A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 38: Reignited hope.

You Xi Wang entered Celestia's soul space, and what he saw differed totally from other soul spaces he has ever seen. This space was dull and dark. There was not a single speck of light, as if he has fallen into an endless pit of darkness.

He looked around but could not find Celestia's soul avatar. He sighed and spoke to the system, 'Is there any way we can find her soul avatar?'

The system was quiet for some time, but then a voice replied, [Master, this soul is dark because the person has no hope, I scanned everything I could and what I saw makes me depressed let alone this six years old kid. Do you want me to tell you or merge all I have seen with your mind?]

You Xi Wang replied, 'Merge it with my mind.'

[Command accepted, merging sequence starting now.] the system spoke like some high-tech computer system starting a protocol and You Xi Wang joked 'Feeling futuristic, you are a soul and not a computer, please have some dignity and stop mimicking.'

The system did not reply and after a few minutes, the synchronization completed. You Xi Wang saw a man standing in front of him. He looked around but couldn't move his neck.

[Master, you are watching things from the girl's perceptive.] the system notified him.

You Xi Wang calmed down and watched the whole process, how this man killed everyone in the house, and how brutal he was in his methods.

A gentle voice sounded in his ears and it said, "Celes, sweetie, forgive mom for not being strong enough. Remember the one who did all this is called The Butcher, he is an elder of the deadly sect. I will now place a seal on your memories and you will only remember who you are, your parents and that they died in some tragedy, other memories will unlock when you reach the spirit formation realm cultivator.

The next thing he saw was a woman who looked as if Celestia has grown up running towards The Butcher trying to take him down with her. She moves all her spirit energy and swung her sword but the butcher caught it with his bare hand. He jerked his hand and dragged the woman in his arms, he grinned viciously and started moving his hand all over the woman's body.

The woman gritted her teeth and ignited all her energy and vaporized, while she turned to gas The Butcher lost his left arm completely. He yelled and shouted, and in his rage, his eyes fell over Celestia. He choked her with his remaining hand, she fainted from lack of air, he threw her on the floor, took out his belt, and started whipping her back. The girl had already fainted yet the butcher kept whipping, he wanted to take her away but when he noticed the condition she was in he kicked her away and left the place. He killed the neighbors and the other two houses.

Celestia was left there to bleed to her death, but she was saved by Chris, who found her and fed her a healing pill. Chris lost his eyes after he saved her from a sneak attack in an alley. One day they went out begging. Chris was her neighbor, and his family was also a victim of the Butcher. The reason the Butcher attacked her family was that he wanted to gain their family treasure, helpful for his cultivation, so he just killed them all to get what he wanted.

You Xi Wang woke up and his eyes were bloodshot, he was enraged by what he saw, Celestia was looking at him with a smile but this was the first time he noticed how she was trying to hide her pain behind that smile. He calmed down took a deep breath, he moved his hand and stroked her head softly, he then wiped off the water over her body with a towel and infused a little fire element energy to dry her hair. He looked at her back and saw that her scars had faded a bit.

He got wrapped her in a towel and picked her up in his arms and mumbled, "Celes, do you want to hear a story?"

The girl flinched as she remembered that her family members also called her Celes, but she still nodded. After she was just a kid.

You Xi Wang smiled and spoke as he put her on the bed wrapped in the towel, "This is my story, I was born in a very loving and caring family, my parents showered me with all the love in the world, I also have a big sister who loves me a lot, I have good friends too, just like you have Chris. You met them, right?"

Celestia nodded in response, she was sitting on the bed beside You Xi Wang, she looked like a fairy wrapped in a towel and You Xi Wang's soft voice caused her to be engrossed in the story.

You Xi Wang continued while he stroked her head gently, "Everything was going good and something happened, my parents were taken away from me by someone, I could not handle the pain and I fell in a coma, my sister and everyone else was worried about me but I survived because of my parent's blessing. I woke up from the coma and found out that my parents were murdered. I was enraged I wanted to destroy the world, but I realized that I am not alone, my sister, family all of them were also in pain. I felt scared and decided that I will become stronger, so strong that in this world no one will hurt my loved ones. I challenged my family to become the leader because that will help me protect them better, I fought and bled yet I won."

He took a deep breath and noticed Celestia was looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes. Her tiny hands were holding his clothes tightly. He smiled and picked her up to make her sit in his lap and he asked her, "Do you also want to be strong Celes? Do you want your parents to be happy when they watch you grow strong?"

Celestia nodded and tears formed in her eyes. She opened her lips, but no voice came out. She tried hard but she could not speak a single word. Her vocal cords were damaged when the Butcher choked her. Tears fell from her eyes and You Xi Wang treated her vocal cords with the help of earth and water elemental spirit energy mixed.

It was said that long time injuries are difficult to heal, but he had a system capable of manipulating soul energy and purify everything. So, he mixed water and earth elements together and used pure energy as a healing agent. The cords healed after an hour of continuous infusion of the energy and Celestia spoke, "Thank you, big brother."

Her voice sounded like a silver bell and You Xi Wang felt happy. He thanked the system for being awesome, allowing it to experience being glorified.

He stroked her head and said, "Your welcome, little fairy."

Celestia hesitated and asked him, "Big brother, can you punish that person for me? I will do anything you want me to."

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "Celes, do you want to be your parents to be happy?"

The girl replied with a nod then he said, "Then get stronger, big brother will help you get stronger but you will have to punish him yourself. Okay?"

Celestia pondered for a bit and said, "I will become stronger, big brother. I will punish that man." as she waved her tiny fists. You Xi Wang smiled at this gesture of hers.

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