A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 1: Stowaways

---D-Day+111, Dherus 18th, Tuesday Evening---


Two eight-hours before dinner.

♫The king and his men, stole the queen from her bed.  And bound her in her bones.  The seas be ours and by the powers.  Where we will, we'll roam.♫1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecRcT6TPuCs

Damn.  Forgot how beautiful the ocean gets with no land in sight to distract you.

I'm on the aft balcony of a treasure ship's mini palace, lounging, in a lounger.  The chinese looking Yangxu princess, Tiang Li Zexi, is laying on top of me.

Oh, “Tiang” Li Zexi because the yanese do the last name first thing.

Our private porch is wood.  Stained white like the ship's hull.  And its railing has those weird sort of square shapes instead of straight bars.

We're six stories up from the ocean.  On the sterncastle’s top deck of the huge Yangxu vessel, Jinshibo.

There's a storm south of us.  Big one too.  My [Super Senses] cheat shows me the details in 4K Ultra HD.  Huge green waves, lots of lightning, gale winds, black rolling clouds, with some sort of sea monsters prowling in it.

Loch Ness Monster looking things.

Fortunately it's heading east and we are sailing north.  The fleet's skimming the edge of it so we're safe.  Though I doubt this titanic would be in much danger anyway.

Really gotta stop raising flags like that.

"Xingan?  What are you singing?"

Little Li interrupts my crooning. Her super long straight black hair came unpinned while we were snogging so had to wind it up in a messy braid.  Otherwise it gets caught in every fucking thing.  And she's still playing with it.

Yanese don't believe in cutting their hair.  Like, ever.  Something about honoring their ancestors.  So they braid, pin and or bob it up.  Both the girls and the guys.

Her delicate ivory fingers look adorable as they twine the tresses.  But I'm more interested in the c-cups squished into my chest and those big brown eyes looking up at me lustfully.

My little china girl calls me "Xingan" a lot.  Found out it means darling or beloved.  Something like that.

Can hear the rest of my harem inside, still hiking through the mountain of luggage in the bedroom.  The sounds of the ocean being stirred by this humongous chinese junk style vessel's passing is a constant background noise.

And a salty ocean smell covers everything.

"A, uh, folk song while I contemplate a career change."

Would becoming an undead pirate really be a bad thing?

After all, who's to say the divine daddio’s tomb isn't on the bottom of the ocean?  The prime suspect for who wanted to summon my son is now the "allfather" of the gods.  And, yes, I mean allfather in the gross incest way.

No wonder his kids decided to kill him.

The myths of the country I just left, Tourin, say the gods buried the allfather in the bottom of a dungeon.  No, not a castle's basement type dungeon.  Yes, one of those fantasy type dungeons.

However, the yanese have a different myth.  That the holy pedo fled to their "gods," the dragons.  Who then locked him up and threw away the key.

But, just like with the tourinese, no one knows exactly "where" that place is.

And if it's at the bottom of the ocean?  Then I could just walk there.

Plus I've been on the ride and watched the movies.  So it's like I've taken the correspondence course.  Piracy 101.  Just gotta watch out for guys with pet monkeys or squid faces.

Getting tired of being an isekai doctor anyway.  Would becoming an isekai pirate be considered a lateral career move?  Though Princess Li really wants me to be an isekai kung fu guy.

And that doesn't mean I can't keep working on my other stuff.  Swordmage is coming along.  The academy had books for it.  Just no instructors.  Necromancy is still floundering.  Being overpowered but underskilled has led to some "interesting" undead.

Couldn't find a teacher who didn't want to control me.  And the books were, well, unreliable.  Golemancy is still too new.  Fortunately the golem, Agrag, is like a walking tech manual on the craft.

And no matter what.  I'm not going back to being an isekai psycho.

My need to engage in homicidal behavior on a massive scale has been corrected.  I have other ways to fulfill my needs.  I'm a father.  A husband.  And now, a fucking god.  Or is it demigod?  Saint?  Whatever my cult calls it.  At least I know it's not a hero.

Heroes don't torture exploited teens.  Don't slaughter assholes just to see if they can.  Don't enslave the dead.  But I do.

