A Fathers Wrath

Branch 1: Baiyu

---D-Day+112, Dherus 19th, Wednesday Morning---


All dialogue below is in yanese.

*knock* *knock*


A green door opens and Royal Princess Tiang Li Zexi walks in.  She is dressed in the robes of a Beyulongong Neimen Dizi.  A simple blue shenyi with red collars, borders, and sash.

Though this morning the collar is worn properly around Li’s neck.  Not hanging below her shoulders.  And she does have on an underwrap to cover her privates.

Princess Li has entered one of the mini-palace's bedrooms.  Far smaller than the "harem" room but still well equipped. 

A six post canopy bed, compound cabinet, display cabinet, incense stand, altair table, stools, and tea table with horseshoe-back arm chairs, furnishes the chamber.

The entrance to the small tub and toilet rooms is concealed behind a nine leaf multi-panel screen.  Scenes of cultivation are painted on the panels.

All of the furniture is made out of fragrant rosewood.  

The panels, paintings, carvings, and inlays color the space in reds, greens, and blues.  Lit by the first cracks of dawn.

Smells of wood, incense, and scented soap from a drying bath, mix with the salty sea air.

Who the young lady is here to see sits at a tea table next to the window.  An elegant matron wearing robes of blue, green, and gold.

Little Li walks in a few paces and, as the door closes behind her, kowtows on the polished golden nanmu wood floor.

“Inner Disciple Tiang Li Zexi greets esteemed Core Elder Baiyu Jingi.”

A blue and white porcelain cup touches the elder’s green lips as she takes a sip of the tea just poured by a foxkin girl.  Today the beast girl is dressed in blue robes.

“Good morning, Disciple Tiang.  Did you sleep well?”

Li rises to her knees, blushing a little.

“Y-yes, I did, thank you Elder Baiyu.”

The mature woman nods.

“Explain then to this elder, disciple.  Why was it necessary to change the Jinshibo's course?"

The Emperor’s order caused the fleet to skip Aquecian ports this year.  Missing an opportunity to meet the summoned heroes.  A goal for this voyage since recent reports from the Gaibang have been raising concerns.

Yanese care little about who wins wars beyond Luyan.  However, they do care about the aftermath.  And reports of super weapons, secret factories, and slave armies is a massive change in aquecian practices.

Iagreth's biggest empire has been economically reliant on slavery for centuries.  But regular uprisings taught them to militarily rely on citizens.  Aquecia's new rulers threw that policy away.

Some at court believe the eagle empire will build slave navies next.  A potential threat to Yangxu interests in the donghai, east sea.  Face to face talks by senior elders would provide valuable insights and help prevent misunderstandings.

But Princess Li's plea to her father ruined those, and other, plans.

"Honored elder, Barton Jon is a summoned one who has had difficulty adapting to our world."  Still on her knees.  "He created many enemies in Tourin because of this."

Jingi eyes the kneeling woman.

"Then, humble disciple, why invite such trouble into our home?"

Little Li pauses.  She is about to touch on a subject very important to the Xinulongzu.  And secret.  The elder sees her eyes glance at the fox beastkin.

"Sayuri, wait outside."

"Yes mistress."

The girl bows and quickly walks out.  Passing next to Li.  A scent tickles the princess's nose and gives her a shock.  Which she immediately suppresses.

A bigger question now comes to mind.  But she waits until the green door closes again.

"Elder Baiyu, may I ask where you found her?"  The princess wondered.  "Huyao are quite rare."

Fox beastkin were created during the Wizard Wars.  However there is an older race of demons, the Huyao, who are often mistaken for foxkin.  Hunted, even by other demons, for their tails.  Fox Demons survive by staying in remote villages.

Sect elder raises an eyebrow.

"A fortuitous encounter on one of the larger nandao."  Sighs.  "She has talent.  Sadly too much of her qi is still demonic."  Rolls her hand.  "If she is unable to remove or hide the taint…"

The yanese girl nods.

