A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 191: Viva La Revolucion.

Just as the people in You Xi Wang's team were getting excited. The computer system in the lab rang a hooting sound. Everyone immediately turned vigilant. The Dark Elf Loli glanced at the screen and smiled. She spoke, "Don't worry everyone, the system has detected the forced changes made to its code. It is now repairing itself."

Her immature voice calmed down the team. You Xi Wang kept his eyes locked on the system code. If he found anything wrong with the reboot then he will make sure to destroy the computer thoroughly. Fortunately, his worries were unfounded and the alarm subsided after a few moments. The computer screen was flashing with Elven codes constantly. There were two significant faults discovered in the system administrative code. One was the change made by the High Elf Prince, to channel all the impurities inside the glass container while dumping the clean spirit energy underground. The second was You Xi Wang's spike virus which rendered the whole surveillance useless.

The only reason why the system did not rectify the spike virus was that it was under the control of the Elven prince. That half-dead prince had a consciousness so strong that he was still in control of the system. Though, coincidently the moment these people raided the fort lab. He was focused on his heart construction. Once the heart was constructed the nerves would be developed and the rest will get easier. But how was he to know that You Xi Wang and the others would choose the same day to barge in?

It could be said that fate played a good hand to You Xi Wang otherwise, the half-dead prince was as strong as his master, capable of killing them all with a snap of his fingers. Then again luck is also a part of your strength. So, You Xi Wang won this round with a clean knockout. The Elven leaders discussed how to deal with the chunk of brain matter from the fallen prince. Unanimously they came to a decision of destroying it thoroughly.

You Xi Wang who was listening to their talk nodded. He left this thing for them to deal with because he was not sure whether these people would accuse him of destroying a research specimen. But the Elven Council's decision made him feel relieved. At least this thing won't be given a chance of retribution by possessing someone else and kick-starting the cycle of destruction once again. As the Elves regained the computer system and modified the working schematic of the rocky plain, a guard rushed in the room and excitedly spoke, "My queen, general, Minister, outside... outside grass blades are sprouting."

General Miles frowned at this soldier's behavior and spoke, "Sergeant, behave yourself. Did you forget how to speak normally?" his stern tone made the sergeant calm down.

The sergeant took a deep breath and spoke, "Reporting to the general, a high amount of spirit grass is sprouting over the rocky plain at a rapid rate."

The general nodded and a faint smile surfaced on his lips. Ilex and the dark elf loli were the same. They finally were relieved to hear this news. For hundreds of years, their world has been dealing with this problem. It was not that they did not have ideas and strategies like You Xi Wang. But after 180 hours of rocky plain's deployment, the spirit energy in the area dropped to a surprising level. The high elves were under the order of their king and they said they will find a solution. But the high elf king was forced by his son. Only when the High Elf King saw his son destroying his body did he confess his deeds to the others in the race. Bearing the shame of his unrestrained love for his son which caused the downfall of the race he committed suicide. 

The High Elf clan was aggrieved with this and after they all could not find a solution to their mistake they all committed mass suicide. They fed themselves poison. It was a very sad day for the Elfheim. Today the disaster finally came to an enclosure. You Xi Wang, due to his luck, became the protagonist. 

The system spoke, [Damn, I just realized, we are the clowns holding the ace card.]

You Xi Wang spoke with a chuckle, 'I knew this fact from the moment I woke up in this world.' indeed, he was just a depressed dunce who used to blame himself for everything wrong. Then one day he woke up in You Xi Wang's body in Silica City hospital that too with a system.

The system understood his sentiment, for a change, did not act smug. Instead, it spoke, [Find the way to the spirit lake. It's time to count the gains. I would prefer if you could reach the Primal Soul Realm before the survival test ends.]

You Xi Wang pondered and nodded and then he suddenly chuckled, 'This is more of a liberation campaign than a survival trial.'