Speaking of ways to fulfill my needs.  Give china girl's ass a squeeze.

"Mymm… Xingan…"

What?  It's not like they don't want it.  And with [mana manipulation] and now dual-cultivation?  I am very, really very, good at it.  Should call my sex machine mode, sex god mode instead.

She's wearing robes similar to what superwoman and the twins had on.  Blue with red collar, edging, and sash.  But with no green dragons sewn on.  Called it a shenyi and the collar is below her shoulders.  Leaving them bare.

Hot, but a lot simpler than what she's been wearing.  There should also be a wrap underneath to cover her tits and naughty bits.  But?  There isn't one.

Houston, we are go for liftoff.

Feeling the sun on my cheek reminds me of something that interrupts the pocket rocket's launch procedure.


Princess pauses her lips' expedition exploring my, sadly still, hairless chest.


"Why are we still going north?"

If we're passed the storm.  Which we are.  Shouldn't we be heading west?

The younger Tiang sister quickly hides her face beneath my left pec.

"Oh, uh, well, cao.  You see, Xingan?"  Super nervous.  "Th-there was, sort of, a ship already here."


Peeks over my nipple.

"Y-you are n-not upset?"



"Oh, Xingan, thank you!  I was so worried you would be disappointed."

Huh.  Don't get it.

Little Li’s hand moves into my pants and finds something to squeeze.  And rub.  But I'm curious now. 

"Li?  Why was the ship already here?"

She may be a princess but this fleet must have thousands of sailors.  And cost god knows how much to build.  You don't leave the medieval equivalent of a carrier group loitering an ocean away from port for one kid.

The lewd tour pauses again as china girl looks up at me, confused.

"Oh, uh, royal father started the treasure fleets again."

Gives me an odd look after I raise my eyebrows.  Can tell she would really rather not be using her mouth to talk right now.

I may have fucked her a little too much.

But I can tell, from inside my pants, that Young Li hasn't given up yet!

Maybe it's bad of me but I've got ten more ready and willing pretty much whenever, wherever, even however, I want.  Plus three more on standby.  What can I say?  I'm spoiled for choice.

And several of them?  Like Frankie, Lula, and Lili, are much better lays.  Even her sister Big Ji, is more skilled in the sack.  Yes, I know, I'm an asshole.

Hey, still treat my women better than most douchebags on this misogynistic planet.  Yeah, thought it was just sexist at first.  But the more this shitty world gets exposed?  The more I realize just how fucked the fairer gender is.  And in a lot more than just the fun ways.

Christ, I really am turning into an isekai feminist.

Pray for my soul.

Oops, Little Li’s staring at me.  Guess my brain wandered off again there.

"Can you give me more context?"

Get a cute frown and the hand leaves my trousers.  She then puts both elbows on my chest and rests that milky white chin on her dainty fists.  Even puts a foot up.

Complete kawaii pose.

"Well with the Haiguo in the south and Tiede in the west."  Shrugs.  "Royal father restarted the treasure fleets like in the old empire."  Frown deepens.  "Those huaidan don't own the sea."

Yep, there's that "why don't you know this" face.  Really hate that look.  I'm from another fucking planet people!  At least try to keep that in mind.

"So this fleet was already here?"

Shakes her head.

"No, Xingan.  Every year the treasure fleets leave and spend six months trading.  The Jinshibo visits Nandao and then travels up the Iagreth coast."  Pouts a little.  "It was not going to reach Tourin for another month or more."

Ah, she messed with their schedule.

"Are there other treasure fleets?"

Nods, seems a bit happier now.  Maybe just glad to help me.

"The Yiqilchao goes beyond Nandao to Kabka.  And the Tonlongfen circles Anyango."

So, guess I got lucky to get expelled from Stormgarde when I did.  If we'd missed the boat I could have been stuck in Tourin.  That would have gotten ugly.  Though crossing an ocean and joining a xianxia sect may get messy too.

"Interesting, thank you Li."

There's that glowing smile again.  Her peach lips are looking yummy too.  And here comes the bashful act.

