A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 55: Discussion And Planning.

The group woke up in the morning looking fresh and energetic. Yuki and Fenny had just taken a quick dip in the river stream. They were girls. Hygiene was a basic necessity for them. The boys were all gathered.

Allan spoke, "Bro, are you sure we can do it?" his question was directed toward You Xi Wang who stood next to him.

The latter nodded. Just as he was about to speak Yuki came to his side and tilted her head as she asked, "Do what?"

You Xi Wang smiled at her and answered, "We all have some weaknesses. So, I thought if you all about a change of style. This way we all can and will take over each other's roles and positions if needed. Also, it will only help us have more attack and defense options."

Fenny spoke, "Baby Wang, an example please, or our muscular kitty will just keep scratching his head." right next to her stood Neo, who was scratching his head

"Let us talk about Allan, he is a medic and is very good for supporting the team in battles. You Xi Wang said, he paused and continued, "If Allan learns close combat then we will have one more attacking possibility in the group."

All of them nodded, Neo asked, "So we all learn new things to hide our weakness and strengthen our team. But won't it deviate us from the path we all have?"

You Xi Wang replied in a calm voice, "We are too inexperienced to walk forward on our path, sometimes taking a few steps back is not a bad thing but it will enable us to see the big picture. It will allow us to see what we are missing."

They all fell silent after that and started thinking about what should they all do. Yuki was the first one. She was too limited in her saber style so she will learn medical aid and short-range support from Allan who will learn close-range fighting from her.

Neo was good with weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and short-range support, so he will learn to snipe while Fenny was weak at close combat so she will learn hand to hand combat from Neo.

In this way, the team was now paired and they will not be clueless about what to do because someone will help them along the ropes. Now only You Xi Wang was alone, and he learned combat without weapons. In his words, he was too dependent on his weapons and had totally no skills in hand to hand combat. He also declared that he will venture out in the forest alone for the remaining camp time, as he needed to learn how to stay alert about his surroundings. He knew that he lacked instincts because he never needed to train them. He was always amidst people who cared for him, but what happened yesterday when he woke up could eventually lead to his death.

He decided and told his friends about his decision. At first, they all protested, but when he gave them a detailed explanation, they all could do nothing but agree reluctantly. They all made preparations to leave for training. They all will meet back here in fifteen days. Meanwhile, they will have to record their progress and share it with each other daily, and they were also required to ask for help in case they come across any dangerous situation.

They all agreed and just when they were about to leave Yuki came to You Xi Wang and pecked his lips after she found that no one was looking towards them, she whispered in his ears, "There will be a big reward when you come back safe, M-Y-D-A-R-L-I-N-G." she said the last words seductively and ran away leaving You Xi Wang in a stupor.

After a few moments when Fenny slapped his back and asked him to take care did he wake up. He thought of what happened in his mind 'Damn this girl is such a fox spirit.'

[And you are like a dog in the heat.] the system retorted sarcastically.

'Huh, says a secondary consciousness.' You Xi Wang lashed back as he took a bag with some supplies and strapped it on his back.

[At least I am not ungrateful like a certain someone who takes my help for granted.] system replied.

'WTF it is your job system, also I can survive on my own too.' You Xi Wang tried to make a comeback.

[Very well, I am now not interfering in your stuff because I need to absorb the soul energy I captured from that Shade. Bye-bye, see you in fifteen days, don't die.] after this system went into a deep sleep. No matter what You Xi Wang said, it did not reply.

Maya was now sitting in a pocket of the bag and was sleeping. You Xi Wang made his way towards the inner section of the first layer to face beasts in the late-stage spirit foundation realm.

Fenny and Neo headed towards the eastern side of the mid-section of the first layer, while Allan and Yuki chose the western part. They were in different directions yet they could rush to each other rather quickly one or two kilometers was not a big deal for them.


A white shadow could be seen flickering in the inner area of the first layer. This figure was of a girl, she had white hair but her face was covered with a veil, at this moment she was battling with a rhinoceros-like beast but it was as big as an elephant, the skin of this beast reflected light as if it was a mirror, yet this girl entered its territory which it did not like.

She was using a long sword to attack this guy, unaware she was about to have a meeting that will change her life.

You Xi Wang was moving through the forest nimbly, and Maya was also jumping from tree to tree behind him. After some time he heard some rumbling roars of a beast and weapon clashing noises, curious, he moved towards the sound. Once he saw the scene, it left him surprised. A girl in white, fighting with a beast called...


That is for the next chapter folks. I would like to thank you all for your support and love. Thank you.

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