A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 20: Party Pooper

---D-Day+170, Goridine 13th, Thursday Morning---


A while earlier.

"It's a simple question.  If our visitors try to take princess Li.  Can you stop them?"

I’m standing in a decent sized room with Frankie, Red, Little Li and a herd of maids.  The servants are pruning, primping and polishing my little china girl for her re-debut in front of the clans.  Who have all come a calling.

Again, for the record, thank god I'm a guy.

Supposedly this town is the economic heart of Yangxu.  So anyone who's anyone has a mansion here abouts.  And half of them, like the dudes who own this place, are out of town.  At their pads in the capital instead.  Which means I’ve still got a dozen plus trying to shove their schnozzes all up in my business.

Now, according to Li, the really big guns are not coming.  The patriarchs and matriarchs.  She’s just a princess after all.  But we should be getting an elder or two plus a kid or two from each.

They’ll come bearing gifts and it's basically an impromptu welcome back party.

Yeah, right, and if you believe that?  I got a bridge in the sahara to sell you.

Let’s see…  A junior from one clan sold out my yanese princess to demon pirates.  Then a senior from another clan tried to kidnap her.  With mommy’s approval no less.  Even got three ladies I thought I had feelings for to hang me out to dry.

At this point?  Don’t trust none of these fucks.

Which is why I’m interrogating another of this oriental parlor’s inhabitants.  One captain whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is in charge of clan who-gives-a-shit’s guards.  And he doesn’t like it.

Suited up in lamellar with a fancy sword on his hip.  The trooper looks impressive enough.  If pretty freaking old.  He’s cut but looks like he’s in his sixties.  Guess this place doesn’t need much protecting when the actual clan isn’t in town.

While he is doing the bowing fist clasping wuxia greeting thing.  He is not answering my question.  Can see he is biting his tongue and really wants to tell me to stick it where the sun don’t shine.  Maybe it's because he doesn’t want to admit he can’t do his job.  Or maybe it's because he doesn’t think I have the right to ask.

Unfortunately, for him, his options are taken away when a yanese woman’s voice answers from the doorway.

"No, dashi, he cannot."

In the entrance stands Li's older sister, Tiang Ji Ping.  Whose rescue is the reason why my little china girl went to Stormgarde.


And Big Ji's bald again.  I keep telling her to let her hair grow out.  And stop calling me dashi, great master.  But still insisting on renouncing her royalty and being my slave, she regularly shaves her head.

For the yanese long hair honors your ancestors or something.  So only barbarians, criminals and slaves have short or no hair.  Now they do trim their hair.  But never cut it short.

So while doing a bald chick is kinky.  It reinforces her sense of shame and I want her to get better.  Heal.  Not be trapped in the past.

Ignoring the Lian soldier's indignant snarl, I turn to Ji.

"And why is that?"

The older sister walks over and cups hands while bowing.

"Dashi, the only Lian here are branch family members assigned here.  So they receive very few resources to help them cultivate."  Motions outside.  "While the visiting clans will each have a bodyguard of expert level."  Man, cappy looks pissed.  "Meaning 4th realm or higher.  Now it is not unheard of for a 3rd realm to beat a 4th realm.  With superior skill or arts, even defeating a 5th realm is possible."  Ji nods to the soldier.  "But Lian Pi has neither of those.  And only a handful of average daoists among the guards.  They would be quickly overwhelmed."

Finally, what I actually need to know.

Lian Pi glares at my yanese babe.  About to say something which will probably get him killed but I interrupt his stuck up ass.

“Rowl, Alex, Yodo, Scurg.”

Four living shadows made of smoke and ink materialize around me.  Scaring the bejeezus out of captain china who jumps back and sounds off with a very unmanly, “Eep!”

My women smirk at him and a few maids faint.  A couple even piss themselves.  Funny, but I ain’t got time for that.

“Lock this place down tight.”  Put my eyes on each semi-solid undead in turn.  “I don’t give a shit if it's a 747 or a gnat.  It even looks at you funny, pin its wings to a wall and gut the fucker.  Understand?”