"W-was I g-good, Xingan?"  There goes her hand down my pants again.  "C-can I g-get a reward?"

Hmm… why not.  Haven't unloaded since this morning and they were sad fucks.  Since it was our last bang in Lions Keep’s Grand Suite.  Might as well give this Love Boat a proper "christening."

"Sure."  Both hands grip her ass.  "But keep the screaming down this ti-"

*crash* *thump*

Hear things toppling, breaking, then yelling from the bedroom behind us.

"Hey!  That hurt!"

What the fuck?  That's not a voice that should be here.

Use Li’s ass to pick her up and off while I walk back into the bedroom.

There, beside an impressively large pile of trunks is…


The girl on the floor goes from being angry to ecstatic in the second it takes her ears to find me.

"Jonny!"  Jonny?

Catch the flying leap she takes at me and my face gets covered with kisses as legs wrap around me.

"Princess!  Be careful!"  Maty?

Another trunk pops open and another uninvited passenger sits up.  Getting a huff from my attacker.

"But Dame Jouveral, I miss my Jonny!"  Looks at me with huge puppy dog eyes.  "How could you leave me?"

Okay, setting the record straight.  I have not fucked her.  She's a bit young for me.  I like older women.  Well it was younger women when I was old.  But with this teenaged body?  My strike zone is actually higher now.

My attacker is Princess Isabeau Manel Angelles, daughter of King Arter II of Tourin.  Basically offered to me as a bribe, by her siblings, to keep me out of the brewing succession war between the first prince and first princess.

The trunk lady is Dame Matylda Jouveral.  A knight in the royal order of the White Rose and Duke Airnett's ex-mistress.  Was also, thanks to [Super Senses], my introduction to isekai sex games.  When I, accidentally, heard her and the new duke roleplaying "damsel in distress."

And no, she wasn't the damsel.  Yep, not enough bleach in the world to feel clean again after that performance.

Wait, if Isa's here then where's…



Hitomi popped the top on another trunk and out tumbles… Ymi.

Lady Ymanie Baramont.  Daughter of Duke Baramont and the other half of my bribe.  And, no, I haven't fucked her either.  Besides, with the way she always sticks to Isa?  Suspect I'm not her "type" anyway.

Together I call the two the dynamic duo or heinienesses.  Usually bad with names so, yes, I am proud I remembered theirs.

Now, is that all?  Point my cheat on the luggage and…  Yep, there's one more.

Nod and Frankie goes over.  Then opens its lid.



She dumps the box when the occupant refuses to exit.

And who might this stowaway be?  Huh.  Don't recognize her.

Lili, bless her milf heart, sees my confusion.  Steps up next to me and whispers.

"Lord, that is Lady Aurai Lianlaf.  The daughter of Lions Keep’s new Baron."

She looks our way and, "Hmph!"  Turns away.

Yep, that's her.  Wait.  Then what the hell is she doing here?  We've met like twice.  Three times, tops.  She pick the wrong trunk to hide in?  Trying to hitch a ride with some other expelled, dismissed, heathen that’s got a bounty on his head?

Frankie pulls something out of the trunk and hands it to, uh, Auri.  Yep, you are now Auri.

The sitting girl mumbles, "thank you," and puts them on.

Oh.  Glasses.  She needs spectacles?  Then why didn't she wear them before?

With some effort, I peel Isa off me and walk over to help glasses girl.

"Here, let me help."

Hesitantly she gives me her hand and looks up.  "Whoa," is squeaked as I easily lift her.  Stumbling a bit, I wrap both arms around to keep her steady.  Now smushed against me, I get a closeup.  Her prescription must be horrible since the glasses make her eyes huge.

Poor thing's probably legally blind.  But hot in a Marian the Librarian sort of way.  Can't help myself and one hand grips her ass tight while I gently kiss her.

Her olive skin, brown curly hair, and big black eyes suit her.  Height seems about 5'5" and she's not thick at all.  Helping her b-cups stand out more.  She looks, sort of, spanish maybe?

Our kiss gets deeper and deeper until I finally let her breath again.  She squeaks out another "whoa."  Eyes swimming and face flush.