"Will be discovered during the trials and killed."

Takes another sip of tea.

"Correct, worldly disciple.  Though I will kill her before that if she fails."  Scissor motion.  "Sayuri had the courage to approach me and beg to become a, uh, cultivator.  That huyao has earned the opportunity."

Another bow.

"This impressed disciple understands, foresighted elder.

Elder Baiyu smirks.

"I am also impressed.  When did the diligent disciple get so good at sensing demon qi?"

That diligent dizi now has very red cheeks.

"I… I have, uh, practiced tasti-, er, holdi-, er, sensing!  Yes, sensing xinga-, er, others’ qi, e-elder."

Princess Li kowtows again to hide her blushing face.  Not realizing that now bright red ears still give her flushed state away.  She also does not notice the elder is still smirking.

"Xixi.  Then the sect should be pleased to have such a chaste disciple."

Restrained snickering as the Nascent Soul master can see steam rising from the head of the embarrassed Qi Gathering student.

Glances at her two Spirit Condensing students.  Understanding the message, one steps out into the hallway while the other goes onto the small balcony.  Each sign a barrier into existence to mute sound.

Looking at the kowtowing royalty's blooming ears.  The elder releases a wistful sigh before continuing. 

"Disciple Tiang Li, speak."

The flustered girl gets ahold of herself and shakily rises back to her knees before talking.  Focusing and choosing her words carefully.

"This inadequate disciple believes Brother Barton could be valuable to the Xinulongzu."

Baiyu Jingi raises an eyebrow as the air around her starts feeling… sharp.

"And just how will Xiongdi Barton help my New Lady Dragons Group?"

"Shuangxiu, forgiving elder."

Little Li becomes completely still.  Keeping her eyes locked on the wavy grain pattern in the wood floor.  And ignoring the painful papercut sized slice that just appeared on her left ear.

Having passed through Qi Realization, Elder Baiyu can give her raw qi physical form.  At the moment, that form is tiny, nearly invisible razors filling the air around her.

Core Elder's words and eyes turn cold.

"Only a princess would be so bold to suggest swans lay with pigs."  Waves her blue sleeve.  "And what good could a Body Refiner possibly do with such meager qi?"

"Informed elder, dual-cultivating with Brother Barton is how I advanced from Early-stage to Middle-stage Qi Gathering."  Her senior looks surprised. "As well as how my xingan is already a Qi Gatherer too."

The air around Li softens but she hides her relief.  Baiyu's eyes are still sharp.

"When did the studious disciple begin… dual-cultivating with the pig?"

While shuangxiu is not illegal.  It is considered a social taboo.  Fine for wealthy curious debutantes.  Not fine for daoists who want to be taken seriously.

The few dual-cultivating sects tend to isolate themselves to minimize backlash.  Only occasionally showing up to tournaments.

"A month ago, honored elder."

Jingi blinks a few times in reply.  Not sure she heard Li right.

"And the reason this blind elder does not feel your dao companion's realm?"

Little Li again feels relief.  Among daoists, achievement trumps all.  So even a pig transforms into a brother daoist, if they are talented.

"My most precious is a summoned one, gifted elder.  Vast stores of qi and very skilled in its guidance.  Even learned to condense his aura like a steel egg.  Impossible to see through."

Baiyu traces her lips with a finger.  A dual-cultivator might be a boon to her group's cultivation.  If they can control him and his, “qi,” is rich enough to warrant the risk.

All daoists compete for cultivation resources.  Any advantage is still an advantage.  Unless it is a shameful one.  And shuangxiu is considered heretical.

The last thing her Xinulongzu needs is any loss of face.  The group’s reputation is the weaker younger members' best defense against other factions within the sect.  Like the Shaoyeshe.

Baiyu Jingi narrows her eyes at Tiang Li.  She will have to be absolutely sure.

"What about your sister, honest disciple?  There is no change in her realm nor stage."

Princess nods with a pained regretful look.

