A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 2: King Jon

---D-Day+112, Dherus 19th, Wednesday Morning---

---Jinshibo, Harem room---

*swing* *clack*


Did someone just leave?

*streeeehtch* *pop* *crack*



"Mmhm…  It's good to be the king.1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StJS51d1Fzg"



Hehe, well I’ll be damned.

Never thought I would see this.  Heard about it, but didn’t believe it was real for adults.  Auri, my library girl, sucks her thumb in her sleep.

Holy shit is it cute.

Damn, even naked and messy she really does look like a naughty hispanic librarian.  Didn’t even know that was possible.  And how the hell are her glasses still on?

The way she’s suckling her thumb while cuddling into my chest?  Don’t know whether to pet her or fuck her.  Might do both.

Look around and see Milti, Clari, and Lizzy are tucked in next to me.  Plus Auri equaled four new haremites last night.  Three of them, virgins.  Now past tense.

The vets were sweet and let these rookies have the premium seats afterwards. 

Ugh.  Fifteen girls in one, long, toss.  This is getting ridiculous.  Would have been eighteen if I hadn't shot down the dynamic duo and knight chick.

But still, going to remember last night for a long, long, time.


*badump* *squeeze* *schlup* *slup* *schlurp*

"Mm… mmm… mmgh."

One paw grips that juicy ass while my shovel digs up Milti’s once clean garden.  The second paw of mine is on her back.  Pinning those d-cups to this chest like vice grips.  A tender mouth, filled by my rough tongue.

*shwack* *jolt* *slurp*

"Mgh! Mmmgh!"

My hand on that back easily keeps her aloft.  Letting the other deliver a punishing spank to already rosy rear cheeks.  Sending another shock up Milti’s spine.  Grey eyes roll back, riding her orgasm's waves.

*badump* *tremble* *spasm* *splurt*

"Haah!  Haah!  M-more!  P-please more!"

Traumatized by her beating, near rape, and dad's murder.  Milti was bottling up a lot of emotions.  And when that damn finally broke?  A whole lot of screaming, crying, and hugging.

Knew what she wanted probably wasn't what she needed.  But I gave in anyway.

Melting Milti’s body and brain until we filled the hole in her heart.  Then she slept next to me with a satisfied smile on that face.  Going to be a long road to get through so much grief.  But I'll count last night as a win.

Thought fucking a girl with no legs would feel different.  Really didn't though.  And, yes, feel like an ass for expecting it to.

*schlup* *shiver* *schlup* *spasm* *schlup*

"Ah!  Uuh!  Bu… Bugger!"

Two greedy mitts have an ankle, and a wrist, apiece.  Pinning them down next to each of Lizzy’s ears.  She's on her back, crotch arched up into the air.  Cave exposed for all to see as my dragon burrows into its new home again and again.

*schlup* *smack* *jiggle*

"Ooh!  Ahaa!  Hgaah!"

Mating press switches into high gear.  Pile driving down faster and faster.  C-cups bounce between her knees.  A snowy face, flushed red.  Green eyes quiver as another climax stampedes through her.

*schlup* *spasm* *kasplurt* *splurt*

"Ba… Ba… Baby!  Let me have your baby!"

Lizzy woke up in this world dying.  Teeth and claws seeking her life.  She gladly became Conrad the rescuer's toy.  Never knowing it was all a trap.  Hoping to, one day, walk away.

The blackmail, forced sex, beating, and near rape again.  Showed the naivete of that wish.

Should have expected her to latch onto me like she had clung to him.  For her this world is dark and full of terrors.  Like prince peacock before me, I have become her nightlight.

Lizzy was brought here weak.  No cheats.  So she will have my strength.  As we train her own.

*tremble* *bam* *slup* *smack* *shlup*

"Ahh…  Guh…  Shooo gooood..."

Clari's fair skinned back shudders before me.  Every slam of my rod up that steaming shaft sends a new ripple of pleasure over her.  Only her knees and my grip on those backward bent arms keep that sweaty body from toppling forward.

