A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 30: Reflecting

Now, I'm not the smartest man in the world.  Nor the wisest.  But I'm also not an idiot.  Mostly.

Naked maid bath?  Highly recommend for when you're down in the dumps.  That set bummed me out a lot more than I expected.  But I need to make decisions.  Gotta think about this.

The dynamic duo already told me their siblings plan.  Jesus.  The stupidity of it all.  We want to kill each other so make sure he doesn't get in the way?  Idiots.  Message birds already on the way to monocle and grizzly.

Should cut the harem loose.  Give Lions Keep to Red.  Our kid would be pretty damn safe in this castle.  Know Senior senior citizen and Frosty would protect him.

They could all be safe here.

Shouldn't bring them to a war.  Especially not a pregnant woman.  Should I go to war?  Could be gone for years.  The absurdity of it all.  Would totally kill that shitty king the first chance I get.

But keeping him alive may be the only way to stall for time.  Might be able to keep him alive for another decade with [Recovery Magic].

It won't be like taking out Gilend.  The king and duke have a hell of a lot more and stronger protection.  And a civil war starting in Tourin will be a tempting opportunity for Drasritor to re-invade.

Need a plan.  Need a strategy.  Need an army.

Hey.  I'm not the saving the world type.  Really not.  I'm just trying to save my son.  Should I try to save a kingdom too?  That seems like a pretty big step.


Can see my harem thru the shadows.

Made it clear I needed some 'me' time.  So suddenly having a husbandless afternoon?  The wives are basking in the adoration of the crowd.  They are like instant rock stars among the returning students and applicants after my show.

Of course they are medieval 'networking.'  They are brilliantly working the crowd.  Picking targets.  Building alliances.  My entourage?  Now has an entourage.

Got a whole eight-hour to myself before the wives came back.  Well not exactly myself of course but as close as I can get nowadays.

Their entourage moves as a unit getting ready for the ball.  Tonight's the last dinner dance before six-day's games.  So as many applicants go as can.

Almost four hundred teenagers are streaming into the castle.  With another four hundred servants, escorts, attendants, etc...

Feeding and entertaining that many ain't easy.  New old seneschal must be pulling his hair out.  Of course its too big for the hall so they are spread across the third floor too and out into the inner courtyard.

The 'favored' get invited up to the Grand Suite.  Of course not-sebastian knew so its all hands on deck.  By this time I've been dressed so I'm looking quite snazzy.  If I do say so myself.

Naturally my Grand Suite is a shadow roam zone which freaks out most, at first, but they adjust quickly.  Being comfortable with me being a necromancer?  Is a requirement to become 'favored' with my wives.

Another is being female, of course.

Can't blame them.  All my wives are 'compromised.'  Their status in this medieval society devalued and tainted.  How?

Well... Lilias?  Old and widowed.  Odaline?  Old, harlot, molester.  Simone?  Divorced, harlot, molester.  Alote?  Eloped, diseased, was manaless.  Edelys?  Old, eloped, traitor.  Ushinua?  Slave, sterile, houseless.

Yeah I know the 'old' bit is stupid.  Lili is in her thirties and Oda is in her upper twenties.  But in medieval land with scarily high infant mortality rates and too young marriages?  By the time you hit your mid twenties you are considered 'old.'

Harlot is someone who is too lewd.  Easy.  Slut.  From their time as casanova's sex slaves.  Molester is from them dragging students into the sex slave ring.  Eloped is marrying without permission from their house.

Traitor is from turning on their house.  It would be one thing if they were already married into another house.  But Red's marriage was not okayed by the Count.  A slave is considered property so little to no status to begin with.

Finally Avi assumed a new identity as Ushi.  So she does not officially have any relatives.  And while Blue is no longer diseased and manaless like Frankie is no longer cursed?  She was, and those labels stick with you like bad debt on a credit report.

So.  The more they can 'sell' my value?  My status?  The higher their status rises.  'Favored' are the foundation of this strategy.  Whether they end up in my bed or not.  Allies are a good thing.

Oh, yeah, hero in disguise is here too.  She is working hard to keep it in but she's drawn like a magnet to the living shadows.  Her, Milti, and Juri, are chatting from beginning to end.  I will none of the half deads to blend.  Its not time to reveal that yet.

She keeps glancing my way.  I'm on the western balcony now to give the battalion inside, room to get ready.  Of course I'm getting constantly asked if this or that looks good.  And of course everything looks great.

Looks like 'Elma' really wants to ask something.  Why?  She shouldn't be cracking this early.

She should still be sold on there being more than one 'hero.'  Especially after seeing me playing an electric guitar today.  If Ushi is right, and she usually is, Elma is now focused on finding my 'master.'

[Super Senses] lets me listen in.  Thief hero is still geeking out.

"Juri?  Don't mean to pry but...  Are all shadows, souls?"

~Sort of.  Tenno showed that almost all are just pieces and in shadow is where most feel comfortable.~

Juri's talking about my random night tours.  Checking up on the astral and material undead in my 'turf.'  Milti is is saying little.  Probably trying to hide how 'close' her and Juri really are.


Oh yeah, as a japanese girl she knows tenno means emperor, king of heaven, etc...  But she can't let us know she knows.  Ugh.

~Yes, our school's founder was from Japan and she passed down many tales and techniques.~

Oh hero in disguise is breaking out in sweats.  There is so much she wants to ask right now but can't.  Bet its driving her bonkers.

"Your...  School?  C-can I go th-there?"

~Yes but there isn't much left.  The church came generations ago and most of what was, is lost.  What's left serves the church.~

"So how did you become living shadows?"

