A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 40: Cave with a View

---D-Day+205, Siesic(Youyue) 16th, Sunday(Bari) Morning---

---Beyulongong, Upper Ward--- 

♪Bm, F#, G, Em, D, A, A#, Am♪

♫You gotta kill somebody, to thrill somebody. Everybody’s gotta reason to bleed. You gotta fuck somebody, to know somebody. That motherfucker ain’t me!1Welcome To The Circus

Cheri, a cherry red yamaha six string electric guitar. Brought by “Kashiwa Sayo2Saint Sanriel” when she was isekaied centuries ago. And bonding with me when I met it at Stormgarde. Is helping channel my rage. Magically guiding fingers as always to minimize mistakes, filling in other instruments, while also turning the amp up to 11.

We’re usually “loud.” But this time? Shaking the pillars of heaven, bitches.

My audio anger charges down the mountain slopes like an avalanche. Reaching for miles. [Shadowsight] reveals many confused, and some fearful, looks aimed at the super-siheyuan that’s become my newest shag pad. Seriously, Five Finger Death Punch is a great way to express… aggravation.

After killing the boy yesterday, later learned his name was Luo Kun. I tuned out everything that followed. Stewing over how fucked up this was. Missing all the ranking announcements and discipleship offers. There was apparently even a big commotion when the youngest elder “in sect history” selected a personal disciple for the first time or something.

“Hexin Dizi Badun?”


A yanese chick’s voice interrupts my "me time." Hexin Dizi. Ugh. Core Disciple. Top rank of “student” daoists in this sect. WTF. There are thousands of “outer” disciples. Hundreds of “inner” disciples. But only tens of “core” disciples.

And I'm now one of them?

Through shadows I see a young lady in daoist robes kneeling behind me on this balcony. But unlike my new threads, her’s are cut more… effeminately. While the colors and certain accessories are determined by rank. There is a wide range in how attire is "tailored." Like hers showing all the cleavage those B-cups will allow. And long slits down the side regularly exposing smooth ivory legs.

Of course she isn’t alone. Half my ladies are out here as well as a couple servants and guards.

All women of course. And most still having the satisfied expressions of being, recently, well fucked.

"Why?" I ask without turning back. Another blast of cold air whips past. Treating my long sleeved outfit like a flag.

Gotta admit. This view is holy shit amazing.

North Jade Dragon Palace is laid out like a rectangular strip. Starting mid way up the mountain and climbing a couple miles to the top. I've been given housing in the "upper" ward. This part is above the treeline and nearly vertical. Looking a lot like those chinese cliff monasteries. Precarious stairs cut into the steep rock connect everything and bridges cross any gaps. Pagodas, statues, some of them are huge, and waterfalls, just… wow.

Place is eastern mystical as fuck.

Upper ward crosses the snowline too. A light green snow, supposedly unique to this peak, blankets the higher parts.

Now, housing wise the style is still the "courtyard" home. Four connected buildings box in an open area. Bigger ones have a bigger court and or multiple boxes. The difference here is how much of it is "in" the mountain.

"Lower" ward has their living quarters all above ground. Since the incline is shallow enough. "Middle" ward is steeper so some of each siheyuan is carved into the rock instead of built onto it. Upper ward though? Mostly cut deep in the almost vertical stone. Creating "cave mansions."

But don't think they're dark back in there. The jagged cracked peak let's shafts of sunlight reach into even the deepest courtyards. Many of these grottos actually have gardens! Because of some sort of underground river slash geothermal thing going on. Yes, this sect has freaking hot springs! You see all those little waterfalls scattered about the place? Well that’s hot mineral water coming out. Not cold.

Meaning, inside my love shack? The air is warm, thick and humid. Enough so that two of my new home’s four yards have gardens. But the second I step outside? Instant Mr Freeze. Thank god cultivating toughens you up.

Bit crowded though. My skellies and golems take up a lot of room. They fill a whole "block." Then another block is occupied by the emperor appointed retinue. Not to mention that it's unusual for someone my age to have a nineteen woman harem. Yeah, this cave mansion really isn't designed for it. So we're doing some remodeling.

