A Fathers Wrath

Branch 5: Yu Hu

---D-Day+170, Goridine 13th, Thursday Morning---


*taktak* *clakclak*

Under the morning light.  Through crowded busy streets.  Winds a square enclosed carriage pulled by a six limbed brown scaled tailless lizard.  Its claws scratching against the stone as wood wheels clatter behind it.  The wagon is heavy, richly decorated and ornately carved.  The yanese pictogram for “Yu” is embossed with gold on its doors.

Besides its driver, three armed guards ride on the coach’s outside.  Each wearing lamellar armor and wielding a poleaxe.

Inside the luxuriously appointed carriage sit four members of the mighty Yu clan.  Two men, one boy and a girl.  Both men look older.  Perhaps in their fifties.  Though one is wearing dark green formal robes while the other is in a sleeveless black fighting tunic.

Boy and girl both also wear green formal robes.  Though the lady’s is fancier.  And more revealing.  The young lord absentmindedly stares out the window while his sister bounces in her seat.  Clearly excited and full of energy.

Earning her a rebuke, again, from the exasperated bearded man in robes.

“Zhi’er, please settle down.”

The young woman whines back.

“But Uncle Lan, she has been gone for a really long time.  We have so much catching up to do!”  Her joy causes the three males to roll their eyes, for the umpteenth time.  “And mama said a barbarian prince has swept Li off her feet?”  Little feet drum the floor.  “That is so romantic!”

Yu Langu’s fingers rub the bridge of his nose.

“Please, please, do not call him a barbarian prince to his face, Zhi’er.”

A cute oval makeuped face tilts.

“But I heard you call him a, uh, savage tyrant to papa.”

The clan elder uncomfortably clears his throat while the man next to him snorts.  Young master, still staring out the window, smirks.

“Ah.  Yes.  I may have, uh, spoken poorly and you should not repeat that to anyone.”

Adorable eyebrows squish.

“Then what should I call him?”

Black tunic speaks.

“Our spies report his name is Badun Yuehan.  But a few call him Tiang Li’s Junfei.”

Yu Zhi’s eyes sparkle.

“Lord Consort?  That sounds so royal.  So manly.”

The beardless expert leans forward and whispers conspiratorially to the clan patriarch’s favorite daughter.

“He has another name though.  How he is known in the eastern continent.”  Exaggerated wink.  “And by his women.”

The girl scoots to the edge of her seat.


Enjoying her undivided attention, the accomplished daoist speaks slowly and deeply.

“His conquests call him, Shenshou.”

The ivory face with black hair buns tilts the other way.

“God… beast?”  Then her eyes grow wide, face blushes, and you can nearly hear the little girl’s brain explode.  “Wow…”

An aggravated robed hand smacks the shoulder of the thoroughly entertained bodyguard.

“Yu Wen, stop it.  There will be no calming her now.”

The fighter leans back in his seat, laughing.

“My apologies, elder, but that is what the spies say.”

Another eye roll from the uncle.

“Whatever our gossip hungry agents may exaggerate, we must not offend him.”  He makes sure his niece is paying attention.  “Grandmaster Alchemist Qinxin has declared, uh, Junfei Badun to be his apprentice.”  Glances at young master.  “Other clans may have decided this is another of Elder Qinxin’s pranks, but our patriarch believes it is genuine.”

Wen leans to the side and scoffs.

“A barbarian heir?  Ha!  Hardly.  That creepy elf is famous for his pranks.”  Slaps his knee.  “Remember the breakthrough pill for the Zhan clan patriarch that turned his skin blue for a month?”  Zhi giggles and nods.  “This is just more of his bizarre humor.”

Elder Langu squints as he glares at the clan’s renowned expert.

“Our patriarch believes it is genuine.  So the clan will too.”  Waves his hand tiredly.  “None of the clans would be where we are without alchemy.  So the very last thing we Yu will do is risk offending one of their most famous practitioners.”

Yu Wen shrugs as Yu Zhi asks.

“Is it true,” blushes again, “that Shenshou Badun injured Grand Elder Tiang?”

The bearded man groans and rubs his forehead.

“Zhi’er, please do not call Badun Yuehan a godbeast.”  Exasperated.  “Just call him, uh, junfei.  Princess Li will probably like that.”

Yu Zhi nods while Yu Wen behaves covertly again.

“More than just injured.  I heard that old pervert was on death’s door by the time his boat reached port.  And the ship nearly in pieces from the crew exhausting every scrap of qi to speed back as quickly as possible.”

Her eyes sparkle again.


The martial artist smiles evilly.

"The beggars say the godbeast has slaughtered demon lords, butchered demon hordes, crushed dragons, smashed deep realms, ravaged princesses, cured curses, and even raised the dead."

