A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 187: War God Charge.

You Xi Wang ignored what the people behind him talked about or thought. He came and stood at the edge of the firing range of the phasor canons. He spoke in his mind, 'This is it. One step forward and the canons will fire.'

The system spoke, [Yes, these things are already locked onto you. It seems they can locate the target from a distance further than 2 kilometres.]

You Xi Wang nodded and spoke, 'Indeed, but this is good at least we know that the scouting visor is working. If I charge using azure dragon steps, the detection system might get confused. What do you think?'

The system spoke, [Every martial art has three layers, minor accomplishment, a major accomplishment, And Mastery. Your azure dragon step is stuck in minor accomplishment. It won't be able to help you rush unscathed through this firing range. Though we can use muscle enhancement to increase the chances it won't make much of a difference.]

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Well, first let's cast the stealth arrays. Maya's illusion spell will be useful in emergencies and inside the fort. These arrays are just experiments."

The system agreed with this point. He was in charge of regulating the spirit energy channel through out the array on the battle suit as You Xi Wang focused on running through the firing range. he could not afford to distract himself from dodging the incoming phasor beams. 

You Xi Wang exhaled heavily and his battle suit faded in the surrounding atmosphere. This was the hybrid concealment array he applied on his suit. This array refracted the light surrounding him at such an angel that it looked as if he was invisible. You Xi Wang named it chameleon concealment array. 

The Elven guards on the team exclaimed, "Whoa, when did we developed this technology?"

General Miles on his side sighed and spoke, "It is not ours. Sir You Xi Wang himself invented this technology."

The human team members gave them a weird glance and Fenny spoke, "Yo, General, this technology is not something baby Wang invented. He just improved it. This 'technology' is called arrays in the human world. You Xi Wang is one of the youngest geniuses in our side."

The team members all nodded and started boasting the achievements of You Xi Wang in the human world. The more the Elven people heard the more they thought it was all fake. One of the Elven guards snorted, "The canon's can detect the temperature. They are equipped with thermal and infrared sensors. Let's see how far can he go?"

Hercules snorted, "Let's bet on your hover board and phasor gun. If I lost, you can have my jade brawler gloves. What say?"

The elf sneered, he has taken a fancy to the jade brawling gloves ever since he saw Hercules fighting with them on. He also wanted to look valiant and use hand to hand combat. He agreed happily.


On the firing range, the system spoke, [The sensors are on the canons are not the way we thought they are. They all have varying ranges. The thermal sensor will activate two hundred meters ahead. It is safe to walk through here.]

You Xi Wang nodded and started walking through the firing range. The people behind him all watched all of his moments with the thermal screens. They felt surprised when You Xi Wang walked through with ease. After two hundred meters You Xi Wang spoke, "Initiate the cooling array."

The system replied, [Array Initiated.] the tone was similar to that of a robot. The array started working and the temperature of the suit dropped matching that of the surroundings. You Xi Wang circulated his ice attributed spirit energy. His own body cooled down to match the temperature of the suit. 

His thermal image that the other people were watching vanished completely. Everyone except Fenny and You Zhichi was surprised. Fenny spoke with a gloating tone, "Temperature control array, adaptation sequence 3. Sensing and matching the temperature of the surroundings. Complete temperature stealth."

The elf guard was shocked to hear this. It was true that this array could provide one a total temperature similarity with the surroundings. Although the battle suit did not leak any temperature but a similar temperature inside the body make it smoother and enhance the performance of the array. This was something many people overlooked. This array would not sense only the external temperature but also the internal temperature of the suit. 

The system spoke, [200 meters, S class motion sensing system. Even if it is an ant, it will be sensed by the sensors and shot down.] 

You Xi Wang nodded and walked through the last boundary. He tapped on his waist and took out a 10 inch long baton in his hand. This baton was stored in the space array behind his waist. This baton was somewhat like a light saber. A high density phasor beam can deflect another phasor beam. You Xi Wang was going to use this to deflect the incoming beams. 

The system spoke, [Okay, here we go. One, Two, Three.]

