A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 43 - Which Kind of Like

Chapter 43 Which Kind of Like
Qin Shu sprained her ankle. It was so swollen that she was unable to walk at all.

Xia Lun was the person who had sprinkled salt onto Qin Shu’s wound. In the end, of course, he was responsible for carrying her back, and he also had to buy her breakfast and deliver the breakfast to her.

Qin Shu lay on his back and began to order bluntly, “Fried pumpkin cake, red date milk, fried dumplings, radish cake, steamed buns… Um, that’s all for the time being. Don’t buy the wrong ones.”

After saying that, her stomach even growled a few times due to hunger.

Qin Shu did not feel embarrassed at all. But Xia Lun laughed heartily and moved her up a little on his back. He said, “You haven’t forgotten to eat when your foot is injured like this. Looks like you’re a real foodie.”

“There’s no logic in your words.” Qin Shu curled her lips and shook her swollen foot. “Now that my foot has been injured, and it won’t heal in a short while, the urgent matter now is to stuff my stomach, then I’d avoid going to the hospital hungry and painful.”

Xia Lun laughed again, with a charming radiance flowing through his long, narrow phoenix eyes.

Qin Shu was puzzled. “What’s so funny about that?”

She felt that it was so easy to reach Xia Lun’s laughing point.

“I think what you said makes sense.” Xia Lun said.

In fact, Xia Lun didn’t understand what he was laughing at, either.

But at this moment, carrying Qin Shu who had sprained her ankle on his back, he felt a sense of happiness in his heart. It was as if every word she said was very pleasant to hear, and the air in the early morning was even fresher than usual.

Although he and Qin Shu had only seen each other a few times, each time he was deeply impressed.

The first time he met her was in a western restaurant. Xia Lun followed Ling Mohan on a mission to secretly investigate the spies of the Rose Organization who were hiding in City Lin.

At that time, Qin Shu was being harassed by a dressy, foppish playboy. Xia Lun was surprised that his boss would actually help her and break that man’s arm.

Then, he saw Qin Shu who had a beautiful side face, and he teased her like what he usually did to beautiful girls.

It was purely his habit, even though it was very frivolous in the eyes of others.

Who would have thought that Qin Shu didn’t get annoyed, instead, she smiled at him, and the pair of her smiling, blossom eyes were engraved into Xia Lun’s mind like that.

At that moment, Xia Lun felt that Qin Shu was the same kind of person as him.

This was very interesting.

After that, the two of them drank tequila wine in the bar. Qin Shu wasn’t affected at all. The way she drank the wine was so natural and unstrained that people would feel that watching her drink was like enjoying a kind of beautiful scenery.

Unexpectedly, however, Xia Lun didn’t expect that Qin Shu’s drinking capacity was so bad. This was quite an unexpected small surprise to him.

Then it was the night before yesterday, he met her again when his boss was chased by the assassins of the Rose Organization. The military vehicle crashed into the railing and almost flipped over.

In that situation, an ordinary woman would have been scared out of her wits. It would be impossible for an ordinary woman to calmly call for help and send her location to his phone clearly and accurately.

This reminded Xia Lun of when they were attacked in the garage earlier. Although Qin Shu was scared to half death, she was calmer than most people. She even helped them open the car door and let everyone return to the car smoothly.

At that time, Xia Lun appreciated Qin Shu very much.

But now, Xia Lun was already a little confused as to whether he appreciated Qin Shu or had any other feelings to her.

He was always a casual person and didn’t bother to think further. He only thought that Qin Shu was interesting and bold. He liked to get along with such a woman.

However, what was the relationship between boss and Qin Shu?

With the thought flashing through his mind again, Xia Lun asked jokingly, “Are you our boss’s girlfriend?”

This question was very abrupt to Qin Shu. She wouldn’t be bothered to answer it if it was someone else asked it.

However, Xia Lun was quite pleasing to the eye. She felt that although he looked unconventional and unrestrained like a playboy who loved dating beautiful women, when she gradually got along with and knew him, she found he was very reliable, and he was indeed worthy of being a special forces soldier.

