A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 54: The Journal.

Yuki heard his words and called her parents back to the camp for breakfast. You Xi Wang acted as if nothing happened earlier and it reduced the awkwardness between him and Ushijima Choma. He was calling her auntie now. After having breakfast, the two enforcers left for the city.

The group got ready to hunt when You Xi Wang said that he will start a little later because he still needed to regain his full power. Others agreed and left to hunt with their cubs. You Xi Wang sat on a tree branch, looking down at the river stream and the gray-colored leaves surrounding him, this view was not as shabby as it looked, he smiled and mumbled, "Nature has its own sense of beauty regardless of how different it is, it is beautiful."

Maya was lying down in his lap, as usual, she seemed to sleep, You Xi Wang stroked her back gently. He took out the Guile silk bag, only took out the journal, and put the bag back in the storage space. He opened the first page of the journal.

There were words written on it reading, 'Micheal Wistrom, Senior Explorer, Seedling.'

You Xi Wang turned the page. It was very detailed.

(15, August 3000.

Today is my first day as the senior explorer here at Seedling Inc. I have been wanting to work in this company for so long. Finally, I can provide my family with a good life they deserve.)

This was the only entry on the page. You Xi Wang thought and closed the journal, he turned his Holo-phone and logged into his Codex Hall account. He searched for a company named Seedling Incorporation. This was his motive, he wanted to know about this company before he reads the things written inside the journal.

He found out that this was a pharmaceutical company that mainly focused on rare herbs, their goal was to hybridize the normal herbs by using different techniques and cross-breeding them with rare herbs. This was a unique idea, and they have produced some goals. After reading the basic details, he closed the page and went back to the journal.

He went to the third page.

(1, September 3000.

It has been half a month since I started working here. I have to say this place is very much like home to me now. The Co-staff is very supportive. Today the CEO called me in and praised my work. As a bonus, I got one day off, I will take my princess to the amusement park.) the entry ended.

You Xi Wang turned the page again.

(18, September 3000.

Today when I was leaving for home I saw a vehicle with the Mirai group standing in the parking lot, looking at my gaze a guard told me that our company is working in partnership with the Mirai Group.

As expected of a rising and successful pharmaceutical, even the giant like the Mirai Group wants to work with us.)

You Xi Wang raised his eyebrow as he spoke in a low voice. Looks like the dark dwellers are taking roots in society. He dialed for his aunt on his Holo-phone. The call connected instantly, "Hello, Xiao Wang, are you okay?" Chen Qianbei asked hurriedly.

"Hello, I am fine, aunt. Why are you so worried? Did something happen at home?" he asked in reply.

"No, everything is fine. Ushijima Choma told me that you kids defeated a core-formation dark dweller. So, I was worried about you." she replied calmly, yet motherly affection was clear in her voice.

"Hahaha, don't worry, we are all fine," he assured her while scratching his nose sheepishly.

In the hologram, Chen Qianbei could be seen smiling. She would only smile when she was with her closest people.

You Xi Wang asked her, "Aunty, can I ask you to do something for me? You family could not do much in this."

Chen Qianbei said, "Anything for you my son, say what is it that bothers you?"

"I need info on Seedling Incorporation." You Xi Wang said.

"It will be done when you come back, anything else?" Chen Qianbei said in a soft voice. Then You Xi Wang told her about the fight in all glory. His aunt listened with a smile on her face. Then he told her about how he by mistake called Ushijima Choma 'mom'. Chen Qianbei chuckled and told him it is fine, as she will be his mother-in-law.

You Xi Wang talked to her a bit when Celestia ran into the room and hugged Chen Qianbei, she turned and froze when she saw You Xi Wang, who was smiling at her through the hologram. She cheered up, "Big brother, Celes caught you."

You Xi Wang chuckled and nodded as he talked, "I need to go now my little pixie, I will call you in the evening okay?"

Celestia reluctantly agreed, after making her smile with a joke You Xi Wang looked at his aunt and said, "Take care Aunty." Chen Qianbei replied with a smile, "You too, son." and disconnected the call.

After that You Xi Wang looked through the Journal and found nothing more informative, except because Micheal Wistrom was assigned to explore this forest under a project undertaken by Seedling Incorporation, the project was to confirm if there were any rare elixirs in this place.

The journal also mentioned how some strange things, such as people who cannot accomplish some set tasks would vanish from the area along with their families and the common point was the Mirai Group. They were all tasked with some jobs regarding the project undertaken by the Mirai Group.

After he put the journal back in his suit he stood up and picked up his sword and bow while Maya sat on his shoulder. They left to hunt and continued till sunset. They fought some beast but did not kill them. This was his plan, grinding to gain strength. He returned to camp and saw his friends cooking some game they hunted. The group happily ate and after some discussion, Neo went to guard, and others went to meditate.

You Xi Wang had decided to make a breakthrough in the mid-level spirit formation by the end of this camp. He sat on a tree branch and gazed into the big vast sky.

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