A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 39: Ally in the alley.

You Xi Wang got her to wear an overhead shirt of his, although the clothes all were made to fit the user, Celestia has been just too young for this size to be altered. She still looked very cute wearing the oversized shirt. He took a picture of her. She flayed her arms a bit and saw how the clothes were oversized, and she pouted.

You Xi Wang recorded it all on his Holo-phone. It was very calming to see her antics. She was tired of all the time she had spent on the streets, so she slowly fell asleep while holding You Xi Wang. She looked just like a little fairy, her clean hair was blonde, her face was fair, she looked very skinny because she did not have any decent nutrition in the past months, her eyes were emerald green and sparkling, she reminded You Xi Wang of the elves he read in his past life. She was very cute.

You Xi Wang tried to stand up from her side, but she was holding him too tightly. He stroked her back lightly, and she loosened her grip as she felt his touch. You Xi Wang laid on his back and called Ushijima Yuki using his Holo-phone. The call was picked up instantly.

"Xi Wang, missing me?" Ushijima Yuki spoke in a flirting tone.

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "My little succubus, come to my room, I need to go out for a bit while you look after Celes."

Ushijima Yuki felt a rage in his voice and replied, "Did you find something? I am coming over right now."

The call disconnected and You Xi Wang called Allan and asked him to come to his room. After a while, Allan and Yuki both came to his room. He explained to them what he found out and both of them were enraged too.

Yuki looked at Celestia and she said, "Xi Wang, should I ask my parents to take her in? You know, as in adopting her."

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "She will stay in You family, I will ask Granny Xin to teach her until she is ready for school. She needs to remember her mother's last wish. She will develop mental demons otherwise. Support her but don't lead her, If she falls, cheer her to stand up but don't lend a hand until she is at her limit. After all the trails these two kids have faced in the past few months their mental fortitude is strong but they are still kids. They need care and love along with harsh training.

Allan patted his back and said, "Well said, mate."

You Xi Wang asked Yuki to stay in his room and look after Celestia as he and Allan went out to search for some information. You Xi Wang also called Granny Xin explained the situation to her and asked for Robert to come to Sahasa Town early in the morning the next day and also asked her to send some clothes for a six-year-old boy and girl.

After he made the arrangements, the duo moved around the town slowly, and just when they were about to enter a pub they both heard a sound coming from the alley.

"You fucking insects, how dare you set foot in my town?" a calm voice echoed, ridicule and disgust were apparent in this voice.

Another voice answered, "We only wanted to find a person and not to create any scene."

"Oh, who might that be?" the first voice was now amused.

"A teenage boy, he entered the town with his friends. We were told that he is the new family head of You family in Silica City." the hoarse voice replied.

"So, you thought you can waltz in my crib?" the calm voice sounded.

You Xi Wang wanted to know more, and he gestured Allan to follow him into the alley. The two intentionally did not suppress their footsteps. A voice sounded, "Who goes there?" they both stopped.

You Xi Wang spoke, "The one they are looking for." he sounded calm. This made the man feel amused.

"What can I do for Master You?" the man asked.

"We will talk about that later, but what I want to ask you is your name, and are they your enemies?" You Xi Wang spoke like a family head. His words were neither humble nor arrogant.

The man nodded and spoke, "I am called Richard Blake, uncrowned king of this town, I also regulate the illegal businesses in the town. As for these people, they are dark dwellers." he wore a three-piece black tuxedo with a white shirt inside, his head was bald, a scar on his left temple pointed chin, long nose, grey eyes accompanied by long raised brows. His complexion was dark.

You Xi Wang nodded and took a walk to the two men standing at the end of the alley. He asked with a smile, "Who sent you guys?" his voice was soft as if he was speaking to a friend.

The man replied with a snort, "You better stop acting all chummy with me, okay? I won't tell you shit. What are you going to do?" he just finished his words and You Xi Wang's figure blinked and he appeared in front of the man, he clutched his jaw and said, "Um... this is not good if you don't want to speak then what good is a tongue?"

You Xi Wang radiated a cold aura that surprised Richard Blake, but he quickly gained his composure only to be shocked again. You Xi Wang forced the man's jaw open and grabbed his tongue, a cold sadist smile appeared on his lips and the man shivered, he made some sounds as if he wanted to say something but he was not given a chance, his tongue was pulled out

SNAP, a piece of flesh was seen being held by You Xi Wang's hands.

The surrounding people were shocked, and the victim cried and wail in pain. The culprit turned to Richard Blake and spoke with a dazzling smile, "Mr. Richard let us be allies. I think we can hunt some of these insects together. What to say?"

Richard pondered for a bit and said, "Glad to be your ally, Master You."

You Xi Wang turned to the man who rolled over the floor and said, "My friends call me Xi Wang brother Richard."

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