A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 24: Killing The Mockingbird


~Not even one?~


~Archon, please.  Consider my pride.~

"You're dead.  You don't need to eat anymore."


"We are here for murder, not dinner."

"Dark lord. Can we not feed?" "They have shown restraint master. Why not reward them?" "Husband, let us just finish this."

"Fine!  You can feed.  But only on them and those defending them.  Those who run are not them.  And especially not the them who aren't them in the first place.  Understand?"

Whew.  Aced it.  Was worried that might be confusing.

~Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.~


Just had to raise a smart aleck, 'curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal,' dragon.  Next time?  I'm cursing the polite reptile to an eternal unlife of damnation.

Wasn't sure this was going to work but its been okay so far.  Frazur altered the shape of his back.  Flattening and rippling it.  Making it easier for people to sit.  Like a big ass saddle. 

Me, Blue, Silvie, Lili, Frankie, Red, Val, and her children sisters Gennati, Rykelen, and Ermina.  Are in the saddle.  Oda-Mar and Sim-Fer are flying beside us.  They all look gorgeous in the moonlight.

Like with my other living shadows?  Frazur can adjust his size, somewhat.  And fed by my mana ocean?  He's doubled in size to nearly a hundred feet long.  Thirty plus feet for each section.  Head/neck, body, then tail.

His wingspan must be a good hundred and fifty feet from tip to tip.  And when he breathes, we tested it on the way, fire?  You can see this purple blaze building up in his chest.  Then flowing through his neck and out his mouth.

It looks so freaking cool.  Now this, is a dragon! ... Could I become a dragon?

Really did not want Red and Lili to come.  Red's knocked up and Lili has no magic or combat skills to speak of.  They insisted on coming though.  Shit, even the maids were demanding to fight.

Sister witch in law trying to take Red away?  Who, after the prego reveal, had pretty much been proclaimed the 'Queen of Lions Keep?'  Has the whole castle wanting blood.  On the one hand, I'm incredibly proud.  On the other hand?  I'm, a bit, disturbed.

My cult is fanatically protective of my upcoming official first born, and they're spreading.  In fact it was cultists in Raelera who paved the way for this attack.  Undermining the defenses so our approach was not reported until already on top of them.

But aren't they expecting too much?  Even if he or she is isekai space zombie jesus.  Let the kid be a kid, man.

Of course I want to to limit the damage to the city as much as possible.  There's a hundred thousand people living here.  This needs to be shock and awe but also surgical.  Our target?  Gilend Palace.

Raelera is like many older larger towns in 'safe' areas.  There really isn't a 'castle' anymore.  Instead the wealthiest live in their own walled off district.  Here, the count has a palatial estate looking down on the city from its highest point.

And we are making a beeline straight for it.

Because we are emphasizing mobility I have not brought most of the the half deads.  Just the couple joined with paladins and Milti-Juri.  Dad thinks she's studying with Blue.

Am I contributing to the delinquency of a minor?

Had to leave all the skeletal warriors and death knights behind too.  Just isn't enough room and, like prom, this is an in and out operation.

Yeah, she's already fought dragons and elementals.  This time though?  Milti will be killing humans.  If she's going to spend decades growing with Juri?  Assassination will be part of her job.

We zoom over the docks at roof height as the alarm bells finally start ringing.  Leaving confusion and panic in our wake.  Up ahead of us, the Gilend Palace is well lit.  The count is having a party tonight for his House.  The core of their families are here.

Including sister witch in law.

Cultists say its claimed to be a party, but is really a strategy session.  Strategies for pulling me down.  Over a hundred knights are protecting the place.  Along with who knows how many men-at-arms and mercenaries.

*crunch* *splinter* *crack* *crash*

First Frazur follows the noble district's wall.  Dragging his tail along the top of walls and towers.  Crushing any poor bastards on it and smashing every trebuchet, catapult, and ballista.


Next the unlizard circles the hill.  Unleashing a stream of hellfire above the mansions of lesser families further down.  Isolating Gilend Palace with flames.


"[Mark of Agony]"

Finally Frazur lands on and crushes the god awfully huge and ornate fanciful fountain in front of the mansion.  Followed by me casting a dark school curse that explodes outward like a tidal wave of sickly smoke.  Rippling across the hill. 

Anyone not wearing my cult's mark?  Gets a new mark burned into their skin.  Causing severe debilitating pain.

Of course the tougher stronger ones resist it or break it.  No matter.  Its not meant for them anyway.

Turn to my fellow passengers as living shadows, specters, and wraiths, fountain out of me.

