A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 31: Game Day

"Black Lion?  More like Black Kitten."

Right now, a gorilla has me about five feet off the ground.  With a big freaking claymore looking sword shoved through my stomach.  Had summoned my dark armor already but this sword is coated with the same kind of crap the church ninjas grenades had.

Had no problem piercing straight thru me.

At least it feels like he only nicked my spine.  Something else about his blade though, is making it hard to stop the bleeding.  Even with all the mana I'm dumping right now.  Holy crap.  Is this Light school [Curse Magic]?  Didn't know it even existed.

Should probably wait to ponder why I'm dying later. 

Right now?

Let's just try not to die.

---D-Day+59, Glenic 30th---

"Its game day!"

The maids are excited.  Six-day of exam week means?  The applicants will be showing off.  The biggest flashiest spells they can cast.  And the coolest fanciest moves they can make.

Blue was extra apologetic last night and went a little, too far.  Had to use [Recovery Magic] to put a couple of her parts that got, dislocated, back into place.  Yeah, she is still passed the fuck out.

Gotta admit?  Not really surprised.  Never had a woman whose parents 'liked' me.  Maybe its because I'm an asshole.  Maybe its because my filter doesn't work very well.

Of course, none of those parents were kings, dukes, or counts.  So the level of hostility here?  A bit higher then never getting a birthday or christmas card. 

Just a bit.

Honestly don't know much about Blue's family.  At least never got the impression it was the hell Frankie and Red went thru.  Silvie, however, knows that family pretty well, and daddy?  Is a control freak.

Was super pissed that Blue got knocked up.  Only tolerated it because he wanted to use House Gilend.  When she got leprosy and Gilend broke off marriage negotiations?  Daddy felt like Blue had disobeyed him again.

So daddy duke wants his daughter home before she can screw up anything else.  With all the mana I gave her?  She's now worth a lot as a baby maker.  Daddy's got new plans.

Now daddy duke's not completely stupid.  Knows he can't take her by force.  So he's trying to 'convince' her to leave me.  Turns out?  Blue's been getting some threatening and pleading letters from relatives.

When that didn't work?  Mom showed up for exam week.  After the Gilends and I got in the way?  Daddy's flunkies moved in.  Trying to get her alone.  Turns out there have been a few attempts already.

Last night was just the one that got close enough for me to notice and stop.

"D-darling?"  Speak of the devil.

The harem is spread around the private kitchen this morning in various states undress and unmakeup.  Having a family meeting on what to do about Blue.  Silvie just wrapped up what she knows of the situation.

Just out of bed, still showing the bruises from overdoing it last night, and the poor maids are trying to get the bare minimum of clothing on her.  Anyone seeing those bruises will probably think I beat her.


I only let Silvie and Val join us last night.  Planned to have a family meeting this morning so didn't want 'visitors' involved.


"I...  I am... so-sorry!"  Don't kowtow.

And she's kowtowing.

"Get up."

Blue nods and shakily stands back up.  Only to be pulled into, and supported by, Red's embrace.

Blue looks too ashamed to speak, so I guess I'll have to start.

"Why didn't you come to me?"

"I love mamma.  I love my brothers and sisters.  I love papa.  You will kill them all."  That's a downcast look.

"Why don't you leave?"

"I love you.  I love Edy and our baby.  I love this family.  Darling saved me."  Those eyes are still stuck on the floor.

Well, this is a pickle.  Ever have in-laws being annoying but you can't, or at least shouldn't, kill them?  Yeah, me neither.

Okay.  So, no birthday or christmas cards from the Chastels?  Check.

"Hus... Jon?"  Red looks nervous.  "P-please don't send Blue away."  Don't say that while bear hugging the girl and hiding behind her shoulder.  Gah!  That just looks too cute.

God dammit.

Whoa, its like the whole harem is holding its breath.



"Hide anything from me again and you're out.  Understand?"

"Yes!"  And all the tension no one realized was there?  Is released like a held breath.  "D-darling?"


"C-can I, will you, h-hold me?"

"Of cour-" Oomph.


Ow.  And I'm on the floor.  Buried in Blue's lips and boobs.