"Jiejie's choices at Stormgarde gave birth to several xinmo.  Leaving her crippled in body, mind, and dao."

Senior frowns.

"Heart devils?  And more than one?  The poor child- wait."  Blinks.  "Are you saying your xingan healed them and restored her cultivation?"

Finally, junior feels it's safe to smile.

"Yes, quick elder.  My heart and liver saved my sister in every way.  And when it's just," blush, "uh, family?  She smiles and laughs and loves again."

Core Elder sighs in relief then also smiles.

"You make her old auntie happy, young lady."  Another sip of tea.  "I am glad she recovered.  The death of the Tiede prince ruined decades of your royal father's efforts."  Angry eyes.  "We never could prove the Young Masters Club's involvement."

Inner Disciple’s smile boldly becomes a smirk.

"That is another way my xingan may help us, benevolent elder."

"Ha!"  Barks the elder at the still kneeling disciple.  And sighs again.  "Get up Xiao Li.  Your shimu has punished you enough for one day.  Though she does not forgive you."

The elder waves a blue sleeve at the chair opposite her.  Her disciple bows gratefully and stands.  Gracefully refilling her teacher's teacup first before also sitting at the small table.

"This unfilial disciple thanks her martial mother."

A snort from her senior.

"You are still terrible at etiquette."  An elegant hand dips a youtiao, cruller, in a bowl of steaming congee, rice porridge, before taking a bite.  "Though, Xiao Li, seriously?  Dual-Cultivating with a pig and wairen?"

Shuangxiu are arts for two.  Mixing yin and yang can provide superior cultivation.  Some use it but mix yin with yin or yang with yang instead.  Used that way the techniques still provide pleasure, but little else.

Another blush from the princess.

"It is not like that shimu…  He is more than an outsider."

The master giggles.

"True, he is your insider now."  Lifts her hands and finger fucks them together.  The morning’s rays casting lewd shadows on the golden floor.

"Teacher… stop…"  The blush deepens.

Passionate hands separate and sleeves ruffle.

"Fine.  Yet I refuse to believe the little princess, who once only liked the taste of swan, now prefers pig."  Smirks.  "Or… is he a bull?"

With steam rising from her ears, Little Li nods.

"Bull, shimu.  An amazing bull!"

Her own enthusiasm surprising herself, the princess turns into an even riper tomato.

The Core Elder of the Beyulongong sect and leader of the New Lady Dragons Group sighs.

"Che.  A bull that already has cows.  Over a dozen."  Shakes her head.  Disappointed.  "Two once proud swans flapping eagerly for a bull.  Not even leading his herd but following behind the cows?"

Li fidgets, her fingers tangle and she mumbles.

"Elder, please, he saved Jiji.  She was really gone."  Eyes tearing up.  "And when I lied but he still helped her…  When he gave so selflessly…  How could any girl not… fall…"

Baiyu sighs again and then pinches her nose too.  Realizing she's been doing that a lot this morning.

"Very well, Li'er, your shimu shall support her foolish disciple."  Ignores the beaming smile.  “Now, how do you think a man can help the North Jade Dragon Palace sect’s only women’s group?”

The blushing girl’s face clears and her eyes now turn cold.  This is the moment she’s been waiting for.

“By getting revenge on the Shaoyeshe.”

Jingi scoffs at Li in reply.

“Ha!  Revenge?  Xiao Li, the Young Masters Club loves harem lords.  Each keeps the largest harem he can.”  Sad look.  “And too many young nuyan and daonushi are willing to trade their bodies for protection.”  Distant stare.  “Their futures for empty promises.”

Her disciple lights an evil smile.

“My Xingan offers more than just protection.  His seed is wealthy in life and qi.  And he feeds a dozen women every day.”  For the second time this morning Elder Baiyu doubts her ears.  “My heart and liver’s promises are not empty.”  The wicked grin turns smug.  “After all, he even fought uncle for me.”

Core Elder does a double take.

