A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 107: Boring.

You Xi Wang went to his sister to pass her a copy of the plan for Metronet. He asked her to look at it and edit anything which can be added or subtracted. You Zhichi felt very touched by this gesture of his. He was the CEO and could do anything he wanted to, even so, he came and gave her the plan. She loved her brother very much, and he also cared very much about her. You Xi Wang came to Petra, and they both walked with Stella following them with a glass tab in her hand. Maya was following beside You Xi Wang silently.

You Xi Wang never noticed Petra completely before. Last time in the Pro-Code office she was sitting behind a table, and today was the only time he saw her so close and with no barriers. He spoke, "Miss Petra pardon my rudeness for not saying this before but you look beautiful today."

Stella had a knowing smile on her face while Petra could swear that her heart skipped a beat. She smiled and replied, "You too Young Master, you look very handsome."

You Xi Wang replied with a thank you and did not speak anymore. Petra recalled something and asked, "Young Master You, who is the girl in that red dress in your video on the Metronet."

"That is my girlfriend, Yuki Ushijima. Why do you ask?" he replied casually. Petra felt bitter in her heart. She wanted to be with this young man. Given the insight she had, how could she not see that this young man will grow beyond anyone else? She gritted her teeth and replied in a depressed voice, "Oh, nothing special actually. I was wondering who was the person who could dance along with you." 

You Xi Wang deliberately did not talk much about his love life and they were already out of the building and he saw a very nice looking Maglev car. He asked Robert, "Uncle Robert, whose car is that?" he pointed towards a red vehicle. The vehicle was very streamlined, and it looked like a needle.

Robert replied respectfully, "Young Master, that vehicle belongs to miss Petra. This vehicle is a swift streamer. It is a sports car model. It is worth 2 million credits."

You Xi Wang nodded and saw that Petra was about to board the car and made his way to her. He spoke, "Miss Petra, is it okay if I ride this car with you. I really like this vehicle and wonder if Miss Petra could let me experience it?"

Petra on the side felt her heart was about to fly out of her chest. She kept calm on the surface. She nodded and spoke, "It will be my honor, Young Master You."

You Xi Wang nodded and ran to Robert and Stella. He told them he will ride with Petra and came back and boarded the vehicle. The vehicle floated and slowly turned to move and enter the traffic. Inside the vehicle, You Xi Wang sat in the co-pilot seat with Maya in his lap. He kept looking at the control panel, but he was disappointed. This vehicle was not meant for sharp turns. Just like its name, it was only meant to run in a straight line or the performance would drop. Who designs such vehicles? But he said nothing and shifted his focus to Petra.

Petra sensed his gaze and asked, "Young master, are their flowers blooming on my face?" she joked.

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "No, but your face itself is a flower."

[Ugh, fuck you such a cheesy line. I want to puke in your garden. Yuck.] the system spoke with disgust.

You Xi Wang wanted to focus on Petra and thus ignored this bitchy thing inside him. He suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed the glasses the beautiful woman was wearing, and gently took it off. This girl was beautiful. At this moment Petra was frozen and did not even dare to breathe. Her face was flushed. You Xi Wang smiled and said, "Now you look like a scarlet rose." 

Petra tapped the auto-drive button and bowed her head. She kept looking down in her lap. You Xi Wang found her particularly adorable at this moment. Petra looked up at him and said, "Young Master, don't make fun of me. Miss Yuki is so beautiful yet you mess with me." although she protested, she wanted him to continue. You Xi Wang used his Holo-Phone and dialed his three girlfriends with a conference method. 

The calls connected and three beautiful faces came to vision in form of holograms. You Xi Wang spoke first, "What are my lovely ladies doing?"

Yuki replied, "I am preparing for my exam tomorrow."

Susan followed, "Just did some ward rounds."

Emily said, "I am going to meet elder Amanda and go to the foundation premises."

They then asked about what You Xi Wang was doing? He replied, "I am heading to the recruitment drive with Petra. I am also trying to pursue her."

