A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 165: Money Cramps.

You Xi Wang and the elders decided the outcome of the Mirai Group. They were all satisfied with the reports they received. To them, this revenge was still not complete until the Mirai Group ceases to exist and the same goes for the death sect. You Naixin discussed some other important issues in the meeting. 

You Chengxi asked You Xi Wang, "Xiao Wang, how did the event go?"

You Xi Wang replied with a dazzling smile, "Master brought over President Shelton Hammer as a companion. You can guess the success of the event by this only. The media will totally blow this matter up. We have adopted an on-demand manufacturing policy. We won't lose anything but only earn."

The elders nodded and praised You Xi Wang for his vision and approach towards the business. They all had seen their fair share of ups and downs in the business field and understood the significance of You Xi Wang's approach. The meeting came to an end and You Xi Wang came back to his room. Just when he was about to fall asleep Susan and Emily came inside as well. The two girls were dressing in satin night suits. One blue and one pink. They looked very ravishing. 

You Xi Wang spoke with a smile, "Missed me?"

The two girls nodded and sat down beside him. One on each side. The girls chatted about how they have been and they asked You Xi Wang about how his training was. You Xi Wang also did not hide anything and patiently recited everything excluding the heavenly punishment. They chatted for a couple of hours and then the girls left. They just wanted to spend some time with You Xi Wang and nothing more.

You Xi Wang also got to know that Emily and Susan have now started to cultivate diligently. Emily was guided by the old lady Amanda Light. She was the grandmother of that idol Lena Light who visited You Family to learn ice-skating and was also a brand ambassador of the guitars. (this Lena and the sniper in You Zhichi's team are two different people) While Susan was receiving guidance from her mother. Susan had started to spend one day of the week in the You Family mansion. The bond between her and Emily has grown very strong and they would also group call with Petra and Yuki as well. 

You Xi Wang was very worried about his harem. Though he was not a lecher, he was still a man, and which man ever disliked beauty? But the point which made him nervous at times was the management. He did not want to sound partial so he let the girls settle this among themselves. It was the best way. Lost in thought he fell asleep. 

In the morning, he woke up and got ready to go to the dining hall for breakfast, and then he needed to go back to school. The morning was very smooth for him but he was unaware that the office of Celestial Motors was not as peaceful as his mind. The executives were busy with taking booking calls back to back ever since they turned on the company communication line. The same phenomena were going on in the customer service department of the Tianlong group. The customers today were not calling for complaints but to place booking orders.

You Xi Wang had already told Gerrard, that no matter the status one person can only place an order for one vehicle only. This was to allow the factory to work steadily. The delivery period was set from within a week to a month from the date of order. The date of delivery was an influenceable thing. The client was also asked to pay 25% of the payment in advance. This payment was used to buy the raw material for the manufacture of the vehicle. There were 100 people in the factory and all of them had been taught by the chief technicians. They all were capable of creating a vehicle on their own from molding to finish. Yet they were divided into departments such as Bodypaint, chassis mold, Mag-lev fitting, interior, quality check, array enforcement, etc. A special group of employees from the customer services department was also present to learn about the smart features available in the vehicle. Their job in the future will be to help the customers troubleshoot the faults in the smart features.

This whole thing was set-up by You Xi Wang and he used every weak spot in the current vehicle manufacturing for his own profit. The rival companies were really surprised when they found out the schemes You Xi Wang used in his company. They finally realized the horror of this young teenager. They all conducted meetings to counter these but how can they do it when the other party was already two steps ahead of them. 


You Xi Wang drove his lev-bike to school and left his Countach in the mansion for the elders and his cousins to take a joy ride in it but the premise was that they follow the traffic rules. The elders had agreed to this without hesitation and the first person to take the ride was You Naixin and Celestia. The little girl was brought back by You Xi Wang because he needed her help in promoting the vehicle. This fairy has become somewhat of an Internet Celebrity and had her own fan base. Her fans were mostly females of the planet from teenage big sisters to grandmothers you can easily find various age groups in her account followers. 