*grind* *shake* *shluk*

"Shoo deeep…  Sho biig...  Aaahn!"

An intense thrust through the petals, then stirring the pot, causes her canal to flood again.  Dazed blue eyes look lovingly over a shoulder at me until another pulse throws her head back in ecstacy.

*splurt* *spasm* *fwiish* *squirt*

"Nnngh!  Brothuuur!  Cuuumming!"

Clari's mother, Lili, is a victim of the Flower Society.  A club of tourinese nobles that made a game out of molesting kids.  Turning them into sex slaves.  And then exposing them as soon as they get bored.

So the only husband her disgraced knocked up mother could get?  Barely counted as a noble.  Ruling a small village on the edge of the kingdom.

Says she had a good childhood.  Stepfather was cold, but not mean.  Mother was warm, but cried a lot when she thought no one was around.  And even got a baby brother to take care of.

Then dragons came and killed everyone she knew and loved.

So, not surprising that Clari's a complete mommy's girl.  She's all she's got left.  Will do anything to make her happy.  And since mommy wants us together?  She wants us together. 

But being called brother while my dick pounds that pussy?  Is weirding me out a little.


Over a dozen ladies are scattered across this bed and there's still room to spare.  How fucking huge are the harems of the guys who usually get this room?

It's dawn and my first morning on the treasure ship, Jinshibo.  Light leaks through windows in the aft wall.  We're out on the open ocean but can barely feel any rocking.  This ship is really damn stable.

Quiet too.  Just the barest sound of wood groaning.  Distant sails flapping.  Hull cutting through the waves.  The peaceful breathing, snoring and mumbling around me nearly drowns it out.

“Hmm… one, two, five… ten?”

Yep, this really is a ten poster canopy bed.  Even has fitted screens for panels.  Entrances to the bow, port, and starboard sides.  Hehe, navy lingo.

Those posts were really useful last night as extra hand holds.  Tore through some of the fabric screens though.  Should just leave them all off from now on.

And while the painted sex scenes showing different positions was nice?  Do not agree with their depiction of women's, and men's, bodies.

Are the only people having kinky sex in china, oops, luyan, old guys with young girls?  And what is up with their faces?  Have never seen a woman whose face actually looks like that.

Sure, not expecting photo realism but, if you're drawing naked bodies gettin jiggy with it?  Go the extra mile to show them at least bending like a real person, instead of like gumby.

Oh, and when those paintings are back-lit by moonlight?  Super creepy dude.  Super creepy.

Yeah, taking those down today.

Hmm…  Better add isekai art critic to my resume too.  Yes, I know the employment history is getting big.  And yes, I know this may cause problems during the interview process.

But I prefer to be open and honest about my work experience.  Can never be sure exactly what they're looking for in an applicant.  So it's best to be thorough.

After all, I'm sure any retail chain would appreciate a potential new hire having a workforce multiplier skill like necromancy.

Just gotta make sure they offer dental. 

Wow, the aroma of this bed is amazing.  A sweet woodsy scent?  Blends really great with our sex smells.  Sheets are probably a lost cause though.

Shame the isekai alarm clock isn't working this morning.  But I went full bore yesterday so no surprise they're all still knocked the fuck out.  Well, except for one naughty little princess.

Now, shadows, show me what she's up too…

Huh?  Meeting the kung fu queen?  What is she, an old girlfriend maybe?  Would not be surprised if Li "experimented," before.  But I'll drop you like a rock if you two-time me, bitch.


Eh?  Where'd the sound go?  Oh, it's the twins.  Geesh, this world and it's barrier spells.  At least they take privacy more seriously than my internet service provider.  And browser.  And employer.  And government.  And mother-in-law.  And that crazy cat lady down the street.

That's not the kind of spontaneous public nudity I'm looking for.  Still, a shame the cats ate her face.  Meant closed casket so I couldn't squint at them.  You know, to make sure they're not faking it.