Visions of mighty muscle bound sorcerous savages flex behind Zhi's eyes.


Uncle Lan groans.

"The Gaibang like to dramatize the information they sell as much as our spies-er, agents.  Do not take what they claim seriously."

Yu Wen notices her expression turn sad.

"Zhi'er?  What's wrong?"

A sweet sigh.

"I just wish Chen'er was here."

The two men share an awkward look before the elder speaks.

"Try to understand, Zhi’er.  The patriarch had to end the engagement."  Sighs helplessly.  "Wu Chen's accident was years ago and his cultivation is still crippled."  Squeezes her knee.  "The Wu clan has tried everything without success.  He was a genius once but now he's lucky just to be alive."

A sniffle and nod from the young lady.

"I do understand, Uncle Lan.  But it's so unfair."

Her knee is patted by the bearded daoist.

"That is true.  But the Wu patriarch agrees.  Continuing the betrothal is no longer… appropriate."

Two adults continue consoling the distraught daughter of their lord while the young master watches the city go by.

The lordling thinks to himself.

'Is it really true?'

A ghostly voice answers in his mind.

~Yes.  Yu Tao is truly dead.~

A sigh.

'Hope I never end up like that.  An old master slowly wasting away in some hidden basement.'

A spectral snort replies.

~You say that now.  Just wait until you are centuries old and a step away from adding another hundred years to your lifespan.~  Ghostly head shaking.  ~Withdrawing from the world to focus on the immortal way will look much more appealing then.~


'So what if hibernating in a secret closet delays my death.  There is no point in living if you do not live.'

The spirit sighs.

Unnoticed by its other three passengers.  The carriage has a fifth occupant.  A ghostly distinguished and finely attired senior floating next to the pondering boy.

~Yu Hu, much of every great clan's strength comes from its hidden old masters.  It's Laozhu.  This is as much a duty as an ambition or desperation.~

'So Zhi’er has to sacrifice her future happiness?  Those two have been sweethearts for most of their lives.'

Spiritual eyes roll.

~Do not act naive.  You know better.  Tao was by far the strongest hidden master of the Yu clan.  Do you want our family to end up like the Huang?~

Hu stops thinking for a while.  Only wishing his troubles were as small as the pedestrians they pass.  Finally he asks.

'Did you really find nothing?'

Frustrated spectral groaning.

~Yes, I told you, nothing.  Whoever assassinated Yu Tao reached him without disturbing a single formation.  Was invisible to every guard.~


~Possibly.  But why only kill one laozhu?  No, I suspect another great clan.  Or a hidden family.~

Sad sigh.

'So what now?'

~You know your father's plan.  Confirm the truth.  See if Xiao Li's heart really belongs to the barbarian.  If not true, woo her.  If true, see if there is room in her heart for another, uh, consort.~  Notices Hu's glare.  ~Do not be arrogant Hu'er.  It is rare but very exceptional women have had more than one husband in the past.~

'Ha!  You think a wild marauder with over a dozen women in his harem would allow one of them to have a second man?  I am not the one being arrogant if father really thinks a pride of lions can have two kings.'

The ghost nods.

~And that is why Zhi’er is no longer betrothed to that unfortunate cripple.~  Spiritual shrug.  ~Zhi’er and the princess are good friends.  What sister-wife wouldn't welcome an ally in a harem filled with savages?~

Outside the crowds and traffic thin as estates replace apartments and shops.

'That does not make it… right?'  See's the spirit sniffing.  'Ancestor?  What are you doing?'  Hu never recalls the ghost using his nose before.

~This smell.  There are elementists here.~  Eyes narrow.  ~Strong ones.~


~Boy, there are other systems of magic besides draconic.  Other ways to use qi besides demonic.  Elemental magic does not channel qi.  It burns it.  Leaving a distinct scent.~

'I do not understand.'

~Tch.  This is the clan’s fault.  Your education is too focused on draconic magic.  The immortal way.  Believes other paths demonic, or weak.  Barbarians from the eastern continent would naturally use elemental magic.  Just did not expect them to be masters.~


~Something is wrong here.~

'Please, ancestor, explain.'

~Ah.  How to summarize a subject requiring years of study.  Hmm…  Think of it this way, my descendant.  The different systems of magic are mostly?  Incompatible.  All systems start in the same place.  Harnessing qi.  But each highway points in a different direction.  So the further you travel down one?  The farther away other roads become.~

'Then why does the North Jade Dragon Palace use the treasure fleets to find foreign disciples?'

~Many distant lands do not search for talent like we do in Luyan.  So that sect's elders use the trade armadas to find geniuses who have gone undiscovered or not yet traveled to far down another magic's trail.~

‘But there are people here who have?’

Ancestor’s reply is interrupted by the young master’s sleeve being tugged.

“Big brother, wake up, we are here.”