"Let's go replenish the ranks."

I jump down first and then help my harem step down from Frazur's back.  The half-deads and vamps have already leaped into action.  Feeding on and killing the screaming small fries rolling around on the ground.

The still standing idiots don't know quite what to do.  Seem a bit stunned in fact.  I suspect a giant undead looking dragon landing in front of them was the very last thing on their 'what might happen tonight' list.

Even making out with a fairy princess and running off to rule lala land together, was probably higher up.

You know?  I should make a list.  Can never have too many lists.


Oh, yeah, killing spree 4.0.  Should get back to that.

Within a minute or two, dozens have already been cut down.  Credit to their courage the survivors rally pretty quickly.  See healer slash holy types in the back lifting the curse on the catapult fodder.  Trying to get the pawns back up and onto the chess board.

The mercenaries are even trying to use formations.  Yeah...  That may be great against enemies with, you know, bodies?  Against living shadows, wraiths, and specters?  Not so much.

There are a hell of a lot of holy weapons though.  Even ones that just got a temporary divine buff.  Oh, I recognize those symbols.  Looks like the church is here too.


Ouch.  Yeah.  Formations ain't so great against dragon fire too.  Hey the churchies tried.  I saw barriers appear.  But this shit can melt my harem's magic.  Local pedopriests?  Don't stand a chance.

"Aiyee!" "Auugh!" "Put it out!" "Gahyii!"

Yep, merc barbecue.  And right behind the flames charge in the specters and wraiths.  Clawing, freezing, fearing, and draining.


*clang* *slich*

Catch a white and red's long sword with Tormentor while sliding Sanctity around his shield and deep into his chest.


A fist sized rock, cast by Oda-Mar, explodes the head of a mercenary on my left.

~Careful mom.~


Perrin decapitates a church knight trying to attack Lili with a mace.  Lili has a shield, so she can defend herself, but I have Perrin guarding and attacking for her.

Some of the village also became living shadows.  And I was able to upgrade them as well.  But besides the few that became shadow knights?  The rest, kind of suck.  Struggle even with small fries.

Yeah, numbers are important.  But, for me, quality over quantity every time.  May have to let them go.  The 'shadow soldiers,' lame name I know, are as mindless as the base goblin, kobold, and rat shadows were.

I don't need pawns yet.  Those can wait for the big campaigns later.  Right now?  I need rooks, knights, and bishops.  Would love some queens and kings too.

Gotta be more selective.  Not going to keep small fries.  Where's the big fries?

The chaotic melee spreads across the top of the hill and around the palace.  Hundreds of living trying to suppress over a hundred unliving, clash with sword and spell. 

"Shouldn't they have sprung their trap by now?"

Doors on the front of the palace fly open and dozens pour out from within.  There they are.  The biggest auras yet pop out from behind [Shroud] spells and items.  While an impressively large barrier suddenly covers the palace.

Lili's sister was, of course, bait.  Her claim is true, but the gathering's real aim was to draw me away from Lions Keep.  Get me to fight on their turf.  Geesh.  Try to be less obvious.  Its like these guys have never watched one of the greatest movies ever made.

So been waiting to use this line.

"Its a trap!"

What?  Why is everyone looking at me that way?  Oh come on!  That was cool.  Right?  It had to be said.  I couldn't not say it!  Okay, sorry, my bad.  Go back to your regularly scheduled slaughtering. ... Philistines.

No.  I'm not pouting.



Well.  The trappers look like a mix of of white and red house knights, metian church inquisition templar types, and whatever adventurers were desperate enough for coin, to get involved in a feud between noble houses.

Yes.  I already made sure that Juli and her crush, are not here.

Odd, figured there would be a lot more adventurers.


How the hell does an undead winged tyrant lizard make begging puppy eyes like that?

"Fine.  Go.  Play."


Swear that ex reptile has the biggest smile as he spews flames across the front of the mansion.  Melting thru its barrier in multiple places.  Dozens of smaller barriers pop into existence.  Over half of them quickly popping out again.

"Gah!" "Aiiye!" "Argh!" "Bastard!" "Eeyah!"

Screams and curses follow the blinding flames as a third of their number are consumed.  The survivors recovering eyesight is greeted by, Frazur's belly.  Whose leaped towards the palace.  Crashing thru the barrier and shattering the front of the five story mansion.

*crash* *crack* *crunch* *splinter* *snap*

The undead monster is having the time of his unlife.  Like a kid rampaging thru lego town.  Smashing up walls, ripping through floors, crushing windows, and skewering or tearing apart anyone unfortunate enough to be caught by fang or claw.