"Thank you. Love you. Thank you. Love darling."

Maybe 'hold me' means something else in her country?  Better put the rest of the harem on notice too.

"And... the same..."  God woman let me breathe.  "goes... for the rest... of you!"

Ack!  No.  I meant no hiding stuff!


And there go my pants.

Bye pants.

My poor maids.  Those girls really go the extra mile.  After cleaning up the battlefield, again, and the sprint to get the harem ready?  They need a break.

So I shut the Grand Suite down and they all get the day off.  Several beg to come with but I insist they don't come in maid outfits.

Queue the second sprint.

Tried to insist that not-sebastian dress in something casual too.




Fine.  But I think it would be hilarious seeing him in a hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts.  That reminds me.  When do I get my harem to a beach?  Gotta have the fan service bikini episode.

Yeah, cancelled all my training for today so it's not like we're late or anything.

"You're late!"  Eh?

My expanded entourage, might as well buy a tour bus, has just crossed the footbridge and entered campus.  Waiting for us and looking somewhat, peeved?

Is Milti.  Milti and 'Elma.'  Milti, Elma, and the fourteen students of Delta Tau Chi.  Wait.  That's more than fourteen.  Some are not in student uniforms too.

"Milti!"  And Blue's launched herself again.  Fortunately hero in disguise was ready to keep the wheelchair from being knocked over.  Don't see daddy or the apprentices.  Probably have a stall setup.  Most merchants will, today.

Quickly Milti's sour puss expression disappears as the two bury themselves in the infamous, 'girl talk.'  An undecipherable code that has baffled linguists and cryptologists for generations.

Oh no.  Thief hero, has been infected too!  Yep, no mistaking that expression.  The half spoken words.  The tourinese slang.  An impenetrable barrier no male and especially no adult, can breach.

Poor japanese girl.  Well.  At least Milti isn't mad at me anymore.

"Ali?  Where did you get this bruise?"

Oh shit.

Ahem.  So.  Lets quickly, and not at all in a hurry to a avoid Milti's wrath way, turn my attention to the new kids.  Odaline smoothly sneaked Blue's spot on my arm and notices.

"Those are new pledges sensei."  Oh?

Ah.  Yes.  'Thank you sir, may I have another.'  Hehe...  'I, state your name.'  ...  But, where are they going to find fire extinguishers?  Going to need some togas too.

Well, might as well get this herd moving.  Good god.  Must be fifty people here.

Eh?  Whose?  Oh no.


You ever see one of those heat seeking missiles home in on its target?  No matter how the jet turns, that missile just turns more to keep it locked on as it closes in and then, BOOM!

Hero in disguise, the aquecian ninja, didn't even see excited maid coming.  Like a diving eagle out of the sun, Luvine pounces on the poor japanese girl.  Wrapping her arms around Elma in a hug even a mamma bear would be proud of.

We've kept them separate before but with all the Blue stuff?  I plain forgot too this time.

"Itsyouitsyouitsyouitsyouitsyouitsyouitsyou!"  Damn girl, breathe!

And thief hero?  Has a cute scream.

Of course excited maid forgets to breathe, and passes out.  Only to be caught by thief hero and is now in her arms.  Is this okay?

I look at Frankie on my other arm and she nods.  Guess its alright then.  Milti and Blue tell 'Elma' to take excited maid to a bench and catch up later.  A combat maid stays with them.

Yeah, this world may not be as misogynistic as some isekai?  But it would still be stupid to leave any vulnerable looking girl, whether she really is or not, unescorted.

Even if that escort is just a tough looking girl.  Like a maid with an icy stare and a 'I will kick your ass' aura.

Thanks to butlers and mini-butlers superb herding skills.  The mother of all entourages begins moving in the same direction.  Towards the Stormgarde Gymnasium.

Stormgarde is mostly broken up into six areas.  The center is Kashiwa Hall.  The main building with most of the classrooms.  The northeast is where the male dorms are.  The southeast is where the female dorms are.

On the western end of Stormgarde is the Saint Sanriel chruch, though it accepts the worship of other gods too.  And beyond it is the lighthouse.