The four nod and slide into the shadows.  Can feel my minions mobilize and move out.  Our connection shows them spreading across the estate.  Yeah, I always keep guardians in my women’s shadows.  Have a few scouts keeping an eye out.  Rarely put all hands on deck like this though.

Wish Agrag and Drabek were here.  Along with their golems and skellies.  Yeah, didn’t bring a lot, but I would like something a lot more solid to put between my yanese princess and any xianxia douchebag that decides to get handsy.

They had to take the slow boat to fantasy china so it's going to be another week or two before they get here.

Another voice intrudes.

“Jon-kun is so sexy when he goes full badass.”

Hitomi enters behind Ji and stuns me again.  She was damn fine as a japanese high school shinobi otaku girl.  I mean, come on, the doujin practically writes itself.  Probably already has.  But since I made her half dark elf with [Recovery Magic]?  Muy caliente.

And I just can’t seem to get used to how exotic she now looks.

My part japanese 4th wife goes around Big Ji and snuggles into my left.  Triggering Li’s older sister to close in on my right.  Earning her a pouty possessive glare from Hitomi who clings a little tighter.

My hands are not idle.  Get a good grip on both their asses before giving Ji’s a smack.

“Time for you to get ready too.”

Older sister’s eyes get big.

“Dashi, please, no.”  Her peepers turn teary.  “I have no face to show them.”

“[Hygieia’s Touch]”

Chant the spell as my fingers begin massaging Ji’s scalp.

Hair starts filling the space under my hand.  Becoming longer and longer.  One inch.  Two inches.  Four inches.  Eight.  More.  And more.

Within a minute or two, straight long luscious black hair now cascades from her head.  Reaching down far past her butt.  Not coming to a stop until just above the floor.

Yes, [Recovery Magic] even has a spell to fix balding.  Rogaine abracadabra. 

Looking at, and playing with, her new hair in wonder.  Ji’s smile brightens the room as tears pitter patter on the floor and she whispers reverently.

“Thank you, dashi.”

I gently nudge her towards Li.

“You are not the one without a face.  The assholes who banished you are.  But you won.  You survived."  Use my chin to point at the pack of servants.  "Now show them how amazing you are.  And stand with your sister.”

Crying quivering lips meet mine as older sister’s arms wrap around my neck.  While getting some tongue action, snap fingers to get the attention of the pale but recovering maids.

“Tiang Ji Ping will be attending too.  Dress her as well as her sister.”

The cowed servants don’t even try to argue with me.  Swarming and gently corralling Big Ji over to her sister.  Where the two hug, cry, completely ruin Li’s makeup and make the maids start all over again.

We’re probably gonna be late.

Red, who is standing next to Frankie behind me, comments while rubbing her belly.

“My husband will be a wonderful father.”

Hear Frankie agree and feel Hitomi’s snuggling head nod into my side.

'Thanks, you guys.  I needed that.'

Push down the pain and loss that was threatening to bubble up again.  And take time to just enjoy how happy two loving sisters look in the morning light.

Longer than I expected later, I'm following behind Little Li, Big Ji, Red, Frankie and Hitomi as we walk into a large open hall.  Columns and short tables line both sides of the chamber.  On our end, a short table and six stools wait for us.

"Presenting her Celestial Highness, Tiang Li Zexi, of Imperial Yangxu!  Royal Princess of the Sky Dragon Clan!  Divine Consort…" blah, blah, yadda, yadda.  Some servant looking guy rattles off way too many titles for one person.

Shit.  Really hope Red hasn't told them all that nonsense she made up for me.

Rest of us enter behind my yanese princess.  Little Li sits in the middle of the table.  Big Ji sits on her right while Hitomi, Red and Frankie line up to the back of them.  Leaving the stool on her left open.  Knight-wife is carrying Sanctity in its blue scabbard.  Priest-wife holds Tormentor in its red sheathe.

“...and her Celestial Highness's Lord Consort, Badun Yuehan!”

Oh thank god.  Did not want to hear all my labels rattled off.

As I come around to sit next to Li.  Notice my first wife frowning.