But while the lippy lizard may have foiled the count's dastardly scheme?  Not all of the trappers are frantically trying to fight or escape.  Some are joining the crazy clash around us.

Others though?  Eight white and red house knights to be exact?  Are charging straight for me.  Powerful auras.  Familiar auras?

Oh yeah.  The knights with tamper tantrum tan.  Red's brother.  Wow, and they are juiced to the max.  Multiple body magic spells cast.  Multiple buffs granted.  And each one decked out in divine feeling weapons and armor.

Yeah, been waiting for the chance to settle things with these guys.  Let you guys go for Red's sake.  This time?  You're dead.  Lets count them down, left to right.


Knight three, K3, launches an icicle at me from my left.


Was going to catch it with Tormentor but a spell shatters it instead.  Frankie?

"Did you think I would let master fight alone?"


A physical shield this time, blocks a large crossbow bolt flying in from my right.  Red?

"I will never leave your side, Jon."

Red finally used my name again.  Awe, that's sweet.  She has been getting more confident with our relationship since finding out she's knocked up.  But the battlefield is no place for a prego!


A lightning bolt flies passed me and hits K6 dead center.  Sending him flying.  Nice move Blue!  She is really getting good at chantless.

Oda-Mar launches a barrage on K1.  Sim-Fer blasts K8.  Lili-Perrin intercepts K7.  While Silvie crosses her rapiers with K2.  Frankie counters K3.  And Red shield bashes K5.

Leaving K4 who, on the aura and fancy armor scale, is definitely their captain.  You know?  Casters are normally at a pretty big disadvantage in melee but mine are doing well at keeping their target suppressed.  They've grown so much.  I'm so proud.

No.  I'm not crying.  Something just got in my eye.

*zhing* *kang* *gohn* *gunch*

K4 is tough.  Dual wielding a long and short sword.  He slashes left with the long sword while stabbing in with the short sword.  Both glowing with divine energy.  Scary.  Maybe if I was undead.

Huh.  Poison on the blades too?  Wow, not very knightly of you.

I deflect his left with my right and as soon as the tip passes my neck?  I slide in behind it and deliver a savage left hook.  Ha!  Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.  What guns?  These guns!

*flex* *flex* *fle-*


Yes.  I know I should be ashamed of myself.

K4?  Goes airborne and spins to the ground.  Knocked the fuck out.


K3's a chick?  Huh.  Well, bitch, watch this.


Drive Sanctity into K4's left chest.  There's the death rattle.  Now.

"[Shadow Rise]"


K3 eats a spell from Frankie instead of dodge or deflect it so she can breakthrough to me.  Her spear, zeroing in for my heart.  Before she can reach me?  She's suddenly stopped.  By a sword that's pierced her chest.

Coughing blood.  She looks down and sees a blade of ink and shadow that's stabbed into her breastplate.  Holding it is a thing made of more of the same.  Vaguely though?  It reminds her of the captain she's long admired.

As her sight dims and the cold reaches in.  Still standing and impaled on what's destroyed her heart.  She sees me walk up to her.  Waiting for that last moment.  Just as the last light leaves her eyes I lean over and whisper in her ear...

"[Shadow Rise]"

It doesn't take long to wrap up the fight as each new shadow attacks its former comrades.  Only Lili was injured with a gash on her arm but [Recovery Magic] quickly takes care of the wound and poison.

Well.  Time for a break.  The fighting around the fountain has settled down as my legion of death gains the upper hand.  The baskets we also unloaded are brought forward and blankets taken out.

As my harem sits and begins serving each other, plus me, drinks and snacks?  I use [Super Senses] to mark the corpses with the strongest souls and have the eight, need to find a ninth, gather them in front of me.

"[Shadow Levy]"

The corpses of the fallen that impress my minions?  Are brought to me and raised.  The bodies left behind?  Raised as zombies.  See?  I'm green friendly.  Bob the Lich says.  Reuse.  Recycle.  Reanimate.

The new living shadows charge off to join the battle.  The new zombies?  Well, more shamble off than charge.  Val and the sisters bring a few favorites they ask to turn.  Some, no dudes, I permit.  If they look like they will contribute.  And are hot.

The rest?  Slaughtered.  Including the count's stables.  The slower half-deads and death knights need fast mounts so I kill every horse in there.  Some I raise as skeletal horses.  Others as dark chargers.  The head of House Gilend was quite proud of his horses.

As the hellfire dies down, reinforcements are finally able to get thru.  Only the most loyal, or dependent, supporters though.  Since the fighting and flames haven't spread?  Most of the city accepts this is just the count 'reaping what he's sown.'

