A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 36: Dual Making

---Lions Keep, Grand Suite---

“Papa papa!”

I say goodbye to the three stooges.  Walk around the bookcases.  And run into a too cute little fuzzball in a black and white maid outfit.  Yellow eyes, spotted black fur, fuzzy pointed ears, and a tail?  Total cuteness overload.  Might as well change her name to “Fuzzy, the destroyer of worlds.”

By the by, this little maid in training is Otti, Mila’s sister.

When I accepted Mila into the harem I also accepted the handful of other survivors from the beastkin Jodu tribe.  Just a few boys and girls.  The boys are now working as “pages.”  Attendants to the castle’s knights.

The girls are working as maids, well, maid trainees.  The boys live with the other pages and squires while the girls stay with my maids on the sixth floor.

Now before you sick bastards start, no, they spend most of their time on the sixth floor.  Basically being the maids’ maids.  Only helping in the Grand Suite when it's safe.  As in, there’s no fucking going on.


A maidette with her leans over and starts whispering in Otti’s ear.  Her eyes get big when the adorable fluff ball realizes what she’s forgotten, again.

“Oh!  Umm.  M-master?”  Big smile when the maid nods.  “Un, your st-stogie?”

“Thank you, Otti.”

Somehow the littlest maid’s smile gets even bigger and more adorable when I pet her fuzzy head.  Pick up the cigar from the tray she’s carrying and light it with fire magic Red taught me.

Jenette, the maid next to her, hands me a glass of juice.  What, you thought all I drank was whiskey?  Jesus, I’m not an isekai alcoholic.  Well, probably not.


After a puff and swig, look up to see two chinese babes waiting across the room.  Patiently waiting but staring, hard, at me.  Their gazes are a bit intense.  Bordering on disturbing.

And only last for a moment before vanishing.  Replaced with innocent charming smiles.

Hmm…  Yanderes?

If I’m remembering this right?  The taller chinese beauty is Ji Ping Tiang.  Older sister that attended Stormgarde years ago, got NTR’d, her fiance killed, addicted to drugs, dumped, and exiled.  Oh and she might have dropped out or been expelled too.  Not sure on that last bit.

Has a condo in Stormgarde’s underground semi-secret sex club.  And been there ever since, drugging herself into oblivion and, eventually, a vegetative state.

Which I brought her out of after discovering she wasn’t completely brain dead.

At the time, she looked like those “after” pictures on a “don’t do meth” billboard.  But has recovered well in just a few days.  Yeah, mana is some seriously crazy shit.  Still looks a little thin but very, very, fuckable.

Instead of the body hugging, boob windowing, panty revealing, “chinese dress?”  This time she’s wearing something that seems more formal.  A white robe dress combo outfit with colored flower and plant designs stitched in.

Pretty but, uh, what is up with those bell bottom looking sleeves?

That’s a mystery but the real question for me is, what the fuck happened to all her hair?!  Yeah her younger sister’s hairdo looked better, but she hadn’t been in a quasi-coma for months.

Now?  Got some short thick spiky looking cut that doesn’t even reach her shoulders.  Yeah, Red and Hitomi like to keep theirs short too but not spiky like this.  Kind of looks like a porcupine after falling in a vat of hair conditioner and rogaine.

And while there’s the same deep black hair and button nose as her sister?  Ji Ping’s eyes are amber instead of deep brown.  Her skin tone is also not as white as Li Zexi’s.  More of a pale color I guess.

Really noticeable when they stand next to each other, like now.

Plus, the older sister has bigger tatas.  [Super Senses] sizing Ji’s as D-cups, compared to Li’s C-cups.

The shorter, just by a couple inches, and a bit thicker oriental hottie is Li Zexi Tiang.  She’s also wearing a white robe dress thing with those silly bell bottom sleeves.

Seriously, bet those sleeves catch on every damn doorknob in the palace.

Red dragons are stitched into the fabric.  No flowers to be found on her dress.

You know, if I didn’t know better?  And, trust me, I don’t.  Their costumes give off a bit of a wedding dress kind of vibe.  Sort of, bridal.

Oh boy.

No, I can handle this.  Just gotta be cool.  Focus.  Visualize.  Be the adult.

“Princess Li, Princess Ji, welcome to my shag pad.”

Sigh.  Missed it by that much.

How about more Rico Suave, less Austin Powers.  Okay?  Thank you.

“Honorless!” “Savage!” “Barbarian!” “Shag pad?”

Of course the kung fu queens did not come alone.  And while their crew may not know what I said?  They do know how I said it.

