A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 39: Showdown

*tach* *tach* *tach*

Shoes scratch against the sand covered ground as I walk across the arena. A breeze kicks up some dust between us. It's dry, cool, and you can almost hear music1Man with a Harmonica from Ennio Morricone playing in the background.

But in this scene? I’m probably the villain.

Waiting in front of me is a boy likely only a year younger than me. But he's lived rough. Smaller. Thinner. Signs of malnutrition. Doesn't look or smell like he's bathed in a while either. Hate boils in his aura. Bubbling like an overfilled pot left on the stove too long. Fists clenched so tight that blood drips from the fingernails digging into his palms.

A way too fancy jian, compared to what he's wearing, is sheathed on his left hip. And the only jewelry is a simple looking copper band on the right ring finger. While I have two superswords, expensive green robes, plus various jewelry bits and bobs the ladies added while dressing me this morning. Complete "young master" look.

Yeah, I’m definitely the bad guy here.

The other candidates and elders have cleared out. Moving up into the stands. Leaving just me and him on the arena floor. We meet in the middle. Now standing just a few paces apart.

"You took her from me." A young voice. But scratchy, filled with rage and pain. There are tears in his eyes and streaks down sallow cheeks. "It's your fault."

Well, now, that's just… probable. Shit.

"Oh." Better to netori than netorare, to steal instead of get stolen from, but both are heartbreaking to someone. I can apologize first, at least. Activate 'understanding and sympathetic dad' mode. "A maid on the Jinshibo?"

"No." He growls.

Hmm. "A maid of the Lian clan?"

"No!" Shouts. Yeah, that's a judgy look. I deserve it too.

"Qingnu2female version of young master in Chenghai?" Doubtful, given his state, but maybe it's an unrequited love.

"...What?" Confused.

Huh. "Servant or guard at the Blue Palace in Beiguang?"

"...No?" No longer sure we are talking about the same thing.

Probably not among the "mature" clan wives or concubines in Beiguang then either. "One of the maids in the mansion south of here?" Thumb in that direction.

Giving me an odd look now. Combo squint and side-eye. "No…"

Wow, this is a toughie. "Any attractive woman, that's single or has a relationship status of 'it's complicated,' in a village or town, on the road between Chenghai and Beiguang or Beiguang and here?"

His mouth hangs open for a bit. "...What is wrong with you?"

Ouch. "Hey now, don't go getting all judgemental until you've walked a mile in my, uh, silkpants3derogatory term for young masters."

Grinding teeth. "Her name is Zou Xingyi."

"Yeah… in case you haven't figured it out yet. A name really isn't gonna help sort this spreadsheet." Raise both hands, palms outward. "And don't bother saying she has long dark hair, dark eyes and small tits. That's almost every fish in the sea around here."

Growing disgust. "Have you no shame, scoundrel?"

"Now hold on, no need to be insulting." Lift a finger. "And let's not give up hope. Does she have any particular fetishes? Kinks? Birthmarks?" Bet he coughs up blood. Total cultivator thing to do. "Some really like to call me 'daddy' when we're fuckin. Though, as a parent, that kind of creeps me out."

*cough* *splat*

A mouthful of blood splashes on the dirt.

We have a winner!

Wiping his mouth. "Xing'er would never sleep with scum like you!" Wow. From mad, to confused, now back to mad. Kid's an emotional yoyo.

Better double check though. "Are you sure?"


"Really sure?” I’m skeptical. “Cause when I turn on the smolder-"

"Yes!" Shaking with anger.


I nod. Rub my chin.

"Then why the FUCK you mad at me?!"

Apparently put a bit too much oomph in that because what's-his-name gets pushed back a couple steps from the audio wave of qi. Recovers quickly though and shouts back.

"Your magic ensorcelled her!" Ensorcelled? "Stole her heart!" Ah. "And gave it to him." Wow, that's some serious loathing issues there. Wait, those glances.

"You mean she's here?"

No way I'm turning my back on this guy so… [Shadowsight]. … Oh, she's a cutie. Again, not much for boobs though. Did these people piss off a titty goddess and got their descendants cursed with itty-bitties? 

Tightly grips the hilt of his jian. Getting blood on the handle. "You will either undue the vile curse you cast." Takes a fast draw stance. "Or it will fade when you die."

"Yeah… that spell doesn't work that way." Shake my head. "And even though you rejected its help. You know it doesn't work that way too." [Recovery Magic] isn't anywhere near as insidious as [Charm Magic].

"Lies!" Face turns purple. Bulging veins on his forehead. "I will save her!"



Pint sized leaps forward as he draws the expensive looking sword. Slashing across at waist height. Trying to cut me in two. Kill in one strike. 

[Jade Slice]


Reverse grip unsheathe Tormentor, on my right hip. Blocking the blurringly fast attack before it's completely out of the scabbard. Stopping the unfamiliar technique.


What the hell?

[Super Senses] showed the qi writing inside him. It's a 2nd Realm, Qi Gathering, skill. Instead, feels more like a 3rd or even 4th level move. If me, a 4th Realm, getting pushed back a step is any indication.

[Horn Pierce]


My first realm stab technique at his right side forces him to deflect it.

[Green Tea Leaf]

Another slashing skill. This one coming in high. Kid goes Air Jordan. Death from above. Aiming to bisect me from forehead to crotch. Should be a 3rd Realm, Foundation Establishment, move. Impressive he can learn and bear the cost of using it as a Qi Gatherer.


[Three Heaven’s Blade]

Block and riposte with a pierce technique to the kid’s stomach. This time launching him back when he stops it. Mini hero manages to stay on his feet though as he slides rearward.

