A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 3: Heart to Heart

---Little Later But Still Earlier---

“What a shit-hole.”


Place was probably a nice cathedral, once upon a time. Now? Broken columns, collapsed walls, shattered windows, and bodies. Lots and lots of bodies. Or parts thereof. So much gore and blood that there are actual puddles of it.

*krakow* *rumble* *whir* *patpitpat*

Atmosphere is wet and heavy thanks to a storm outside. Huh, didn't even notice it before. Thank god the roof is, mostly, intact. I'm covered in “bad guy” blood and guts, but at least I'm not being rained on.

Wait, rain? Sweet!

Quickly navigate to under one of the larger holes in the roof. Letting the deluge wash over me. Keeping my mouth open to collect and swallow mouthfuls of it.

Cold, really cold, but I don't care. Anything to flush some of the blood and guts off me. Plus cure this cottonmouth. Viva el agua!

Butt naked, soaking wet, and holding up a sword with each hand. Yep, I'm the very picture of mental health. Would fit right into a painting by Norman Rockwell.

Or Boris Vallejo.

Finally rinsed off somewhat, I explore a little. But it swiftly becomes clear.

"What a slaughter."

Dozens of ex medieval looking dudes and former demon date rapers, or pieces of, are scattered about. But you guessed it, not a single gun in sight. There are swords, spears, axes, maces, bows, chain mail, plate, leather, etc, etc... Zero fucking firearms.

Would really feel better with an assault rifle in my hands plus a few thousand rounds of 556 right now.

At least the storm outside keeps the light low. So the gross details of this slaughterhouse are not too visible. Doesn't help with the smell though.

The brimstone and sex smell is quickly overwhelmed by the stench of blood, gore, and feces.

Have to be careful stepping over remains and rubble. Really don’t want to survive that fight just to roll an ankle or fall in, ew, whatever that is.

“Hello? Anyone alive?”

Can't continue my murder spree until I find more people to murder.

Walk through a garden of gore. Looking in rooms, down hallways, around walls and rubble. Anyone here is automatically on my kill list. Any of them could have been part of the summoning. However, it seems these guys were super polite and killed each other off first.

And they say chivalry is dead.

Only survivors appear to be the half dozen date rape club girls. Sisterhood of the ripping pants. Whatever they had been wearing? To shreds you say. Their battered “fun bits,” exposed for all to see. All of them are beat up, cut up, and a couple, still tied up.

Take care of the ropes with a knife I find amidst the carnage.

“[Touch of Menerva]”

Fortunately, the first cheat power I took from angel tits was [Recovery Magic]. Meaning I'm a wiz with healing spells.

You're a medic, Harry.

So patch them up enough to keep them alive. At least until I kill them. Need to find out what happened here and dead folks don't talk a lot. Unless I isekaied into Medieval CSI world.


Admit that taking my own turn with these, uh, ladies did cross my mind but... Well? Even after magic first aid?

The gal squad ain’t in good shape.

Those demons “equipment,” was proportionally sized and it looks like “playtime” had gone on for a while. So, every part that could be used? Has been. Every part that could be broken? Has been. Destroyed even.

Just... Nasty...

Drag the used and abused behind the stone altar I appeared on. Giving them more shelter from the wind and rain. Alright, let's start the interrogation. Or, at least, try too?

*snap* *snap*

“Hello? McFly?”

Geesh. The lights are on, but nobody's home.

Now I know about “mind break,” but I've never actually seen it. Mind break, mind control, brainwashing, etc... All hentai staples.

Actually seeing it in person though?

Disturbing. Not sexy at all. Two are even still, ew, twitching. All of them are, ugh, leaking. Their eyes are trembling but, empty. Unfocused.

Then I notice something.

Each girl has a barely visible “glow,” around their head. Like a mist or fog. Into each runs a tiny stream, trickling through the air. So small. So tiny. Nearly invisible. Might be, to most folks. And the source of those little rivulets? Is behind me-


Now I always try to give credit where credit is due. And this bitch? Fast. Really fast. The instant I realize there is someone hiding behind me? She bolts.

Doesn't even try to fight. Just runs like hell. Or in this case, flaps.

Why didn't I notice her before? Some stealth magic thing? Isekai ninja? Was she wearing a ghillie suit?

Unfortunately, for her. I'm faster. Still juiced. Not by much though, but enough. Got a grip on an ankle just as she's swooping through the collapsed part of an outer wall. Then unearthly words slip through her lips.