The northwest is the stables, stores, post office, and teacher housing.  Though its also where Stormgarde's first brat house, Delta Tau Chi, is located.

The southwest side?  Belongs to the gymnasium.  An area for sports and exercise.  Part of it enclosed like a, mini-coliseum?  But most of it open and divided into training fields.  Berms or stands surround each training area. 

Though some are more like firing ranges with built up earth behind the targets.

And all of them?

Are packed.  Like a tin of sardines packed.  The training fields have kids showing off their moves like a gymnastics competition.  The firing ranges show hopefuls using their biggest spells on targets against the earthwork.

The crowds cheering when they do good and jeering when they screw up.

Tough crowd.

There must be thousands here.  According to Red, from the wee hours in the morning there is pretty much a line of wagons from Raelera bringing people to watch today's games.

Every merchant has stalls setup and is working the crowds.  Including Milti's dad.

While tons of folks are watching the hopefuls in the training fields?  There is another, more select, crowd in the mini-coliseum.  This is where the PvP, duels, happen.

Once applicants finish on the fields or ranges?  They can go for bonus points by entering the coliseum.  There, based on their points, they are matched with others and duke it out in front of the crowds.

Now precautions are taken.  Caster versus caster.  Melee versus melee.  Barriers placed.  Healers on standby.  But permanent injuries can happen.  Get unlucky enough and your ass can die.

I'm doing the slow parade game again with guards and entourage meandering our way thru the fields and crowds.  Congratulating the hopefuls who do well and consoling the face planters.

There's too many damn people.  Too much background noise.  Which is probably why [Super Senses] missed it.

Feel the alert.

Hear the scream.

And the crunch.

See the Milti's and Blue's shadows about to spring but someone already got in the way.  The assailant given a hard smack and dropped to the ground.  Juri going bonkers.

Who would aim for Milti?

Fuck.  Its gorilla and weasel.

"How dare you touch me!"  Nice roar.

"My friend, Baron Ruxsley, was just trying to help the crippled girl!"  What a, well, weasel.  "And this peasant struck him!  I demand justice!"

Didn't I say last time I was going to throw these two off the wall.  Oh yeah, the castle.  Should have included Stormgarde.  Well I'll just kick these two out of her too-

"Fine!"  Say what now?

Gorilla is back up from his soccer player like injury.

"Are you going to pay with your body little girl?"  Gorilla is actually licking his lips.

"Why don't I pay you with my steel!"  Spunky thief hero.

"You all heard her challenge!  The duel is accepted!  We demand use of the coliseum!"  Weasel van Weaselton.

Ah.  I get it.  If we can't to Blue we'll get to the ones Blue cares about.  Good god.  So stupid.

Fuck it.

Time to kill some doucheba- Eh?

Frankie's grip on my sleeve has tightened and she's shaking her head.

"Master, let's see how this goes."

"Are you sure?  If she gets really hurt or killed?  That will certainly bring the other heroes."

"Yes master, but this is a good chance to see her fight.  And you can step in if it gets dangerous."


Weasel has slinked away to cajole his way into getting a priority duel setup while gorilla and thief hero trade insults.

Does she really know what she's doing?

"I am truly sorry for this.  My father is not a bad man.  He just does not agree with my choices."  Blue has been apologizing a lot lately.

"I understand.  My family is, complicated, right now too.  Never being able to choose for myself.  I envy your courage."  Hero in disguise is handling the sympathy angle well.

"Oh its not really courage.  My darling saved me.  Everything I have.  I have because of him."  Blue?  Don't say stuff like that.

"Really?"  Curious thief.

"Yes, my husband brought back my sweetheart and gave me the bravery to admit my feelings to her."  Maybe really don't say stuff like that.

"Her?"  Confused thief.

"Yes, he even cured my leprosy?"  Seriously.  That's enough now.

"Wait, he healed your disease?"  Shocked thief.

"Even gave me the power to become a sorceress.  So I could stand on my own."  Shut the hell up please.

"You... You mean... He... That guy, did... Wha?"

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"Come here little girl!  Time to teach you who your new daddy is!"

