A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 19: Family Feudal

---D-Day+170, Goridine 13th, Thursday Morning---


*tach* *tach*

Soft soled shoes scratch against the gravel as I leave the garden.  Morning light shines through as the dust from the fight settles.  Critters get noisy again as they realize the coast is clear.

Justice boy's "sister" has run off.  Chasing her injured "little brother."

Who now has an injured “little brother.”


Man the yanese speak weird.  Rarely ever called a girl "sister," unless she was my actual sister.  Especially not one I'm fucking.

Not so in these parts.  Every damn body is brother, sister, auntie, uncle, etc…  Even the ones you’re fucking.

It's actually kind of creepy.

Really should try to meditate more but it's getting too noisy.  And not just from kid hero’s wailing.

Harem is getting loud too.  And not the happy or horny kind of loud.  Nope.  A bunch of my girls are pissed.  Yeah I saw what happened through the shadows.  But it's easy to miss the context.

Fortunately this one isn't too hard to figure out.


Red once told me harems are "snake pits" and I don't disagree.  Mine is more peaceful than most since I made it clear I won't tolerate infighting.  But that doesn't make rivalries magically disappear.  Or stop factions from forming.

And it's hard to blame them when the competition hands over their nuts on a silver platter.

Metaphorically-like speaking.

"Hello xingan.  Where did you go?"

But before I can reach ground zero, Little Li is waiting at the courtyard's exit.  Posing sexily in a light green robe dress thing.  Looking every bit the fantasy china princess.  Which she is.

"Trying to get some meditation time.  Would like to break through to Core Formation before meeting your father."

Li's whole attitude changes as her umber eyes scowl.  Ivory hands making cute tiny fists.  Resting them on shapely hips, she pouts and adorably stomps a dainty foot.

"Tch…  Could you stop being so impossible?"

I laugh.

"What do you mean?"

She leans forward a bit and gives me a, "Are you serious?" look.

"Core Formation?  Before your twentieth birthday?"

Couple of maids cleaning stuff in the area whip their heads my way.  Stunned.  I just shrug my shoulders.  Isn't being a cultivation genius, like Xianxia 101?

"Isn't Ji in Foundation Establishment too?"

An exasperated sigh.

"Jiejie is a genius and has been chasing enlightenment since she was eight years old.  We both have!"

Uh…  Did you really need to flail your arms?


Though she's cute when she's upset.

"So? … So?”  Your eye is twitching a bit there.  “Argh!  Xingan has only been on the immortal dao for three months!  And only took a breakthrough pill once!"  Shoulders droop and voice turns wimpy as the air seems to go out of her.  "Not fair."

Uh oh.

Step forward and wrap the depressed figure in my arms.  Her head thumps on my chest as she leans into me.

"Hey hey…  Okay, I'm sorry."  Kiss the top of a hair bun and hug her.  "I'll try to be less amazing from now on."

Small fists hit me.

"Xingan… it is not funny.  We had the best teachers.  The highest quality pills and elixirs."  Sniff.  "You make us do lewd… stuff."  Awe, she's embarrassed.  "And I already feel left behind."

Rub her back as she whimpers about how cruel life is.

"Come on.  Dual-cultivating has helped you too."  More maids in the background freeze, scandalized.  "You'll catch up in no time."

A teary face rubs across my chest.

"Xingan does not understand."  Sniff.  "Most daoists die of old age before breaking through to Core Formation."  Breath hitches.  "Do not enter Foundation Establishment before their fifties."



Tousled hair nods.

"Un.  Many daoists are unable to enter the Qi Gathering realm before their twenties.  After spending a decade or two in Body Refining."  Another sigh.  "But we are no genius like jiejie.  And once revered mother learns of our disobedience?"

Think I get it now.

"No more pills.  No more potions.  Right?"

Nods, sniffling and moaning.

"Xingan will leave this slow tortoise princess behind.  Then royal father will marry us off to some ugly toad daoist or fat pig merchant."  Sobbing a little.  "Please do not leave us, xingan.  I will try harder.  On my ancestors we swear."

My purple silk robes are getting damp.  So I hug tighter and pat her head.

"Don't cry, my little china girl."  Tilt her chin up.  "You're mine now."  Quick kiss, blowing the maids minds again.  "And for as long as you're mine?  I'll take care of you."

Proper yanese frown on PDA's.  Public displays of affection.  A barbarian kissing, even touching, a royal princess in public?  Or even quasi-private like now?

It's just not done.  Especially in the estate of one of those "proper" clans.  Which they clearly are.  I mean, come on, they don't even have an orgy room.

And yes, I am just as upset about that as you are.

While back in my arms, yanese princess has hearts in her eyes.  Moaning and squirming.


Giving the mortified servants a little more to be mortified about.  Little Li’s ass gets a firm squeeze.

"You like that?"

China girl and a couple of the hard working, totally not snooping, maids are panting.

"Mmhm-" *spank* "oh!"

Lick her nose and smirk.  Before letting go of her.

"Later.  First let's go see how much trouble Ymi is in."  Take hold of her hand.  "Come on, qizi."

Using the yanese word for wife pretty much melts Little Li all over again.  Not to mention scandalizing the just happened to hear everything we said servants.  Figured she would faint if I wasn’t holding her hand.  Instead she’s almost floating.  With the biggest dopiest grin on her face.

“Un,”  She practically giggles the next word while squeezing my hand and blushing.  “airen.”

Ah, that’s so sweet.  Got all gaga over saying “person she loves.”  Doubt there is an inch of her body I haven’t defiled.  But she still gets so bashful about it.

We walk down oriental hallways of wood and stone.  Up wide stairs to witness the wuxia version of, well, the Last Supper?