Oh yeah, my dick can work with this.

Well, time to get to the bottom of this.  Without releasing Auri's eyes I begin speaking.

"Isa?  Why are you here?"

Can hear the pout in her voice and stamped foot.

"You think brother and sister will let us stay in Stormgarde once they learn you left?  Or learn we can cast?"  Oh yeah, they're not manaless anymore after our meditation sessions.  "They will split us up and sell us to some old fat smelly lords or merchants."

Ymi pipes in.

"Please my lord, staying with you is our only chance to stay…"  Hesitates.  Fidget fingers.  "...together."

"And what about miss knight?"

Maty sighs before answering.

"If I stopped my charges from leaving?  Would just be sent somewhere else out of sight, out of mind."  Shrug.  "If I did not?  Would be executed for not stopping them.  So following you?”  Big smile.  “Gives me hope too."

Move my other hand from Auri’s waist to her other cheek.  Just need to raise an eyebrow to communicate the same question.

"I… I am…  not very pretty.”  Low self esteem?  “N-not very smart.”  No confidence?  “And the glasses make my eyes so ugl-"

"I like them."

Learned a long time ago that confidence is ninety percent of everything.  It's also one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Her eyes somehow swim even more.

"Y-yu-you d-do?"  A bashful smile.  "Mother said you were the one, f-for me."  Her arms wrap around me.  "D-did not believe b-but she is n-never wrong.  Has the g-gift."  Gift?  "Sh-she helped me s-sneak-hmph."

Whatever was going to be said is lost as our mouths dance together again.  Her mother knows where she is.  Even encouraged her to go.  That's good enough for me.

It's settled then.  Auri's mine now.

As we snog, one of her hands moves down to my ass and squeezes.


Oh yeah, I can work with this.

Alnus, Miltinnia (female, human, aquecian)

  • Daughter of Kamern Almus
    • Deceased
  • Merchant
    • Apprentice
    • Moderca Trade Company
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Juri
  • Faith
    • Beast
  • Milti, Wheelchair girl, Wheelchair

Angelles, Isabeau Manel (female, human, tourinese)

  • Third Princess
    • Kingdom of Tourin
  • Youngest daughter of King Arter III Angelles
  • Isa, Princess, Heinieness, Dynamic duo

Baramont, Ymanie (female, human, tourinese)

  • Viscountess of Baramont
    • Title-less
    • Duchy of Lathouc
  • Youngest daughter of Duke Gautier Baramont
  • Ymi, Princess, Heinieness, Dynamic duo

Barton, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 3rd Wife
  • Formerly Chastel, Alote
  • 5'5", 22 years
    • rectangle body, oval face, close set b-cup breasts, small square butt
    • blue eyes, long curly blond hair, ringlets, fair skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)
  • Lover
    • Edelys Barton
  • Blue, Mage-wife

Barton, Clari (female, human, tourinese)

  • Formerly Sothea, Clari
  • 5'2", 16 years
    • blue eyes, short straight black hair, fair skin
  • Sister of Jon Barton
    • Adopted
    • Daughter of Lilias Barton
  • Sis

Barton, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 1st Wife
  • Pregnant
    • Jon Barton
    • 3 months
  • Formerly Gilend, Edelys
    • Knight Vice Captain, Black Hart Order
  • 6'2", 22 years
    • rectangular body, rectangle face, athletic dd-cup breasts, small square butt
    • hazel eyes, short curly red hair, fair skin
  • Daoist
    • Juqi (Qi Gathering)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Lover
    • Alote Barton
  • "Red," “Knight-wife,” “Edel”

Barton, Hitomi (female, elf-human, japanese)

  • the Shadow
  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 4th Wife
  • Isekaied
    • Transmigration (body)
    • Ritual summoning
  • Formerly Chigusa, Hitomi
  • 5'2", 16 years
    • inverted triangle body, inverted triangle face, archetype d-cup breasts, small v-shaped butt
    • amber eyes, short spiky black hair, dark grey skin, long pointed swept back ears
  • Daoist
    • Juqi (Qi Gathering)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Adventurer
    • Gold ranked
    • Thief class
  • Aquecian hero
    • Shadow Mistress
  • Lover
    • Jon Barton
  • JK girl, Japanese wife, Japanese high schooler, Ninja girl, Shinobi girl

