A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 44 - They Are Most Disdainful of the Yearning Between Lovers

Chapter 44 They Are Most Disdainful of the Yearning Between Lovers
Qin Shu couldn’t tell what she was feeling in her heart. She stood at the door and was stunned for a while. It was only when the nurse reminded her that she pushed the door open and walked in as if nothing had happened.

Xia Lun and Father Xia stopped their conversation and turned to the X-ray film that Qin Shu had taken.

Fortunately, there were no bone fractures, only ankle sprains.

“Have more rest during this period of time. Try to reduce your activities.”

Father Xia told Qin Shu after watching the X-ray film. “You’ve just sprained your ankle, so it’s not appropriate to have a massage treatment. Wait for 24 hours and apply ice cubes to the injury. Then after 48 hours, apply some medicines that can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.”

He prescribed some external medicine for Qin Shu and told them to go to the pharmacy on the first floor to collect the medicine.

Qin Shu had planned to drop by to see Grandpa Ling. But considering her foot injury, she was afraid that the old man might be worried to see her like this.

She could only give up this idea and asked Xia Lun to send her home to rest.

On their way back, Xia Lun saw that Qin Shu’s mood was not so cheerful. He thought that she was worried about her injured ankle, so he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the injury is very light, you will be fine in a few days. You also receive a handsome special forces soldier as your chauffeur for free.”

“Pah, why didn’t you say that you’ve got a great beauty as your passenger?” Speaking of shamelessness, Qin Shu was not inferior in any respect.

Xia Lun curled his lips and said, “Alright, it’s my honor to be the chauffeur of great beauty Qin.”

Qin Shu snorted and smiled. She casually turned on the car radio, then a soft and gentle Chinese song flowed out slowly.

“What of lovesickness

No one cares since long ago

Lying drunken in a sleepless city

With neon rays shining everywhere

And wine filling up the glass with overflowing amorous charm

They are most willing to forget the ancient poems

They are most disdainful of the yearning between lovers

I stay in love, fearful of being laughed

I’m afraid they will see me through.”

This was a song from a long time ago, which was sentimental and mixed with a trace of sadness. The song could easily arouse deep thoughts in one’s heart.

Qin Shu happened to have this song on her phone. She had heard it countless times and was incomparably familiar with every lyrics and melody.

“They are most disdainful of the yearning between lovers. I stay in love, fearful of being laughed; I’m afraid they will see me through.” She hummed several sentences along with the music and repeated these words three times in her heart. After she finished, she suddenly felt funny and couldn’t help laughing at herself.

When she was listening to this song, she actually thought of Ling Mohan. It was indeed very ridiculous and ironic.

In the past three years, she had clearly hated him, blamed him, and wished to stay far away from him.

But when she learned from Xia Lun that Ling Mohan and the beautiful military doctor loved each other, Qin Shu couldn’t help but feel an unspeakable pain in her heart.

This kind of pain came for no reason. It wasn’t necessarily that intense, but it was shallow and faintly lingered in Qin Shu’s heart, making her feel a little annoyed.

How could she and Ling Mohan be with each other?

Even if Qin Shu did not hate Ling Mohan for his leaving three years ago, as long as what happened later after that was exposed, she would not be able to give Grandpa Ling a reasonable explanation.

Truth will come to light sooner or later.

Qin Shu knew very well that if she continued to entangle herself with Ling Mohan, some things were bound to be exposed one day.

By that time, how could she face herself? It was actually better to extinguish her ridiculous thought from the beginning.

“You seem to have something on your mind.” At the traffic light, Xia Lun suddenly spoke and interrupted Qin Shu’s thoughts. He tapped the steering wheel gently with his fingers. “How about this, besides being a chauffeur for free, I’ll also be your bosom brother. What do you think?”

Qin Shu glanced at him and laughed. “I think it’s not that good. You might as well be a chauffeur. Hey, it’s green light. Hurry up and send me back. I want to rest for a while.”

Xia Lun regretted a bit for not being able to trick Qin Shu into a heart-to-heart talk. “Too bad you missed a handsome and considerate bosom brother from special forces.”

Qin Shu grumbled, “You should be ashamed of yourself. I haven’t held you responsible for my foot injury yet.”

This guy acted as a military doctor at one time and an experienced chauffeur at another, and now he dared to be her bosom brother. It sounded like a big gray wolf coaxing Little Red Cap, and she simply couldn’t bear to look at him directly.

Xia Lun was not ashamed at all. “I was doing this for the sake of you.”

Qin Shu was reluctant to talk to him anymore. She yawned and leaned back on her seat to rest with closed eyes.

Qin Shu had been wakened up by Ling Mohan early that day to do the morning training and ran ten more laps than usual. At this moment, she was really tired.

Not long after, she actually fell asleep.

Xia Lun couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard the light snoring from the side. Then, he let out a pleasant chuckle in his throat.

Who would expect that not only did Qin Shu drink poorly, she would also snore in her sleep?

Xia Lun looked at her quiet sleeping face. For the first time, he felt girls who snored lightly could be so cute.

Yes, cute.

Perhaps this word was not suitable for Qin Shu, but Xia Lun just wanted to describe her like this.

When he was waiting for another traffic light, Xia Lun suddenly thought of something and took out his mobile phone to record this video of Qin Shu sleeping.

Qin Shu was completely unaware that her skeleton in the closet was exposed to and recorded by the other party.

Actually, she didn’t usually snore during her sleep, unless she was extremely sleepy. Of course, she herself didn’t know this and thought she always slept without snoring.

Once they reached the military compound, the car stopped and Qin Shu woke up in a daze. Without thinking, she stretched out her hand and said, “Little Xia, help me out of the car.”

Xia Lun had just cut the engine when he heard this, and he almost stepped on the accelerator again.