Meh…  Will check later to see if she breaks Brannigan's Law.  Leaning Yangxu's way but its not like I can't kill everyone on this ship and go someplace else.  Well, there's a couple who might be too tough for me.

Speaking of mayhem.  What's Agrag up too?

Fuck this is a big ship.

Interesting, so my wagons, golems, and undead got their own area in the cargo hold.  Looks like my golemancy assistant has gone into power saving mode.

Can't blame him.  He's a golem.  Probably not much to do here.


"Okay.  Now how do I get up?"

The girls did their best for me last night so I should let them sleep in.

Hmm…  Slide her over.  Move that arm.  Slip off those legs.  Get the hand off my dick.  Nudge.  Scootch.  Turn.  Twist.  Roll.  And…



Eat your intestines out Mel Gibson.

Also, cold floor, cold floor!

*pap* *pap*

Better stick to the rugs.

Ugh, disgusting how much I want to train right now.  You really can get addicted to it.  Guess I won’t be going to the grotto for workouts anymore.


Well at least I don't have to climb all those goddamn stairs now.  So I've got that goin for me.  Which is nice.

Does this Love Boat have a gym?

Don't want to wake up the girls by getting a bath going.  Still feel nasty though.  Despite all their tongues licking me clean.  Not in the mood to fuck a maid either.

So what should I…

Got it.

Okay, where did you go?  In the cabinet thing?  No.  Under the table thing?  No.  Behind the, what the hell is this, daybed?  No.  On these shelves?  No.

Dammit.  Knew I told the girls too unpack- ahah!


"There you are."

Always in the last place you look.

A cherry red electric Yamaha six string.  No stickers.  No decorations.  Few scratches.  Scuff or two.  Belonged to Sayo’s highschool.  Even still has the tag.  See pieces that look newer.  Parts replaced.

Spots worn smooth from probably hundreds of students learning the craft on it.  Imagine how many kids picked this up hoping to become the next Jimmy Hendrix.  B.B. King.  Or just get laid.

"Hehe.  Guilty."

Soaked up so much mana when Sayo was isekaied, three centuries ago, that "Cheri" turned into a magic electric guitar.  Helps you play and even provides backup.  Drums, bass, keys, etc… 

Yeah, it's awesome and freaky at the same time.

Adjust the strap…  Here's the pick.  Amazing something that small never got lost. 

Nothing says wish fulfillment like rocking out on a magic guitar in a fantasy world.  While an oppai dark elf gives you a hummer.

No way in hell was I going to leave her with those Stormgarde assholes.

Thought about taking Sayo’s smartphone too, but that's a different isekai.  Besides, who am I gonna call?  Ghostbusters?

*pap* *pap* *clack* *swing*


"Chilly out here."

Walk out onto the harem room's balcony, hanging off the back of this treasure ship, butt naked.  With only a magic electric guitar hiding, most of, my magic penis.

The cold wakes me up.  Makes me sharp.  And… shrinks my dick.

"Where you going little dude?  Hey, get back out here."  Look at the imaginary camera for the fourth wall break.  "He never listens to me.  Even if I beat him."

Hello?  Oscar's?  Thank you, can I reserve my award now?  Yes.  I'll hold.

While we're waiting for the Captain & Tennille hold music to cause another psychotic episode.  Let's crank out some tunes!

How about we start off with some classic KR.

♫Bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie… 2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OrNS2zbTZg

Ooh Shinedown.

♫Cut it! Let me tell you I'm vicious, not passive aggressive. I’ve got my finger on the pulse starin straight into a hole and I get it… 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itwt_opsvQ

How about the Struts?

♫Don’t wanna live as an untold story.  Rather go out in a blaze of glory.  I can’t hear you, I don’t fear you!...4https://youtu.be/ARhk9K_mviE?t=75

Gotta have some Puddle of Mudd.

♫Met a girl, thought she was grand. Fell in love, found out first hand. Went well for a week or two. Then it all came unglued!…5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj2z9d9vOvk

Almost finished when a familiar pressure lands on me like a boulder.  Hehe, unfortunately for her, I’m a fucking mountain, bitch.

