A Fathers Wrath

Branch 3: Hitomi


The splash of water.  Laughter of women.  Moans of massaged bodies.  Scent of perfumed oils and soaps.  Chatter of gossip.  Murmurs of conspiracy.  Smells of steam and sweat.  Gentle music of strings.

Welcome to the Knight Maiden’s Parlor.

Famous for its magical mineral baths, the waiting list for this exclusive women-only spa is months long.  Of course the owner is no fool.  Space is always set aside for regulars and “special” guests.

Like the harem of the “northern barbarian” who obliterated the strongest noble house in Raelera just a month earlier.  And who now pretty much owns the whole county.

Even if, officially, this adopted son of House Lianlaf is still “title-less.”

Unlike public baths, the Parlor is not a U shaped structure designed to channel bathers from entrance to exit.  Instead it is a walled complex of buildings within a large, very well tended, garden.

Matrons move from building to building for treatments.  Relaxing and snacking among the gardens in between while they wait.  Marble columns, statues, and fountains, contrast sharply with the flowering colors around them.

Within one of its many gazebos, rests three women.  Hitomi Chigusa, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Carter, and Miltinnia “Milti” Alnus.  The latter two have already been reduced to insensate puddles by their treatments.  While the former is impressed?  She has been to other spas that rival it.

Besides, Aquecia’s “thief-hero” has other things on her mind.

“Baka.  What do I do?”  Mumbles to herself.

“Sister, what do you do about what?”  Intrudes an unfamiliar voice.

Hitomi jumps, startled, but quickly restrains herself.  That this woman approached so closely without being noticed?  Means she has formidable skill.

The gazebo’s new guest is a mature looking woman with fair skin, chestnut hair, and hazel eyes.  Middle aged but every part of her is in superb shape.  With breasts nearly as wide as her hips but still full and perky.

Wearing a long white garment that reminds the japanese girl of a toga.  She has a very simple motherly appearance and wears little in the way of jewelry.

Just being near her helps the teenager relax.  Until the hero called “the Shadow” notices the woman’s mana feeding a long enchanted necklace curving over her shapely breasts.

[Charm Magic]?  The nerve of some people, she thinks.

“Fujin-sama.  Even in this backwater, is it not rude to use magic on others without their permission?”

The woman caringly tilts her head, confused, before her eyes open wide.

“Wha?  Oh!  Oh my.  Hihi.  I deeply apologize.”  Fumbles with the necklace endearingly.  “Forgot to turn it off.”

The high schooler feels the influence fade and looks at her friends to make sure they are okay.  Sigh.  Both of whom are still sprawled out, oblivious to the world, in what might be called a “sugar coma.”  Or whatever the bath and massage version of it is.

Hitomi observes her guest again.  She doesn’t have as potent a motherly aura now, but it's still there.

“Thank you, fujin-sama.”  Bows slightly.  “May I ask why you joined us?”

A gentle smile appears on the woman’s face and she giggles.

“Hihi.  A hero of Aquecia visits my baths?  How could I resist meeting her?”  She stands and bows deeply.  “Isueda Baschion, at your service.”  Then sits.  “And I again apologize for the necklace.”  Clasps her hands.  “This world is not kind to women so many come here… troubled.”  A sigh.  “This item helps them share and ease their tribulations.  So they can leave refreshed in both body, and mind.”

The japanese girl is again surprised.

“Isueda…  The Sword Maiden?”

Another small smile.

“The very same.”

A question occurs to the teenager.

“Didn’t you retire?”

A mature woman’s giggle in reply.

“Retired?  Yes.  You believe that equals death?  Hihi.  A strange world this hero is from.”

The high schooler blushes when she realizes what she implied.

“Iie, uh, no.  This is regret.  Did not mean…”  Gets a hold of herself and bows.  “Sumimasen Baschion-sama.  What I meant was…  Was that I thought you would live a quiet life after so many adventures.”

Miss Baschion answers with a deeper laugh.

“Haha!”  Wipes her eyes.  “And I knew that.  You just made it too easy for this old woman to tease you.”

Again blushing, a certain teenager realizes the subject better change or she’ll keep getting embarrassed.

“Baschion-sama.  My boyfr-, iie, my friend is a big fan of yours.  He loves your character’s backstory.”

The Sword Maiden’s forehead wrinkles.

“My character’s back-what?”

Hitomi gets even more flustered.  She’s insulted her host, again.  Why is nothing going right today?

“I must…  I apologize again to Baschion-sama.  What I said was inappropriate and rude.”  Another bow.  “And what you say is true.  I am very troubled.”

A stronger motherly aura is felt by the teenager.