Just as the system dropped the words, You Xi Wang swung the baton in his hand and a beam of light extended from one end. The phasor beam formed and clashed with an incoming phasor beam. The attack did not emit any sound at all. 


The beams buzzed as they collided. You Xi Wang did not waste anytime and started to use his azure dragon steps and run through the field in an irregular pattern. Sometime he would run left, sometimes right. Sometimes he would retreat sometimes he would beeline. He deflected incoming phasor beams with every step he took. You Xi Wang crossed a distance of 500 meters like this. 

The people on the sidelines had complicated emotions when they saw this situation. The Elven guards felt ashamed while the humans felt prideful. But their emotions froze when they saw a queue of canons popping out of the ground. They did not even had the tie to yell at You Xi Wang to be careful when the ground canons started firing. 

You Xi Wang had the system on stand by and as soon as the canons popped out of the ground he was notified. The system could not help him with deflecting these phasor beams. He could only take possession of the body when You Xi Wang is unconscious. You Xi Wang's left hand flashed and he took out another baton from another space array from the back of his waist.

His left hand worked the same as his right hand. He ambidextrously swung the light sabers in his hands to deflect the incoming phasor beams from all the sides. You Xi Wang did not stop moving forward. He kept charging forward in an irregular pattern. After another thirty minutes he had crossed half of the firing range. The people on the sidelines heaved a sigh of relief, but this relief also lasted a short while. 

Another obstacle came across in front of him at the moment he stepped through the second half of the firing range. Behind him the ground was now nothing short of a sieve. The small canons on the wall also started to fire at this moment, the amount and density of the phasor beams increased by a minimum of a ten times. His friends felt their heart jumping out of their mouths. You Zhichi almost ran up to help her brother. 

You Xi Wang's light saber changed shapes and from the non-lit end another phasor beam erupted. It was now a two headed light saber. Not one but both of his light sabers changed shaped. He freely used them as if they were an extension of his own body. The buzzing sounds never stopped. The barrage from the phasor canons and the spirit canons slowed down You Xi Wang a lot. 

It took him an hour to get past the 1.5 kilometre mark. His fore head was covered with sweat and his body was feeling slightly sluggish. If anyone lifted up his visor then they would find his eyes bleeding. They were bleeding because of the constant exposure to the phasor beams. You Xi Wang spoke to Neo through his headset. 

"Neo, you bitch. Stop being dazed and throw those rocks. I will become a fennel if you bastards did not act now." his voice was hoarse and he literally roared in the mouth piece.

Neo who stood dazed behind him came back to his senses and hurriedly ran up to the rocks and started to throw them at the canons. Hercules also started to throw the rocks to help him cover You Xi Wang. 

You Xi Wang did not feel much difference even after the two people disrupted the flow. He had only been able to cross three meter distance from the past half an hour. The system spoke, [The arrays, might stop working, if you do not move quickly.]

You Xi Wang spat a mouthful of blood on the ground as he kept swinging his light sabers. The rocks thrown by Neo and Hercules cast shadows on the ground giving him a very good opportunity. He immediately used the spiritual skill he shared with Maya, the shadow skip. This skill decreased a lot of burden on him. His figure moved through the shadows and after twenty minutes of shadow skip he reached the boundary of the fort. 

He did not waste anytime and used a claw like tool to climb up the wall. He was not sure whether the High Elves applied any other means of defense on the wall so He climbed in an irregular pattern. You Xi Wang's battle suit had a lot of mini suction cups over the surface. So his climb was relatively very easy. The high elves were confident in their defensive capabilities and did not apply any other means on the walls of the fort. 

You Xi Wang climbed the wall and stood on the top. This was the moment when his arrays started to fail one by one and revealed his bloody figure to everyone. He had no less than five holes in his body and they were all bleeding profusely. His visor was filled with cracks, his hands were shaking numb. The light sabers were flickering and his palms were also bleeding. 

The Elven guard watched all this on a screen and spoke, "he did not stop even in such a condition. Is he a god of war charging through the enemy army? How is he so strong?"

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