The three ladies and Petra froze. They did not expect You Xi Wang to be so open with them. Yuki spoke, "Show her to me."

You Xi Wang turned his hand and Petra's face became visible to the girls. She was now looking at her lap. Yuki sternly spoke, "Look up." the latter subconsciously lifted her head. She did not know that Yuki would be so dominating. Yuki exclaimed, "You Xi Wang, you hoe, how did you find such a pretty lady?"

You Xi Wang knew about Yuki and chuckled. She would not stop him as long as he loves her the way he does. The other two were also smitten by him and had no issues. They all praised Petra and Yuki spoke, "You don't have to answer him now, big sister Petra, just take your time. Even reject him if you want to. He is not like those people who are narrow-minded and make things difficult for others for a disagreement."

Petra nodded and calmed down. She understood why You Xi Wang was open with his girlfriends. It was because these women truly loved him. They would not mind if someone else comes and joins the harem, but the premise is they maintain harmony with others and not fight for hegemony. They exchanged contacts, and the call disconnected. Petra looked at You Xi Wang and did not know what to say. 

You Xi Wang sensed her hesitation and smiled. He extended his hand toward her and said, "Hello, I am You Xi Wang, will you be my friend?"

Petra did not expect him to ask her to be friends. She took his hand and shook it gently with a smile she said, "Hello, I am Petra Fisher. Glad to make friends with you, You Xi Wang."

The two talked about what they liked and disliked and childhood events. A lot of stuff before they reached the destination. The journey was only 30 minutes long, and they were now more familiar with each other. You Xi Wang entered the edifice holding Maya in his hands. Stella and Robert were further ahead of them and were waiting for him and Petra.

Stella smiled and said, "Young Master, your sports car was slower than us. How come?" 

"We were talking about important things, Aunty Stella." his face was calm. Petra also did not show any discomfort. Stella thought she was overthinking. She shook her head and led him to a cabin. You Xi Wang sat down and on his left sat Petra and on his right sat Stella. They then called in the candidates one by one. You Xi Wang left all the responsibility to Stella.

He would only ask some questions or speak when the candidate would catch his eyes. Petra also selected some of them for her programming division. Soon the first round was done and the three people ate lunch together. The second round was to hire manager level staff for their stores and outlets. You Xi Wang was active. He stood up and came out to where all the candidates were waiting for their names to be called.

The candidates saw a handsome boy walking out of the cabin. They understood this boy was their boss. You Xi Wang glanced over them and said, "The next round needs a limited amount of people, you will follow inside the room in a group of ten and the interviewers will give you a topic. Your group will have five minutes to prepare and speak about the topic. You all will get two minutes each. Also, please don't use your Holo-phones and only speak what you know about the topic. After this, we will short-list the best candidates and conduct another round of interviews. Don't worry, we will also arrange your food and convenience charges."

The candidates were stunned they never heard of this method of interview. Some people were not satisfied and wanted to speak, but You Xi Wang beat them to it.

"I understand that there are some people who think they are better than others. They want to be treated specially, I would only like to say, Tianlong Group is a place where equal opportunities are provided, regardless of the background, but if you misuse the power or are found disloyal, then you will be thrown out. So if you guys think you are better than others, leave now for we don't need you." he turned and left. Some people were not satisfied and left cursing You Xi Wang.

The interview started, and the candidates flowed the instructions You Xi Wang gave them first. The interviews progressed, and it was very positive. They hired about 50 store managers, 150 sales personnel, and 40 executives. The process was very bland, to be honest, not like how You Xi Wang imagined. He thought he would encounter some godly talented manager, or someone would offend him, but no. It was so boring that he considered sleeping in Petra's lap, but dropped the idea after recalling that Stella was there.

The only consolation was that he got to drive home with Petra in her car. They were now friends and Petra was like an onion. You Xi Wang took his time with this lady. When he parted with her. Petra gave him a gentle hug, and the system spoke in his mind. 

[Oh, master you found yourself a woman of culture.]

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