally scrambled to copy it, and the Dingyong Houfu was no exception. Xiao Su distributed several sachets according to the method of official documents of the imperial court and forcibly stuffed them into Cheng Huizhen. Cheng Huizhen also remembered the magic formula. When she came back from rebirth, the plague of the previous life happened again. This time Cheng Huizhen knew the way to cure the disease, so she would naturally prepare in advance. She vaguely remembered the main ingredients in the prescription. According to the prescription, she prepared several sachets of medicine to treat illness and save her life, and then distribute them to those close to them one by one. Cheng Huizhen deliberately kept one out, just to please Xiao Jingduo at this moment. Now Xiao Jingduo is really attracted by her formula, Cheng Hui is really proud, but also a little embarrassed.

So Cheng Huizhen said without blinking: “This is what I came up with.”

Xiao Jingduo raised his eyebrows, did not express his opinion, but asked, “Where did you see it?”

“I don’t remember, maybe it’s in which book.” Cheng Huizhen covered her forehead, “I can’t remember.”

Cheng Hui really can’t remember, the prescription in the past life was highly praised, but the person who provided the prescription never showed up. Since it was an ownerless thing, Cheng Huizhen used it generously.

Xiao Jingduo nodded and said nothing, he put away the sachet, and then began to chase the guests: “It’s getting late, there are differences between men and women, cousin, go back earlier.”

Cheng Huizhen stood up reluctantly, she still had a lot to say, she really didn’t want to leave like this. But Xiao Jingduo has already said so, what else can Cheng Huizhen do? Cheng Hui was really frustrated. Three years later, why is his cousin still so indifferent? Immediately, Cheng Huizhen comforted herself again. Today, he is willing to accept his sachet, which is already a great improvement. With a drop of water and a stone, Xiao Jingduo will gradually accept her and like her.

Cheng Huizhen turned around and walked three steps at a time, and when there was no sound in the yard, Xiao Jingduo took out the sachet and carefully poured out the medicinal materials inside.

The ratio is completely wrong, like a blind match made by a person who does not understand pharmacology. Xiao Jingduo put down the herbs, feeling unspeakably weird in his heart. Cheng Huizhen said that this prescription was prepared by herself, but Xiao Jingduo did not believe it at all. Obviously Cheng Huizhen knew nothing about pharmacology, how could it be possible to dispense the medicine? Since it’s not her, how can Cheng Huizhen dare to take out a sachet and swear that this is a recipe for restraining the plague?

The more Xiao Jingduo thought about it, the more wrong he became. He simply opened the medical book left by his grandfather and carefully studied the prescription called “Red Heat Dispersion”. He was just thinking about whether the red heat dissipation could cure the disease of the old man of the Yu family. When Cheng Huizhen interrupted him like this, Xiao Jingduo became more and more curious about the red heat dissipation, and his research became more detailed.

Xiao Jingduo used to get medical books, although he could prescribe medicines according to the appearance, but it was just imitation. In fact, he didn’t know anything about these prescriptions, but now he and Master Mingjue have learned medical theory, and then see My grandfather’s medical books were suddenly enlightened. Not only could he understand the mechanism of each prescription, but he could even adjust the proportions and add or delete adjuvants as appropriate. This is really a leap forward, and it is completely different from three years ago.

Xiao Jingduo didn’t sleep until midnight. The next day Qiu Ju saw Xiao Jingduo and was taken aback: “Lang Jun, what’s wrong with your eyes?”

Xiao Jingduo slept too late, and now his eyes are bloodshot, he rubbed his brows and cheered up: “I have to go out today, you should watch Furong carefully, and follow my instructions yesterday. , just give her a bowl of medicine from time to time.”

“It’s someone from the big kitchen who’s here to deliver the meal.” Qiu Ju hurried to open the door, “Get up early, sister come in!”

Qiu Ju diligently brought in the meal-delivery maid, and asked with a smile, “I used to go to the kitchen to pick it up, why is my sister coming to deliver us meals in person today?”

The maid smiled unchanged, and said: “In the past, there were only you and Furong, and it was okay to be casual, but now that Dalang is back, of course you can’t neglect. Speaking of which, why don’t you see Furong today? ”

Qiu Ju panicked for a while, but quickly stabilized, and said, “She went out to fetch water. If my sister is looking for her, I will call her back!”

“No need.” The maid who delivered the meal quickly stopped her. She glanced at the azure tea set on the table in the main room, and a smile appeared on her lips, “I just asked casually, Why did you come here to find it? Since the meal has been delivered, I’ll leave first.”

Xiao Jingduo nodded with a faint smile on his lips. Seeing that Xiao Jingduo treated her so well, the maid was even more happy, she walked briskly out of Qingze Courtyard, and carefully closed the courtyard door before going out.

Understand, since the sky blue tea set is stained with smallpox, why do we keep it, or even change it to an identical set and display it outside?”

“The tea set has not been changed, and there was no attack yesterday. What do you think this means?”

“Ah?” Qiu Ju opened her mouth wide, “What does it mean?”

Xiao Jingduo rubbed his eyebrows, how could he be so stupid, and actually count on Qiu Ju. Xiao Jingduo can only say more clearly: “If we found something in the tea cup, we would definitely not continue to use it, but now we have replaced it with another set that is exactly the same, in Wu Junru’s eyes, she will only think that this is In the same way, with her self-confessed personality, she must feel that I didn’t see through her plan and drank the tea with smallpox.”

Xiao Jingduo smiled and said somewhat sarcastically: “Wait, this maid will report to Wu Junru soon, it won’t be long before Wu Junru will block the Qing Zeyuan and wait wholeheartedly. I’m sick.”

Qiu Ju seems to understand but does not understand: “Lang Jun, what should I do with the smallpox-stained tea set? This kind of thing is very bad, should we keep it?”

“Of course.” Xiao Jingduo smiled and said vaguely, “I want to keep it and give Wu Junru a big gift.”

Qiu Ju nodded, she had no opinion, she listened to Da Langjun. After Xiao Jingduo had dealt with the affairs of the Hou Mansion, he was about to leave for business outside the city. Before leaving the house, he instructed Qiu Ju, “I will be going out these few days, please watch Furong carefully, don’t let her run out, other Don’t let anyone in, I’ll talk about everything when I get back.”


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