"Hi, floaty lady."

“Are you finished yet?”

Look up to see, you guessed it, superwoman.  Floating above me.  No twins this time.  The angle’s bad but still getting decent panty shots under those blue robes.  Wait, wasn’t she wearing a wrap yesterday?

Shadows show Little Li sneaking back into the room.  Going to have to lay down the law on that ass.  Seems every one of my girls has their own agenda.  Their own schemes.  My patience though?  Has its limits.

And creeping with a so deep the body will probably never be found ocean all around?  Not a smart move.  Will have a "chat" with her later.

First though.

"Do you mind?  Trying to relax here."

Sense as much as see her get hit with my boulder.  And oh does it piss her off.  Does stop juicing her words though.

"You dare!  Oh to have eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai."  Descends until she is in front of me.  "The punishment for offending an elder are… severe."

Now where did I put that kibosh. 

Match glare for glare.

"First, I'm not a disciple.  Was asked to tryout.  Supposedly got a place waiting even if I don't join your cult."  Wink.  "Two, respect, like STD's, is a two way street.  If you want to receive? Then you've got to give too."

For some strange reason, kung fu queen seems confused.


Maybe I stuttered.

"Three.  The last place tried to wrap me up in a bunch of schemes too."  Scratch my balls.  "Didn’t work out so well for them.  So whatever you and Xiao Li are planning?"  Shrug.  "Just might blow up in your face."

At least I can say I warned them.

"This elder will keep that in mind."  She about licks me all over with her eyes.  "The newborn calf does not fear the tiger.  And is even tastier for it."

Uh…  Cougar alert?

"So, any plans for today besides drooling over my new hotness?"

Superwoman snickers.

"Xixi…  Dizi Tiang said you were, uh, unique and I agree."  Nods slightly.  "Very well, we can at least prepare you.  Like teaching our language.  And showing some decent music to play on your strange magic pipa."

Begins floating away.

"Wait, flying panties, maybe you'll like this song?"

And by special request.  Some antichrist-, er, I mean, Nickelback.

♫I like your panties around your feet.  I like the dirt that’s on your knees.  I like the way you still say please, when you’re lookin up at me.  You’re like my favorite damn disease…6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPtHgy54fHU

By the second verse she didn't know whether to be angry or aroused.  Flew off in a huff but it wetter down there.

So maybe she settled for both?

Alnus, Miltinnia (female, human, aquecian)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 3’5”, 16* years
    • Grey eyes, short curly grey hair, rectangular face, light brown skin
    • Conical D-cup breasts, spoon body, large v-shaped butt
  • Daughter of Kamern Almus
    • Deceased
  • Merchant
    • Apprentice
    • Moderca Trade Company
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Juri
  • Faith
    • Beast
  • Milti, Wheelchair girl, Wheelchair

Barton, Clari (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Formerly Sothea, Clari
  • 5'2", 16 years
    • Blue eyes, short straight black hair, triangular face, fair skin
    • Bell shaped D-cup breasts, bottom hourglass body, large heart butt
  • Daughter of Lilias Barton
  • Sister/Daughter of Jon Barton
    • Adopted
  • Clari, Sis

Carter, Elizabeth (female, human, british)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • Isekaied
    • Transmigration (soul)
    • Procedural Summoning
    • Helena Lehne (lustonian)
  • 5'4", 16* years
    • Green eyes, short curly blue hair, round face, white skin
    • Archetype C-cup breasts, spoon body, small heart butt
  • Daughter of Farard Lehne
    • Herre (Baron) of Vehberg
  • Lizzy, Otome girl

Lianlaf, Aurai (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5’5”, 16* years
    • Black eyes, long curly brown hair, diamond face, olive skin
    • Athletic B-cups breasts, rectangular body, small v-shaped butt
  • Daughter of Frederin & Betrice Lianlaf
    • Baron of Lions Keep
  • Auri, Glasses

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