“Please, let this inadequate woman share your burden.  Mayhaps we can find a new way forward together.”

Before she notices, the japanese girl is telling this stranger everything.  Well, almost everything about her relationships before and since coming to this world.  So engrossed she becomes in the retelling that she fails to notice a barrier forming around the gazebo.

And keeping the high schooler’s words from reaching the gossip hungry ears of other women nearby.

Hitomi recounts her first meeting Kojiro Tsutsumi.  Their childhood friendship and later awkward romance.  The invasion by her rivals Maki Ide and Umeka Morioka into their relationship.  Then the even more awkward harem that followed.

Competing for Kojiro’s time and affection.  Increasingly embarrassing sex acts she did to keep up with the more experienced girls.  And that lunch when everything changed.

Finding themselves in a new world.  Getting drunk off the attention and adoration of the masses.  An awakening of lust becoming an outlet for her irritation in a world where no man or woman would dare tell her “no.”  With the moral corruption and degradation that followed.

Her descent into debaucheries of pain and pleasure so severe that even the Marquis de Sade would not stomach it.

Next the kidnapping and breaking of Umeka.  And the reckoning it triggered.  Even the secret joy of having an excuse to abandon her last restraints.  Publicly becoming a “femme fatale.”  Privately turning into an S&M queen.

Hidden weddings to multiple men, and women.  Honeymoon orgies that would not end even if participants died.  And the murders of any who started boring her.

Sucking, fucking, cucking, and cutting her way through Aquecia's ruling class until finally being recalled by Kojiro.

The frustration of feeling trapped back in Kojiro’s harem while also terrified of losing the only man she's ever truly loved.

Mounting insecurity as she watched her rivals surpass her.  First, losing to Maki for Kojiro’s respect.  As her genius became the group’s mastermind.  Next, losing to Umeka for Kojiro’s sympathy.  After her first pregnancy “miscarried,” and then became pregnant with his child.

Finding solace in abusing and molesting slaves.  Turning her victims into puppets and later agents.  An army of “Shades” so she no longer felt as alone in the dark places.

Lastly, even losing to herself for Kojiro’s trust after her failure at the end of the Arsinus campaign.

Escape into a distant mission.  Self imposed exile.  The chance to be herself again, away from the man she dread’s disappointing.  And getting a new toy to play with.  The tourinese hero.

Instead what awaited was shock and confusion as revelation after revelation overwhelmed her.

The final straw?  Sayo’s video diary.  Washing away the foundation supporting her already shaky sanity.  Revealing that everything she had used to build it?  Was a lie.  This world was actually real.  Everything she had done?  Had been done to real people.  Not characters in a game.

Her parents would never forgive her.  The brother that looked up to her?  Would vomit at just the sight of her.  It no longer mattered if she could get home.  Everyone would be better off pretending she had never been born.

The tsunami of loathing and disgust that struck as she watched an even lonelier japanese teenager not only keep her morality, but even stay faithful to her boyfriend.  For decades.  Nearly drove Hitomi to commit seppuku in guilt and shame.

Desperate to find something, anything, to hold on to.  She saw the red electric yamaha guitar the tourinese hero had played.  Not played well, she admits, but at least played sincerely.  Earnestly.

Bringing the guitar to him and asking him to play for her.  While what he played wasn’t her favorite song?  In fact, she had never heard it before.  But it was good enough because…  It.  Was.  Real.

The sex after?  Reminded her of clumsily making love with Kojiro, before the harem.  She could feel this boy not just in her body.  But in her heart.  In her soul.

Outrage after he used his cheat to examine her tainted body.  Becoming awestruck as rivers of mana burned to heal what he could.  No longer being able to deny her attraction.

His power.  His irreverence.  His openness.  His vulnerability.  His wisdom.  His ignorance.  His humor.  And by far the worst of all.  His willingness to accept her.

“Could never dom Kojiro-sama.  He hates it and whenever I tried?  We would always end up fighting.”  Hitomi feels exhausted.  “But Jon-kun?  He welcomes it.  Lets me be his blackhearted queen B.”  Like she's run a marathon.  “The rush of conquering someone so strong…”  Shudder.  “Fufu.  Or he manhandles me like a cheap JK gyaru.”  Wonders how long she’s been talking.  “With him?  Always feel… a connection…”

Hitomi knows she’s said too much.  Far too much.  If this ever gets out?  Both Jon and Kojiro will hate her.  Looks sadly at her friends.  Really did like them.  The teenager promises herself to make it quick.  Painless.  They look asleep.  Why aren’t they awake?

Her eyes open wide as she finally realizes what’s happened.

“Hihi.  I am disappointed, hero.  The Beast would have noticed before he spoke a word.”