Naturally keeping tabs on the action thru my shadows?  I witness the desperate defense the house leadership puts up deep in the palace as they become caught in their own trap.  Even Frazur pokes his head thru the roof of the main hall and looks down on the action.

~Oh.  Don't mind me.  I am just here to watch.~

Of course their resistance is a pointless exercise.  Hundreds of undead are streaming into the hall from all directions.  One by one.  Two by two.  They fall.  The witch's execution I find particularly cathartic.

Those who do not fight back?  Like servants and slaves?  Are escorted down the hill and turned over to city troops.  Which have started patrolling around the hill to help keep the curious from getting caught up in the fighting.

Of course plenty of them also die.  You can't have this much magic being thrown about.  Plus a dragon rolling around.  Without their being collateral damage and casualties.

Well, if you really want that omelet.

Within a couple of eight-hours?  Its over.  Everyone wanting to fight for the Count or Gilend by now?  Has shown up and been sliced and diced or spied and fried.

Was thinking I would have some grand showdown with the count.  Where we would trade insults, curses, monologues, etc...  However, after Milti-Juri discovered a basement S&M chamber where halfling women were being raped and tortured to death?

According to slaves they remind him of his first wife.

I just had Rowl drag him out and toss the Count to Frazur.  Who chewed on him until only paste remained.  The wives and I watching over isekai tea and crumpets.  Shadows had brought out tables and chairs by now.

The surviving halfling women were turned over to the local church of Amedee.

Along with a substantial donation looted from the Gilend treasury.

The aftermath is a bit, surreal.  Surrounded by hundreds of undead.  My speakers, half-deads, and vamps, lounging around and on the fountain's ruins.  Already gave the newbie vamps some of my blood so they are looking quite healthy.

While I'm keeping myself busy snuggling with this or that spouse.

Hmm...  Need to come up with a new way of classifying them since there are so many different kinds now.  Ah.  The locals finally found an official with enough guts to face me.  Eh?  What's Frazur doing?

~I see you little shadow.  Have you come to play?  Do not fear.  You are welcome here.  All the children of death are.~

What is that?  A specter?  Wraith?  Vampire?  Well, whatever it is, its running like hell now.

"L-lord N-necromancer?"

The bureaucrat looks super nervous.  His eyes keep darting back and forth looking at all the ways he might die.  There are lots and lots of examples strewn about to compare after all.

Red's not in a forgiving mood.  She just watched her father die.  Stands and points her sword at him.  Maybe its the pregnancy hormones?

"Fool!  Kneel before your lord!  This is my husband, Viscount Jon Barton!  Slayer of the Erienberg Dragons.  Savior of the Blue Lady.  Bane of the Demon Lord Urnithun.  Rescuer of the Maidens of Saint Sanriel.  Bearer of the Holy Sword Sanctity.  Tamer of the Infernal Blade Tormentor.  Swordmage of the Guild of Adventurers.  Exalted of the Arts of Necromancy.  Reaper of Rapists.  Breaker of Betrayers.  Crusher of Curses.  Protector of Pearlden.  Guardian of Stormgarde.  Lord of Lions Keep.  Valued by the Lord General.  And Adopted Son of the Marquis of Vaegia."

Now that's just getting ridiculous.  How the hell am I ever going to fit all that on a business card?  Huh.  Better do something about the now kowtowing bureaucrat before he pees himself.

Oops.  Too late.

Resting my head against the ample breast pillows of Lili and Ushi.  I look at the bureaucrat.

"Rise official.  Tell me.  Are you a member of House Gilend?"

The newly standing chap's knees start shaking something fierce but he does manage to nod.

"Do you plan any ill or harbor any grudges to the Family Barton or House Lianlaf?"

Furious shaking of the same head that was just nodding.  Dude, you're gonna give yourself whiplash.

"Excellent!"  Clap my hands and stand.  "Then our work here is done."  Frazur turns his back into a saddle again and I help my wives up.  Then wave.  "Good night."

The better shadows and spirits I recall.  The best of the zombies I mount double or even triple on the horses and send them out the noble district's gate in the outer wall.  The rest I fade.  Including the shadow soldiers from the village.

Sorry guys.  Its you.  Not me.

Once everyone is on?  Frazur gets airborne with a short running start and we leave Raelera, a half collapsed burning palace, hundreds of corpses strewn about a ruined estate, and one terrified official, behind. 

As I give each of my wives kisses as thanks for their support, I can't help but smile.

What a pleasant evening.

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