Whew.  I might actually owe gorilla one.  Narrow save there.

"And after our first night together?  I understand why so many call him, the Beast."



God dammit.

Is she looking?  Is she?  Tell me she's not looking.  Nope.  She's looking.  Shit.

Of course I'm not standing next to them.  [Super Senses] for the win again.  Can see thru shadow that 'Elma' is staring at me.  Hard.  Big eyes?  Yep.  Crap.  She's thinking.  Thinking is bad.

I'm in the fancy seats.  The box with the view reserved for the noblest of nobles, and friends.

But, this is bad, right?  Frankie is chilling like a cucumber though.


"Its okay, master.  Everything is going according to plan."  Don't go all Emperor Palpatine on me here girl.  Or I just might Darth Vader your ass off a tower.

"Hey!  Get over here!"  Yeah, you tell her mister gorilla.  You go right ahead and show her who's boss.


"I'm coming!"  Phrasing.  "This big sister is going to teach her big bad brother a lesson!"  Uh...  More phrasing?

The crowds laughing but its not phasing Elma at all.

She's walks onto the dirt floor of the coliseum like a femme fatale.  Impressively spinning two daggers in her hands.  Gorilla looks like a mountain.  Truly a David and Goliath setup comparing the two.

Now, while they take many steps to keep onlookers safe and try to keep the combatants alive?  For the actual fight?  Not a lot of rules.  You not supposed to try and kill the other guy.  But its completely okay to try and hurt them.  Badly.

Unlike in the movies and video games?  Fights tend to be short and bloody.

While Elma is wearing some clearly borrowed armor and daggers?  Gorilla has fitted armor on with a big honking sword resting on his shoulder.  Clearly he came today ready for a fight.

Thief hero is disguising her aura well but what she may not realize?  Gorilla is too.  Guys a monster.  Gotta be a Gold rank.  Of course you won't find his name on any guild list.  Must be a champion.

You see?  As a noble?  You don't have time to deal with every little shit wanting this and that.  So, you get someone to handle the annoying people for you.  Personally and lethally.  Your, champion.

Your personal thug.  Private enforcer.  Hitman.  And when your rank gets high enough?  Its better to have more than one.

Best training.  Best gear.  Best magic.  If you can afford it?  They get it.  But you also keep them off 'the grid' as much as possible.  They are trump cards.  Best kept hidden.

And the weakest aquecian hero is going mano a mano with a tourinese duke's champion.


Bout time.  Hero in disguise finally noticed something wrong.


Don't catch it!  But even a mass murdering kid?  Is still a kid.

Instinctively reaches out to grab the ball.

Stops herself in time.

It lands on the ground in front of her.


Bursts and covers the thief with a fine sparkling powder.

Behind the sparkling cloud comes gorillas great sword.


Elma catches it with her daggers but is sent rolling across the ground.

Great sword slicing in again.


She jumps and leans, barely sliding over the huge blade.

Charges and stabs a dagger in.


Small blade deflected and slides by.

Thief girl is stunned.  Her dagger is smoking with her shadow power.  Why didn't it go through the chain mail?

"You think we don't know about you, aquecian?"

A boot comes flying at her.

An explosion of smoke.

Or should have been.

Only a slight puff.

The kick connects.

Elma is sent flying and rolling across the floor again.  Coughing up blood.

"Frankie?"  A hard stare from me.

"Master, this is not me, I swear."

Fuck.  Someone outed Elma?  Told the Chastels how to shut her down?  They probably even waited until she was close enough and I was far enough to move on Milti.  Knew she would step in.

We've been played.


Another roll but not fast enough this time.

A long wound opens up her back.


Both of us have been played.  Any of the maids could have overheard.  Not-sebastian even?  I was an idiot.  Didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try and kill her.  Bring the wrath of the aquecian heroes down on them.  Unless?

They know there won't be any... wrath.

Fuck.  This isn't a hit on me.  Its a hit on her!



Living shadows leap out of dark corners across the coliseum.

One stands between the plated gorilla and thief girl.  Great blade meets an equally large blade of ink and shadow and, stops.