The woman sitting across from her is still looking at her calmly with a slight smile.  Her aura is still motherly but has gained an edge.  A very sharp edge.  Like a sword.

*pant* *pant*

The weight of her fatigue is getting heavier.

“H…  How?”

Those hazel eyes sparkle blue.

“The necklace was a distraction.  A decoy.  Somewhere for you to focus while the real spell took hold.”

Hitomi’s brown eyes grow cold.

“Good disguise.”

The matron giggles again.

“No disguise.  Hihi.  I am the Sword Maiden.  And despite your power?  Should be obvious now why you have not been promoted to Mithral rank yet.”

“Kuso. *pant* Going to ki-”  The aquecian hero’s threat and attempt to stand are both interrupted by the mature ex adventurer raising a finger.

“Before this escalates further.  Mayhaps you should ask yourself something.”  Teenaged confusion.  “Why have your shadows done nothing?”

The girl is struck dumb once more.  Of course Jon never leaves them truly alone.  They always have escorts hidden within their shadow.

Reaching out with her senses she can feel Mitsu hovering.  Wary but confident.  The ex-church ninja living shadow and mother of Juri has heard everything.  But there is no revulsion.  Only comfort and understanding.

The high schooler feels her eyes tearing up and returns her attention to the dangerous woman seated across from her.  She has many questions but can only manage one word.


Lady Baschion’s aura becomes softer.

“Dear child.  I meet everyone who enters my parlor.  Many come here troubled.  For some?  Words suffice.  Others?  Magic is needed too.  And then there are the few who require words, magic, and trickery.”  Japanese girl looks at her friends again.  “Do not be concerned.  Sleep magic.  They’ve heard nothing.”

Teenager nods and bows to the matron.

“Arigatou gozaimasu.”


“Yes?”  Hitomi’s mind feels like it's tied to an anchor.

“Won’t you finish your tale of woe?”

“What more is there to say?  I ruined everything again.  Just like I did with Kojiro-sama.  Should have told Jon-kun everything as soon as I confessed.”  Wipes tears away.  “But no.  I was afraid.  Of the truth.  Of rejection.  So I lied.  Hid my heart.”  More tears fall.  “Never dreamed Ide-san would go this far.”

“Lady Chigu-”  It's the Sword Maiden’s turn to get interrupted.

“No.”  Shakes her head.  “Heroes can sense mana.  Look into the astral somewhat.  I could tell how much pain he was in.  See the wounds.”  Shoulders slump.  “And his wives were all injured too.  Shot, stabbed, cut.  If Red had lost the baby because I wasn’t honest with the man I…”

The high schooler can not bring herself to say the last word.

“Before it is too late, should you not try honesty?”

“I did.  I told him what I could.  But it was too late.”

The matron clicks her tongue.

“Silly girl.  The truth about your heart.”

“No.  Never.  He’ll reject me.”

Hitomi doesn’t know when but the Sword Maiden is now beside her and softly petting her hair.

“If you do nothing then that will be all he can do.  Do you believe the Beast does not know pain?  Does not know madness?”  An understanding gaze.  “His path may be even darker than yours.”

“I…”  The teenager struggles to stand but the matron holds her down.

“Hush now, that is enough.  Stubborn girl, sleep is what you need.  A nap will do you good.”  Hitomi’s eyes drift closed.  “So troublesome.”


In less than a moment, the matron is no longer sitting next to the Aquecian hero in the gazebo.  She now stands on a balcony high enough to look over almost the entire garden.

A question comes from behind her.

“Did it work?”

The retired adventurer sighs and faces a well dressed older gentleman.

“It should.  Exposing heart’s pain should give her the courage to chase the Beast again.”

“Excellent.  His majesty will be pleased.”

Miss Baschion frowns.

“Harin?  This seems so… pointless.”

The dignified manservant gives her a stern look.

“Stop it, Isueda.  Another Sanriel cannot be risked.  We almost lost everything.”  A stately sigh.  “His majesty feels attachments will prevent a second Sanriel and I agree.”  An eyebrow rises.  “When will you move?”

“Not yet.  Though I admit to being intrigued?  In no hurry am I to meet a male Ruin of Calador.  Having love once was enough pain for me.”

A courtly bow in answer.

“Then I will wish you the favor of Vilesh, sister.”

Answered with a noble curtsy.

“And I you, brother.”

Baschion, Isueda (female, human, tourinese)

  • 5’9”, 40? years
    • hazel eyes, long straight chestnut hair, fair skin
  • Owner
    • Knight Maiden’s Parlor
  • Adventurer
    • Mithral ranked
    • Fighter class
    • Retired



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