He gives Zhi headpats.

“Huh?  Oh, yes, thank you little sister.”

Ignoring her pout plus “not little” and “almost as old as you” mumbling.  Yu Hu steps down out of the wagon then whistles.

“Eight generations, how many clans are here?”

Lined up along the street are at least a dozen carriages as finely crafted as theirs.  Several entourages are walking towards or through the gates to the Lian clan compound.

Elder Yu’s voice is frustrated again.

“Yu Hu, do not curse.  Tch.  We are late.  Come along, the Yu should not be last.”

Two of the three guards follow while the third remains behind with the driver to protect the carriage.

Hu notices the other clan retinues in sight are similar.  Three or four clan members with a couple of armed and armored guards.  The senior of each party carries a gift.  Though all are boxed or wrapped to hide their identity.

A couple of entourages include a girl around his sister’s age.  Though from what he grumpily recalls.  None of them had betrothals to break.

Every group includes a young master like himself.  And none of them look like they want to be here either.  After all, who with any pride would want to be paraded in front of a barbarian hoping to interest his queen?

A shout from behind them.

“Shao Hu!  You got conscripted to?”

The Yu clan turns to see a party further back where a silkpants is now getting rapped on the head by a matron’s fan and loudly lectured.

Zhi giggles and whispers as they all resume walking towards the entrance.

“Cai Fan is always so silly.”

Hu is about to agree and sympathize for his friend when he see’s his spiritual companion acting oddly again.


~There is death qi here.~

‘Well the spies say he is a necromancer.’

~No.  Too much.  There are undead here.~

Young master’s forehead wrinkles.

‘Spirits like you?’

Ghostly head shake.

~No.  I descended from the upper world.  This smells like undead of the middle kingdom.~  The specter turns in a couple of directions.  ~But why can I not see any?~

The teenager glances at his chatting sister.

‘Should we retreat?’

The former immortal snorts.

~And how would you explain this insight?  “Elder, months ago an ascended ancestor was betrayed, murdered and only survived by fleeing to the middle kingdom then attaching himself to my soul.  By the way, he regularly makes fun of you behind your back.  Has watched your wife cheat on you.  And says we should run for our lives.”~  Extra sarcasm.  ~That will surely go over great.~

‘It might if we leave out the making fun and cheating parts.’

Another head shake.

~Sorry Hu’er.  Even if there is danger.  Our family cannot afford to miss this opportunity.  The Huang clan lost two old masters and were already cornered before that silkpants idiotically let himself fall under the pirate queen’s spell.~  Ghostly click of the tongue.  ~Tch.  Now?  Forget losing their great clan status.  The clan will probably be annihilated.~

Another glance at his bubbly sister as they pass through the Lian clan’s entrance and a waiting servant begins guiding them through buildings and courtyards.

‘I will not risk Zhi’s life for father’s pride.’

The floating ancestor continues to scan the surroundings.

~Bah.  An upper kingdom spirit among middle world ghosts is like a lion among sheep.~  Another sniff then frowns.  ~But there seem to be an awful lot of sheep.  Where are they?~

The young master rolls his eyes as they turn down another hallway.

‘Fine.  But he is a necromancer.  Won’t he see you?’

~Ha!  I am a celestial spirit.  You only see me because I wish you to.  How can a mortal-~

The ancestor’s ghostly voice ceases when the expert Yu Wen holds up his hand and stops walking.  Elder looks at their bodyguard.

“What is it?”

Expert Wen’s eyes narrow.

“There is death qi here.  A lot of death qi.”

The ancestor’s eyes roll.

~Finally.  Some renowned martial artist you are.~

Yu Hu ignores the snarky statement and looks at his uncle.

“Elder, perhaps we should leave.  We can always come back later with more gifts.”

Yu Langu scratches at his beard before asking.

“Are we in danger, Yu Wen?”

The martial artist flexes his shoulders.

“Hmm…  Maybe?  No, probably not.  The beggars say he is a necromancer.  But this is a lot of death qi.  Even for a corpse stealer.”

Elder Yu nods.

“Then we will proceed, but be cautious.  Do not be found blind even with eyes that see.”

A spectral laugh.

~Says the senior who cannot tell he wears a green hat.~

Hu sighs and thinks.

‘Stop it.’

The party finally reaches the guest hall.  A long open room lined with wood pillars and short tables.  Half of them are already occupied and with servers circling.  Bringing tea and breakfast treats.  Silk tapestries showing the Lian or royal Tiang clan emblems hang from several spots along the windowed ceiling.

The host’s table along the chamber’s other end is still empty.  Causing Uncle Lan to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Heaven's blessings, we are not late.”

Their guide leads them to the first open table.  Apparently using a “first come first served” order for seating.  Grumbles can be heard from several families that clearly disagree with their position.  But no one is raising too much of a fuss.

