A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 164: Consecutive Strikes.

You Xi Wang drove Shelton Hammer in the Countach around the circuit twice and when the old veteran stepped out of the vehicle. He had an exhilarated expression on his face. He did not expect to experience such a well-operated machine today. He walked up to his friend, Alester Book, and said, "Oldman, the spear you want. I will make it for free. Today this vehicle opened up a new world to me." He paused and faced You Xi Wang on the side and he spoke, "Kid, I expect good things from you. Keep up the good work and if you have any designs in the future, then contact me directly. I will help you with the formalities." The old man spoke in a very affectionate manner. 

You Xi Wang bowed to Shelton Hammer and replied, "I will ask the staff to make the same vehicle for you as well and it will be my thanks to you for gracing us today." he was not being humble but genuinely serious in front of a senior who praised him and expressed his support for him.

Shelton Hammer heard this and felt his vigor recover. He slapped You Xi Wang's shoulder heavily. He had ideas about getting one of these for himself, but he as a senior did not want to lower himself to ask for it. Wouldn't he look like a greedy wolf? You Xi Wang fulfilled his unspoken desire, which made him thrilled. He exchanged some words with Alester Book and went out of the service station to have a conversation with the media gathered outside. He thought of lending a hand to You Xi Wang. This gesture had two effects. One to support and motivate the youth of the planet and the other was to give You Xi Wang a push. 

As a dignitary of the council, the identity of the elders was a SSS class celebrity. While he was busy promoting and praising the various aspects of the vehicle to the media You Xi Wang was giving his master a high-speed tour. You Xi Wang and Alester Book exchanged seats after the first lap where the old man himself drove the vehicle while You Xi Wang rode shotgun. This moment was captured by Anna, who was patiently waited for her turn. You Xi Wang and Alester Book had a slightly matching temperament. They would be free and wild whenever they had a chance. 

The second lap finished with Alester Book, pulling a doughnut drift after the finish. The two people stepped down, smiling and cheering as if they were very familiar with each other. Anna wanted to capture this moment as well, but she did not have the guts to do so. To her shock, You Xi Wang spoke up at this moment, "Senior, how about a commemorative picture? I would also like permission to upload this picture on my Metro-frame account page." his tone was calm. 

Alester Book did not refuse this. He stood in front of the vehicle and asked You Xi Wang to click the picture, but You Xi Wang suggested that the older man posed with his arm resting over the vehicle. Alester Book like this idea when he imagined his posture in the picture and soon he nodded in satisfaction when he saw the picture of the vehicle. He also clicked a picture with You Xi Wang himself. After the two were done, they dragged Anna to join the fray, and even Shelton Hammer was not spared. Anna was given a perfect ride as a gift. You Xi Wang also promised that in the future he would invite her for priority coverage of the vehicles they will produce.

The three people passed an excellent review about the vehicle and YOu Xi Wang informed the media that the company will invite the clients to test-drive. This way they can first drive and then buy. They can also ask for more advanced features by compromising a little speed. His approach to marketing was very well attended by the crowd. 


The media was doing live coverage of the event. While some people were happy. Some people were seething in rage, some were sighing in helplessness. These people were the so-called automobile manufacturers of Metropia. The big names in the market did not lose hope but showcased the capabilities of a giant. They all started teams to adapt You Xi Wang's design lines. They did not want to be left behind by a 'kid'. There were also some people who could not help but curse You Xi Wang for coming up with such a vehicle design and auxiliary technologies. One of these people was the CEO of the Mirai Group, Edward Colt. 

After the event finished he cursed under his breath, "Fucking whoreson, do you think Edward Colt is quiet so you can run around wild and untamed? Humph, I will have a vehicle better than this ready in no time. You just wait and watch." he hated You Xi Wang the most in the world. The reason was simply that he had suffered repetitive attacks under You Xi Wang's hand. He called over the automobile subsidiary under the Mirai Group and ordered them to immediately poach the people of Celestial Motors and have them design something for them. 

He had just disconnected the call and a barrage of notifications rang on his Holo-Phone. he frowned and opened the notifications. His face changed from a frown to anger, then to a shock. The notifications informed him that fifty members of his group. All were arrested by the executioner department and the three big families of Croma City with conclusive evidence of involvement with the dark side. He was originally filled with vigor, but now he leaned back in his chair. He did not expect someone to take out such a big number of his forces in the city. All he could do now was to defend the rest of his family for the upcoming sanction of the council. 

His family strength has fallen in the past three months. It all started with the motherboard manufacture contract he lost. Then some force assassinated a hundred dark dwellers in the Colt family. The Colt family Edward belonged to was the core family, but the members taken out were all the branch disciples. Then his son castrated himself for power, following which the three big families pulled out of the investment panel of the Mirai Group. Now The launch of Celestial Motors and this news. His shoulders slumped and Edward Colt faced his most vulnerable moment.


The event ended and You Xi Wang drove Petra to her office and then headed home. He caught up with Robert on the way and gave Emily a ride home. The girl was very satisfied with his gesture and rewarded him with a wet kiss. After reaching home You Xi Wang had come straight to the gathering hall. The elders were all here. You Naixin explained to him that the shadow spies under her command had collected a lot of substantial evidence against the people of the Colt family. You Xi Wang put forward his thoughts, "Last time we took out at least a hundred of Dark Dwellers under the Colt family, whether it was the people of the branch family or those they successfully pulled in the dark circle. This time I do not want to just simply kill them. This method will be just a temporary problem for the Colt Family. After they deal with the assassination clean up, they will be back in full swing. I suggest we leak the evidence and have them tangled with this for a long time."

The elders spoke up, some agreed while some disagreed. You Naixin shook her head and said, "What Xiao Wang said is indeed correct. Celestial Motors has just launched a new product. It is best to cut down the competition. Doe Automobiles is a strong competitor and their president is a dark dweller among our targets. So I support Xiao Wang." her domineering style did not allow any room to refute or discuss. The brothers agreed. You Xi Wang promised them all that they will kill some people who were not important in the plan to coax the radical elements. 

This frank yet cruel discussion led Edward Colt to slump in his chair and come up with schemes to safeguard his family. But will You Xi Wang allow him such a privilege? He informed the technicians to manufacture a standard Mag-lev for the normal masses based on another design of his. This design was called Beetle from the Wagon series. This vehicle was designed for females of all ages. The appearance was very adorable, and the performance was also very consistent. It also had a gyroscope and power brake system, but it was much slower than The Countach. But the technicians were told that this second design will be mass-produced. 

The marketing department was already preparing advertisement campaigns, lottery campaigns, etc to create hype for this product. The estimated time of completion would take at least a week, and they will go into mass production after half a month. This kind of pace was not something the people had ever experienced. You Xi Wang created two vehicles in a month while there were companies who were still selling the old way. If they found out that the designer was a teenager, the chief designers might kill themselves. 

This vehicle was going to be the swift knife aimed to cut off the right arm of the Mirai group. The automobile industry was one of the major earners for the Mirai Group. You Xi Wang has gotten serious after the system played a gag on him. He wanted to take down the Mirai group as soon as possible.

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