He turned around and looked at Qin Shu whose eyes were still closed, but the car door on the other side had been opened by her. She lifted her slender arm in the air softly, waiting for Xia Lun to help her out of the car.

Xia Lun chuckled softly. “Alright, Your Majesty, I’ll help you out of the car and go back to rest.”

Qin Shu snorted and was satisfied.

Actually, Qin Shu wasn’t to blame for giving orders to Xia Lun like this. In the first place, this guy volunteered to help her correct her bones. But rather than fix the problem, he almost broke her foot.

Qin Shu would of course not easily forgive him.

Secondly, when Qin Shu was asleep in the car, she dreamed that she became an empress. There was also an honorable Imperial Concubine surnamed Ji who was being favored by the emperor. Imperial Concubine Ji and the emperor loved each other dearly. Qin Shu’s status as the empress was at stake, and she was probably going to be cast into the cold palace.

In her dream, Xia Lun became a eunuch who served Qin Shu. He said with a high-pitched tone, “Your Majesty, don’t hold anything on your mind. Little Xia is willing to share your worries.”

That’s how Xia Lun, a soldier from the magnificent wild wolf special forces, was called Little Xia by Qin Shu.

After Xia Lun carried Qin Shu back to the villa, he received a call from the army. “Yes, I’ll set off immediately!”

He said to Qin Shu, “I’ve got an urgent mission from the army. I’ll go back first. Take a good rest.”

Qin Shu did not ask what the urgent mission was. She nodded and said, “Alright, hurry up and go.”

Xia Lun strode out. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around to smile at Qin Shu meaningfully. “Your Majesty, Little Xia will come back to serve you later.”

Qin Shu sneered. “Who cares? Hurry up and leave.”

Xia Lun subconsciously wanted to answer “I care”, but he was shocked when the words were at the tip of his tongue. He quickly swallowed them back.

He was truly acting like a maniac!

After Xia Lun left, Qin Shu returned to the guest room and continued to sleep. She did not get up until noon. After that, she jumped outside to ask the guard to buy lunch for her.

After lunch, Qin Shu stayed in the study room to study and prepare for the intern exam next week.

The assessment of military industry group was very strict and difficult. Any intern who failed the assessment, no matter how good their usual performance was, would be denied the final offer.

Therefore, Qin Shu did not dare to take a casual attitude.

The study room was shared by her and Ling Mohan.

On the first day of her moving in, Ling Mohan told her severely that she could read the books on the open bookshelves freely in the study, but the rest could not be touched without permission. Otherwise, she would be disposed of according to “military law”!

Ling Mohan’s study room was very large, occupying an entire half-story space. There were all kinds of books on display, which covered various fields, including humanities, geography, military, art of war, politics, and so on. Qin Shu’s eyes were dazzled when she looked at these books.

The locked bookcase was made of special materials. It was fireproof, waterproof, and lightning-proof. Ling Mohan kept the key, so no one else could open it.

Qin Shu was not a spy, so there was no need for her to bother to find out what secrets were inside. She just sat on the sofa in the study and studied peacefully.

The dusk fell before she realized she had studied for a long time. The afterglow of the setting sun shone in from the windowsill, illuminating the study in a faint golden color.

Qin Shu stood up and stretched herself. She strolled around the study and finally came to Ling Mohan’s black wooden desk.

The desk was tidied up neatly and free from dust.

There was a pen container, a folder, a thick armaments book, and a Swiss army knife on the desk. Besides these, there were no other superfluous items.

Qin Shu stared at the folder on the desk and found that every document was neatly packed, with the edges and corners aligned without any deviations. It was simply like that they were sorted out by a machine.

“Tsk, this bastard’s obsessive compulsive disorder is very serious.”

Qin Shu muttered to herself, then she sat down on the leather rotating chair and casually picked up the armaments book.

Just as she was about to flip through the book, something suddenly fell out and landed beside her feet.

It was a photo with its back facing upwards.

Qin Shu picked it up and turned it over.

She was stunned.

In the photo, a man and a woman were standing face to face. Their postures didn’t show any intimacy, but they were close to each other, as if they were chatting.

The man was dressed in a military green uniform of special forces soldiers. He was tall and robust, and had a gun in his hand. His posture looked casual, but in reality, he was vigilant.

This was the way special forces soldiers would behave. No matter where they were or when it was, they would not relax. Even when they were sleeping, they would maintain part of their vigilance.

This man was very familiar to Qin Shu. It was Ling Mohan, whom she hated so much that she’d grit her teeth tightly when speaking out his name.

Ling Mohan in the photo looked younger than he was now, but his temperament was cold and steady. His handsome side face exuded a unique charm, and the domineering and savage aura that came with him seemed overflow from the photo.

Qin Shu used her finger to flick on the man’s head in the photo. She muttered, “You were so wildly arrogant before. Looks like you really haven’t changed at all.”

Qin Shu’s gaze fell on the woman opposite Ling Mohan in the photo. Although the woman only revealed her side face, Qin Shu suddenly remembered the words that Xia Lun had mentioned to her: lady of ice.

The woman in this photo looked very aloof. Her side face was picturesque, and her temperament was like a snow lotus that was far and unreachable on the high mountains. Even though there was a trace of a smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked cold and alienated.

However, there was always a strange induction between women. Just like now, when Qin Shu looked at this lady of ice, she had an intuition that Xia Lun was right. The woman definitely liked Ling Mohan!

As for Ling Mohan, Qin Shu could not see him through, nor could she guess.

However, she suddenly remembered that Ling Mohan seemed to like this armaments book very much and would read it whenever he was free.

He put this photo of him and the woman inside the book, so was he reading the book or looking at the photo?

For a moment, Qin Shu’s mood was somewhat depressed, then she slowly put the photo back…

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