With just a look behind them, the princesses silence their outraged entourage.  Through shadows, I see how scary their faces suddenly got.  But when they turn back to me?  Just sweet innocent wouldn’t hurt a fly faces again.


Danger, danger, Isekai Robinson!

The younger bows first.

“Xingan.  As you honorably agreed.”  That statement seems more directed at her crew.  “We have brought our sister for treatment.”

Older bows next.

“Surely you have the heart of the dragon, dashi.”  Dashi?

The younger looks at the older, seemingly surprised too by that last word.

“Jijie, ni buay ta mah?”

The older looks at the younger, sympathetically?

“Wo de xin, tai yo.  Wo yiwen buchi.”

Li’s getting a little upset.

“Poren bushi chizuh?”

But Ji’s not backing down.

“Wey ta jisho yichey.”

And neither is Li.

“Chizu doh jiang shi.  Daiying wo.”

Ji gives a small bow to her sister before both turn back to me again.

“Xiang tian chidao.”

Yep, definitely missed something there.  Their escorts look super unhappy right now.  Maybe not-sebastian or mini-me could translate?

“Mind telling me what that was about?”

Young Li takes a deep breath before responding.

“We apologize most sincerely, xingan.  Our sister is being unreasonable.”


Old Ji pipes in

“Dashi, I have shorn my hair.  A dishonorable act that spites my face.  Yan women and men grow their hair as long as possible.  Only the very young, criminals, slaves, and the dishonored have short hair in Yan- hii!”

Her voice is becoming more strained.  Can hear the stress in it.  Figures, probably remembering her long fall from grace.  So I walk up while she’s speaking and gently interrupt her by cupping a cheek, on her face ya sickos, with my hand.

Startled into silence, those yellow orange eyes shake as they stare up into mine.

“Do you believe I think so little of you?”

Ji Ping nods as tears fill her eyes.

Sigh.  Hate to see women cry.  Well, usually.  Guess it's time to fire both barrels.

Close in and pull her to me.  Use my other hand to cup another cheek.  Yes, that other cheek.

*chu* *schlurp* *squeeze*

Give her my lips then tongue and sink fingers deep in that ass.

Their retinue looks about to have seizures but more undead have already come out of the shadows to back up my security.  Including one, right now, dog sized but still very intimidating dragon.

~Archon.  Whether you have the heart of a dragon or not?  You certainly have the balls of one.~


The sound of a door closing cuts off a young voice.  “But I wanna watch-”  Have to reward Jenette later for her quick thinking.  This shitty world already makes kids grow up too fast.  Sure as hell don’t want to help it.

Release Ji’s lips but keep a firm grip on the back of her head and ass.  Little Li shines with the biggest goofiest happiest grin on her face.  Starts talking to her sister with a very “I told you so” attitude.

“Jijie, xingan shidey ni zhudoh.”

Big Ji’s face is flush and breathing rough as her eyes switch back and forth between mine.  Searching for something, desperately.

“Hu?  Wo shi wuyong.”  Raise my eyebrow.  “Ah…  Dashi.  Why?  I am fallen woman.  No face.  Worth less, than whore.  Someone like you- mmph…”  Interrupt her pity party with my mouth.

Have to support her body now.  Girl’s about to faint.  Release her lips to let her breathe again.

“Do you think I’m an angel?”  She cutely shudders and nods.  “Hardly.  You fell and it cost you everything.”  Shrug.  “So?  Lots of people fall.  I’ve fallen.”  Her eyes get big.  “Just choose to get back up again.”


Oh, great, now she’s crying.  Man I suck at this.

*mua* *mua* *mua* *mua* *mua*

“Dashi.”  Wait, kissing is good.  “My dashi.”  Lots of kissing is better.  “Thank you.”  Aim sucks though.  “I am yours, dashi.  Yingxion wo de.”  Like a kissing machine gun.

Young Li is about bouncing for joy.  Better cool their heels a bit before they burst.

“Ji, listen.”  Immediately stops and stares at me intensely.  “I am not a great man.  I’m jealous, petty, and kind of an ass.”  What’s with the doubting look?  “I try to be fair, but I don’t share.”

“Shi!”  That was a quick nod.

“If you choose to be mine?  You are only mi-”

“Shi!”  Jesus, let me finish.

“Betray me?  Disgrace me?”  Shrug.  “And I’ll drop you like a rock down the nearest hole I can find.  Understand?”

She’s shivering a little now but nods again.