Uh oh, guess she did tell him and mister yeller chose not to say it.  Well buddy, it was nice knowing ya.  Cause Red can get kinda stabby.  Or worse, she'll send some shadows to torture you.

Never piss off an armed pregger.  Words to live by.


Crap, Li's so nervous, she's shaking.


As I settle in, take hold of china girl's left hand with my right.  Instantly turning her from pale and sweaty to shy and blushing.

"Xingan…" she bashfully mumbles.


Oh not this shit again.

Push mana-er, qi, into my eyes and stare down the offended peanut gallery.  [Super Senses] highlighting whose qi is boiling as shadows shift.  Ready to focus DPS the toughest targets.

Pan across and the temp drops.  Even with the windows along the roof open.  Aura is beginning to slip free.

Wait.  What is that?

Fifteen of the twenty tables are occupied.  The sixth one on the right has something… interesting.  It's a ghost.  I think.  Never seen one so distinct before.  You can even make out the creases in his robes.  Guy must have been super rich.  His spirit feels peculiar too.  More lordly.

Hear a ghostly voice.

~And he can see me.  This just gets better and better.~

Hehe.  Guess the boy next to him can see him too.  Given how he’s starting to panic.

Our PDA, we didn't even blur our hands for the censors, and staredown silences the hall.  Which makes the girl next to the young master’s following whisper?  Not nearly as quiet as she probably expected it to be.

“Uncle Lan?  He does not look like much of a god or much of a beast.”


The three guys face palm in sync as the senior ghost’s eyes get big.

~We are so screwed.~

“Pfft.  Hahahaha!”

Yes I’m laughing.  Cause that was freaking funny!

The young lady turtles up and whimpers.


Well that definitely broke the ice.  Little Li has recovered and is giving off a royal air again.  She smiles at the oops girl.

“Yu Zhi, thank you and do not be concerned.  Junfei Badun took no offense.”

As soon as “junfei” comes out of her mouth.  Half the room looks like they swallowed a big stinky bug.

The shouty guy at the door we came in reads the mood and decides it's time to move on.

“The clans will now present gifts to her Celestial Highness!”

First table on the left stirs.  Two dudes and a chick bow at the same time with cupped hands.  The oldest, in a red robe, speaks.

“Your imperial highness, the Feng clan welcomes your return to Yangxu.”  Stands and opens a smallish box, unleashing a earthy smell.  “We bring a thousand year old ginseng root to honor you.”  The girl stands.  “We also present the Qingnu Feng Dei to share tea-”

An old bitchy voice interrupts.

“For how long are we going to continue this charade?”

Everyone’s attention twists to the eighth table on the right.  Where a granny sits with a cloaked dude and young kid.  Looks like that lady no one in the family likes because she’s a nosy cow who constantly orders people around.

Guy in red is not pleased.

“Matron Cai Wuying, please give the Tiang clan face and wait your turn.  You being the last to arrive is not the Feng clan’s fault.”

Bitter beer faced bitch is wearing praise jesus they’re not revealing black robes and ain’t backing down.

“Elder Feng Zan, use your eyes.  Xiao Li is grasping that hairy pig’s hand!”  Sweeps her arm.  “You may be willing to let your qingnu rut with that animal but the Cai have better-”

Another table drives over her rant.

“Elder Cai!  Of course you would be upset.  You were part of the scheme to send princess Ji Ping away!”  Stands and points.  “Look at her!  Does she look beaten and in despair to you?!”  Bitter bitch’s face starts turning purple but the guy in the brown robes ain’t done.  “Man proposes but heaven disposes, you old toad.”

Daaaayum.  But the resemblance is uncanny.

Another old guy jumps to his feet.

“Elder Liu, how dare you make such accusations!  Your family isn’t even five generations old!”  He's also a pointer.  “Do not risk your seniors' wrath!”

And another table blows up.

“Seniority?  How can a lowly ten generation house like the Ma compare to…”

And so it goes.  One table after another starts yelling at each other.  Accusations and insults fly from fifteen geezers who were acting so politely just a few minutes prior.  Even a couple of the, I guess, young masters try to jump into the verbal brawl.  But are quickly knocked down.