“I’m not that bastard’s girlfriend.” Qin Shu was angry when she thought about what happened this morning. She naturally wasn’t happy when Xia Lun mentioned Ling Mohan. “Currently, I’m only one of his soldiers. Otherwise, how would I have been trained like this by him?”

Qin Shu felt like she was a dog from exhaustion.

“His soldier?” Xia Lun was doubtful.

“Yes.” Qin Shu was depressed. “Fortunately, I’m a skirmisher, not the regular army. Or I would have definitely been enrolled in military training just like you.”

If Ling Mohan hadn’t forced her to marry him, why would she have trained so hard to protect herself? It was all Ling Mohan’s fault.

Tyrannical and unreasonable bastard!

For some reason, when Xia Lun heard that she was not Ling Mohan’s girlfriend, his feeling of pleasure rose a little again.

After carrying Qin Shu back, he happily said, “Wait me for ten minutes, I promise I’ll buy back all the food you want for breakfast.”

“Go ahead, quickly.” Qin Shu waved at him.

Xia Lun walked away light-footedly.

Qin Shu learned from the guard who was standing guard that Ling Mohan had returned for breakfast then left, and she couldn’t help but feel angry in her heart.

But on second thought, she believed this was clearly a good thing.

Now, she and Ling Mohan had reached an agreement that they were husband and wife in front of the Ling family, but in private, they were superior and subordinate.

Ling Mohan could no longer use their conjugal relation as an excuse to take liberties with her. Besides, she did not need to worry that one day Ling Mohan would force to sleep with her driven by his brutish nature.

Well, it was just the price she paid was very tragic. In the future, she would receive Ling Mohan’s inhuman training every morning!

Forget it, there are gains and losses.

Qin Shu quickly adjusted her state of mind and lay comfortably on the sofa, waiting for breakfast.

Of course, her ankle still hurt a lot!

Ten minutes later, Xia Lun returned with a large bag of freshly baked food in his hand. They were all bought according to Qin Shu’s request, and he also ordered two more yam porridge.

Xia Lun hadn’t had breakfast yet, either. The two of them sat facing each other together and began to immerse themselves in food without trying to eat elegantly or reservedly.

Dining with the special forces soldier had one benefit that there was no need to be too constrained. At the very least, there was no need to be like dining with Qi Mingran who required her to eat decently and who wouldn’t allow her to eat even a little faster.

Qin Shu really had enough of that.

After finishing the yam porridge, Qin Shu felt comfortable in her stomach and began to slowly eat other food.

Occasionally, she would look up at Xia Lun. She discovered that the way he ate was the same as Ling Mohan—this was how soldiers did. They acted quickly on everything, even it was eating. Moreover, they ate cleanly and did not waste anything at all.

After breakfast, Qin Shu called Lin Xian to ask for leave. She told him that she had sprained her ankle and needed to go to the hospital.

Lin Xian approved, but before hanging up the phone, he reminded, “Don’t forget the intern exam next week. You are the one I recruited. If you dare to humiliate me by then, I’ll kick you out with one foot. I’ll even deduct your salary and compensate me for my training fees!”

This threat was formidable.

However, it also showed that Lin Xian quite appreciated her and hoped she could stay.

As long as Qin Shu passed the intern exam, Lin Xian would definitely not hinder her. He would surely rate her usual intern performance as outstanding. Then, Qin Shu would be able to stay.

Qin Shu was not stupid. She immediately understood what Lin Xian meant, so she patted her chest and guaranteed, “Boss, don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you.”

Lin Xian was very satisfied with her answer. “Go to the hospital now. Come to work tomorrow. I still have a lot of things for you to do.”

After hanging up the phone, Qin Shu lifted her ankle and showed it to Xia Lun. “See, my foot is swollen like this, who should be responsible for it?”

Xia Lun said, “You.”

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. She pretended to be angry and was about to kick him. “How dare you pass the buck? You lied to me that you have received professional training. But you exerted too much strength and almost broke my foot.”

