A Fathers Wrath

Branch 9: Hitomi

"Welcome to Raelera, Miss Elma Antus Strenger"

Even with the sun down and moon high, the dock was lit well enough for the official to check her papers.

The dock official was polite and didn't even expect a bribe to stamp her papers.  Much better than some ports she's been in.  The northwest has a reputation for less corruption. 

The Shadow Mistress from another world replied smoothly in tourinese with a distinct aquecian accent.

"Thank you sir."

Hitomi, one of the four aquecian heroes summoned from japan, is annoyed.  A storm had forced her ship to port for two days during the trip.  So she's missed the beginning of the annual Stormgarde entrance exam festival.

Fortunately she should already have been registered for the entrance exam by a local agent.  As well as have a room waiting, so no need to camp out.  She wouldn't get there tonight though.  Have to catch a carriage to Pearlden tomorrow.

Lots of carriages make daily trips to Pearlden during the entrance festival.  And using one of them will help her keep a low profile.  Last report even stated the local agent's disabled daughter was friends with a town VIP and had received a special scholarship.

So the heroes' shinobi already had a channel into the student body.  Should make reaching her target much easier.

Even at night, it didn't take long to reach the local branch of the Moderca Trade Company on foot.  Escorted by the first mate.  Now this company wasn't a 'front' for Hitomi's shades.  It was just heavily compromised with shades at all levels of the merchant guild.

From what she could see, Raelera was a typical port town.  The city of a hundred thousand was smaller than many Aquecian port cities but was also cleaner and more open.  Significantly fewer slaves too.

Not seeing many in shackles or collars looked strange to the japanese girl who had become so used to them, that she noticed their absence.

The branch manager was a shade and invited her out for dinner.  Like most communities Raelera basically shutdown after dark.  Better than deal with the significant expenses of night lighting and safety.

Yet like many ports, the harbor district was an exception.  Loading and unloading ships like those with perishable goods is a twenty-four seven, or in this world sixteen eight, job.  So the expense was considered worth it.

Therefore finding a restaurant near the docks still open after dark, was not difficult.  Even ones with private tables.  This one was rather nice.  A room a couple floors up and windows overlooking the still busy docks.

The pleasant view contrasted the unpleasant conversation.

"Mistress.  You should go back to Aquecia."

The shades worshiped the heroes so this resistance to her goal was, unusual.

"Is it really that bad?"

The manager didn't hesitate to nod.

"Have you heard about the dragons?"

"While stuck in Bounau a crazy report about him killing a dragon or two showed up."  Hitomi scoffs.  "You mean that was true?"

More nodding.

"The bodies were given to Stormgarde Academy.  Four dragon corpses were delivered."

The mistress of shadows isn't sure what to say.  The heroes have never fought a dragon.  They had faced flying reptiles that had been tamed by demons.  But those were wyverns.  Much weaker and dumber than dragons.

"That's... What?"

Her shade doesn't stop.

"Dragons are natural disasters.  Wiping out villages and even towns when one wakes up every few decades.  The last one took a hundred adventurers and knights to stop.  And over half didn't survive the battle.  The Lord of Lions Keep killed four.  In one night."

Hitomi's mind quits working for a minute or two before managing.


"Undead."  The agent shudders.  "The battle was in a village the dragons attacked and every questioned survivor claims the Viscount Barton is a necromancer commanding hundreds of powerful unliving."

Leaning back in her chair the ninja spy double face palms and sighs.

"Lich King."  The worst case scenario is here.

Lich Kings have not bee seen since the Wizard Wars. Their unrivaled command over the undead was a threat to the entire world. If they returned?

Merchant surprises her by disagreeing and shaking his head.

"He is not undead himself.  He disguises himself well but several have managed to see through it and all report he is not beyond the grave."  The shade shrugs.  "He simply appears to be a powerful swordmage who is also a powerful necromancer."

A confused expression appears on the japanese student's face.

"That doesn't make any sense.  How is Tourin handling this?"

"Containment."  A sigh from the merchant now.  "Officially, Lord Barton is a northern savage who was adopted by Marquis Lianlaf as a reward for killing demons, and is attending Stormgarde to learn civilized ways while they study his barbarian magic."

"And unofficially?"

"Jon Barton is, the Beast.  A monster of rage and death from another world.  Whose alliance with House Lianlaf terrified the demons so much?  They gave up their conquests and fled.  Who collects women like merchants collect coin.  And commands both the living and the dead."


"He is also a potential spark for civil war.  The excesses of the royal family and court nobles have long offended many landed gentry.  However, the support of the three dukes was too much for the two marquis to overcome.  Now that the Beast has joined House Lianlaf?"

"The king is vulnerable."

Tourin is mostly divided up between the crown, three duchies, and two marches.  The two marches, one facing Drasritor and the other Aquecia, have always been the strongest militarily. The crown and duchies were strongest economically and politically.

However, the cost of the invasion has ruined the entire kingdom economically and concentrated military power in the marches.  War taxes have peasant and slave uprisings becoming commonplace and refugees stream west and south.

No matter how peaceful things might look?  This place, is a mess.  Normally that would make a secret agent type thrilled.  Lots of cracks to exploit.  Yet when the local powerhouse is a potential enemy and could take over the whole country?

"The news doesn't get any better."  Merchant rubs his nose.  "One of the Beast's women is the daughter of our Raelera's count and he's determined to get her back. Normally not a worry but when that husband is a necromancer who was just promoted to gold rank by the guild?"

"W-what?  G-gold?"

The asian is so shocked she stutters.  It took months for the heroes to be promoted from silver to gold.  The shade nods sadly.

"Promoted straight passed steel and silver.  Many adventurers are angry.  Saying taking down four dragons would earn anyone else true-silver."

Hitomi starts twirling her short dyed brown hair as her brain goes into overdrive.  If the target is this powerful and influential?  It may already be too late to do anything.  And the last thing the heroes plans need is Tourin invading Aquecia because an aquecian attacked a viscount.

"I still need to see this Beast with my-"  Noise.  Ringing?  "What is that?"

The shade's face pales.

"The war bell?  But that's only used when the city, is attacked.  Oh no."

Beyond the window Hitomi can see the work on the docks come to a halt as confused shouting is heard.  Then a blast of wind crosses the docks, hitting the girl in the face and causing the ships to rock in their moorings.  Something big, just passed overhead.

"What was that?!"

The manager is nervous.

"Mistress, many claim the Beast left that village with five dragons.  Not four.  One of them?  Was undead."  Hitomi's turn to go pale.  "There are tales of the Lich Kings raising bone dragons.  If he truly does have a dragon?  How do you think he'll deal with the Count of Raelera?"



Chigusa, Hitomi (female, human, japanese)

  • the Shadow
  • 5'0", 16 years
  • Aquecian hero
    • Shadow Mistress
  • Disguise
    • Strenger, Elma Antus (female, human, aquecian)

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