Wonder if any of those home improvement or house flipper guys has ever been isekaied?

Those who do have harems as big or bigger than mine are usually a lot older and a lot richer. With wives, concubines and mistresses spread across several estates. Means whichever one they are at? There’s pussy on site. Instead of needing to drag them around or deal with wuxia doordash.

Remember kids. Hump smarter, not harder.

Anyway… at the moment I'm two stories above the stairs that pass by the entrance to this cavern palace. Looking out over the sect, city and countryside spread below me. Miles up, so you can actually see the curve of the earth. And a red orange horizon as the sun wakes.

God damn majestic.

Whatever array or formation fuzzies the view from the outside looking in? Doesn't work the other way round. So I can see a hell of a long way eastward, crystal clearly. Or maybe all the water in the air up here causes this naturally?

"Dashi?" Ji replies.

Yep, Tiang Ji Ping is here and dressed up as a core disciple, blue and yellow, too. Officially welcomed back to the sect and everything. Though Li’s older sister did tell the New Lady Dragons Group to take a hike yesterday at the colosseum. Not forgiving Elder Baiyu for bailing on us during the dock ambush in Chenghai.

Been thinking about taking over another cave mansion in the upper ward and using it for undead housing. The Beyulongong have been on this mountain for thousands of years, I think. So it's a bit, well, overbuilt. You see, over the centuries, some disciples and elders chose to carve out their own houses and halls. Which has led to around a third of the buildings in the upper ward being empty. Maintained by skeleton crews of servants.

Despite the early hour, the sect is busy. Porters haul goods and supplies up and down the convoluted walkways. Servants clean and prepare clothes and meals. Disciples, some flying, gather in halls and on terraces to listen and train. The forum by the main gate is already full of customers and merchants.

I'm pondering. “Why make me a core disciple? When there’s a ton of shit I don’t know.” Shrug. “I don’t get it.”

“Senior brother,” an ‘old friend’ of Big Ji speaks, “the sect would lose face for anything less.” Apparently, coming back stronger, being reinstated, and having a man who can ejaculate you into enlightenment, plus is perfectly willing to kill any motherfucker who gets in his chick’s face? Makes it worth becoming her friend again.

A second kneeling 'old friend' chimes in. "Shenshou," sigh, "you are a Yinzhi3A fifth rank member of the imperial bureaucracy. There are nine ranks. Symbol is the Silver Pheasant of the imperial court and not yet two decades old." Quivers. "As well as a Dayi of great power who was appointed by the emperor himself."

"It would be an insult for your rank to be anything less than a core disciple, dashi." Ji just has to pitch in.


"Translation, politics." I mutter. Was really hoping for a nice quiet training montage while fucking enough to make even pornhub blush. "Anything new from the Gaibang4Beggars Gang, spy guild?" Still not turning around.

Hitomi's japanese voice. "Two more scrolls about summoning rituals, Jon-kun, but the leading suspect is still the allfather."

Probably incomplete and contradictory like the rest have been. "And the Biaoju5Escort Agency, adventurer guild?"

Frankie speaks. "Reported another potential site, master. But no results from any of the parties commissioned to investigate so far."

Nod and go back to watching the world rise and shine. Wondering what to play next. But my frustration weakens as this morning’s companion succeeds again. Left hand slides behind her head to keep it pinned tight to me.


"Ooh…♡" I groan.

Playing a magic electric guitar and getting a hummer from a yanese milf while standing on a mountain top? Damn, would have one hell of a bucket list by now if I was bothering to keep track.

The billowing blue garments covering my now six foot frame haven't done a great job of hiding Zhi's white attire, or herself, while she's been on her knees between my legs. Plus the icy winds are being rather harsh on me tenders. But it still feels great.

Her sparkling blue eyes are lidded and fluttering since she managed to finish rubbing one out at the same time. I bask in the sunlight while Qiao Zhi, elder of the Lanxuejiao, basks in my crotch. It's quiet except for the whistling air. The universe seeming to patiently wait until we both finish.


