A Fathers Wrath

Branch 1: Theovald


"Goddess, please let her be okay."


A wet dirt road twisting and turning through rocky wooded hills. The hooves of dozens of warhorses pounding across damp earth. Heavily armed and armored riders spurring their mounts onward. Both riders and steeds push themselves beyond their limits.

Brightening sky as the heavy laden clouds move eastward beyond the highlands. The scents of soaked pine and soil fills the air.

Light glints off steel plates and lanceheads. Drenched cloaks and banners flail in the wind. On surcoats, shields and pennants is emblazoned a gold rose on a white field.

Another quiet mumbling prayer.

“The pit take this damned trail!”

Another not-so-quiet curse.

While famous, the remote Saint Sanriel Cathedral gets few pilgrims. So this route's “condition,” in disrepair and lacking proper drainage, is what you would expect for one days from the nearest town and not part of any trade route.

Blessedly, today’s rains weren't heavy enough to turn the road into a muddy quagmire. Nor wash away parts of it, completely.

"Captain! Prepare yourself! She may already be defiled!"

Advice shouted by one of his subordinates brings the officer leading this charge no comfort. They have all seen atrocities over the years. Taken part in them too. If the expedition was truly ambushed? It's defenders overwhelmed? The results could be very grim indeed.

A panicked messenger from the church had caught everyone off guard. The best and brightest of the kingdom, and its allies, were taking part in the quest. Any demonic incursion should be easily crushed.

However, an oracle suddenly had a vision of them all falling. Together. In a great temple. Lost forever. So those who could be dispatched immediately, were. More following as soon as able.

“I do not care Regohn! If there is any chance she lives? I will save her this time!”

Even “soiled” survivors could still find peace in a convent. Assisting oracles, copying books, making clothes. Anything, even death, was better than being dragged away to Drasritor.

Cape and caparison billowing. The worried knight’s desperate run continues.

Airnett, Theovald (male, human, tourinese)

  • worried knight

Apenstoe, Regohn (male, human, tourinese)

  • worried knight's knight friend

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