It doesn’t take long to realize the dividing line.  The ones supporting my yanese princess brought their daughters.  The ones opposing?  Only brought sons.  A quick count finds six young ladies.  Now they’re shouting over each other.

You know?  It sounds like chaos but there is definitely a strategy involved.  Every time one of the nine tries to bring me up?  The six divert the topic into something else.  Pretty clever.

Figure Li and Ji would be pissed or upset but they don’t look it.  In fact, they are acting like they are above it all.  Of course this isn’t their first rodeo.  Who knows how many times they've had to listen to angry old people.  Like working at an Indian call center.

Finally after who knows how long a qi infused shout stops the bickering.


Oh, it's bitter bitch.  She pants before continuing.  Maybe using that technique took a lot out of her.

“You all received the same offer from the Lady of Bright Deportment.”  Li’s mom?  “Whoever returns her wayward daughter will be rewarded.  Even have her support in marriage negotiations.”  Raises her hands.  “What say you?”

A geezer in white robes replies.

“The Ma clan has no want to get involved in imperial harem politics.”  Glares at me.  “Sadly it is clear that the barbarian is controlling the princess somehow.  It is the only explanation for how she can ignore our clearly superior Shaoye Ma Kun.”

Lots of tables, even some of the guards, roll their eyes but choose not to argue.

Some wuxia dude in purple stands.

“The Gong also have no desire to offend the Lian.”  Several elders nod.  “The influential concubine’s aid will do us little good against their retaliation over the great loss of face they’ll suffer.”  Waves a hand.  “And what about her clan, the Zhan.  Will they do nothing?”

My yanese princesses maintain their detachment but it's gotta be insulting.  Getting ignored and talked about like you are not even here.

Matron bitch answers.

“That clan will not interfere.  A high ranking member of the bureaucracy and mayor of Chenghai?  Dead.  Their unit in the imperial guard?  Crippled.  The expense of five experts and all those bribes?  Wasted.”  Shakes her wrinkly head.  “The Zhan are too afraid of the emperor’s displeasure to make another move.”

White robe replies.

“Then what does the Cai clan propose?”

The old toad smiles.  It ain’t pretty.

“We take the princess and return her to the Lady of Bright Deportment.  After our young masters have, hehe, punished her.”  Motions behind and the cloaked adult stands.  Then removes his hood.  “For those who do not recognize him.  This is the famed rogue cultivator, Ren Ling.”  More nods and murmurs.  “No matter how strong that interfering barbarian may be?  He will be crushed by this Nascent Soul daoist!”

Elders supporting the princess all show bitter looks of their own now.  Guess that means they didn’t bring anyone who could face this guy.

Whitey grunts.

“Very well Matron Cai.  You have the Ma clan’s support.”

Li’s grip turns sweaty and starts shaking again.  Across the room qi starts building for the fight to come.  Granny grins triumphantly at me and says.

“Esteemed Expert Ren Ling.  Please escort Xiao Li to my carriage.”

And the bald beady eyed cultivator replies.



The brakes on the pain train lock up as the guy everyone expected to start the fight.  Doesn’t.  Bitter bitch blinks a few times.  Like she can’t process what he said.  Finally she manages.


An icy stare from the mercenary.

“You paid me to fight elementists and daoists.  There was no mention of undead.  Especially not this many.”

A number of experts share looks but their elders just appear more confused.  The Gong clan elder asks.

“Undead?  What undead?”

Ren Ling sighs.

“Ask your bodyguard.  Even a 5th realm like him should be able to sense all the death qi in here."  Sneers.  "There are undead in this hall.  A lot of them.”

That causes a stir as many, even the guards along the wall, begin glancing fearfully in every direction.  One elder spins to face me.

“Wait, the beggars sect said you were a necromancer.  Is this a trap?”

At last!  A chance to deliver my villainous monologue!

“It is."  Engage evil eyebrow lift!  "If you choose to spring it.”

Yeah, that’s it.  So what if it was a short monologue.  I’m on another planet.  Good luck suing me over it.

Some stare at me in terror.  Others with loathing.  A few pretend to ignore me completely.  Old toad asks her hired gun.