“I will kill him!” He seems to scream more to the crowd than to me. Barely a sweat too despite overpowering those moves. Putting a lot of extra qi into them. They’re almost as strong as his B.O.

Where is this strength coming from? [Eye of Yanguang] Ah ha! The ring! The tether is bigger now. And instead of drawing from his dantian. It's supplying qi to his dantian, and sword!

Damn cheater.

What? Hypocrisy? Me? Never…

So I’m fighting a protag and whatever grandpa is hiding in that copper band. Well, better end it before this gets any worse. Can’t look bad fighting a scrub two ranks lower. Would only encourage others to come after me. The worst thing you can do, in those webnovels I read.

Nor will I be anyone’s fucking “stepping stone.” Got shit to do and a home to get back too.

Sorry kid.

[Wind-] *grab* *spulch*

I interrupt whatever technique he was about to use by springing toward him. Grabbing his right arm. Then stabbing Tormentor into his chest at an angle. Scraping along ribs as it punctures both a lung and the heart.


More blood. Now landing on green robes instead of brown dirt. Eyes get big as the boy’s brain catches up. His rage suddenly fades. Exposing just how young he really is. Christ. Kid is definitely younger than just a year. More like two or three.

We both stand there. Seemingly frozen in place as his life bleeds away. Features turn more innocent. More immature. More… sad. Regret clouds the boy’s paling face.

“Please tell Xing'er,” blood trickles out of his mouth, “that I am sorry.” *cough* “Could not… keep my promise.”

Jesus, I am a piece of shit. “Sorry I killed you, son.”

Time seems to rewind on that youth’s face as the spark in those brown eyes, dies. “Dad?” The boy’s mind is far away. Back to where and when he felt the warmth of a mother’s hug. And a father was his hero. “Don’t put the ring on, dad.” Red fingers slip on my silks. Spreading and smearing the dark fluid. “He… lies.”

Left arm falls limp to his side. The chinese sword has already been dropped to the ground. But the copper band is still on the right ring finger. My sight sees the rope between ring and dantian turn into a chain. And begins pulling the boy’s spirit towards itself.

Oh, hell no.

“[Call of Charon]”

Words first spoken by the elementals before mankind ever walked this world are said. The child’s sooty soul is soothed. Spirit cleansed of all the pain it bears. Dark stains and bruises peel off or fade. Returning the pint sized hero’s essence to an ethereal white cloud.


And breaking the chain binding it. Letting the spirit float away. Traveling beyond the astral plane.


Vibrating, the copper band slides off the cooling finger. Landing on the floor with an almost audible and heavy, “thump.” Subtle tendrils of qi begin slithering and stretching in the spiritual dimension. Likely invisible to all but the most sensitive. They don't reach far but I’m close enough that several try to latch onto my dantian.

A very feminine voice sneaks into my mindscape.

[Please, I beg you. Protect me from the evil.]

Gotta say that voice is a bit… off. Like it's being motherly and slutty at the same time.

Now most would be shocked but, there’s hundreds of undead already living in my noggin. Got their own damn town. Including a bowling alley. With its own fucking league. Have so many voices in my head now that I intentionally ignore them. Most of the time, at least.

Means a lewd milf with impulse control issues?

Barely registers.

‘So you’re the ring guy, right? Aren’t you a dude?’

The temptress tone continues. [I will be whatever you want me to be, handsome. We can do so much together. Just, let me in.]


‘And you would be?’

[Ahem.] The throatless voice clears its, uh, throat. [Host, I am your Protagonist Assistant. Together we will become strong. Defeating the evil. There is so much I can teach you. Show you. And you can have every curve of me.] Tentacles continue seeking a way through my aura. Rubbing my astral shell like a Perkins parking lot handjob. [All you have to do is let me in.]

Hehe. Yeah, I don't think so.

Gently laying the boy’s corpse down. I eye the old copper band.

‘You really want to come inside?’

[Oh, yes, I really really do, lover.]

‘Alright, but, be careful what you wish for.’

All the tendrils converge on a doorway that appears in my aura and stampedes through. Poor kid. He never stood a chance against something this invasive.

Shock. [Eh?]

‘Problem?’ Grin.

[Name: Yuehan&%♤₩-Barton■#€☆ | £□♧¤@ror | Error | ERROR] The voice gets more robotic sounding. And distorted.

In my mindscape I see a genderless figure. Looking a lot like a department store mannequin. Tiny, compared to how huge my psychic, mental, psychological, whatever you want to call it, domain has become. Surrounding it are hundreds of my, uh, residents. Including one very large serpentine creature. 

~Hello. Little snack.~

[Wha… wha… wha…]

The mannequin seems stuck on repeat. Not able to compute what it is seeing. While my voice echoes inside. Quoting a line from a game I remember.

‘Against all the evil that hell can conjure. All the wickedness that mankind can produce. We will send unto them, only you.’ Focus on the shadow dragon, Frazur. ‘Rip and tear, until it is done.’

My minion horde pounces on the intruder like a tidal wave of death from every direction. Rending and gnashing.


*foozh* *chik*

Back outside, the black and red infernal blade lights with flames as I reverse grip stab it into the ground. Through the center of the copper band. Cutting the ring into two pieces.

The soul like complexity of the qi in the ring gradually disintegrates.

Silence fills the stadium. The peanut gallery first stunned by the strength of a kid who is only supposed to be a Qi Gatherer. Then shocked by the brutality of the young master whose magic was so comforting.

Mini hero's chick is clinging to her shaoye. Bawling and sobbing.

I look down at the body of the boy I've killed. The sand around him, wet and dark. Realize I've lost count of how many I've killed in just a few months. And how many I've fucked.


What a shitty world. 

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