Her smile worked like a charm and the females also began to fantasize about the vehicle. This was also a reason why so many orders were placed. You Xi Wang deliberately did not look into the hourly reports Stella, and Gerrard forwarded him. He was going to the office in a few hours so why do the same thing twice? He reached the school and found his class teacher, Madison Midnight to report. 

Madison, at this moment, was taking a class. She was explaining to the students about various roles a person had in a battle formation. You Xi Wang stood outside the classroom silently and did not disturb Madison. A classmate spotted him and wanted to call out but You Xi Wang shook his head. But Madison has already noticed his actions. She turned her head towards the entrance and saw You Xi Wang standing there. She beckoned him to come inside. 

You Xi Wang came inside and said, "Student You Xi Wang reporting."

Madison nodded and said, "You Xi Wang, did you forget that you have been promoted to the third grade? This is the class of the first grade." an amused expression surfaced on her face when she spoke. She knew that You Xi Wang came here out of habit and forgot about his promotion. 

You Xi Wang recalled this and scratched the back of his head. The whole class started laughing. He did not mind it as they were all friends and spoke, "Teacher, I wanted to ask you about spirit beast battle formations and also is there any way to incorporate arrays formations with battle formations?" he did not shy away when he raised questions and waited for Madison's reply.

Madison nodded and said, "Juvenile beasts are the basic requirement for deploying beast battle formations. Do you have a new beast companion?"

You Xi Wang shook his head but spoke, "Maya, come out." as soon as his words dropped a grown-up Maya materialized out of thin air. This surprised everyone, some girls even spat an exaggerated AWWWWW... Maya was very beautiful. Though she did not react to these people and sat on her hind legs beside You Xi Wang.

Madison glanced at Maya and nodded. She asked, "Others also evolved?"

You Xi Wang nodded. His answer made Madison smile with bliss. She spoke, "This evolution had enhanced your chances to win the battle fest survival stage. I have a book with me. You study it in your free time and gain some insights over Beast Battle Formations also your second Question, I will need to research a bit. How about you come over to my place in the evening? I will give you the material and tips you need."

You Xi Wang smiled and nodded. He spoke, "Thank you, teacher. I will leave now I have somethings to deal with." Madison nodded and You Xi Wang turned away when a student yelled, "Xi Wang, awesome work on the vehicle. I watched the telecast. My father had already placed an order. But they said, "We can only test drive on weekend. Can you do something about it?"

You Xi Wang turned back and said, "Thank you, Levi, I will tell the people in the office to let uncle visit them tomorrow and test drive. This also applies to all the classmates but just do not leak this outside, or the company will be tagged as partial and unfair to the clients. Even if you don't want to buy I will open the test drive for your families." his tone was not arrogant but very warm. The students realized that You Xi Wang did not change and cheered for him. 

You Xi Wang left a message for Adonis and left for his office with Maya. The spirit beast was now big and could not ride on the Lev-bike so Maya chose Shadow flicker to follow You Xi Wang. She traveled through the shadows on the way. You Xi Wang wanted to get her a car but Maya refused by saying 'I will get to practice my skills.'

You Xi Wang reached the office and found the atmosphere very lively. He boarded the elevator and reached his office. He called Gerrad and Stella to ask about the situation. The duo soon appeared in front of him and Gerrard spoke in a trembling voice, "Young Master, Till now 10,000 orders have been placed and all the clients paid the advance as well. With just the advance the company has earned a big amount of credits. I dare say that if we were using any sort of hard currency like ancient coins, we would have developed cramps in our hands from counting." he let out a burst of jolly laughter.

You Xi Wang also smiled and said, "Uncle Gerrard. This is just the beginning. We might actually give the servers and tax calculation department a Money Cramp." he also laughed. he spoke after he calmed down. 

"Uncle Gerrard, announce that the people who cannot afford to pay one million in one payment wait for our other models to be launched. These models will be eligible for mass production. They will be the vehicle common people buy. A vehicle for the masses." his commanding tone was not refuted and the two people instantly sprang up into action. You Xi Wang, meanwhile laid back in his office without a care of the world.

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