A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 189: THE FALLEN KING.

You Xi Wang laid down as his team used the phasor canons and spirit canons to destroy the battle bot swarm. The sheer number of bots made them numb. They had lost count of how many bots they have put down by now. The seemingly invincible phasor canons were heating up from the number of beams they have discharged.

It has only been ten minutes when five spirit canons in the middle part of the assault group had shut down from excessive heating. Fortunately, there were other spirit canons that were not used earlier by them and can be used as an alternative. Yet the number of unused canons was half of that of the used ones. The pressure increased on the team. 

You Xi Wang instructed from the side, "Neo and Hercules. You two go and engage in hand to hand combat. Don't go for the kill but just push these tin cans away from the firing line. Give them time to handle them." he was keeping a stern watch over the development of the situation from his resting spot. 

His words were never to be questioned and as soon as he instructed the team. The brawling duo nodded and jumped in to fight the robots in close quarters. Fenny was acting as a guide to the firing squad. She could not take control of a gun herself until and unless it is a dire state. She guided the blunt weapon squad to shoot in the targeted area with a small laser pen in her hand. 

She was targeting the areas where the bots would get concentrated. The ground was littered with at least 500 battle bots. Under the constant guidance of Fenny and You Xi Wang, the pressure eased a lot. Neo and Hercules switched with other blunt weapon users for hand-to-hand combat. The twenty minutes resting period set by You Xi Wang passed away in a blink. The hole wounds on his body had stopped bleeding. He stood up and spoke to You Zhichi, "Big sis, time is up. I will be rushing to the core region to shut down the defense system. We will stay in touch via Maya and her siblings."

You Zhichi faintly smiled and nodded. She spoke, "Just take care of yourself."

You Xi Wang raised his eyebrow at this and spoke, "Hoho, someone learned to conceal her emotions. Chichi, if you don't express your worries you will become an old hag even faster."

You Zhichi wanted to grab hold of his ear but the situation did not allow her. You Xi Wang turned towards Fenny and spoke, "Bro, you are in command."

Fenny gave him a stink eye and said, "I know that already. Leave now."

You Xi Wang greeted everyone and told them to stay calm and rushed towards the core region. The first obstacle faced by him was the field surging with battle bots. He exhaled heavily and took out a golden spear in his right hand and a sword in his left hand. The black sword and the golden spear both had contradictory nature and produced violent pressure. Since You Xi Wang mastered the weapons he was not affected by the pressures. Neither did the weapons fought with each other. They seemed to balance each other out.

The golden spear had a golden dragon carved along its shaft and the spearhead looked like it was coming out of the dragon's open mouth. While the sword had a shining black blade. A blackbird was engraved over it. It looked so alive as if it was fluttering its songs. It was the dark phoenix, the fluttering wing effect was created because the spirit of the weapon was unlocked. The sword was trembling as soon as You Xi Wang unsheathed it. 

You Xi Wang spoke, "Purgatory, you can now play to your heart's content." by the time his words ended black smoke wisps were emitting from the blade. You Xi Wang smiled and slashed his sword at the swarm of the robots. A black arc formed along with the trajectory of his slash. The arc flew and cut down the robots like a hot knife through butter. he took down at least ten robots in a slash. 

He felt the spear in his right hand trembled. He smiled and spoke, "Master did give me a spirit weapon. I have not named you till now. Let's call you divine thorn." as soon as he named the spear, the trembling intensified. You Xi Wang stabbed the spear and a ray of golden light through the robots. It was as if a bullet was fired through cotton pads. Ten robots with holes in their foreheads fell down. 

The team on mounting the spirit canons were now numb with the battle capacity of this boy. Although the robots are as strong as a primal soul realm, it was only their physique. Thanks to the spirit canons, the robots were not allowed to display their full potential. Otherwise, this scene would have been completely different. Hercules spoke, "Do we still need to fight these robots at a close range? The captain is such a war machine himself I feel like we are not needed."

Neo nodded and spoke, "This monster, he hasn't even used his gunnery skills, hand to hand combat or assassination techniques."