“Can you defeat them?”

Many elders, young masters, and young ladies gaze at him with hope filled eyes.

“Yes, but it will cost me.”  A malicious grin.  “So it must cost the generous matron first.”

Bitter bitch swallows another bug that's almost as ugly as her.

“Fine.  I will double the price.”

“Not enough.”

Old broad gets upset.


A loud cough from white robe’s table.

“Matron Cai, the rice is already cooked.”  A sigh.  “Zhuancai Ren Ling.  The Ma clan will match the doubled payment."

The expert for hire nods and turns to Little Li.

"Princess Tiang, your price has been paid.  Please do not blame me if I am a little cruel."

A mighty aura spreads from the mercenary as granny cackles with glee.

"Haha!  You should have stayed on the eastern continent, Ji Ping.  Now both you and your sister will suffer for my granddaughter's humiliation!"

Ren Ling's aura vanishes as a strangely high pitched voice sounds from the far doorway.

"Oh, sounds exciting.  Do I get to suffer too?"

Everyone's eyes spin to the other entrance as I glare at the sky.

'Really?  You had to get him involved?'

Yep, that's right boys and girls.  The too tall castrated fairy with the overly loose robes and angular grin is back!  Please put your hands together for the alchemist with a funny bone and core elder of the North Jade Dragon Palace.  Lurch!

*imaginary applause*

Matron Cai is beside herself and reduced to a stuttering mess.

"Gr-gra-grandmaster Qi-qinxin.  Wh-why wha-what brings y-you…"

The black and blue robed elf steps closer to the matron and gazes down.  His seven foot plus height towering over the five foot something granny.

"Cai Wuying, I heard my apprentice's concubine was having a welcome home party.  So I brought a gift."  He leans to the side.  "Ren Ling, how would you like to be blacklisted by every alchemist in Luyan?"

As bitter bitch’s eyes bulge and throat swells, I'm waiting to hear the ribbit.  Mister mercenary expert calmly nods and faces my little china girl.

"Celestial Highness, my gift to you is a free service to be provided, at your whim, in the future.  I hope this adequately compensates for my mistake."  Qi gathers and he floats upward.  "Welcome back to Yangxu."

Without another word or look.  Ren Ling flies through one of the ceiling windows and is soon out of sight.

Whitey becomes visibly ill. 

Lurch starts walking down the center of the hall, towards our table.  Trailed by a small mob of daoists wearing blue inner or core disciple robes.  Each holds a sword, axe or spear and looks like they've just been in a battle.

A battle they won.

Every one of them has a strong aura and clearly intimidates the assembled clans.

A relieved Li Zexi beside me bows towards Lurch.

"Thank you for coming, Elder Qinxin.  I fear there would have been casualties otherwise."

The elf waves dismissively. 

"Think nothing of it, your highness.  The clans are my best customers.  It was in my own interest to save their gold."  Thin fingers cover his mouth.  "Whoops, I meant to say lives."

Several elders' mouths drop open and the old toad blurts out.

“Save our lives?”

The famed alchemist gives her a snide glare.

“Did you truly believe my apprentice could not butcher all of you?”  Head tilts at an unnatural angle.  “That gossip purchased from the Gaibang?”  Angular grin spreads.  “Was not gossip.”

Elder Yu mutters as he shakes his head.

“So Badun Yuehan is really your heir.”  A chuckle.  “He was right again.  I really should stop making bets with the patriarch.”

Eunuch elf snorts, turns and glides forward again.  Stopping in the center of the room.  Cups hands and bows deeply.  By the door a servant quietly enters and whispers something to captain china standing along the wall.  Whose skin turns pale.

“Princess Li, I meditated over what present to bring you.”  Stands straight and taps his chin.  “Nothing is as important as family.  So I chose to mediate the grievance between your mother’s kin and my apprentice.”  Snickers to himself.  “The Zhan’s patriarch did not want to come, but this humble alchemist persisted and found a compromise.”  Turns and beckons to someone.  “Is that not correct, Patriarch Zhan Kang?”

