A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 31

Chapter 30: Plague

Xiao Jingduo went straight to the south of the city after coming out of the Hou residence.

Yesterday, he followed the servants around him, he was not good at checking carefully, and now that there are no irrelevant people, Xiao Jingduo can finally exert his hands and feet.

He went to Yu Weng’s house first. Yu Weng was the old man he rescued yesterday. As a doctor, Xiao Jingduo naturally went to investigate the patient’s condition. Yu Weng’s condition was still the same, but luckily it didn’t worsen. Xiao Jingduo was worried, but the rest of the Yu family were overjoyed and couldn’t help thanking Xiao Jingduo.

After taking the pulse, Xiao Jingduo asked Mrs. Yu: “Is there anything unusual about Yu Weng’s actions these days?”

Yu Niang frowned for a while, and finally shook her head: “I don’t know, grandfather has been the same as usual these days, and I don’t know why he got sick.”

“As usual?” Xiao Jingduo asked, “What does he usually do?”

“My grandfather got up at dawn, first went out to fetch water, and when my grandfather came back, I started to cook. After dinner, my grandfather and others went out to work, while my grandfather stayed at home, or went out and People chatting, or doing chores at home. After dark, we ate, talked and fell asleep, grandfather has been like this for the past few days, and I didn’t notice any difference.”

“At such a young age, Aon still goes out to fetch water every day?”

“We also said that I would let my brother choose in the future, but Aon insisted. You don’t know what Langjun, many of us here share a well, and you can meet them by the well early in the morning There are many acquaintances, and everyone will always stop and gossip, which is also one of the most important pastimes of the day. We thought that grandfather could not bear these old acquaintances, so we depended on him…”

Xiao Jingduo asked many more questions, and Yu Niang answered them one by one. Yu Weng’s daily itinerary was extremely ordinary, and it didn’t sound like anything special. Xiao Jingduo couldn’t be sure which link went wrong, so he had to put the matter on hold and continue to visit other people’s homes.

He stayed in the south of the city for a day, and didn’t go home until curfew. As soon as he returned to Qingzeyuan, he locked himself in the study and carefully sorted out the news he heard today.

In the past few days, many people have fallen ill. The symptoms are generally sudden high fever and weakness in the limbs. Those who are in better health can survive for ten days, but more people can’t even survive seven days. What’s even more bizarre is that after death, some people will have black patches on their bodies. From a distance, they look like someone’s handprints, which is extremely bizarre. This kind of epidemic is raging, but fortunately, it only occurs in the south of the city, and this strange disease has not been seen in other parts of Chang’an. But this is not the solution after all, sooner or later the whole of Chang’an will fall.

Xiao Jingduo knew that being anxious would only be a bad thing, so he simply closed his eyes and carefully recalled his trip today.

The ideas in Xiao Jingduo’s mind became more and more clear, he opened his eyes and drew the route of the south of the city on paper. A black dot is marked on the map together.

Center, suddenly realized.

There is a well, no wonder, it turns out that this plague is spread through the well!

Xiao Jingduo suddenly stood up and hurriedly went to get the medical book. Since he knew that this disease was spread through wells, it would be much easier to deal with.

Xiao Jingduo quickly flipped through several volumes of medical books, and finally found reluctantly that many common water-borne plagues did not cause black spots to appear after death. In other words, he still could not find this What is the disease.

Xiao Jingduo had a rare headache, but Yu Weng couldn’t wait. Yu Weng was already old and frail, and he became weaker after contracting this strange disease. Xiao Jingduo gave him a prescription for recuperation. Although it could not be cured, it could make his condition stop worsening. After all, it’s just an expedient measure, and Yu Weng can’t hold it anymore.

In the early morning of the second day, there was a knock on the door of Yu’s house, Yu Niang hurried over to open the door, and when she saw the person, she shouted in surprise: “Xiao Langjun, you are so early coming?”

Xiao Jingduo greeted Yu Niang and said, “I’ll see Yu Weng.”

“Langjun, please come in!” Yu Niang quickly stepped aside, and then shouted, “Father, Aweng, Xiao Langjun is here!”

Everyone in the Yu family ran out to say hello to Xiao Jingduo, Xiao Jingduo smiled, nodded, and then walked quickly to Yu Weng’s house: “How is Yu Weng?”

“We gave A Weng medicine according to what Lang Jun said, and it was fine, but A Weng suddenly had a fever in the middle of the night yesterday, and the fever has not subsided until now, Xiao Langjun, what should I do? ”

Xiao Jingduo took Yu Weng’s pulse, frowning more and more tightly. Xiao Jingduo stood up, and as soon as he turned around, he found that the Yu family were crowded in the room, looking at him eagerly.

The Yu family is just an ordinary family, and their situation is naturally better than that of the farmers in the village, but in Chang’an, they can only survive. When there were no natural and man-made disasters, the Yu family would be considered a poor family, but once they contracted an epidemic, and it was a strange disease that the imperial physicians were helpless, their family would go bankrupt and would not be able to save the lives of their relatives.

So this mysterious Xiao Langjun, who appeared out of thin air, is the hope of all the Yu family. Everyone in the Yu family stared at Xiao Jingduo eagerly, and when they saw Xiao Jingduo stand up and look embarrassed, they suddenly understood that their hearts couldn’t stop falling.