A gorilla grin.

"You think we weren't ready for you too?"



A soft but sharp glow reaches out from within a large blade.


A blade of shade is cut in two.

A champion of the dead cut down by holy fire.

A blade driven towards an injured woman.

Finds another in its way.

Drives into and through.

A body skewered and lifted into the air.

My body.

"Black Lion?  More like Black Kitten."


"Master!" "Jon!"

There are ten of them now.

"Move and he dies!"  Yeah, may end up that way soon anyway.

Just had to go and save the girl.  Yeah, I'm sensitive to betrayal.  Even if its not mine.

A couple are aiming crossbows at my wives.  The rest are around gorilla.  Watching my shadows circling.  Each one of them have the same kind of glow to their blades as the one sticking thru my gullet.

[Holy Curse Magic].  Would find it funnier if it didn't hurt so fucking much.

"Daughter!  Its time to go home!"

Gotta hand it to daddy duke.  He went all out for this.  Preparing this must have cost a fortune.

"No!"  Eh?

Blue's standing next to Milti with Weasel holding a blade to her neck.  That same fucking glow.

"How dare you disobey me!  I'll kill them!  All of them!"  Daddy duke's face is going purple again.

Gorilla is waving me around like a shishkabob.  I'm slowly sliding further down the blade.

"I love him!  I will never leave him!"  Awe.  Isn't that sweet?  Would be sweeter, I think, if there wasn't a six foot piece of steel shoved thru me.

"What does love have to do with this?!"  Sorry TT.

"Daddy!  I am sorry!  I really am but you have to stop this!  He will kill you!  I do not want my family to die!"

Gorilla looks at me and laughs.

"She was never the smartest girl.  But she was a great lay."  Wicked grin from the apeman.  "But you already know that."

Shh.  I'm trying to listen.

"Look around you daughter!  My champions are in control!  Not your lovers corpses!"

"Daddy!  Please!  You have not seen what I have seen!  Stop!  Before its too late!"

"Stupid girl!  You belong to me!"

That's enough.


Is all gorilla manages to say as his whole body starts shaking and blood fountains out of his mouth.  He tilts his head back as a long blade of shade emerges from his throat.  My champion of death rising with it, behind him.

So many idiots forget to look down.

"Aiyee!" "Gah!" "Augh!"

Gorillas partners in crime are swamped from all directions.  Including below.  Their glowing blades claim dozens.  The shining armor, hidden beneath fine clothes, stops dozens of attacks.

But no armor perfectly protects.  There are always openings.  Gaps.  And into each space, stab shadowy weapons.  Blood spurts and flies.  Flesh and muscle, cut and torn.  Hacked and chopped limbs, with their once fine apparel, fall away.

Weasel is having a hard time processing what's happening in front of him.  Probably why the swordsman doesn't notice one his arms is now lighter.  He finally looks down to see a vaguely rat faced shadow, staring up at him.

The creature of death is holding the bottom half of his arm.  Which is no longer attached to him.  The knife it was holding to the crippled girls throat?  Fallen to the ground.

A corpse cold sword has entered his chest and its tip quickly reaches his heart.

The impaled gorilla finally lets go of the great sword keeping me suspended in the air, and I topple to the ground.

Red and Frankie are already beside me and keep my drop from turning into more of a flop.  Red immediately yanks the six feet of steel out of me.

"Jon!  Speak to me!" "Please master!  Say something!"



With the cursed weapon out of me, I'm able to muster my mana and break what remains.  War machine mode quickly closes and seals the hole.  But ts going to take time to replenish the blood.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

That should help.

Red and Frankie help me over to the still bleeding hero in disguise.  She's very weak but still staring at me with wide eyes.  Wow.  Can see her ribs thru her back.  Damn impressive she's not dead.  Still need to hurry.

"[Vision of Isis]"

So I can see what its supposed to look like

"[Embrace of Hygieia] [Hepius Weaving] [Chiron's Fingers]"

The triple cast spikes my brain but not as bad as it used too.  Clean the gaping wound and reach into her back.  Stitching her back together.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

Spur tissue growth and blood production.