Good girl, it's important not to spill.

Halfwit Hero’s ex-teacher swears she never let him touch her after our first time in Chenghai. Do I believe her? No. Not that I disbelieve her either. Doesn't matter to me. This inner elder of the all girl Blue Snow Cult belongs to me now. And I don't share.

If she fucks up? I'll cut her off. Just like I did with kungfu queen and the sword twins. Again, with me you're either all in or all out.

“Laogong?” Snow Milf’s flushed asian face looks up at me with a dreamy expression. Her long straight black hair all tangled and blown to one side by the wind. “I will help Sister Ushinua.”

Old Husband is what Laogong translates into but it means something like sweetie or darling when spoken by a yanese woman to her man. Yeah, the harem might be up to twenty again. Though I’m not sure how this will work, rules wise, since I’m a disciple of another sect.

Lewd sect on sect action! A forbidden insectuos affair!


Being curious. I cup her cheek and ask. “How will you help, Zhi’er?” Love the way she trembles a little when I add the ‘er.’

Takes a moment to gather herself. “The Lanxuejiao has always focused on the needs of women. Healing from even the worst injuries.” Pauses for a moment as she gazes up. “Including how to restore a woman’s fertility.”


Swing Cheri around to my back and lean over. Cupping both cheeks now. “Are you certain it’ll work?” I’ve been looking for a way to fix my priest-wife’s ovaries since first healing the grievous injuries and corruption she suffered the day we met. If this is true?

Milf Elder smiles and nods. “We are on the frontier and have faced demons, monsters and barbarians daily for millennia.” Lovingly stares at me. “Several matriarchs were renowned healers. Their techniques for women are just as renowned.”

That’s not a guarantee but I haven't found a “sure thing” through alchemy yet. She can’t see inside Frankie as well as I can either. But if there’s a chance my sexy half dark-elf can finally have a mini-me? 

Serious face. “How much will it cost?” Still got chests of gold and some iou’s left. Plus if I need more? I’ll just get more.

“No price,” her smile grows, “for my laogong.” Zhi becomes shy and tries to turn away but I keep her facing me. “It is my gift, Yuehan. My…” face goes full tomato, “dowry.”

The three hundred year old woman blushes so adorably and nervously that I can't help but give her a deep kiss. Then swing Snow Milf up into a princess carry as I turn to wife number two. Who’s trying to look stoic but I can see the hopeful twinkles in her eyes.

Laughing happily, my grin becomes infectious. Spreading among the women here. Who crowd in to hug and congratulate us. Which soon includes some fondling. Priest-wife even sheds tears as I set down Milf Elder and gather her up in my arms.

“So what can I do to help… laopo?” Ha! See? I’m learning. I can break out the sweet words too.

Fondling becomes groping. These ladies are getting thirsty again.

“You do not have to do anything,” bats her eyelashes at me, “laogong.” Qiao Zhi’s beaming smile somehow gets even brighter. “A message has already been dispatched to the Blue Snow Cult.” Confidence. “The healers should arrive within a few weeks.”

There’s niggling at the back of my brain but I ignore it. Beyond satisfied that something I’ve wanted to fix since D-Day. Since that initial clumsy effort to heal the first women I met in this world. Leaving them whole, but infertile. Might finally get fixed.

The touching and holding becomes rubbing and tugging. Kisses turn deeper and needier. Soon joined by licking and nibbling.

Guess they’ve decided how they want to celebrate the good news. We start leaving the balcony. Couple of the most eager grab the double doors leading inside, pull them back and-


A sobbing crying girl in ivory robes, similar to Snow Milf’s, bolts through the doorway. Practically leaping into her teacher's arms. Yep, it's Su Xiao6Name: Xiao Su | Gender: Female | Race: Human | Culture: Yanese | Height: 5’4” | Age: 20 | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Black(Long Straight) | Skin: Pale | Face: Round | Breasts: C-cup(Conical) | Body: Rectangle(Tight) | Butt: Square(Tight) | Profession: Daoist(Bronze) | Spirit Root: Earth/Wood(double) | Weapon: Jian(adv) | Daoist: Zhuji(Foundation Establishment) Chuqi(Early-stage) | Status: Inner Disciple(Lanxuejiao), Zhi Qiao(elder) | Nicknames: Snowflake, Sprout. The one Moron Mountain calls "Elder Sister." But how did she get here? Didn’t see her on the stairs-oh. Must have used the tunnels. Yeah, this mountain has those too.