“Please, Xingan, sister Ji would never do-”

Stop her with a raised finger.

“Little Li, she already has.  Didn’t she get her fiance killed?”  The younger sister goes pale.  What, did she think I forgot her telling us just a few days ago?

The older interrupts the younger, with a hand on her shoulder, when she tries to defend her again.

“Lili, he is right.  There is nothing left of me but shame and guilt.  No pride.  No honor.  No face.”  A tear rolls down.  “As long as I can be his?  That is more than I deserve.”

A look of shock covers Li Zexi’s face.  “Jijie, bu…”

With a determined look, Ji Ping faces the entourage.  Holds her head high and shouts.

“Ji Ping fahngtsi jiazu Tiang!  Bu zai huang!”

Gasps spread like a wave across the entourage.  Several even collapse.  Seriously, faint the fuck out.  The peanut gallery erupts in protest.

“Wohmen zoi shema?” “Bu keneng shi!” “Diuliehn!” “Mehliehn!”

Even Li falls to her knees and mumbles.


So… guessing that was a bad thing.

“Ji?  What the he-”  Noisy.  “Hey, what wa-”  Some are tearing at their clothes?  “Really need to kno-”  Hair starts getting pulled.  Okay, folks need to calm the fuck down.

“[House of Grannus]”

Everyone spins to me as the mana wave washes over them.  Ji falls to her knees and stares up at me, transfixed.  Her sister soon joins her.

Their seething escorts calm and turn to me with expressions of awe.  Huh, don’t recall the AOE soothing spell having this effect.

Maidettes are kneeling too but they are that way half the time anyway.  Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Deep breath.  Focus.  Focus…  Okay?  Okay.

"Is everyone better now?  Good?  That's great.  Swell.  Now, uh, how about someone tell me what the fuck just happened."

Li still looks crushed but is at least coping now.  Though her voice is monotone, lifeless.

"Sister Ji has renounced her rank and name.  She is no longer a princess."  Tears start flowing.  "She is no longer my sister."


Little Li freezes.


Step over.  Kneel down.  Cup her cheeks, the upper ones, with both hands.  Then look deep into her dark brown eyes.

"Do you still love her?"

Vigorously nods her head.


Smile gently down at the younger sister.

"Then I say she is still your sister."

Hope fills her eyes.


My turn to nod.


The sisters spin and leap at each other.  Or a version of that.  They are on their knees after all.



The two start making out in front of me and I'm left confused.  As in, what the fuck just happened?

Is this some cultural thing?  Great, there go their tongues again.  What is wrong with this planet?  Shit, maybe slave magic?  Nope, not seeing a tattoo. 

Sisters finally stop examining each other’s tonsils and turn to me with hungry eyes.  Big Ji speaks.

"Thank you for letting me stay sisters with my little light.  Please, dashi, let me, uh, c-cultivate with you."

Little Li actually raises and waves a hand.

"Oh!  Oh!  And me!  Please let me do that too, xingan!"

Squint my eyes.

"Sorry, but I usually meditate at the school."

Li starts twiddling her fingers together.

"Can you, you really, cultivate nowhere else?"

Maximum eyebrow lift!

"Is there someplace you want to cultivate?"

See both girls' eyes lift past me.  Clearly looking at the loft behind me.  And, I bet, the big bed on it.

Oh these sneaky girls.

Surprisingly, Ji chickens out and looks through the eastern window.

"D-dashi?  C-can we c-cultivate in th-the garden please?"

Give them a friendly smile and lend them both a hand to stand.  Then look at their crew.

"Get out."

The dozen crowding the entrance begin grumbling and arguing.  Young Li ain't having none of it and just about growls back at them.

"My sister is no longer royalty and he is our xingan.  Go.  Wait for us downstairs."  A couple are still ready to protest.  "We will send a maid for you when ready."

Shoulders slumped in defeat, the retinue leaves.  My undead and knights resume their posts.  While I escort the sisters into the small walled garden.

"The qi here is so rich."  Ji says and Li nods.  "Dashi?  Is there a wood spirit here?"

"An earth elemental takes care of the garden and baths."

All four of their hands are on me now, who is guiding who, as Li comments.

"Under the tree Jiji?"

"Yes, a perfect spot sister. Very good mu qi."

Little Li beams with pride over her sister’s praise.

“Oh!  Forgive me, dashi.  Mu qi is what they call wood mana here.”  Wood mana?  “Dragons taught the ancestors five elements, not the four they know here.”

“Five elements?”

Big Ji looks so happy to have me listening to her.

