A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 185: Preparations.

You Xi Wang and his team prepared for the raid. The teams got familiar with the weapons and gadgets they were provided with while You Xi Wang was absorbing every piece of knowledge he got from the library of Elfheim. He wanted to learn about the tech and then use it for himself. 

Two days passed, You Xi Wang called Fenny over to the library. He spoke, "Bro, the phasor guns they developed can be detected by the lab system. You need to bypass the detection code. If the system can detect the weapons, then the raid will fail." 

Fenny spoke, "These people are quiet slick. Leaving the backdoor entrance in the weapons. Tsk tsk, sneaky bugs. How do I bypass this code?" 

You Xi Wang took out a storage cube. The elves used a cube shaped device to store the data in their computers. He spoke, "This is something I wrote. It will bypass the detection without disturbing the performance of the weapon." 

Fenny nodded. She was no stranger to You Xi Wang's pace of learning. This guy could read 30 books a day. Now that he has a system. The capability was thrice as big as it was in the past. Fenny took the storage cube and spoke, "I sent Neo and Hercules to scout the outer periphery of the fort and made a discovery."

You Xi Wang raised his brows in askance. Fenny continued to speak, "50 meters around the castle is a minefield. The mines are difficult." 

You Xi Wang asked, "What is the difficulty?"

Fenny replied, "The mines are underground. They seem to the precautions against underground assault. They get triggered as soon as they sense tremors. The elves were unaware of this and only found out last night when Neo went to scout."

You Xi Wang asked, "Do we have specification of the mines? And any defusing method?"

Fenny shook her head. She spoke, "This is seemingly the secret tech developed by the high elves."

You Xi Wang paced around for a while and then spoke, "Destructive diffusion. Clear the field. The debris will act as our cover from the spirit canon."

Fenny thought and said, "Hmm, though a certain risk is involved, but we can avoid it with proper methods. I will get it done."

You Xi Wang nodded and asked her to get back to the workshop and adjust the weapons and gadgets. He himself went inside to study the layout of the fort. What concerned him was the drone patrol and battle bots. The Elven council has given him some battle bot available to them for research. The results shocked him. The battle bots the Elven council had were not as advanced as the ones estimated in the fort. 

You Xi Wang muttered to himself, "These high elves were sure a pain in ass. Even a robot they created was as strong a primal soul realm cultivator."

The system spoke, [How about we find the central system hub and then plant a computer virus?]

You Xi Wang spoke, "The system inside the lab is not only a security system but an overall administration system. The defense capabilities are not something recorded inside the books we have here. Also, we are beginners. We also don't know if the system is capable of self defense. How do you think we will plant a virus?"

The system replied, [Then what do you suggest we do? ]

You Xi Wang spoke, "Old-school demolition. Crash and trash. Call it whatever you want, but the meaning is the same. Destroy the surveillance and the robots. Then get the data from the unit. They might have a self destruct system and encryptions on the data. Find a computer hub, then infiltrate and shut down as soon as possible."

The system spoke, [Is this why we developed spike?]

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Yes, that is the motive behind my move. You monitor spike as it grows. I am going to design a stealth battle suit."

The system spoke, [How do you plan to do that?]

You Xi Wang replied, "Level two concealment and illusion array hybrid. And before you ask what is the reason behind this, let me tell you it is to reduce Maya's load during the raid."

The system hummed and without a single word it started controlling the computer system placed inside his room while You Xi Wang himself engraved array runes on his battle suit. 

Rather than using a new battle suit. You Xi Wang worked on an already used battle suit. He already engraved space array runes over the suit before coming here. This time he followed with his idea of hybrid level two array runes to create a stealth suit. 

He was immersed in his own task diligently. The others were also working hard. Hercules and Neo constantly discussed how to diffuse the mines and then infiltrate the fort from underground. Allan and You Zhichi worked together and rehearsed how to disrupt surveillance and then raid. They were asked by You Xi Wang to achieve a smooth cooperation. This battle had a big risk factor involved for them. Even though they would be in danger, but this situation would make them more battle ready. 

Fenny was though a technology advisor of the team. She handled only technical help and not taking action directly. All their actions were being monitored by the council. The method they used was unknown, but it was reliable. Any teams found cheating would be immediately transferred out of the dimensional pockets. Although the battle fest was being organized for the first time. This method has always been implemented during the annual assessments. 


In the training ground, You Zhichi and Snow led two groups of people to tackle the battle bots and automated guns while Yuki was tasked to deal the decisive blow to the weakened machines. Yuki used her sword draw style to pinpoint attack and make the kill. 

Allan and his team rehearsed the smoke screen strategy in a temporary model of the fort constructed by the military elves. You Zhichi was the one who came up with this idea. She wanted to lower down the risk factor as much as possible. She cared a lot about her team.


You Xi Wang was engraving an array rune when he heard a knock on his door. He completed the rune and said in a low voice, "Come in."

The door opened with a click and Ilex the queen of forest elves appeared. She spoke politely, "Young friend. I have something to discuss. May I?"

You Xi Wang nodded silently. Ilex came inside the room, followed by the dark elf loli and the general. 

Ilex spoke first, "Sir, the system inside the fort uses Elven language. We thought if you need some help with it then we can send our people with you."

The general and the loli looked at You Xi Wang from the side. You Xi Wang spoke, "Can they keep up with my team?" 

Ilex spoke, "Yes. They can. They are the team we have been training for the past 50 years. They are all experts in quick attacks. Also, elf bloodline makes it easier for them to locate the desired content in the data storage."

You Xi Wang spoke, "Will they be able to help us bypass the battle bots? Or get the surveillance down.

Ilex smiled embarrassingly and exchanged glances with elf loli and general miles. She spoke bitterly, "This will not be possible. The fort central computing unit has always been kept secret by the high elves."

You Xi Wang glanced at them with a poker face. He spoke blandly, "If you his anything, and that caused my team to suffer. I will make you all pay a price you can't afford." the chill radiated from his voice made the three people shiver. The general had sweat beads forming on his forehead. 

He spoke, "Young Sir, we elves maybe anything. But we do not lie. We regret what has happened to our world because of our ignorance. You gave us a hope. We will never do anything to harm you or your people." his expression was sincere. You Xi Wang gazed at him for a while and then nodded.

Then he spoke, "I will see this team tomorrow morning. I will test there combat effectiveness personally. If they pass, they can come along. I will test my team as well. So please don't think that I have anything against you."

The trio nodded and left after exchanging pleasantries. They heaved a sigh of relief after coming out of the door. The dark elf loli spoke, "Although this handsome boy is still in his teenage. He is indeed very strong. I feel uneasy when he looks at me with a dead expression."

The general spoke, "You measure his strength incorrectly. He is weaker than any of us, but his brain works better than us. The way he carries himself is what strengthens him. His character I mean."

Ilex also nodded and spoke, "I agree, he only shows the intent to kill when it considers his family and friends. That girl you pointed out at is his elder sister. The only immediately blood relative he has. I talked to her. She showed me how cruel this guy can be to someone who challenges his bottom line. You can consider yourself lucky."

The general shivered and nodded in agreement like a chick pecking grains. They all understood that You Xi Wang is a decisive character and offending him might spell disaster for them.

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