Xia Lun was afraid that Qin Shu’s injury would get worse, so when she kicked, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her foot reflexively.

Soldiers were like this, and their reaction ability was simply too great!

The skin beneath his palm was smooth and exquisite. It felt like jade, pearl, and like an electric shock.

Xia Lun quickly let go of her ankle and said innocently, “It’s because you have such a slender ankle.”

“That sounds like you’re very reasonable.” Qin Shu complained.

In the end, of course, Xia Lun took Qin Shu to the Military General Hospital. He didn’t need to carry out any missions today and had plenty of time for Qin Shu to order.

Along the way, the two of them could chat about many topics. They chatted nonsense and made fun of each other. It wasn’t that boring.

It wasn’t like with Ling Mohan, whose emotions were unpredictable. One moment, his face was cold and he didn’t say anything, and the other moment, he took advantage of her recklessly.

Most of the time, she and Ling Mohan were arguing each other.

Wait, something seems wrong. Why am I thinking of Ling Mohan again? That domineering bastard, just get out of my head quickly.

Qin Shu tried her best to throw Ling Mohan’s handsome, cold face out of her mind. She thought to herself that Ling Mohan and Xia Lun were both special forces soldiers, but why was the difference between them so big? It was Xia Lun who was fit to be a friend.

She and Xia Lun had obviously only met a few times, but they were surprised to be in harmony, and they shared the same views on many issues.

Judging from this feeling, the two of them were actually the same kind of person in their nature.

However, at this moment, Qin Shu did not realize that there was something wrong with her thoughts. For example, she and Ling Mohan were not friends at all.

Xia Lun’s father was an orthopedic specialist from the Military General Hospital. Xia Lun had already told Qin Shu’s situation to his father on the way.

Father Xia was wearing a white coat over a military uniform. He was around forty years old.

He looked upright with a pair of straight eyebrows, and he had the demeanor of a military doctor. It was hard to imagine that Xia Lun was his son.

After all, when Xia Lun didn’t need to carry out a mission, he was too unrestrained.

Qin Shu was arranged to take photos to see if her bones were injured.

Xia Lun sat casually on the desk, with his fingers turning a pen uneasily.

Father Xia frowned discontentedly. “Look your way of behaving, stand properly!”

“I just relax occasionally.” Xia Lun shrugged.

Even he said so, he still stood up. However, even though he wore a military uniform, his excessively beautiful face was not tough enough. If Xia Lun hadn’t had the heroic aura of a soldier between his brows, no one would have believed that he was actually a soldier from the famous wild wolf special forces.

Father Xia felt helpless and changed the topic. He asked, “Do you like that girl?”

“Do you mean Qin Shu?” Xia Lun asked. But without waiting for Father Xia to reply, he continued by himself, “It depends on what kind of like you mean.”

“Stop talking nonsense.” Father Xia scolded his son and he thought of another thing, “No matter what kind of like it is, this girl is not suitable for you. Let me ask you, have you contacted Nanya recently?”

Xia Lun immediately understood what Father Xia meant. He walked over to the sofa and sat down before slowly saying, “Why should I contact her? It’s not like you don’t know that your proud student is a famous lady of ice in the military. She wholeheartedly likes our boss. Isn’t it annoying for me to approach her? ”

Ji Nanya was an outstanding military doctor, and was also Father Xia’s proud student.

Father Xia wanted to set up a relationship between his son and Ji Nanya, but Xia Lun was not interested.

Just as Father Xia was about to speak, Xia Lun interrupted him again, “Please don’t say that our boss is not interested in Doctor Ji. He just didn’t say it out. Otherwise, with the boss’s cold and heartless temperament, would he allow the lady of ice to appear beside him again and again? Therefore, you should stop asking me to be the bad person. I don’t want to snatch a woman from the boss. I don’t have that much interest in your proud student, either.”

Outside the consulting room, Qin Shu was about to push open the door when she heard these words.

It turned out that Ling Mohan had a lady of ice in his heart.

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