“Yes dashi!  They are mu, huo, tu, jin, and shui.”  Counts with her fingers.  “Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.”

No air?

“Interesting, thank you.”  And it is.  Read a few cultivator books but didn’t understand when the metal element was mentioned.  So the authors meant it in the same way as the western classic elements.

The smile that blossom’s on Old Ji’s face rivals Li’s from when she was complimented.  Aren’t these chinese princesses a bit too easy?

“So how do, uh, daoists improve themselves and raise their levels?”

Li is looking a little embarrassed.

“There are many ways, xingan, like meditation, training, medicines, adventures…”  Face turns red as her voice trails off.

“Little Li?”  I ask teasingly.

Older sister smiles mischievously.

“Dashi.  Sister Li is speaking of shuangxiu.”

“Shuangxiu?  What’s that?”

Big Ji leans over and places one hand on the tree.  The other hand makes pumping motions behind her now wiggling butt.

“Its where the girl takes the man’s cock up-”


Young Li’s brain overheats and she starts chasing her sister around the tree.  Trying, and failing, to get her to stop making lewd gestures.


“Hii!” “Ahn!”

Both fail to pay attention to where they’re going and run right into me.  So I scoop them up, one in each arm.  The laughter stops as their faces turn red.  Guess these little piggies want to get eaten by the big, bad, wolf.

And I will enjoy this meal.  But not yet.

Lower the two back to the ground slowly while giving their heinies a good firm squish.

“Next?”  Both look confused, and a little disappointed.  “What do I do next?”

Ji is the first to recover.

“Eh?  Oh!  Dashi!  Yes, now please meditate.”

“That’s it?”

Li recovers next.

“Oh, xingan, there are many different techniques.  Some focus more on qi circulation.  Others on breathing exercises.  It is best for us to o-observe first.”  The sisters nod to each other.  “Yes, observe.”

These two are fooling exactly nobody.  Bet their “observation” gets awfully “handsy.”  For scientific reasons only of course.

Hehe.  What the hell, I don’t mind.

True, they might be trying to kill me but I’m surrounded by undead, knights, those hottie squad reinforcements, and an elemental.  All on a hair trigger.

Plus Frankie, Frosty, and Frazur have added to and tweaked the Grand Suite’s wards and barriers.  These chinese chicks get too uppity and they’ll get the Depelter Turbo treatment.

Oh, and “meditation,” also known as “mana cultivation,” is a thing in Iagreth too.  Relatively rare but used to “exercise” your mana by moving it though your body.  This also “cleans” it.  Noticeably improving your spell casting.

Thanks to how much of a natural I am at mana manipulation and my ocean sized pool.  I “overflow” while meditating.  Affecting the mana and reservoirs of those around me.

Okay, first step, relax my aura.  The stronger you are or more mana you have?  Larger your aura tends to be.   Many learn techniques to condense it.  Really stealthy folks can shrink theirs down to almost nothing.

Now I'm not that good but I can get it down to around basketball size.  I think.  Course when mine’s that condensed?  It feels like solid steel.  But it improves my astral defenses and makes it easier for me to go Mall Ninja.

So I’m fine with it.

“Ung…” “Ahn…”

The wards and barriers here will keep my aura inside the Grand Suite.  So I won't cause another incident.  Guess it caught the sisters by surprise though from what I hear.  Well, what I think I hear.

Kind of busy focusing “inside” right now.

Second step?  Start moving mana.  Like with the “modes,” I pour mana into my veins.  Starts flowing through my body, following my blood.  More and more and more.

Number three?  Calm my mind.  All that inner peace crap actually helps a lot to clear your brain.  Sense the mana within me.

Finally four, breathe the mana.  In…  Out…  Reach in and exhale the mana out, circulate it, reach out and inhale the mana back in, circulate again.

I’ve been getting better and better at this.  At first fellow meditators said it felt like they were getting splashed by my mana.  Later it became like a steady rain.  Now?  Wind.  A gentle breathing tornado.  A whirlpool of charged air that expands and contracts.

Frosty first showed me how to meditate.  But everything after that is sort of my own thing.  Inspired by webnovels and shows.  And I like doing it.  Gives me a “one with the universe” sort of feeling.

Kind of freaked out the Room 152 crew the first time, but the benefits are no joke, apparently.  Maybe I was doing the fantasy china version from the beginning instead of the fantasy european version?

“D-da-dashi?  W-what-t?  Is-s th-this?”

Or not.

In the zone now so I can divide my senses again.


