A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 32

Chapter 31: Puzzle

The prince raised his head and showed a gentle smile: “Get up.”

His Royal Highness the Prince has the good looks of the royal family of the Rong family. The prince called Xiao Jingduo up easily, and then asked, “What do you want to report?”

Xiao Jingduo’s nervous palms were sweaty, he just went to the funeral parlor to try his luck, that day Rongke put him in easily, Xiao Jingduo knew that the door was the prince. That’s why he moved his mind and wanted to pass a message to Rong Ke through this guard. But he didn’t expect that the words would be handed directly to the prince.

How dare Xiao Jingduo say that he just wants to discuss something with the county master. Fortunately, Xiao Jingduo stayed in Dingyonghou Mansion for a few years, and then went to Qingyuan Temple to live temporarily. He saw many big scenes, so he quickly calmed down, respectfully but without losing his demeanor to the second-in-command of the Xuan Dynasty in front of him. He said, “Three years ago, thanks to the care of the prince, he allowed me to go to Qingyuan Temple to observe filial piety. Xiao Jingduo will never forget such kindness. My grandfather practiced medicine all his life and saved countless people. Among them, the methods of preventing and curing epidemics are also involved. Fortunately, Master Mingjue and all the masters did not think I was stupid, and taught me many techniques of practicing medicine and curing diseases. I also contacted many plague patients in the ward. This plague in the south of the city, I might be able to give it a try.”

“You told me last time that you only knew a little.” Rong Ke said coolly.

Xiao Jingduo was embarrassed for a moment, and the prince also turned back and reprimanded his daughter: “Keke, don’t be rude.”

Keke seems to be the nickname of the county master, and sure enough, hearing her father say this, Rong Ke snorted softly, and really stopped talking.

The prince then turned to Xiao Jingduo and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“I may have found a cure for the plague.”

The prince looked stunned for a moment, and even Rong Ke put down the nine chains and looked up at Xiao Jingduo.

“Are you serious?”

“I ran into an old man on the street seven days ago. He unfortunately contracted the plague. I dared to treat him. Now this Aon has survived the disease period and is recovering.”

The prince’s expression became completely serious, and he asked in a deep voice, “Who is this A Weng’s surname and where does he live?”

A quarter of an hour later, the people who went out to investigate came back and reported: “Go back to your Highness, although the old man is weak, he does not look like a person suffering from the plague.”

At this time, Rong Ke added: “I was also there that day. This old man did have the plague. I can testify that what he said was true.”

“Okay!” The prince slapped his palms in admiration, and a smile appeared on his face, “Fortunately, God bless my dynasty! Would you like to offer a prescription to treat more people?”

“Three years ago, Xiao Jingduo was able to be filial to his mother thanks to His Highness’s help, and then it was thanks to Qingyuan Temple that I was able to be today. I will always remember the great kindness and greatness of Your Highness and Qingyuan Temple to me. In my heart, but I suffer from not being able to repay, if I can do something for the people with my meager power, it will be a blessing for Xiao Jingduo.” Xiao Jingduo presented a snow-white rice paper with both hands, “This is a recipe left by my grandfather, I made some slight changes. But the patient is unparalleled, this recipe is effective for Yu Weng, but I dare not make premature conclusions about whether it is effective for others.”

“Naturally. Gu will let the Imperial Physician’s Office verify it again and again, and then promote it after confirmation.” He is the original creator of this prescription, and the doctors of the Imperial Physician’s Office are testing the medicine, and I need your assistance. Would you like to stay in the Imperial Physician’s Office for a few days?”

“Xiao Jingduo obeyed.”

“Okay. No matter what the final result is, you have done a great job this time. After this matter is over, you will be presented to the court to commend you at the solitary meeting.” The prince found that Xiao Jingduo’s face was wrong, so he asked, ” What, do you have something to hide?”

“That’s not true, it’s just that my medical skills are superficial, and I haven’t figured out the origin of the ghost mudra after a few days of research. This prescription can only cure people who don’t have the black mudra. For the rest, I haven’t yet. Find a way.”

“How could this be?” The prince also frowned, “What kind of strange disease is this?”