~We attacked Tenno.  We lost.  He took our souls.~

Hero in disguise looks like she's got a lot more questions but she holds back as the maids swoop in to get Milti and Elma ready for the ball.

Huh.  A necromancer who doesn't realize she's a necromancer

The ball tonight is chaos.  Its the biggest crowd yet, by far.  Nearly a thousand are swarming the keep and courtyard.  Pushing everyone's patience to the limit.  I get a lot more attention than I want but the wives and staff run interference as much as they can.

Even with three wives and three concubines already?  More marriage prospects are being offered.  Escorts with their charges 'bumping' into me as I make round after round across the grand hall, 3rd floor, gardens, and courtyard.  Haven't had a chance to dance even once.

The harem is with me but the dynamic duo are on their own circuit.  So I at least got a break from their pestering.  Things are going pretty smoothly so if the trope god is watching then its about time for...


And I've suddenly got a gorilla by the wrist.  Well, human, but so big even gorillas would be intimidated.  He's smooth, no doubt about it.  Waiting in ambush behind a column.  Didn't reach for me either.  He was aiming for someone else.

"Gabel?!"  Blue is surprised, and scared?

Gorilla doesn't take his eyes off me but speaks to Blue.

"Lady Alote.  You will dance with me, now."

Blue's gone pale.  Maybe gorilla was her bully?  Molester?

"I... I..."  She's caught off guard.  Idiot would probably agree to prevent a scene.


Gorilla gives me the stink eye.

"I'm not asking you."

"The answer is still no."

Blue is starting to recover and curtsies, guarded by my other wives.

"D-darling.  Th-this is L-lord Gabel of House Ruxsley.  Long time allies of House Chastel."  More like their goon squad.  "Lord Gabel.  This is Lord Jon Barton of House Lianlaf.  My hus-"

"I do not recall hearing about a wedding.  I would never have missed the wedding of my favorite."  Queue douchebag two.

As gorilla like is the first douchebag?  Number two reminds me of a weasel.  Oh he's got the looks.  But there is something, oily about his aura.  Its actually pretty disgusting.  Guess mommy dearest didn't get the message clearly enough.

"Fuck off."  Not putting up with this shit.

Douchebag two isn't happy I'm ignoring their script.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Nope.  Nor do I care."  What a vile smile.  "I already told her mother that Lady Alote is mine now."

"All I'm asking for is a dance."

"Whoops.  You skipped part of your script.  Gorilla here is the only one whose asked for a dance so far.  You are supposed to come in as the peacemaker and whisk her away to threaten, curse, and or drug."  Both of them look confused now.  "Answers the same.  One?  No.  Two?  Fuck off."

"D-darling?  Please, I'll go-"


Pull Blue in close with my left while my right still has a grip on the gorilla's wrist.  Liplock her for a good ten count before letting her panting blushing face go.  Ignoring gorilla, I look at a very outraged looking weasel.

"She has been promised to me, savage."  Yep, daddy dearests flunkies.  Sigh...

"Too bad, so sad.  Marshal."

A dozen black and greens are materialize.  Including ex-patchy.

"My Lord?"

I point at gorilla and weasel as I let got of gorilla's wrist.

"These two threw off my groove.  Toss them out."

"Y-you can't b-be serious?"  Oh, can't I?

"They are banned from Lion's Keep."  Evil eye gorilla and weasel.  "I see you in these walls again?  I'll throw you off them."

Weasel laughs evilly, seriously its gross, and grins.

"Please do remember that this could have been han-"

"I'll stop you right there weasel face.  Keep talking and you'll become the third dumbass I've killed, just in this room."  His expression becomes wary.  "And before you make a threat?  Go ask House Gilend how that worked out for them.  Ask the demons.  Ask the church.  Even ask the fucking dragons."

Despite the tense atmosphere and onlookers?  Most of the hall is clueless on what's going on since no voices have even been raised.

"Now, quietly leave my castle or die here.  Choose."

Even gorilla seems flabbergasted over how blunt I'm being.  Weasel really wants to make a snide comment but his spidey senses must be tingling because he holds back.  Escorted by six black and greens, including ex-patchy, the two douchebags walk away.

I can feel the eyes so I look up to see an old noble staring at me from the fifth floor balcony opposite the fourth floor column I'm standing next too.  Yikes.  If looks could kill.  Well, I would still be fine.  Like his little bitch ass can do anything.

I flip him the bird, just in case dumbfuck ain't got the message yet.

Don't start shit in my house.

Yep, its Duke Chastel and mommy dearest is next to him looking mighty nervous. Could play the stare down but lets fuck with him.


Big grin and wave like an idiot.  Cool, never seen a white guy's face turn purple before.  Oh well, fuck him.  Can feel trouble behind so I turn to see Blue on the edge of tears.

"P-please, m-my lord.  Don't k-kill my family."

Barely a whisper but I hear her clearly over the music and chatter.  You know?  I never thought about doing the same thing to the Chastel's that I did to the Gilend's.

Let's be honest though.  I gave Red's dad a chance.  He's the one who chose my wrath.  And there is a huge difference between fighting a Count and a Duke.  Resources, size, allies, all on a much higher level.

Would probably be up against silver rankers too.  Maybe even a gold or three.


More shit to deal with.

Ruxsley, Gabel (male, human, tourinese)

  • Baron of Ruxsley
    • Title-less
  • Subordinate of Duke Chastel
  • Childhood bully of Lady Alote Chastel
  • "Gorilla"

Shanham, Steuan (male, human, tourinese)

  • Baron of Shanham
    • Title-less
  • Subordinate of Duke Chastel
  • Negotiating to marry Lady Alote Chastel
  • "Weasel"

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