"̵͇̰̹̩̦̐̽́͛͝[̷̰̘̪̻̗̑̍͐͒̚M̴̢̪̹̪̞̓̿̉̆͠į̷̧̧̦̆̄̉͌͘͜n̴͍͙͍̺̮̾̿͐̂͝d̸̞̰̫̜̮̄̅̕͝͝ ̸̲̮͔͇̠̿͊̈̈́̕M̵̟̘̻̆̌̊͗̕͜͜i̷̜̩̜͙̖͂̓́̌͠ş̸̬̝̣͗̍̃̃́ͅẗ̶̢̝͇̬̼́͑͋̅̈́]̴̼̬̱͕̭̌̃́̃̓"̵̥͍̣̼͓̐̿̑̄̑


Huh. First time having non zappy magic used on me. My thoughts seem… sluggish? Hard to think but… I can trust this lady. Right? She looks respectable enough. Anything she says surely won't be used against me in a court of la-

*crack* *pting*

Eh? Oh… Oh! Grrr. Honey, you done fucked up now.

That was, uh, uncomfortable. A mind control spell maybe? Whatever it was, it failed. For a moment… felt kind of like someone trying to stuff an ocean into a tea cup. But the cup? Broke.


Desperately flappin and pullin, bitch coughs up blood. Could actually sense her soul shudder when whatever that was kicked back on her.

Still have a good grip on her ankle though and I'm not about to give this skank another chance. Guess it's time for batting practice again.

*shpak* *shohk* *crunch* *shmok*

Start swinging the whore around like a brat with a bat in a mailbox store. Wacking her into the floor, walls, even columns, as I walk back towards the altar.

By the time I get there? She is banged up, bleeding, and knocked the fuck out. Now this slut looks like something, a succubus, that I could have fun with.

Sadly, with her now unconscious state? The tiny rivulets of probably magic stuff connecting her to the mistreated teens dries up as the glows on their noggins fade. Wonder what will-


Christ… So. Much. Screaming.

While slutty demon’s voodoo apparently made any desire to keep their knees together go away? Seems the memories of what followed. Remain.


What a shitty world.

“Huh. No lizards.”

Storm outside is breaking up, Letting more light into this wrecked church. Can see how artsy fartsy the place once was. Carvings on the columns. Art on the walls. Even had fancy stained glass windows with pictures in them. Bet it was, like, super holy and stuff.

Before it became a battlefield.

Looks kind of… Notre Dame-ish? A post-apocalypse version of it at least.

With more light I can also better see the girls I've pulled over behind the altar. Usual fantasy mix, I think, but none of them have scales. You know, there were no lizard looking “demons” either. Meh… Probably doesn't mean anything.

The scalies, like furies but even creepier, are going to be disappointed. Well let's compare. At least as well as I can, considering the condition they are in.

Cross my arms. I’ve set the swords a bit away since I don’t want to get stabbed by any of them. Then start tapping my chin and focus on the ladies.

None of the others look like the whore I met first.

While short, probably only five feet, easy elf has an hourglass figure and heart shaped face. Giant juicy round breasts and a just as big round bottom. Deep blue eyes and long sliver hair with white skin. Plus those long pointed swept out ears.

Next one fits the fantasy “dwarf” stereotype.

Short and thick, gotta be less than four and a half feet, with a rectangular body and square face. Plump east west boobs and a square rear. Short copper hair with silver eyes and light brown skin. No points on her ears and one of them is even torn.

One thing to note, her facial features are very, well, “rounded.” Even has a bulbous nose.

Third in line fits the fantasy “elf” stereotype.

Tall and skinny, maybe six and a half feet, with a rectangular figure and diamond shaped face. Tight side set breasts with a heart shaped butt. Long blue hair with gold eyes and white skin. Her ears are pointed but shorter than the other elf's and swept back instead of out.

In contrast, the elf’s face is much more, uh, angular. Forming a sort of V. Her eyes, eyebrows, even mouth, are slanted. Pointed.

Four and five look like regular “humans.”

Four is a little over five feet, with a spoon body and round face. Small tear drop boobs and a sizable v-shaped end. Curly short brown hair with brown eyes and beige skin.

Five is over five and a half feet, with an hourglass figure and a triangle face. Busty bell shaped tits and a firm heart curved ass. Curly long blond hair, grey eyes, and fair skin.

And the sixth is a… cat person?

Nearly six feet tall, she has a triangular body and oval face. With tight athletic breasts and v-shaped butt. Short reddish orange fur covers most of her except for her chest and stomach. Red eyes and white skin with fuzzy pointy swept up ears and a fuzzy tail.

While I call the hooker an elf? I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe she's a half-elf? Part-time pointy eared prostitute? Are the elves in this fantasy world supposed to be tall? Short? Both?

“Aaahh!” “Waaahh!” “No no no no.”

Whatever she is or isn't. She seems to be the leader of this brothel bunch. While others are screaming, crying, hair pulling, or just shutting down? She’s gotten up and started stripping the least damaged clothing from the various corpses.

What a bizarre scene.

Desecration. Screaming. Crying. The reek of blood, feces, and sex. And amidst it all is this silent caretaker. Quietly walking back and forth. Collecting clothes from a garden of gore.