Xiao Jingduo expressed his guess: “His Royal Highness, I found that the sick people are mostly concentrated in one area. So I guess that the disease was probably spread through well water.”


“Yes, although there are a lot of sick people in the south of the city, but if you study carefully, you can find that there are wells around these people, so I make this guess. As for why some patients have dark spots after death , some people won’t… I haven’t figured it out yet.”

Rong Ke listened for a moment, and suddenly interjected: “You mean, all people with ghost handprints suffer from plague, but not all people with plague will have handprints?”

“You can say that.” Xiao Jingduo nodded.

Rong Ke pondered for a while, then turned her head and said to the prince, “Father, do you think it’s possible that plague and ghost handprints are two different things?”

After Rong Ke finished speaking, the prince frowned and said nothing, and Xiao Jingduo also woke up like a dream. From the perspective of a doctor, Xiao Jingduo has always wanted to find out the disease that will produce black handprints. At this moment, when someone outside the incident woke him up, Xiao Jingduo was startled. Perhaps, there is no connection between the two!

Xiao Jingduo felt dumbfounded, these days, he actually fainted himself.

It is reasonable to find a new way out, the prince should be relieved, but now his face is very solemn. The prince called the guards and ordered sharply: “Go and check the well in the south of the city immediately. Also, the city gate is strictly prohibited, and all people with suspicious behavior will be brought back to Dali Temple.”

“Yes!” The guards clasped their fists, and then quickly retreated outside the house. The whole process was neat and tidy, without a single extra move.

Xiao Jingduo started from the perspective of medical treatment, but the first thing the prince thought of was more secretive. After hearing the prince’s order, Xiao Jingduo thought in another direction, and the more he thought about it, the more chill he felt.

If plague and ghost handprints are two different things, then who planned these weird handprints, and who promoted the rumors that were not good for the emperor and the prince? What are the people behind the scenes trying to incite people’s hearts through the plague?

Xiao Jingduo stopped his thoughts and refused to think about it any longer. He just mentioned one sentence, and Rong Ke could think that this may be two things, and then think of the behind the scenes, it can be seen that the father and daughter are qualified members of the royal family, and they are better at playing tricks and tricks than anyone else, but Xiao Jingduo But I want to get out of this, not to get involved in this mess.

So he also retired at the right time: “His Royal Highness Jin An, please retire first.”

Qing Zeyuan was isolated. In other words, Xiao Jingduo was grounded. Wu Junru also sent someone to spread the word. In the future, someone will come to deliver meals to the people in Qingzeyuan every day, but Xiao Jingduo was not allowed to leave this place voluntarily to avoid spreading the disease to others. For this reason, the old lady also spared Xiao Jingduo’s morning and twilight, for fear that Xiao Jingduo would bring the plague back from outside the mansion, and then spread it to her precious grandson.

Xiao Jingduo just laughed it off, and saw through Wu Junru’s trick at a glance. He went to Nancheng just to give Wu Junru an excuse to have a seizure. Even if he didn’t go out, Wu Junru would do everything possible to isolate Qingzeyuan from Houfu. After all, Wu Junru secretly planted a smallpox on Xiao Jingduo, how could she live well without being isolated.

Xiao Jingduo simply put everything into consideration and proposed to return to Qingyuan Temple to recuperate on the grounds of recent physical discomfort. Wu Junru only wanted to go back to Qingyuan Temple when Xiao Jingduo had a smallpox attack and didn’t want to be seen by the people in the Houfu. Her plan has been achieved, whether Xiao Jingduo survives from the smallpox or not, will not affect her plan, and Xiao Jingduo will not infect the people in the Hou’s mansion if she lives outside, Wu Junru is naturally happy with this, after all, her son is only three years old. At the age of 20, when the resistance is weak, what should I do if I accidentally get infected with smallpox?

In the next few days, Xiao Jingduo lived in the Imperial Physician’s Office. After repeated discussions and verifications, the Imperial Physician finally finalized the prescription, listed it on the emperor, and requested that it be widely promoted.