Sisters said they had to hold my hands while cultivating so they could feel what was going on in me.  Figured they were lying and it was just phase one of their “molest the meditator” plan.  Though if it was?  I’m guessing that plan has now been scrapped.

On my right, Little Li is still holding my hand but not sitting with her legs crossed anymore.  She’s toppled over and, [Super Senses] tells me, is passed the fuck out.

On my left hand, Big Ji isn’t doing much better.  Has turned into a stuttering mess with a death grip on me while her body trembles like jello in california on earthquake day.

And the panting, sweating, plus heart shaped glowies in her eyes?  Make it obvious Ji’s hornier than a virgin at a porn convention getting free samples.

“This is how I cultivate.”

Still not letting go of my hand, the dazed older sister crawls onto my lap.  Shakily wraps her legs around my waist, pulls my hand down to her crotch, leans forward, and stammers in my ear.

“P-please…  Cul-cultivate with m-me.”

D-cups press against me as her hips begin grinding.  While a tongue snakes its way into my mouth.

Figured its fuck time but what happens next?  Kind of blows my mind.

Suddenly?  I can see everything “in” Ji.  And I do mean everything.  Her aura has completely submitted to me.

Uh, let me explain.  No, there is too much, let me sum up.

One way to picture “aura?”  It’s the skin of our “astral” bodies.  While the “skin” of our “material” bodies is, well, our skin.  Given how huge auras can get?  Maybe really, really, thick skin, but it's still just our spirit’s skin.  Or maybe shell is a better word.

Like with material skin, aura covers and protects our astral bodies.  A natural automatic thing.  And if you are strong or skilled enough?  You can even push through someone else’s aura to peek inside.

Mana, or “qi” as the yan call it, can be sensed when it's being used.  But until it leaves the aura or at least reaches its surface?  Hard to see clearly.  Your vision of someone else’s will be blurry.

Discovered I can push through other people’s auras pretty easily.  Didn't even realize it was happening at first.  And that’s why I see sex machine mode as a “cheat,” because it lets me “rub her dub” materially and astrally.

Now couples with a deep connection can have aura penetration happen “naturally” too.  Watched it happen with Red and Blue.  But it's weaker and less consistent compared to my cheat.  Can still give those mind melting “becoming one” type orgasms though.

Got curious, so I looked around and noticed it can happen without a deep connection as well.  But it requires one side to “completely” submit to the other, in mind, body, and soul.  Like those mind control mind break type hentais.  Even then though its also weaker and less consistent, compared to my sex machine mode.

What Ji Ping has done is like that, but taken to the extreme.  “Dropped” her defenses?  More like ripped them out and threw them away.  


Slipped into sex machine mode, force of habit in these scenarios, and Ji immediately climaxes.

Oops, sorry, but, uh, yeah.  She’s going to be flying for a while still.  Partially stripped herself so the view is amazing.  The astral sights though?  Holy shit.

Can see her “dantians.”  Yes, plural.  Her “meridians.”  And some, uh, points?  Look like little stars.  Fucking cool, and freaky.

I saturate my blood with mana.  Everywhere my blood goes?  My mana can go.  Her qi is focused on her organs instead.  Guess that’s her, meridians?  And a lot of them look fucked up.  Qi saturates her body too but the pathing is different.

Old Ji has three reservoirs but how they link to the body is different too.  With folks around here it seems pretty indistinct.  We just sort of tap into it.

Ji’s on the other hand are very defined.  There’s one around her abdomen.  Another around her heart.  And a third, in her forehead.  What.  The.  Fuck.

She’s only using the abdomen one but I can see all three.  They are distinct in her astral body too.  What do they do that causes this?  Is it genetic?  Hereditary?  Created this way during training?

Got lots of questions.

Oh, and her “qi” is also more defined.  And, well, flavored?  Scented?  Not sure how to describe it.  A lot of the qi she’s circulating has a “wood” taste and smell.  While some has a “fire” bite and odor to it instead.  Altogether different compared to demon mana and mana pollution.

Plus they don’t blend.  They stay “segregated.”  In some meridians they kind of wind together like rope.  In others they are completely separate.

There is also tasteless qi.  Some parts of it feel “dirtier” than others.  The dirty and clean bits do mix but not with her wood or fire qi.  Giving Ji a third “string” of mana.

This really is like [Body Magic] taken to the extreme.  Her mana is almost completely internalized.  Compared to what I’ve learned up to now where it's mostly externalized.

So fucking cool.

No wonder Li was bitching about how hard it is to learn Iagreth magic.  Even the fundamentals of how you interact with mana are not the same.