One person dared to ask Xiao Jingduo: “Langjun, can Aon be saved?”

Xiao Jingduo was also struggling in his heart. As a doctor, he really couldn’t delay patients with medicines that he was not sure of, but other than that, he couldn’t do anything. Xiao Jingduo could only tell the truth: “To tell you the truth, I turned to a recipe handed down by my ancestors yesterday, and I made some changes, maybe I can restrain this plague. But I’m not sure about this recipe, I shouldn’t have it. I use it for Aon, but I can’t do anything else. I don’t know about you, can you agree?”

The members of the Yu family looked at each other, and a parent-like person gritted his teeth and said, “Xiao Langjun, please prescribe medicine, life is destined by heaven, you did this for my father. Many, we are already grateful, even if my father fails to survive in the end, we can only say that God does not give a way to survive, we will not blame you.”

“Okay.” Xiao Jingduo nodded, he wrote down a prescription with a heavy face, and handed it to the Yu family, “Buy the medicine as I said, so far, I can only give it a shot.”

Yu Weng fell asleep immediately after taking the medicine. Xiao Jingduo stayed in front of Yu Weng’s bed, checking his pulse every once in a while, and Yu’s family also accompany him to watch, until the sky turned dark, Xiao Jingduo finally sighed with relief: “The most dangerous time is over, as long as you don’t have a fever tonight That’s good. I’ll come back tomorrow, as long as there are no major problems tomorrow, it should be done.”

“Really?” Yu Niangzi cried with joy, and was about to kneel before Xiao Jingduo, “Thank you Langjun!”

But Mrs. Yu refused to move, and the rest of the Yu family also came to salute Xiao Jingduo when they saw it. Xiao Jingduo’s head was too big, so he had to give a few quick orders and leave quickly.

. After Xiao Jingduo’s pulse diagnosis, he finally showed a smile: “A Weng is basically doing well. Next, pay attention to rest and don’t get tired. You can move freely in ten days.”

“Thank you Xiao Langjun!” A smile appeared on Yu Niang’s face, and she should be happy.

Yu Weng’s illness has recovered, Xiao Jingduo has no reason to stay, so he got up and said goodbye. Seeing Xiao Jingduo stand up, Mrs. Yu hurried over and said, “Xiao Langjun is leaving now? Why don’t you stay and eat, the slave is ready.”

“You don’t need to talk about it, Madam. I have other important business, so I will leave.”

“Hey, Langjun…” Yu Niang called several times to no avail, she lowered her head sullenly, and murmured in an inaudible low, “I haven’t asked where Langjun lives, how is it? Visit, just leave like this…”

Mrs. Yu saw her daughter’s thoughts, sighed, and came over and said: “Son, this Xiao Langjun is not an ordinary person at first glance, don’t look at his plain clothes, but His clothes are made of silk and satin, which is far from what a commoner can afford. Our family has been unable to repay him for such a great favor, and the rest, don’t be delusional…”

“I know.” Yu Niang said dully.

Xiao Jingduo came out of Yu’s house with a brisk body and quickly walked away. He finally solved this thorny plague. Although he still had no clue about the ghost handprint, he could solve one problem after another.

Xiao Jingduo gradually stopped and looked back towards the south of the city. If you want to find out the whole story of the ghost handprint, I am afraid you have to go to the forbidden area of the imperial court.

Guarding the funeral home is really not a good job, especially when there are many people who died of ghosts and ghosts in it, the guard spat in a bad way, and once again complained about his bad luck.

He was complaining in a low voice to Shangguan, when suddenly a voice came from the side, which startled the guard.

“This official, can I ask you to do something?”

The guard looked up and saw a young man in plain white clothes standing in front of him, smiling slightly at him.

It was determined that this was a person, and the guard’s pounding heart settled down. He secretly sighed, and forced a calm scolding on his face: “Who are you? Can’t wait to get close!”

Xiao Jingduo shook his head helplessly and asked with a smile, “This official, you really don’t know me anymore?”

Lord, just ask Xiao Jingduo to see you.”

The guard remembered that he was the one brought by the county master that day. The guard was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted after a while, and he quickly shouted: “You are bold!”

“I’m not joking, it’s about the plague, don’t delay.” Xiao Jingduo stared at the guard, the guard was defeated in such eyes, and muttered: “I’ll try, can I succeed? I don’t care.”

Facts have proved that the efficiency of the East Palace is extremely fast. It didn’t take long for Xiao Jingduo to be taken away by two guards, turning left and right, and soon came to a secluded courtyard.

The guard brought him to the door and refused to leave. The servant on the side saw him and asked sharply, “Are you Xiao Jingduo?”


The servant looked at him up and down and said, “Come with me.”

Xiao Jingduo was still wondering why Rong Ke made such a big battle this time, but after entering the room, Xiao Jingduo looked up and saw a young man in red uniform. The man was sitting at the table looking through the newspaper, and beside him sat a girl in purple clothes. The girl showed a delicate profile and was concentrating on getting the Jiulianhuan in her hands.

Xiao Jingduo’s heart was so shocked that he couldn’t be more shocked. He just wanted to pass a message to Rong Ke through the guard and discuss something by the way, but he never thought that the words would be passed directly to the prince.

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