Xiao Jingduo insisted again and again that the credit lies with the famous doctors. He was just a coincidence and did not dare to take credit. When encountering such a big event, no one is rushing to grab the merit, but Xiao Jingduo is humble and polite, and takes the initiative to give the first merit to others. While the physicians of the Imperial Physician Department are satisfied, they are also much kinder to Xiao Jingduo.

In the end, the red-hot prescription to restrain the plague was announced in the name of the Taiyuan Medical Department, and Xiao Jingduo hid behind the scenes and retreated.

He did this for safety reasons. After all, he is only thirteen years old and has no power. There is no reason for him to take the credit for himself. What’s more, many benefits in the world are not posted on the outside. Although he missed the commendation of the saint, but because of his merit, the doctors of the Imperial Physician’s Office are very kind to him. You must know that these people are the top doctors in the world. It is the dream of many people to face them day and night. Xiao Jingduo took the opportunity to seek medical advice from doctors and benefited a lot. If you miss the appreciation of doctors from the Imperial Physician’s Office because of a mere reputation, then you will enter Baoshan and return empty-handed, missing the real treasure.

The most important thing is that the prince knows about his offering. As long as those in power know what to do, in contrast, there is no need to compete for the right to sign the Red Hot Party.

As the imperial court issued official documents, the red fever was greatly promoted, and the epidemic in Chang’an was quickly brought under control. Xiao Jingduo had been busy at the Imperial Physician’s Office for half a month, and only then did he have the energy to relax for a while. He walked aimlessly on Chang’an Avenue, wondering if it was time to find a chance to come back from “Qingyuan Temple”.

Walking, suddenly there was a call from behind, Xiao Jingduo turned around in surprise, and saw a young girl standing opposite him, looking at him in surprise.

“Xiao Langjun, it’s really you!” Yu Niang ran over quickly, looking at Xiao Jingduo with bright eyes, “Langjun, why are you here?”

Seeing the acquaintance, Xiao Jingduo also smiled slightly: “I’m just strolling around, how is Yu Aweng’s health these days?”

“Grandfather has fully recovered, and he can eat three cakes in a row these days!”

Xiao Jingduo was amused when he thought of this scene: “That’s good. By the way, you want to…”

Yu Niang glanced at the bowl in her hand and said with a smile, “The monarch has issued a prescription, our grandma next door is busy taking care of the sick grandson, and has no time to come out to get porridge, so I’ll help her bring it back.”

Xiao Jingduo looked at the other street, where a line of porridge sheds was built. Under the leadership of Wu Junru, many ladies followed the trend and served porridge. Among them, there were the most people queuing in front of the shed in Dingyonghou Mansion. Yu Niang was still talking quickly: “Mrs. Dingyong Hou is really kind, not to mention the free porridge, but also thoughtfully added wild vegetables to the porridge…”

“Miss Yu.” Xiao Jingduo called suddenly.

Yu Niang paused: “What’s wrong?”

“Give me the porridge.” Xiao Jingduo reached out to Yu Niang, Yu Niang didn’t know why, but still did as Xiao Jingduo said. Xiao Jingduo brought the porridge and carefully watched the wild vegetables in the porridge. In the end, he even picked up the vegetables and observed them repeatedly.

Yu Niang was a little panicked by Xiao Jingduo’s actions: “What’s the matter, is there something wrong with this porridge? It’s impossible, I’ve drank it before, and I have nothing at all.”


Having said that, Yu Niang really remembered a time when she had a stomachache and it took a long time to heal. But these words were so good for Xiao Langjun, Yu Niang blushed silently, although she did not speak, Xiao Jingduo already saw the answer.

“So it is!” Xiao Jingduo laughed suddenly. Although he was handsome, he always had a cold face. Even when he smiled, he smiled politely and politely. Yu Niang didn’t realize that she was a little crazy, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Xiao Jingduo running quickly in one direction.

“Where is this going?” Yu Niang sighed, “I’m so eager, I don’t know who he’s going to see…”

Xiao Jingduo ran to the mansion outside the imperial palace in a hurry, he didn’t care about being rude, grabbed the arm of the side door guard and said, “This brother, please pass on the information of the county master or the prince for me, I understand the origin of the ghost handprint!”

“So, the reason why black plaques appeared on the deceased was just because the wild vegetables in the porridge were poisonous?”

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