Yuki spoke, "Do you people know, he also learned Hunter class attacks?"

The others turned to look at her with wide eyes. Then Allan spoke, "Big sis Zhichi, when did Xiao Wang become such a monster?"

You Zhichi was about to speak when an Elven guard using a gun exclaimed, "You can use a whip in such a way?"

His loud voice attracted all the teammates. During their brief conversation, You Xi Wang had already completed a one-third distance from the ground. His sword was moving on its own because of the dark phoenix spirit. His right hand was stabbing the golden spear constantly. His left hand which was holding a sword earlier was now holding a whip. The whip had a dagger tied to its front. You Xi Wang swayed the whip and the dagger at the end cut through any robots that came in contact. 

To most people whip was just a tool of punishment. They never imagined such a manner to use the whip in live combat. You Zhichi shook her head and spoke, "You ask me but I ask whom? Ever since he woke up from the comma. He has changed. Sometimes, I even feel that he is not y brother but someone else possessing his body. But when he looks at me with warm eyes. I think he is better than my brother. It may sound absurd but I don't mind having him replace the older gougou." The four phantoms nodded subconsciously. Earlier they were very tight before but their relationship had grown even stronger after You Xi Wang woke up from the comma. 

On the field, You Xi Wang wreaked havoc. He did not know when he entered the corridor leading to the core area. The entire lab had only one corridor connecting throughout. This security measure was a double-edged sword but how could the arrogant High elves predict the future. You Xi Wang took advantage of this and moved forward while he slew the robots. His forehead was now covered with sweat. The corridor was a tight space and he could not use the whip and spear freely. 

Switching his weapons and took out two assault rifles while his sword flew around on its own. 


The gunshots rang out throughout the corridor followed by the metallic collision of the falling robots. It took You Xi Wang three hours to reach a room labeled as the central control room in Elven language. You Xi Wang patted the space array on his waist to take out the scouting bead developed by Fenny. But he found out that his supplies have been emptied. After the first ten minutes inside the winding corridor, the robots attacked him sparsely. For the sake of safety and vigilance, he tossed scouting beads on every turn till he reached the central control room. 

The beads were meant to be used only one time. The beads when tossed out would roll on the ground recording a video, thermal scans of the walls, infrared scans of the empty space. But the moment they stopped rolling the battery will turn empty. To ensure that the beads are not picked up by anyone else to counter use the internal circuit chip will self-destruct. 

You Xi Wang pondered and the system spoke, [Take out your ballers, I used the soul sense to check the inside. The central computer is located inside but I also sensed someone else. This thing seems to be an Elf and it is trapped in some sort of restriction array. Be very careful, I cannot see through this person's power.]

You Xi Wang was surprised to learn that there was someone locked inside he did not dare to be careless. The system could not sense this person's power which meant this person was not an easy one. He spoke to Maya through his mental sense, "Tell everyone, be ready to crush the jade. We have an unexpected situation at our hands."

Maya immediately did as asked. She then spoke, "Brother Xi Wang, I have relayed the message. My instincts are screaming that we should not enter this room. It is a very bad feeling."

You Xi Wang's degree of vigilance went up by another level. He stroked Maya's fur and spoke, "Treasure and trouble, always come together Maya. Be strong. Let's take a peek at the situation, we will leave as soon as I sense something bad. You hide inside the shadow."

Maya nodded and disappeared into his shadow. You Xi Wang took out the hard ballers from his waist in his hands. He aimed both of them at the door. In front of him, three ice blades also formed, levitating in the air ready to shot at any moment.

The system manipulated the soul sense and turned the doorknob. The arrogance of the high elves was so high that when designing the lab they did not put on any locks. At first, it was because they were all mutually developing and it was a gesture of trust. Later, they grew so strong that they did not feel the need for locks. 


The door opened and before You Xi Wang could even enter the room. He froze. In front of him was a warning board written in Elven text, which said, {DO NOT AWAKEN THE FALLEN KING OF HIGH ELVES. IT WILL END EVERYTHING.}

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