My harem is lined up.  Ymi in Jesus's spot in the middle.  Who’s dropped to her knees with blood on her beige skinned face and pink fantasy china robes.  It's even in her short auburn hair.  The five foot two girl looks shell shocked.

On both sides my ladies are whispering and yelling.  Some at Ymi.  Others with each other.

The loudest contenders though are next to the small viscountess and shouting at one another.  Isa, Ymi's BFF, and… Clari?

"...has never truly loved our lord!  How long before she betrays us?!"  Yikes, Clari isn't beating around their bushes.

"You misunderstand!  Ymi would never turn on us.  She was protecting us!  This is all that dog's fault!"  Isa defending her childhood friend.

The more action oriented outfits they were wearing yesterday?  Banished to the laundry.  The local maid brigade has dressed my ladies up in their xianxia best.  Revealing robes and hair buns for everyone!

Well, at least they look hot.

Blue and white silks waving in sync with Clari’s outrage.  “A secret rendezvous with that dog is defending us?  What next?  Getting mounted by hounds to fix our hair?!”

Red robed Isa looks hurt.  “Ymi was not meeting that peasant.”  Sees Little Li next to me and points at her.  “She was following her!”

The rest of the harem looks surprised and all the talking stops.

“Why?”  Asks the now confused Clari.

Isa sighs and acts regretful.  “We saw a maid speaking with sister Li quietly and they both left.”  Looks down at the kneeling and shaking viscountess.  “I was suspicious so Ymi offered to follow her.”  She gets on her kness and hugs her friend’s head.  Getting some blood on her.  “I’m so sorry.”

Everyone else’s attention zeroes in on the yanese princess.  Especially Frankie and Red’s.

The princess of Yangxu makes an O face then bows.

“Ah.  We apologize, sisters.  There was news we wanted to share with xingan.  So we left to look for him.”  Scowls.  “That village boy tried to approach us with a bent nose and bloody face.”  Disgusted.  “That pig begged for help.  Claiming he was bullied.”  Scoffs.  “Our reply was not polite.”

Ymi begins mumbling.

“Happened so fast…  Pinned…  Trapped…”  Holds her shoulders and shivers.  “Said needed… muscle rubbed.”  Shakes her head.  “Tried to make me… reach into...”  A look of loathing.  “Pulled out his…  Then blood everywhere.”

Several look doubtful and Clari’s ready to make accusations again.  Time to intervene.

“Ding Dong tried to force himself on Ymanie.”  Getting everyone’s attention again.  “Her shadow protected her.  Stabbed the dog in the dick.”  The littlest viscountess starts retching.  Yep, that’s penus blood all over you.  Several girls now look nauseous.  “Isa?  Maty?  Please take Ymi back and help her get washed and changed.”  They’re acting confused.  “Now.”

That wakes everyone up.  Whispering starts again as Ymi is helped up and some maids follow the trio back to our rooms.  Others immediately sweep in and begin cleaning up the wall and floor.

My other haremites break up into pairs and trios.  Heading off to do whatever they are going to do.  Hitomi even rolls her amber eyes as she walks off with Lizzy and Milti.  Soon only Clari, Frankie and Red remain.  Until Red nods Clari’s way and the black haired girl chases after her mother, Lili.  Little Li is still standing beside me.

My six foot two red robed knight-wife and five foot purple robed priest-wife make quite the odd couple as they come closer.  The harem’s general speaks first while glancing at the harem’s queen.

“Lady Baramont does not love you.”

No shit.  “I know.”

Frankie stays quiet so Red continues.  “She cannot be trusted.”

Knight-wife is batting a thousand today.  “Probably not.”

Red unconsciously places a protective hand on her little baby belly and stares at me.  “Then she should leave.”


“Do I love her?”

Red’s taken aback.  


“I asked, do I love her?”

Frankie finally chimes in.  


“Correct.”  Step closer to the two.  “Do I love you?”

Red is suddenly very nervous.  “Hu-husband, I…”

Interrupt her by placing a hand on her belly.  

“The answer is yes.”

“Jon…”  First wife’s anxiety vanishes and eyes turn watery.

Second wife pipes in again.  “Then why does master tolerate her?”

Ha!  Look at the dark elf asking a question she already knows the answer to.  Red seems to need a reminder though.

“I am not a good man.  But I am a man.”  Can feel Little Li’s eyes boring into my side.  “And this man will not abandon his women without good reason.”  Turn on the kind eyes.  “And a nervous girl trying to prove her love to another girl?  Is not a good reason.”


"A vulnerable lesbo was handed to a monster from another world by her own family.  A bribe to keep me out of their war."  Shake my head.  "Of course Ymi doesn't love me.  But I'm her best chance to stay with the girl she does love.  So as long as she doesn't betray me…"

Knight-wife’s hazel eyes practically sparkle with understanding as she bows.

“Understood, husband.”

The three of us turn to face my yanese princess.  Who looks back at us blankly.

“Yes?”  Li asks.


“You were looking for me?”

Realization hits as her eyebrows scrunch.

“Eh?  Oh!  Yes, we are sorry.”  Shakes her head, rattling hairpins and buns.  “I apologize, xingan, but we have visitors.”  Frowny face.


The frown turns guilty.  “Yes, xingan, since mother’s scheme disrupted our escort?  Other clans know we are here, alone.”  Sighs.  “Know I am here.  This is an opportunity.  So they have sent, uh, representatives to welcome us.”

Her unhappy face gets me curious.

“Is there a problem?”

China girl nods.

“These delegations will probably include gifts and…"  Another sigh.  "Suitors."  Pulls on my robe.  "Some may be… forceful."

Grin as I take her hand.

"Then let's not keep them waiting."

My smile becomes evil as a maid leads us towards an outer hall.


Ha!  Bring it on.

'Let's go make some eunuchs!'

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