A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 108: Pampering.

After You Xi Wang reached home Susan and Emily cornered him before he could even reach his room. They squinted their eyes and Susan spoke first.

"Xi Wang, you haven't even eaten the dishes on your own plate yet, you are still looking at other dishes to serve. Tell me was it you or was it her who started first."

Emily heard her sister's first half of the sentence and her face turned red. Usually, she would have turned her face away, but today she kept her eyes locked on the black-haired, handsome in front of her. You Xi Wang understood what was happening. He gulped a mouthful of saliva, then he spoke in a warm and soft tone, "Suzi, she was curious about your Xi Wang. She asked me about my relationship with Yuki. So I understood she wanted to ask something. I only talked to her in an informal manner and when I flirted she asked me how could I do it even when I have Yuki in my life. So I had to clarify that. We are just acquaintances, no, nothing more."

Susan's gaze softened, and she hugged his hand. You Xi Wang felt his blood pressure increase when his elbow was buried in Susan's valley of joy. Susan spoke, "Okay, if it was she who was interested then fine. Now, how about a shower? I will wash your back for you." her tone became seductive by the end. Emily also wanted to hug You Xi Wang but her bewbeis were not big enough to bury You Xi Wang's hand, but she was a smart girl. She took his hand and wrapped it around her waist and put his palm on her soft, plump bun. You Xi Wang subconsciously grabbed it. 

Emily shivered and bowed her head. She spoke in a mosquito-like voice, "I will massage your shoulders, Young Master." she may be elder but this girl was adorably shy. 

You Xi Wang wanted to experience this but shook his head and calmed the fire inside him. He spoke, "Not today I need to see big sis." the girls did not protest at all. They encouraged him to meet You Zhichi, she was always worrying about You Xi Wang, pampering him, supporting him, and she would never complain about anything. You Xi Wang got to his room and after a quick shower changed into a loose t-shirt and lower. He also gave Maya a quick wash. The furred beauty then followed him to You Zhichi's room. 

He knocked and a silky smooth voice spoke, "Come in." You Xi Wang pushed open the door and walked in. His sister was now lying on the bed. Her face was extremely tired. She must have worked hard at the office. She had her cultivation and studies. She sat up when she saw her brother. She smiled and said, "Gougou, is there something you need from me?"

You Xi Wang shook his head and sat down next to her. He said, "You lie down, I massage your feet. You need rest and care, big sis." before You Zhichi could refuse, You Xi Wang grabbed her legs and started massaging them gently. You Zhichi knew her brother would not let her refuse and sat back against the headrest of the bed. Her room was the same as You Xi Wang, except she had a bigger closet and more books. 

You Zhichi kept watching her brother massaging her legs. She wanted to tell him she was a cultivator and was not in pain. The stress she had was just a mental thing, but You Xi Wang's diligent expression kept her from speaking the fact. 

You Xi Wang kept massaging it for a few minutes when he suddenly smacked his forehead. He turned to face his sister. You Zhichi tried, but she could not help but laugh after this sight. Her brother just recalled that they are cultivators and they don't get tired by physical work but mentally stressed. He stood up and walked behind the headrest. He raised his hands and started massaging her head. She spoke, "What are you doing? I am fine, you know. Don't worry or you will grow old."

You Xi Wang used fire elemental spiritual energy to warm his fingers. The massage became even more pleasant. You Zhichi subconsciously closed her eyes. You Xi Wang saw this and started humming a lullaby. The effect was good and soon You Zhichi was in slumberland. You Xi Wang massaged her head for more and then tucked her in without waking her up. He dimmed the lights and exited. Maya was trapped in You Zhichi's arms. She wanted to get out, but You Xi Wang asked her to sleep here tonight and he will take her in the morning. This calmed down the furred beauty, and she slept next to You Zhichi.

Back in his room, You Xi Wang reviewed for his exam in the morning. The exam was divided into three sections. Section one will test the strength, martial arts, and weapon proficiency. Section two will test the knowledge about the world such as various medicinal herbs, beasts, ailments, special physique. The same section will also have a fifteen minutes interview where the examinee will be asked to answer the questions regarding what they learned in this year's annual assessment. The third section was essay writing. Examinees could write about anything and this essay will be the key factor in their promotion. In short, it will decide whether or not they are mature enough to skip a grade. 

