A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 207: Right Bug?

The old man had on foot and one hand shot while the other hand was stabbed by You Xi Wang's dagger. He was enraged and opened his mouth and jumped at You Xi Wang, seemingly trying to bite him. It was just that his efforts were in vain. Maya appeared and shot five ice blades at the man. Two penetrated the spine, two inside the shoulders, cutting off the tendons, and the last one flew around his head and slashed his eyes. Now he was incapable of moving, attacking, and also vision. 


His screams echoed in the whole corridor. You Xi Wang stored his dagger back in the space array and his fist collided with the bloody face of the old man. The man fell down on the floor with a thump. Maya again cast her snow blades, the 4 icicles penetrated through his hands and feet, nailing him to the ground. You Xi Wang worked in complete cooperation with him and took out a sound isolation array disk. The array disk was placed on the old man's chest. The array disk was powered by a fist-sized spirit stone. The array started working in a blink of an eye. 

You Xi Wang spoke to Maya using the spirit bond, "Let's go. The other guy needs to be dealt with. He seemed to be stronger than this one." with that said the two moved. After reaching the elevator shaft, Maya hid inside You Xi Wang's shadow while the boy jumped down. He was able to fly now and steadily descended to the 8th floor where the team was fighting the third Primal Soul Realm Cultivator.

He was ready to join in the battle but the sight in front of him was quite a pleasant surprise. The dark dweller was missing an arm, his head was bleeding and some holes could be seen on his body. The man roared in rage. Though thanks to the 'sound proofing' the company has done by installing arrays between every floor. No one could hear anything outside. As the dark dweller was getting ready to make his counterattack. Two girls in ice blue battle suits appeared behind him. Their swords were covered with ice blue glint.  The two girls slashed at the back of the dark dweller. 


The swords cut through the man like a hot knife through butter. The quality of the spirit energy of the team was very high after they all took a bath in the spirit lake in Elfheim. The swords left two, three inches deep grooves on the back of the old man. Just when the man register the pain and wanted to counter-attack the two girls retreated and what greeted his badly injured back was a thick shower of spirit-enhanced bullets. Allan and Illahi stood in a distance and their assault rifles fired fire attributed bullets on the back. 

Chemistry 101, anything that registered an intense change in temperature, will deform or break apart. The man was going through the same thing. Dark energy had no temperature, once someone falls on the path of darkness they will have to store this dark energy inside their bodies otherwise their bodies will decay. Only after they reach the core formation will this decay stop. The people who reach Primal Soul Realm will be able to assimilate all their physique and soul with the dark energy.  The further process is very secretive and the council did not have any information about it because if the nirvana rebirth dark dweller dies, they don't leave the remains for research purposes, they all turn to ash. Weird but what can you do about it?


You Xi Wang on the side couldn't help but laugh out loud. He deliberately even undid the sound isolation formation on his mask. This laughter irritated the man even more. He turned to glance at You Xi Wang, blinded by rage he rushed to him. You Xi Wang shook his head and a handgun appeared in his hand. After so many wounds the dark dwellers fighting capacity had gradually decreased. The handgun in You Xi Wang's hand was the phasor gun Fenny made for the team. Decisively he squeezed the trigger and a beam flashed. 

The old man ran up to You Xi Wang and his speed decreased, just when he was two feet away he fell down. A clear hole was visible on the back of his head. The hole was rimmed with sparks. The terrifying laser burned through and the heat was so intense that it melted the whole brain of the dark dweller. A pinkish thick liquid slowly seeped out of the hole. The sword-holding girls saw this and immediately turned their heads away to avoid vomiting. 

The boys were however different they gathered around the corpse and teased You Xi Wang for stealing their kill. Allan spoke in the team channel, "Alright all of you, we still need to deal with Edward Colt. Let's go."

The team replied, "YES, BIG BROTHER ALLAN."

From the training camp to the survival trial, Allan had become the 'big brother' of the team because of his composed and calm temperament. To this development, the crimson battle suit boy could only shrug his shoulders at them in helplessness.

You Xi Wang called his sister, "Big sis, do you copy?"

You Zhichi replied, "Yeah, Xi Wang, go ahead."

You Xi Wang asked, "How is the progress?"

You Zhichi replied, "Almost complete, turned out the dark dwellers in this household had imprisoned all the innocent people in the dungeons. We have checked them all. None of the fishes was hiding among them. The elders have killed some and they have kept some. Uncle Takeshi and Aunt Ushijima are here for the follow-up. We are just dealing with the remnants."

You Xi Wang heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Do not lower your guard at all. These bugs hide in the shadows. Hand over the survivors to the council officials to deal with."

You Zhichi assured him not to worry, and asked, "What is the situation on your side?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "Situation under control. Guards are all subdued, two primal souls are killed and one more is disabled. Now advancing to the main objective."

You Zhichi went silent for a few seconds and then said, "Be careful, I will wait for you. Okay?"

You Xi Wang felt warmth in his heart and said, "Hmm, see you in a bit."

The team called for the elevator. They were all Core-formation realm, unable to fly yet. Soon, they all reached the top floor. What greeted them was a door left wide open. 

Beyond the door, Edward Colt was visible as he sat down on a big throne chair with a slight smile on his face. He gestured at You Xi Wang and spoke, "Young Master You, come in. Your progress was faster than I expected."

You Xi Wang spoke to his team with soul sense, "You all wait outside. Go downstairs, in the corridor, a dark dweller is nailed to the floor. take him outside and inform the council officials to arrive soon. I smell something fishy. Be on your guards. We are at the enemy's door and our assault went way too smoothly."

The team wanted to refute his command but Fenny immediately raised her hand to signal them to shut up. She trusted You Xi Wang's decisions very well. He did this not only to minimalize the risk of getting the squad inflicted in case something unexpected happened and also to avoid them from holding him back while fighting. No one has seen You Xi Wang fighting to the limit. He has never yet let go of himself while fighting because his tricks will not only hurt the enemy but also his own team too. Today, was different. He would not hold back for anyone's sake, including himself, let alone his team. 

You Xi Wang did not look back and stepped forward to the door. Yuki wanted to step forward but Snow held her. She shook her head at the girl and said, "Let him go. He has been holding this inside for way too long. If you stopped him today he will definitely never think about you again." she then turned her head to You Xi Wang who was walking ahead and said, "Xi Wang, you better come back in one piece, we all are waiting downstairs."

You Xi Wang only gave her a nod. He entered the door and closed it behind him. Calmly walked up to the throne chair placed opposite Edward Colt and sat down as if it was his place. Edward Colt smiled at him and said, "You look very calm. Are you that confident in killing me?"

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "Being anxious won't save my troubles. So staying calm is better, at least, it will make some bugs think twice about their moves. Right, Edward 'Bug' Colt." he placed an extra emphasis on the bug.

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