A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 188: Infiltration Begins.

The people on the ground had mixed emotions as they watched You XI Wang's bloody and slightly pale body standing on the wall of the fort. Hercules spoke out of astonishment, "Could the captain be an incarnation of the actual war god?"

Yuki shook her head and her eyes seemed to be a little watery. If not because she wanted to stay strong. Tears would have already started to rain down from her eyes. You Zhichi was also the same as her. Snow and Fenny looked calm on the surface but they both were silently cursing You Xi Wang for his present condition. The men in the team were totally different. Their respect for the captain increased a hundred folds.

They wanted to charge ahead when You Xi Wang spoke, "Maya, tell them all to be on stand by. I will find a way to shut down these canons." as decided earlier the wolves were to help them communicate inside the fort, in case the defense system had any sort of external interference. Being extremely cautious he did not use his mouth to relay his thoughts to Maya, but only mental messages to prevent the defense system surveillance from interesting their communication. 

Maya delivered the message as asked. The next thing You Xi Wang wanted to do was to apply first aid to his bleeding wounds but how could the security system be so easy on him. The moment he stepped down from the walls of the fort and landed inside. The whole fort started to echo with a hooting sound. You Xi Wang gave up the idea to apply first aid and he started running towards the central area of the fort. 

You Xi Wang was located in a corridor connecting the pantry and staff room. The distance between the two was 50 meters. The fort was designed in such a way that the rooms all had only one exit and entrance. You Xi Wang was aware that the battle bots released from the central area will soon be over him. So he jumped up snatched the camera and used a mini-tablet to upload a virus program he wrote on his data storage cube. 

The virus program was a hybrid he designed using the coding languages on earth and Metropia. If this virus was deployed on earth then in one hour it could send the entire world back to the stone age. Metropia might be able to counter it back after some time given how advanced their technology is but he was not very optimistic about the virus affecting the Elven system. This was a risk. If it did not work then he will have no choice but to go berserk.

The mini-tablet had a needle-like data transmission cable attached to it. The data storage cube was needed to be placed on top of the tablet to start the transmission. The system spoke just the moment You Xi Wang finished the setup. 

[This shit is ten times more complicated than LUCY. Fuck the gibberish language of Elves. Why can't they just write the same way they speak?]

You Xi Wang spoke, "The reason why we can understand them is because of the jade given to us by the council. The previous explorers may have come here and invented these jades as the mode of translation."

[Okay the data is uploaded and it will take at least five minutes for the virus to start working but the battle bot contingent is moving very fast. They will be here in 3 minutes. Given their numbers it will be difficult for us to handle them.]

You Xi Wang stood there, lost in thought. After ten seconds he spoke, 'How about we hijack the canons and turned them inside?'

The system spoke, [The whole lab will turn into a ruin. Do you want to use this method?]

You Xi Wang spoke, 'We can change the angel of the canons to lessen the range of fire also semi-automatic canons would be able to deal with the battle bots easily.'

The system spoke, [If you try to control them manually then you will need to ask the others to man the guns when they are turned inside.]

You Xi Wang nodded and said, 'Let's do this. We don't have much time on our hands.'

He was not aware of how they will take over the guns. So the system guided him. Beneath the phasor canons lied a metallic square plate. This plate covered the power source and the independent firing system. The firing system was a glass box connected to the canon with cables. You Xi Wang did not waste time in being neat and clean. He took out a dagger and slashed the wires clean. He quickened his pace and repeated the same thing to all the canons except for one. 

He stood behind a spirit canon and aimed at the canons that popped up from the ground. He has suffered from the vicious barrage of these canons and did not want his teammates to go through the same thing. He pressed the touch-sensitive trigger and the spirit canon spat a long beam of white light. The boy behind the canon did not pay any mind to sophistication, a white light beam erupted from the spirit canon's mouth bombarding the targetted canons. 


You Xi Wang efficiently destroyed the canons. He then spoke to Maya with the mental sense, "Call them all over. They need to be quick."

Maya, who was hiding inside his shadow acted fast and called over the team waiting for them all at the edge of the firing zone.

Yuki acted as a relay and conveyed the message to You Zhichi. In any other situation, You Zhichi would have rushed to her brother's side in an instant but right now she was the vice-captain of the team. She spoke, "Everyone, Let's go. The captain is waiting for us at the walls. We all will mount one canon each and battle it out with the battle bots. We don't know how much the enemy's strength is so while fighting use your energy wisely. On the run be vigilant, who knows what more traps are there. Let's go."

At this moment she was not the heavenly maiden or the celestial saintess. She was an awe aspiring war general. The team's morale soared up and they all started running with You Zhichi in a wing formation on both sides. They did not dare to lower down their vigilance even for a little bit. The journey You Xi Wang completed in 2 hours and painstaking efforts. These people took only 20 minutes. 

They all were expecting to meet the captain on the fort wall, but when they reached the top they heard constant clinking sounds. The team suddenly became anxious. They did not know that You Xi Wang was facing the swarm of the battle bots on his own in close combat. His single canon would not have made any impact on the swarm. The virus he planted inside the system through the camera line was also working and the surveillance of the fort was down.

At this moment You Xi Wang was dancing amidst the swarm of battle bots with a golden spear in his hand. The spear was unstoppable and dominating. You Xi Wang unleashed all the spear intent while fighting. He did not dare to relax at all. 

In front of You Xi Wang, a metallic robot stood with a spear in his hand, The two people clashed and another battle bot attacked You Xi Wang from behind and side. These battle bots held swords in their hands and their aim was You Xi Wang's ribcage. He was trapped. Just when he was prepared to engage in mutual destruction, A ray of white light was spat out by the canon, and in a fraction of a second, two more rays flashed and the battle bots targetted by these rays were melted right where they were touched. 

The robots froze in their places and fell down after a few moments. These robots had terrifying battle prowess, in the past twenty minutes You Xi Wang was able to kill only 3 battle bots. There were two reasons behind this. First, he needed to hold his grounds for his team to arrive, second these robots required him to use his five elemental energy which was his secret. He won't use it until he is very desperate. 

You Zhichi shouted, "Good shot, let's keep it up."

The team replied, "YES, VICE CAPTAIN."

You Xi Wang grasped the opportunity to regroup. He was wounded and needed to rest. He spoke to his sister, "Give me 15 minutes. I will leave for the core area to shut down these battle bots. They can only be stopped from there. The high elves created an army of these things."

You Zhichi nodded and yelled at Allan, "MEDIC"

Allan came to You Xi Wang's side and took out some herbal paste and applied it to You Xi Wang's wound. He spoke, "This paste was courtesy of the Elven people. Rest well it will heal quickly." after that said he went back to his post to face the battle bots. Yuki, Snow, Lena, Fenny, and You Zhichi would look at the boy sitting next to them with pride. 

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