Lurch pivoting reveals a core disciple standing among the mob.  Who steps forward and raises her right hand.  That grips a decapitated head by its hair.  And likely explains the significance of what I just heard the servant tell cappy.  “Zhan pavilion is burning.”

If bitter bitch frowned any deeper.  That wrinkled head would be sucked down her neck.  After a large exhale, shoulders sag and she accepts defeat.  Announcing to the hall.

“Since there is no reason to stay, the Cai will leave.”

Grabbing the young master Cai by his hear, old toad gets two steps before a high voice stops her.

“What a foolish child.  Did you truly expect to leave so easily?”

Granny shudders.

“I had hoped too.”

“Without an apology?”

Can hear black robed bitter bitch’s dentures grinding from the other side of the hall.

“Fine.”  Without even turning around she growls.  “The Cai apologize, Xiao-”

Elf interrupts.

“No, not from there.”  Shakes his head and points to a spot in front of our table.  “From there.  You as well, Ma Dong.”

The elders slowly walk around their tables and reluctantly come forward.  You can almost feel the shame and rage burning their insides over being humiliated like this.

Towering over them, Lurch leans over their backs and whispers.

"Now beg, for your lives."

Whitey's eyebrows climb.

"Kowtow to an unfilial daughter and her stray mutt?"  Lurch gets sideyed.  "Ha!  The mountain cannot kneel.  Even to a dragon."

Eunuch elf let's loose an unmasculine giggle as he slides back.

"Then do not bemoan your fate.  Junfei Badun, they are my gift to you."

Little Li turns to me, nervous.  A bit overwhelmed by all that's happened.  Not sure what to say or do.  So I give her a peck on the lips and get up.  Then walk over to face off with the two clan elders.

*tach* *tach*

[Super Senses] shows their cultivation is in the 4th and 5th realms.  With who knows how many tricks and trump cards up their sleeves.  So even looking as old as they do, both should be significantly stronger than me.

*tach* *tach* *kick* *slap*

If I give them the chance to use it.

My right foot connecting to whitey's groin catches him completely by surprise.  As does my left backhand across bitter bitch's face.

Ma Dong faceplants to the ground crying and cupping his crushed nuts.  Cai Wuying spits out a tooth as she spins to the floor.

I spout sarcastically. 

"I'll be damned.  Look at the mountain kneel."

No one likes a "party popper," so let's not kill them.  Roughing them up a little should be enough.

Grandpa Ma keeps rolling and moaning but Granny Cai curses up at me.

"Be grateful your master is here, dog.  Sooner or later you will be alone.  Or your women will be.  Or your children."  She's spitting blood at me.  "On that day, I will have justice!"

Welp, just go ahead and call me Ishma-er, party pooper.

*ving* *woosh*

Sanctity springs out of the sheathe Red’s holding and zips across the room.  Landing in my raised right hand.


A quick reverse grip and stab down into and through bitter bitch’s chest.  Driving enchanted steel into the polished wood floor beneath her.  Lightning sparks across the convulsing body.  Give the hilt a twist for good measure as the old toad collapses.

Young master Cai jumps to his feet.

"He killed my auntie!"

A flashback strikes out of nowhere.  So of course I can't stop myself as I raise my hands to the shocked audience.

"Please, please, this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."

*cough* *cough*

Granny spits up some blood and I hear Hitomi make a bad impersonation of a whiny old person's voice.

"She's not quite dead."

The quotes.  They call to me.

"Since the near fatal wounding of his auntie."

Confused looks from the clans wondering what the fuck I'm talking about as the lieing bleeding Cai matron shakily pulls a medicinal smelling pill out of a pocket and slips it into her mouth.

Ninja-wife sounds off again.

"She's getting better."

Jerk my head in bitter bitch’s direction and the shadow champion, Rowl, begins rising out of the floor above her head.  Holding a dusky greatsword in his armored hands, blade down.

"No…"  Granny mumbles as I continue.

"Who, when she seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon her.”


Rowl lifts the large sword and rams it down.  Piercing through Cai Wuying’s skull.  Punching into the floor below.

And, of course, 4th wife can’t help herself either.