"[Breath of Airmed]"

Get the swelling down.  Was about to hit her with support but realize I'm in a coliseum of terrified people.  Damn, this is going to cost me a lot.

"[House of Grannus]"

A soothing wave ripples across the stands.  Terrified expressions calm.  The petrified can move again but now know they don't need to run.  They are safe.  All here now feel like, things are going to be okay.

"What are you?!"

Well almost everyone.  The seriously douchebaggy?  It doesn't seem to work that well on.

The thief at my feet is breathing shallow but steady.  My wives help her up and to a more comfortable spot.

The screamer is none other than daddy duke.  Alex has dragged his ass out of the stands.  He keeps trying to stand but whenever he gets up too much?  Alex drives his face back into the blood stained dirt.

"Lord Barton!"  My Marshal, ex-patchy comes running in with several black and greens along with some death knights and skeletal warriors.

His armor is banged up and bloody.  But its not his blood.

He goes to a knee.  "The attackers have been defeated!  The castle, town, and school, are secure!"

Yes, this was not the only attack.  Thru shadows I saw almost a hundred of the duke's troops attack gates and officers.  It was a full scale commando raid.  Really damn impressive.

Too impressive.

[Umbrarmatus] is still on so I think I cut a pretty menacing figure.  Even figured out how to add a cloak.  So I now have this black smoke like think hanging from the back of my shoulders to the ground.

Walk with steady steps over to daddy duke.  Everything hurts and I've gone thru a lot of mana.  I need a nap.  His dukeness has tried to get up one too many times so Drabek now has a boot on his back.  Pinning him to the ground.


"Wha... What?"  Why is he acting confused?

"All this?  Is too much for you.  Someone told you she is here and her weaknesses.  Someone told you my weaknesses.  So?  Who?"

"N-never you unholy th-thing!"  Fine by me.  I don't actually need you alive to get what I want.

"[Shadow Ri-"

"Messenger birds!"  Eh?  Mommy dearest?

"Traitor!"  Dude.

"Me?  You are the one who risks our House for some pathetic need to control Alote's life!"  Mommy duke is mad.  "Better a traitor than a fool!"


"My lord necromancer.  A month ago messages began arriving by bird.  We could not find where they were being sent from."  She tries to step closer but I stop her with a look.  "They gave the hero's description, location, and weaknesses."

"And mine?"

"My husband got those from a church bishop.  As well as equipment and more soldiers."  She kowtows.  "I was able to steal some of the messages and bring them as proof.  P-please..."

"D-darling?"  Blue has come over.  "Please s-spare my foolish f-family."  Well darn, she got blood all over that pretty dress.  "P-please."

I turn to Frankie and Red who have a still woozy Elma resting in a clean spot.


"Jon.  You gave my family a chance."  "Destroying the Chastels may add to our troubles, master."


"Blue.  You know a price must be paid.  Don't you?  They killed dozens across the school, town, and castle."  Tearful nod.  "I will spare your family this time, except for the father."

Sobbing.  "Y-yes, m-my lord."

"Comfort your daughter, mother."

Mommy dearest nods and goes over to embrace Blue.  Soon both are bawling.

"B-bastard!  I-I will k-kill you!"

"You tried.  So you died."

"[Shadow Rise]"



Chastel, Melicent (female, human, tourinese)

  • Duchess Chastel
    • Duchy of Trosseria
    • Wife of Duke Richart Chastel
    • House Chastel
  • Mother of Alote Barton
  • "Mommy dearest," "Mommy Duke"

Chastel, Richart (male, human, tourinese)

  • Duke Chastel
    • Duchy of Trosseria
    • House Chastel
  • Father of Alote Barton
  • "Daddy dearest," "Daddy duke"
  • Deceased

Ruxsley, Gabel (male, human, tourinese)

  • Baron of Ruxsley
    • Title-less
  • Subordinate of Duke Chastel
  • "Gorilla"
  • Deceased

Shanham, Steuan (male, human, tourinese)

  • Baron of Shanham
    • Title-less
  • Subordinate of Duke Chastel
  • "Weasel"
  • Deceased

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