With practiced ease the two Yu clan guards position themselves along the wall behind their masters’ table.  Only along the front and back of the hall are armsmen wearing Lian clan livery.

Just as easily, the clan members slip into the polite conversations commonly used for such gatherings.  Filled with pointless compliments, nonsense inquiries and meaningless praises.

The young master of the Yu clan pauses in praising some 4th son’s 3rd girlfriend’s 2nd cousin’s accomplishment in some trivial tournament when he realizes his ancestor is completely still.  Motionless.  Which is strange since he usually wanders around during these events.  Listening to gossip or making snide remarks.  So he asks.


Only to be hushed.


Hu blinks, confused.


~Quiet.  They might hear you.~

The thought of whispering his thoughts seems… odd.  But he complies.

‘Who might hear me.’

~The undead.  They’re here.  All around us.  Heaven’s blessings my ass.~

The Yu clan’s least likely to inherit subtly looks around but doesn’t see anything.  Except a shadow or two that look a little weird.  Isn't the sun in the eastern windows?  Why would a shadow be cast that way?  Quietly thinks.

‘Are they in the shadows?’

~They are the shadows.~


A quiet sigh.

~I am so going to slap your father if we survive this.~  Continues.  ~There are two versions of undeath.  Physical, like zombies.  And spiritual, like ghosts.  But there is a third type that are both.  Very rare and very nasty.  Living shadows are one of the least dangerous breeds, uh, usually.~

‘So what do we do?’

The floating ancestor ignores the question.  Speaking to himself.

~But living shadows are rare, solitary hunters.  Never heard of this many in one place before.  Dozens?  Hundreds?  More?  Where did they all come from?  Raised?  Impossible.  There has been no necromancer capable of this in two… thousand…~  Hu see’s the ancient spirit’s head whip around to face the far end of the chamber.  ~years.  No.  No no no no.~

Now that he knows, the boy realizes most of the shadows look, well, unnatural.  Appearing too deep or too dark.  Not moving in perfect sync with what should be casting them.  Hu breaks out in a cold sweat.

‘Ancestor.  Please tell me.  Who is controlling them?’

A voice echoes down the hall.

“Presenting her Celestial Highness, Tiang Li Zexi, of Imperial Yangxu!  Royal Princess of the Sky Dragon Clan!  Divine Consort of the Heavenly Mysteries!  Jade Wushen of the Immortal…”

The guests stir as a jade like beauty enters from the far doors.  Followed by a couple women and one man.  Lead to the host table and gracefully taking their seats on short stools.

Unlike the rest of the hall, Hu ignores the long winded introduction and focuses on the specter beside him.

‘Please, ancestor.  Tell me.’

A long sigh is expelled by the ghost.

~Descendant.  There is only one being that could create and control this many living shadows.  A monster feared in all three worlds.~

The crier finally finishes.

“...and her Lord Consort, Badun Yuehan!”

~A Lich King.~

Hu turns to see a foreign man wearing purple robes sitting on Princess Li’s left side.  Brazenly holding her hand while she bashfully smiles and blushes.  A chill fills the air as the smirking stranger’s eyes pan across the room.  Coming to a stop next to the Yu clan’s young master.

~And he can see me.  This just gets better and better.~

The teenager’s eyes grow wide as he follows the barbarian’s gaze and realizes the same thing.  He is almost panic stricken until his sister’s cute voice carries easily through the quiet room.

“Uncle Lan?  He does not look like much of a god or much of a beast.”


Three palms meet the three faces of the Yu men at the same time.

~We are so screwed.~

Wu, Chen (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'5", 15 years
  • Shaoye (Young Master)
    • Wu clan
    • 2nd Son
  • Crippled Daoist
    • Dantian punctured
    • Meridians damaged
  • Canceled betrothal
    • Yu Zhi
  • Chen’er

Yu, Hu (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'7", 16 years
  • Shaoye (Young Master)
    • Yu clan
    • 3rd Son
  • Daoist
    • Juqi (Qi Gathering)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Shared Soul
    • Yu Meng
  • Hu’er, Young Master, Shao Hu

Yu, Langu (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'8", 50(?) years
  • Lao (Elder)
    • Yu clan
  • Daoist
    • Jiedan (Core Formation)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)
  • Uncle Lan, Uncle, Elder, Bearded

Yu, Wen (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'10", 50(?) years
  • Zhuancai (Expert)
    • Yu clan
  • Daoist
    • Huaqi (Qi Realization)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Expert, Martial Artist, Beardless, Black tunic

Yu, Zhi (female, human, yanese)

  • 5'2", 15 years
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Yu clan
    • 2nd Daughter
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Canceled betrothal
    • Wu Chen
  • Zhi’er, Niece

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