You Xi Wang was sure about everything else but he was clueless about his topic for the essay. He could write something which he was already proficient in, but what was the point if it is not something that can show his mindset. So he pondered over this topic for a whole night. When the sun rose outside, You Xi Wang's eyes also lit up. He decided on his essay. He stood up and went to the bathroom. His hair was long enough for him to tie them in a top knot. He wore a white t-shirt under an open zip black leather jacket, blue denim rugged jeans. There was just a small hole over his left thigh below the pocket. He paired his attire with a pair of high ankle rubber sole boots. Although the boots looked a bit too rigid, they were very flexible. They did not differ from sports shoes. That resulted from development. Turn a boot into sports shoes.

He was looking very dashing. He walked out of his room after putting on a black aviator. You Zhichi saw him as she was heading for his room. She was surprised to see that her good baby brother was dressed up in such a different manner. She walked a circle around him and said, "Gougou, you look really nice. Is there anything special today?"

You Xi Wang took off his glasses and said, "Nah, just felt like changing things a bit. Also, you are looking beautiful too big, sis. Have something at work today?"

You Zhichi spoke, "Yes, store inauguration is coming and today a council executive will come over to give us the NOC certificates. I have a banquet organized for the staff."

You Xi Wang nodded and they head towards the dining hall. You Xi Wang called his cousin You Liang to borrow his lev bike, turned out he was out of town for the family business. You Liang told him to get the keys from his mother. You Xi Wang walked into the giant mansion and came to the courtyard where You Liangs family lived. He knocked on the door and after a few moments, a sharp-looking red-haired woman opened the door. 

You Xi Wang smiled and saluted with his fists, "Xi Wang greets auntie Lore"

Lore Sebastian, a woman with red hair, is the second daughter-in-law of the third elder. She was a very warm person and helped in the third elder's company as a manager. 

Lore smiled and grabbed You Xi Wang's ear, "Brat Wang, finally came to aunt Lore." right now he was not the master of the family but her nephew.

You Xi Wang said, "Ow, sorry aunty Lore, I was busy, you know. Ouch, let go of my ear aunty or it will come out. Your daughters-in-law will leave me."

Lore shook her head with a smile and spoke, "I dare those little girls to leave my son. Now here are the keys and don't worry about returning them because I got you a new Lev-bike. Liang told me you liked one, so I bought one for you. This was delivered yesterday, but you were out. Now, how do you like this surprise?" she gave him a key with a ribbon knot on it.

You Xi Wang felt very warm. His eyes were slightly teary. He remembered how his relatives would buy him stuff. He thought it will all change after his parents passed away. Even though You family was united, some changes should be expected. Lore saw his expression and gave him a hug. She spoke, "Xiao Wang, Limao may not be here, but you still have your mother(s) okay. Our affection for you will not change. You are never alone." 

You Xi Wang closed his eyes and hugged his aunt for a while. He separated and gave her a peck on her cheek and said, "I won't think like that. Also, thank you for the gift aunt. I will now run or I will be late for the exam" he waved his hand at her after running a few meters. Lore returned his wave with a smile on her face. They all loved You Xi Wang because not only was he the youngest, but it was his mother who was always kind to the members of the household and always cared about the children in the family. At first, when Chen Limao was just a new bride, she was very caring and would often watch after the children in the absence of their parents. The whole family was warm because of the rules they had, but the spirit of the family were people who upheld the rules and did thing disregarding the rules. Chen Limao was such a person. 

You Xi Wang grabbed a quick bite and grabbed a sling pouch to carry Maya with him. He came to the parking and saw a group of kids surrounding a black shining Levbike. The bike was designed like a chopper. The paint was black and chrome. The whole thing looked powerful and macho. You Xi Wang came, and the kids asked him for a lap. He carried them all one by one around the mansion, and the whole family watched them laughing and cheering. Lily was the last one to ride. She did not want to sit behind so You Xi Wang put her in front of him but the girl turned and hugged him. She said, "Xixi, slow" she was afraid of speed. 

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "Okay princess, but you have to face forward. I swear I will drive slowly." He stayed true to his word and drove slowly the girl's face blossomed in a smile. She loved this uncle of hers because he would always fulfill her wish. After the ride, she got a bar of chocolate and kissed You Xi Wang on his cheek. 

You Xi Wang left home and headed to the school for his exam on his Lev-bike.

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