“Your bull fought Elder Oops and lived?”

The smug grin turns into a giggle.

“More than fought shushu, elder.  If Jiji and I had not begged for uncle’s life?"  Chopping motion.  "Xingan, would have killed him.”

Baiyu rolls her eyes.

“The sect raised you to be honest, Little Li."  Wags her finger.  "Not to make up stories.”

“I swear on my sister that it is true.”

Senior still looks doubtful.

“A Qi Gatherer beating a Nascent Soul?  Inconceivable.”

The princess pours herself a cup of tea from the blue and white porcelain pot.

“My most precious is also a Swordmage, Necromancer, and summoned one.  He is far stronger than just a Qi Gatherer like this unworthy disciple.”

Senior holds her chin and smiles.

“Hmph!  So someone finally gave that molestor the beating he deserved.  Good.  Very good.”

“Elder Oops” is a widely reviled figure in the sect.  Often “accidentally” placing his hands where they shouldn’t be on young female disciples.  Other elders refuse to act.  Afraid of upsetting his older brother.  Who is both the sect leader, and emperor.

Thought of kindly by his royal nieces, he supposedly never goes “too far.”  Though rumors persist that he does but the raped girls keep silent.  Fearing retaliation.  Only finding comfort in their abuser’s impotence and sterility.

“Yes, brilliant elder.  And with enough support?  Xingan’s potential is limitless.”  Li smirks and spreads her arms.  “Every young master will cough up blood in envy.”

The group leader shakes her head.

"I applaud your desire to avenge your sister, Li'er.  But you expect them to recruit your consort?  This path is well travelled."  Counts.  "No female agent is ever trusted enough to learn their secrets.  And no male agent resists turning into a young master himself."  Shrugs.  “Men are pigs.”

Confusion crosses Little Li’s face.

"Elder, Brother Barton won't join them.  He will kill them."  A low chuckle.  "Worse.  He may even harvest their souls and enslave them.  No soup from Granny Meng.  No reincarnation…  No escape."

Jingi steeples her fingers and squints an eye.

"While the Young Masters Club is not an official club or group.  They must have nearly a hundred members."  Raises an eyebrow.  "Each the son of an elder or great clan.  Your heart and liver would be devoured."

Tiang Li Zexi had to be careful not to reveal too much.  She has been plotting vengeance since her dear sister was tricked into attending Stormgarde.

And ever since watching her Jon heal a hero, then kill, raise, and kill again, a duke?  Knew in her heart's heart that xingan was the key to everything.

He just needed the right help.

"Royal father has his eye on Brother Barton.  No one will dare make a move openly."  Chuckles.  "Xixi.  And all shadows serve my xingan."

Her martial mother frowns.

"Che.  Very well my scheming disciple.  So what are you asking for?"

Princess Li looks out the window.  Witnessing the endless waves.

“Oh knowledgeable elder, is Shigu Shen Ling Yi still stuck at Dianfeng Huaqi?”

Baiyu scowls.

“That Silingfashi?  Yes, and her shimu is gnashing teeth over it.”  An eyebrow rises.  “Why-”

The question is interrupted as her disciple on the balcony opens the door.

“Forgive me shimu, but there is a strange noise coming from the aft.”

With the barrier disrupted, sound from outside flows back into the room.  Including…

♫Don’t wanna live as an untold story.  Rather go out in a blaze of glory.  I can’t hear you, I don’t fear you!1https://youtu.be/ARhk9K_mviE?t=75

The elder’s face looks confused, and a little disgusted.

“What is that racket?”

An embarrassed Li raises a finger.

“Uh, about that.”

Baiyu, Jingi (female, human, yanese)

  • 5'8", 300 years
    • green eyes, green lips, milky white skin, straight long black hair, c-cups
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Lao (Core Elder)
  • Xinulongzu group
    • Shou (Leader)
  • Daoist
    • Yuanying (Nascent Soul)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Superwoman, Kung Fu Queen

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