The system spoke, [Viva la Revolucion.] after a pause both the system and the human started laughing simultaneously. You Xi Wang maintained a poker face on the outside. Yuki came to his side and nudged him slightly. Only then did he turned his attention to her. He smiled at her and asked as he cupped her pretty face in his palms, "What happened my lovely Neko?"

He would call her Neko, Japanese for a cat, when he is particularly happy. Yuki blushed and spoke with stars in her eyes as if hypnotized, "When we were coming inside the lab Big sister Zhichi was approached by a young elf. That guy said he liked You Zhichi and if he can have a chance to pursue her. Big sister refused politely but the young elf is still following her. He stated his identity as the adopted son of General Miles. Big sister did not want to bother you. But I found that guy annoying so I came to you. Do something about this, Xi Wang."

You Xi Wang still held her face in his hands with a smile on his face. But the temperature of his body was falling rapidly. He nodded to Yuki and tuned to the direction where the Elven Council was standing overlooking the administration of the technicians. 

He did not go over but spoke in a soft voice, neither too high neither too low as if a child talking to his favorite toy, "General Miles."

General Miles who was smiling felt a chill down his spine when he heard this voice. Not only him but Ilex was the same. The dark elf loli has never seen the horror of You Xi Wang so she was not much scared. Although she knew General Miles lost his hand to You Xi Wang she did not know the process.

General Miles immediately turned to face the smiling devil. He knew another nightmare was just around the corner if this devil is not pleased. He walked over to You Xi Wang and asked politely, "Sir You Xi Wang, what can I do for you?"

You Xi Wang flung his arm around the general's shoulder and spoke, "No no no... General Miles, I called you over because your adopted son pursued my sister. I don't mind people pursuing her but if she refuses then one should leave peacefully. One should respect other people's personal wishes, right?"

The general kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking on the grains. You Xi Wang continued but his tone changed from mellow to cold, "Call him over, I will teach him."

The general was immediately scared, his body shivered like a leaf under headwinds. He spoke with a stutter, "Sir, that boy has a little fault in his character, please forgive him. I beg you. He is the future of my clan. I will teach him myself. I swear to the holy spirit that I will not be lenient with his discipline. Please forgive him."

You Xi Wang was skeptical, just as he was about to pursue this matter his sister came up from behind him and spoke, "Gougou, make big things small, and small things smaller." what she said was teaching straight out of their mother's mouth. 

How could You Xi Wang not follow this double command? He pouted and reluctantly said, "OK, fine, you deal with this general miles, but if I find your boy toy or any other Elves coming over and harassing my sister after the refusal. I will directly start killing." his expression was that of a child whose toy was taken away.

You Zhichi shook her head when she saw this. Obviously, this was all an act to make the Elves fear them a little and stay in line. She then turned to the queen of the elves and spoke, "Your majesty, can we now enter the spirit lake. We don't have the luxury of time on our hands."

The queen agreed, she was more anxious than them. This was because they all feared You Xi Wang. She asked for her attendants to lead the people underground where the spirit lake was formed. She heaved a sigh of relief as the devil star left with his team. The dark elf loli looked at the queen filled with confusion. She couldn't help but ask, "Why are you all so scared of this guy? I mean he is a strong one but aren't you guys too exaggerated?"

Ilex gave her a wry smile and spoke, "General Miles had an idea about Miss You Zhichi, and this guy broke his hand and leg, then he shot the broken hand five times before cutting it off. The technique he used was so dangerous that our technology could not help the general regrow an arm. According to the reports of the eyewitnesses, who watched him cross the firing range. They described him as a god of war. He rushed through the firing range alone. Now, do you think we should not be scared of this handsome devil. He is a dragon, and his team and family are his reverse scale." she sighed. The dark elf loli stood there like a stone. Ilex shook her head and left to arrange some tasks for the officials in the lab. 

Although the higher-ups were scared of You Xi Wang they knew that without his courage and strategy they could not have recovered their world. So, when You Xi Wang came out of the spirit lake, he would have a big surprise waiting for him.

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