Feel something going on so look outside and notice Ji’s valiant shuddering struggle with her robe dress is finally over.  Well at least the way to the fun bits has been cleared.  And she wastes no time in mounting up.

*schlick*  “Ah…”

Jesus, flooding down there.  My dick might get washed away.  Thank god it's not detachable.

*schlup*  “Uuu…”

The ex-princess resumes grinding and rocking and, wow, what a ride.  This girl’s experienced.  Hey, I agree with BenF.  Prefer ladies who know their way around a weiner.

*slahp*  “Uhng!”

We’re hugging each other tightly, up top, and her moaning mixes with our tongues.


Inside I watch her body light up like a christmas tree.  Her meridians and my veins touch.  Her dantians and my reservoir mingle.  So used to scrubbing my mana that I do the same to hers without even thinking about it.

Not a lot, but can sense her crushed meridians beginning to open.  Clogged paths start to clear and qi trickles through again.  Her mana is a lot filthier than I expected.  Like there is ink mixed in.  Takes a lot of effort but I manage to filter some out.


She orgasms again but, this time?  Honey not only floods her cave?  But also my reservoir.  Watch as her dantian connects to my mana pool and a gush of very rich qi pours into it.


Feels so good it shoves me right over the edge and I unload deep inside her.  Dizzy from the release, I'm barely able to keep watching as an even bigger load of rich mana, from me, surges into her lower dantian.

The qi we exchange is so potent it fucking sparkles.  As my head clears I notice there is more glittering qi from her in my pool.  Maybe from her earlier orgasms?  A lot less though than her latest batch.  Guess I get more from fucking?

Gonna really enjoy testing that.  

And I gots to teach the wives how to do this.

“Big Ji, that was amazi-”

Bring my outside senses back up to thank Ji for a great fuck and ask if she’s ready for more but…  Yeah, passed out.  Tongue hanging like a dog out a car window and drooling, but she certainly looks satisfied.  Still twitching a bit too.



Remember I’ve been humping one handed and notice my other hand feels… wet?  Take a gander to see Little Li sucking on my fingers like her life depends on it and furiously rubbing between her thighs.  Yep, a rather large wet spot down there.  Wearing white today?  Might have been a bad call.

You know?  Don’t think they’re going to be able to return either of those dresses.  Even with a gift receipt.

Li orgasms and once her shakes settle?  She realizes I’m watching.  Her entire body turns red as a tomato.  Frantically covers her exposed, well rubbed, bits and cutely squeaks.

“Please xi-xingan.  M-me too?”

Eyes peek up over the sleeves she’s hiding behind and sees me staring hungrily.  The brave bunny crawls closer as her sight stays locked onto mine.


Is all I have to say and she lunges at me.  Mumbling incoherently as kisses rain all over my face and neck.  Guess they really are sisters.  Gently lay the still unconscious Ji down then slowly push Li onto her back.

“I love you, xingan.”

Smile down on Little Li’s exposed welcoming body as her arms reach for me and legs hook around mine.


Missionary work is never done.

Jenette (female, elf, tourinese)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
    • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf
  • Ex-Amateur Spy for House Chastel
  • Relationship
    • Almede, Adventurer, Redbrand
  • "Momma maid"

Otti (female, beastkin, barbarian)

  • of the Jodu
  • 4'7"
    • yellow eyes, spotted black fur, grey skin, fuzzy swept up ears, fuzzy tail
  • Maid in Training
    • Grand Suite
    • Lions Keep
  • Sister of Miyula
  • “Littlest maid,” “Fuzzy the destroyer of worlds”

Tiang, Li Zexi (female, human, yanese)

  • Royal Princess
    • Empire of Yangxu
  • 5’3”, 16 years
    • dark brown eyes, button nose, long straight black hair, white skin
    • little thick, c-cups
  • Cultivation
    • Qi Gathering (Juqi)
    • Early-stage (Chuqi)
  • Younger sister of Ji Ping Tiang
  • “Little Li,” “Young Li,” “Lili”

Tiang, Ji Ping (female, human, yanese)

  • 5’6”, 19 years
    • amber eyes, button nose, short spiky black hair, pale skin
    • little thin, d-cups
  • Cultivation
    • Foundation Establishment (Zhuji)
    • Middle-stage (Zhongqi)
  • Older sister of Li Zexi Tiang
  • Formerly
    • Royal Princess of Yangxu
  • “Big Ji,” “Old Ji,” “Jiji”

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