Easy elf ignores me. Using the wet stained rags to cover the exposed privates of herself and the others. Then? Begins comforting them. Whispering and hugging. Apologizing?

Honestly? Not sure what to do now. Take a nap?

*blegh* *cough* *blegh* *hack* *blegh*

Mister body settles for throwing up. A lot. Drop to all fours and empty my entire stomach on the floor. Yeah, I may be an asshole? But I am not a badass. Really. I’m a reasonable guy. I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things. And what I've done is too much to expect from anyone.


Stomach finally finishes emptying itself, the heaving ends, and I look up to see the half-elf, on her knees, facing me.

She’s clenching her fists. Eyes tearing up. Lips trembling. Then, after quite the buildup, she screams.



Uh, awkward, party of two?

Well, at least I understand her language. Think it's the same one demon boy used. Shared common tongue? Doesn’t sound like any language I recognize though. Should be grateful they aren't all speaking japanese.

“Come again?”

Yuck. Hate that vomit taste. Really wish I had some whiskey right now.

She bends all the way down now. What's this called? Kowtowing? Right? Yikes, you know how filthy this floor is? It’s wet and slimy from blood, gore and whatever was in my belly. Uh oh. Shit. Is the entire planet like this?

Easy elf continues.

“Th-this should not have... W-we... I... d-defiled in front of you... W-what... must think of us…” Stuttering girl, stutters.

Fuck this. “Send me back.”

Whatever scraps of dignity she somehow miraculously had left? Crumbles.

“P-please… S-save us…” Now she starts sobbing?

“No thanks. Send me home. Now.” She can't be dumb enough to think I would stay.

“I a-am sorry but, I… c-cannot…” Boy she's bawling a lot. Blubbering. Speaking through tears and snot. “It t-took... Weeks t-to prepare the ritual. D-days to ca-cast.” Cute, titan tits might be finally getting a clue. “Please... h-hero... save-”

“I'm not your hero.”

“W-what?” Maybe she's not that bright after all.

Her now tilting head shows that one of her ears has a bite taken out of it. Still bleeding a bit too.

“While you were spreading your legs for the horny family?” Look at that flinch. “The summoning missed.” Confused. “You didn't get a hero, sugar tits.” Lean back and spread my arms for dramatic effect. “You got me.”

Bet I look super cool kneeling on the floor, with my arms spread, and leaning back against some rubble. Total antihero pose. Or super gross since I'm naked, in a puddle of blood and puke. With chunks of flesh and bone laying around. Cool, is that part of Raper 1's head?

No! Don't pick it up! Keep looking cool. Uh… How long do I need to keep this pose?

Elf tits looks at me like she has no clue what the fuck is going on. Maybe she really is just an innocent bystander. Blind date gone epically wrong. Bad tinder match. Coworker said she knew-

“Y-you're not x̴̺̪̲̫͕̀̾̔̽͐x̴̧̱̺͍͓͊̅͋͋͒x̴̢͎͈̜̀̅́̈́̈́͜x̶̧̳̫̖͕̂̑̇̍͝x̴͇͉̦̣̲̔̂̅͘̕?”

As soon as my son's name left her mouth? I'm moving. Grabbing the knife I used earlier. How does this bitch know his name? Is she to blame? Don’t recall isekais knowing the name of who they summoned. How the fuck does she know my son’s name!?!


The nicked and bent blade meets little resistance as it slices through the scraps she's wearing, cuts into bruised skin, and stabs deep into her waist.

As the pain registers in her shocked eyes I give her my best “fuck you” smile.

“Found you, bitch.”

Angelles, Avalina Faphyri (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • 5', 21 years
  • hourglass body, heart face, large round breasts, round butt
  • blue eyes, straight long silver hair, white skin, long swept out ears

Lucretia, Viridia (female, human, aquecian)

  • 5'6", 30 years
  • hourglass body, triangle face, large bell breasts, medium heart butt
  • grey eyes, long curly blond hair, fair skin.

Mudarmour, Darabym (female, dwarf, thuriborn)

  • 4'5", 50+ years
  • rectangular body, square face, medium east-west breasts, small square butt
  • silver eyes, short curly copper hair, light brown skin

Olete (female, human, turinese)

  • 5'2", 24 years
  • spoon body, round face, small tear-drop breasts, medium v-shaped butt
  • brown eyes, short curly brown hair, beige skin

Seylia (female, beastkin, barbarian)

  • 5'10", 19 years
  • triangular body, oval face, athletic breasts, v-shaped butt
  • red eyes, short reddish orange fur, white skin, fuzzy swept up ears, fuzzy tail

Trarendore, Chyal Elir Siora (female, elf, granyan)

  • 6'4", 300+ years
  • rectangular body, diamond face, small side-set breasts, small heart butt
  • gold eyes, long straight blue hair, white skin, short swept back ears

Zuzzoros, Khirsa (female, demon-human, drasritorn)

  • "Succubus, Slutty demon"

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