A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 184: The Strategy Meeting.

The group returned to the courtroom with the queen. The general was also following them. Yes, You Xi Wang 'kindly' fed him a healing pill to mend his broken leg and asked him to come along with him. As for the hand, the elf queen said they have the technology to clone a hand and the general will not be walking around with a stump of an arm. You Xi Wang counseled the general about how he could have died in at least 100 different ways with no chance to retaliate. 

The dark elf in the high tower was under an illusion cast by You Xi Wang. He was not beheaded, but his index finger was broken off by You Xi Wang and the blood from it was used for his make-up. After You Xi Wang entered the high tower he cast an illusion, making the dark elf believe he is dead. Then he cast an array to keep the illusion go on for at least thirty minutes. The dark elf guard was spared of harsh treatment, he was only made to see an empty black void after his 'death' and not the nine hell of torture. 

The general looked at You Xi Wang and couldn't help but feel chills in his heart. After the treatment he had just received, he realized that beauty is appreciated but from a distance and in secret. The team members who observed the general's reaction could bet their life on the fact that he would never dare to look at women, let alone beautiful ones. After reaching the courtroom, You Xi Wang saw a loli waiting for them. The loli was of dark complexion. You Xi Wang exhaled heavily and shook his head to calm himself. In the manga's dark elves were always curvy and seductive, but what stood in front of him violated dark elves. 

The Lolita grinned and exposed a slightly overgrown canine. She was very adorable. Fenny was about to rush up and embrace her when the queen made the introductions. 

"Young Friend You Xi Wang, this is the leader of the dark elves, Aura." 

You Xi Wang nodded to the dark elf lolita. The girl looked at You Xi Wang from head to toe and said, "You are quite handsome, young man."

Yuki came to You Xi Wang's side and half his arm while her cold eyes locked at the Lolita. The Lolita giggled and said, "It is just a compliment. I am not into younger boys." Yuki still felt angry. 

The entourage entered the courtroom. The general spoke, "The data and reports of the lab are here." he spoke in a hesitant manner and took out a round object from his utility belt. You Xi Wang stretched out his hand. His simple action made the general flinch. You Xi Wang shook his head and still snatched the round ball. He scrutinized and heard the Dark elf Loli speak, "You need to squeeze it gently."

You Xi Wang did as she said and a 3-dimensional structure appeared in front of them. This was the building they needed to raid. The lab was like an early Victorian fort. The general spoke, "The corners are mounted with automated phasor guns, the effective range of the guns is two kilometers. They are motion-sensitive, capable of piercing through the toughest armor we have. Thermal and infrared sensors are also equipped. A total of 10 guns are mounted over the walls. Accompanied by fifty spirit guns. These guns have an effective range of 1 kilometer. They don't have any sensors, but they were in sync with the phasor guns. The lab premises are monitored by all day around by drones and robots."

You Xi Wang spoke, "That is not all. They did all this to keep you out. If someone successfully forced their way inside the lab? Big momma, what do you think?" he turned his head to look at Fenny, who stood beside him.

She spoke, "Grid locking doors, Poison chambers, traps, even self destruct is also possible. The only sure short way to disarm this system is to locate its CCM. It won't be easy to find that in this big place. Even if we go incognito with Maya. The limited energy will make it hard for us."

You Xi Wang spoke, "We can make concealment arrays inside. But if the robots detected any clues then it will be a problem. Phasor guns are deadly." he spoke as he looked at his shoulder. 

You Zhichi spoke, "We can use the smokescreen method to fool the robots." 

Neo spoke, "Underground assault."

Lena spoke, "Guerrilla Tactics will work as well."

Snow spoke, "If detection can cause the system to react, then we can make chaos once inside. Too many alarms might confuse the system algorithm."

You Xi Wang looked at the general and spoke, "This system, is it capable of learning and improvisation?"

The general shook his head and spoke, "We are not sure. We could never make it inside the fort." he lowered his head at the end, he was ashamed of their performance. Plus, he has been bested out by You Xi Wang.

You Xi Wang crossed his arms behind his back and paced around the courtroom. He was thinking of contingency plans for every aspect that he could think of inside the fort. He spoke slowly, "Neo, Hercules, Illahi, you guys will go through the underground. Keep in touch through the spirit beasts. We maintain radio silence inside the fort in case they have radio jammers and interceptors deployed."

The team spoke, "YES."

You Xi Wang continued to speak, "Bro Allan, Lena, Sterling, and Wenger. You will enter the fort and then set fire in places. Create chaos. Be careful to leave no traces. If this system could learn and track. Then it will be a big problem."

Allan and his group yelled, "YES."

You Xi Wang looked at the other people and spoke, "You Zhichi, Yuki, Snow, Kurtis, Jim, Gomez, Bale, and Fenny. You are the strike team. When the chaos is raised, rush towards the core. Deal with the robots and drones silently. The spirit beasts will help you cover. They have abilities to create a smokescreen and shadow skip."

You Zhichi asked, "Gougou, what about you? I don't hear about your role in the raid."

You Xi Wang smiled and spoke softly, "Pioneer and assassination. I will try to get through the outer defense first. You all follow the same method. Don't start worrying, I have the array disks with me."

You Zhichi sighed and spoke, "You better be careful or I will let Yuki flay a layer of skin from you."

He paused and picked a glass of water from the table. After taking two sips, he spoke to the queen, "Do You have technicians in your clans?"

The queen, the dark elf loli and the general were all sitting in a daze. They did not expect this group of children to come up with such plans in succession. They did not even hear You Xi Wang speaking to them. When they heard these people talking. They only came back to their senses when You Xi Wang literally screamed inside their minds.

The Queen spoke embarrassingly, "Yes, young friend You Xi Wang. What is it we can do to help you?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "Do you have any technicians capable of making high precision equipment?"

The queen nodded and spoke, "Yes, we do. Do you have anything to make them?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "Yes, get me a team of the technicians. Fenny, get them to make detection beads. As many as possible. Detect every corner and lobby of the fort before taking a step inside. Okay?"

Fenny nodded in affirmation. The queen arranged for Sasha to escort Fenny and Yuki to the workshop. You Xi Wang spoke, "Get my team phasor guns, and a place where they train and get familiar with the weapons. Also, if you have any robots similar to those inside the fort. Let us use them for training."

This whole thing was said to the general. The general nodded and arranged for his personal guards to take the others to get them trained with the arms and ammunition. You Xi Wang spoke one more time before leaving, "I need to read more about the technology you have developed. We will raid in five days. Please arrange for our accommodation. Don't worry about the rest. We will get the things done."

The queen nodded and spoke with a smile, "We believe in you. The accommodations are already arranged. Please follow the attendant outside."

You Xi Wang nodded and left the courtroom. After he left the Dark Elf Loli spoke, "I feel, he can get it done. Maybe our races will survive."

The general's stiff body finally relaxed, and he spoke, "He can do it. Don't worry. When he destroyed my hand. I did not even think about retaliation. Even then he was holding back. Also, the plan of invasion they came up with just after watching the holographic model. These kids are all monsters in human skin. But that handsome boy is a devil."

The Queen spoke, "Devil or the god, he is our only hope. If he can get rid of that thing, I won't mind crowing him the first king in the history of Elfheim. Let's support them to the best of our abilities."

The three people discussed the matter for a long time and then finally they also left to attend to their own tasks. The team was immersed in training for the raid while You Xi Wang chugged on the technological knowledge.

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