“She’s died.”

Do my best not to laugh as I realize that whitey has crawled off to his table and is now being fed a pill by their bodyguard.  The rest of the entourages stare at Rowl in horror.  Except for the ghostly guest.  While his young master friend has moved over and is consoling the Cai shaoye, senior spirit whispers.

~Sword qi?~


*woosh* *snik*

A flick of my hand and the divine rapier rips out of the fresh corpse's chest.  Sailing through the air.  Then smoothly sliding into the scabbard Knight-wife holds up.

Pan across the room before speaking.

“Well, I guess the party’s over.  Get out.”  Raise a hand.  “Oh, those who brought Li’s friends?  Leave them.  You can come back later.  After they’ve had a chance to catch up and do whatever it is that girls do.”

Just hope it's not shopping.  I hate shopping.

As the fearful clans hurriedly make arrangements and beat feet.  Glancing at Rowl and some not happy at all to be left behind young ladies.  I walk up to our table and look guiltily at my yanese princess.

“Sorry honey, that did not go the way I hoped it would.”

But Little Li’s eyes are sparkling as she says in awe.

“Even the great clans have no face in front of my xingan.”


“Uh…  What?”

Big Ji answers since her younger sister appears to be off in lala land.

“Dashi, we knew clans would come.  Knew there would be blood.  The Lady of Bright Deportment is too influential.  That is why sister had already sent a messenger looking for Elder Qinxin.”  Squeezes Li’s hand.  “Our only fear was that the sect would not arrive in time.”

Huh, I forget how smart these women are sometimes.

A throat clears behind me with a too high pitched voice.

“We will take our leave now, Xiao Li.  Those cowards will not dare to make any moves now.”  Faces me.  “Apprentice, we will leave for the sect once your golems and skeletons arrive.”  Glances at my women and the left behind qingnu.  “So do enjoy yourself.”

I’ll be damned.  Guess Lurch ain’t so bad after all.


Catch a pill he tosses over his shoulder as he strolls away with the North Jade Dragon Palace disciples.  It's dark brown and has an ozone smell.  Qi seeps out of it.

“And take that later.  It will propel you through Foundation Establishment.”  Waves bye bye.  “Just make sure your harem is nearby and ready for a very bumpy ride.”


Scratch that.

My mistake.

That elf still shady as fuck.

Cai, Fan (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'6", 17 years
  • Shaoye (Young Master)
    • Cai clan
    • 3rd Son
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)
  • Funny guy

Cai, Wuying (female, human, yanese)

  • 5'3", 70(?) years
  • Lao (Elder)
    • Cai clan
    • Matron
  • Daoist
    • Jiedan (Core Formation)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)
  • Bitter bitch, Old toad, Matron Cai, Granny
  • She’s died

Feng, Dei (female, human, yanese)

  • 5'2", 16 years
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Feng clan
    • 2nd Daughter
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)

Feng, Zan (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'6", 50(?) years
  • Lao (Elder)
    • Feng clan
  • Daoist
    • Jiedan (Core Formation)
    • Houqi (Late-stage)

Lian, Pi (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'6", 60(?) years
  • Guard Captain
    • Lian clan
    • Branch family
  • Daoist
    • Zhuji (Foundation Establishment)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, Cappy, Captain china

Ma, Dong (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'4", 80(?) years
  • Lao (Elder)
    • Ma clan
  • Daoist
    • Ninling (Spirit Condensing)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • White robes, Whitey, Grandpa, Gramps

Qinxin, Methil Alre Heiris (male, elf, elluinian)

  • 7’2”, 400 years
    • gold eyes, long gold hair
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Lao (Core Elder)
    • Danshao (Alchemy) club
  • Daoist
    • Huaqi (Qi Realization)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Lurch, Castrated fairy, Eunuch elf, Slim shady

Ren, Ling (male, human, yanese)

  • 5'9", 50(?) years
  • Zhuancai (Expert)
    • Sanxiu (Rogue cultivator)
  • Daoist
    • Yuanying (Nascent Soul)
    • Zhongqi (Middle-stage)
  • Expert, Mercenary, Hired gun

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