Gee, thanks for the cock block, kid.

"Xiao'er, what happened?" Milf Elder looks at her worriedly. Simultaneously trying to cover up how wet and used she is. We didn’t get much sleep last night. Tears and snot are rapidly added to the other body fluids her clothes are stained with.

The Blue Snow Cult disciple blubbers. "Dong left me!" Eh? "He does not want me anymore, Shimu!" Oh you poor thing. Young, dumb, and full of even dumber cum. "What do I do?!"

"Are you sure?" Zhi seems surprised. I'm not. "Dong would never leave you, my dear disciple. He loves you."

Xiao's head shakes so hard that snot goes flying. Yuck.

"Elder Zhao told him that it was not 'appropriate' to have members of other sects staying with him!" More bawling. "So I cannot be with Dong'er until his Shifu gives permission! Wah!"

I raise an eyebrow Ji's way. "Outer Elder Zhao Kang offered to become Inner Disciple Ding Dong's teacher, yesterday, dashi." She answers.

Ah, I see now.

Hey, it makes perfect sense to me. What sect would want potential enemies or rivals living with their students? Possibly sabotaging or undermining their loyalty and cultivation.

The teacher pats the student's head as she comforts her. “Xiao’er, you knew this was coming.” Hugs. “Even as a guest disciple you would still have to live separately from your childhood friend.”

“But he acted so oblivious.” Su Xiao whines. “Like he did not know how much he means to me!” Well, duh, he's a village idiot on steroids. “Why can he not understand?!”

Snow Milf speaks kindly and patiently. “Like anyone, Dong’er has strengths and, um, weaknesses.” An exasperated sigh. “Empathy has never been one of those, uh, strengths.”

“Shimu?” Miss cock blocker finally starts registering where she is. Looks at my ladies surrounding her. Noting the disordered attire, smudged makeup and messy hair. “Wha…” Stops trying to talk when she sees me and, oh boy, do those brown eyes get big. Understandable, since I’m quite the site at the moment.

Six feet tall. Jacked and… Well, I’ve been experimenting with my appearance lately. Right now doing a “the Witcher” look. Long straight silver-grey hair. Loosely gathered and tied behind the head. With a beardstache of the same color. Yes, I have my beard back! Plus intense amber eyes. The facial hair adding some much needed maturity to this late teens face. Rectangular head. Inverted triangular body. Light beige skin.

But what’s probably grabbing her brain right now? Is that my apparel? Is hanging. Wide open. No longer billowing about due to being by the doors, so now out of the wind. Giving her a clear view, all the way "downtown." Watch her face oh so cutely get redder and redder as her eyes go on a tour, lower and lower. From my eyes, to my lips, chin, neck, chest, abdomen, and…


Houston, we have tomato.

Fair flesh is flushed red from the nape of the neck to the tips of the ears, by the time her exploring peepers discover my south pole? Which naturally enjoys the attention, so begins standing at attention. The Lanxuejiao disciple is acting like a goldfish trying to breathe.

“Y-yu-yue I-I-I ah-um-uh…” Su Xiao stutters as she gapes at me.

Milf Elder leers and goes in for the kill. Whispering into her student’s ear. “Amazing, yes?” Poor girl can only dumbly nod. Eyes locked on my cock. “Come, Xiao’er, know a real man’s touch.”

Ji helps Zhi, gently backing up the stunned girl towards our bedroom. As the other girls resume worshiping my body and pulling me back inside our personal porn palace.

Oh well.

Guess I’ll be skipping classes today.

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