Barton, Lilias (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 1st Concubine
  • Formerly Sothea, Lilias
    • Formerly Gilend, Lilias
  • 5'8", 31 years
    • bottom hourglass body, triangle face, bell shape e-cup breasts, large square butt
    • hazel eyes, long straight brown hair, fair skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • "Lili"

Barton, Odaline (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 2nd Concubine
  • Formerly Lilevo, Odaline
    • Professor, Tellus Magic, Stormgarde Academy
  • 5'9", 29 years
    • top hourglass body, heart face, side set e-cup breasts, large round butt
    • brown eyes, long straight blonde hair, fair skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Margo
  • "Oda," "Oda-Mar"

Barton, Simone (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 3rd Conucbine
  • Formerly Regniar, Simone
    • Lecturer, Lumen Magic, Stormgarde Academy
  • 5'5", 24 years
    • hourglass body, diamond face, tear drop c-cup breasts, medium heart butt
    • blue eyes, long straight black hair, beige skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Divorced
    • Kaoln Regniar
  • Son
  • Daughter
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Ferra
  • Sim, Sim-Fer

Barton, Ushinua (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 2nd Wife
  • Formerly Angelles, Avalina Faphyri
  • 5'0", 18 years
    • hourglass body, heart face, round g-cup breasts, large round butt
    • purple eyes, straight long white hair, dark grey skin, long pointed swept out ears
  • Daoist
    • Juqi (Qi Gathering)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Frankie, Priest-wife, Ushi

Carter, Elizabeth (female, human, british)

  • Isekai
    • Transmigration
    • Helena Lehne (lustonian)
  • 5'4", 16* years
    • spoon body, round face, archetype c-cup breasts, small heart butt
    • green eyes, short curly blue hair, white skin
  • Daughter of Farard Lehne
    • Herre (Baron) of Vehberg
  • Lizzy, Otome girl

Chastel, Luliene (female, human, ukuxhan)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Pregnant
    • Jon Barton
    • 1 month
  • Formerly
    • Wife of Hamond Chastel
    • Slave
    • Princess of Imkoni
  • 5'2", 27 years
    • hourglass body, oval face, bell g-cup breasts, large heart butt
    • green eyes, weaved curly black hair, brown skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Lula, Mocha momma, Chocolate angel

Chastel, Melicent (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Formerly Duchess Chastel
    • Duchy of Trosseria
  • 5’4”, 48 years
    • triangle body, inverted triangle face, relaxed e-cup breasts, large round butt
    • black eyes, long curly blonde hair, fair skin
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Sons
    • Hammond (1st)
    • Geffroi (2nd)
    • Heimer (4th)
  • Daughters
    • Roisela (3rd)
    • Alote (5th)
  • Widow of Richart Chastel
  • Mother of Alote Barton
  • Mel, Mommy duke

Lianlaf, Aurai (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5’5”, 16* years
    • rectangular body, diamond face, athletic b-cups breasts, small v-shaped butt
    • black eyes, long curly brown hair, olive skin
  • Daughter of Baron of Lions Keep
  • Auri

Jouveral, Matylda (female, human, tourinese)

  • Formerly Royal Knight Vice Captain
    • Order of the White Rose
  • Mistress of Duke Theovald Airnett
  • Maty, Knight chick

Tiang, Li Zexi (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Royal Princess
    • Empire of Yangxu
  • 5’3”, 16 years
  • Daoist
    • Juqi (Qi Gathering)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Younger sister of Ji Ping Tiang
  • Little Li, Young Li, Younger sister, China girl, Chinese princess, Xiao Li

Tiang, Ji Ping (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Royal Princess
    • Empire of Yangxu
    • Renounced her title
  • 5’6”, 19 years
  • Daoist
    • Zhuji (Foundation Establishment)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)
  • Older sister of Li Zexi Tiang
  • Big Ji, Old Ji, Older sister, Chan Ji

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