A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 44: Harem + 1 Version 2.0

---D-Day+101, Dherus 8th, Sunday Afternoon---

---Lions Keep, Grand Hall---

On top of a stage, bathed in sunlight, two strangers who found themselves in a strange land, face each other.  One is on his knee, head down, holding the other's hands.

“I'm not great with, you know, words."  Looks up into golden eyes.  "Can never seem to find the right ones."  Giggling from the stairs down to his left.  "But if I can say one thing right?  Is that you are loved."


Yep, the waterworks are running.  From japanese-elf fiance's peepers and schnoz. And she's hardly the only one getting all blubbery.

Even with the tears and snot?  She’s beautiful.


A nice thing about being a feudal lord?  Authority.  When you tell people to hussle?  They hussle.

We’re in Lions Keep’s Grand Hall, taking up the bastion's fourth and fifth floors, decked out as fancily as during exam week’s nightly balls.  Sunlight streams warmly through large stained glass windows along it's western, southern, and eastern, sides.

The smell of stone and scents of perfume drift through the air.

Off-white marble floors, columns, and walls, brighten the room.  Aided by golden carvings, chandeliers, statues, and sconces.  Offsetting the black and green flags and banners hanging from the ceiling and balcony.

Tables covered in white cloth rim the fourth floor’s perimeter.  Weighed down by all manner of meats, fruits, vegetables, cheeses and breads.  Cut in bite sized portions.  A veritable snackapalooza.

Black Hart knights, in their shiny metallic finest, line a red rug leading from the west entrance up to the platform at the east end of the hall.

Instead of an orchestral band or poisoned throne, there is a podium this time.  Before that pulpit stands my JK girl and me.  Behind it is new old seneschal, Ortwin Mauger. Retainer of House Lianlaf and second in command of this castle, Lions Keep.

Spread across the hall are hundreds of guests.  Haremites, cultists, combat maids, important students, leading teachers, nurses, yes I told the clinic’s healer hotties to stay in uniform, naughty knights, plus local lords and ladies.  Not freaking bad for only a couple hours notice.  And on a Sunday too?  Not bad at all.

It's Sunday afternoon and not long after lunch.  So some of these folks were here anyway.  Schmoozing during the fortress's midday meal.  Hoping to create a, or improve their, relationship with, well, me.  So, naturally, I exploited them to fill out the impromptu wedding’s guest list.

Now that's not to say my people didn't step up.  Not-sebastian and the maidettes put together a wedding dress for my japanese bride-to-be in record time.  Plus all the work put in to get this hall ready.

For most people in this shitty medieval france gone wrong.  I've decided Tourin's analog is France.  Marriages are pretty basic.  Rings are not even included, normally.  More of a wham bam thank you mrs ma'am. Unless, you're a noble.

Nobles gotta make sure everybody knows they're getting hitched.  And I'm, technically sorta, an aristobrat.  Therefore, a certain amount of show is required.  Feeling a bit guilty that my other wives didn't get much of a ceremony.

Should I give each of them a wedding too?

Meh… I’ll think about it.  Now, the big thing noble weddings need?  Proof.  That's really why new old seneschal is here.  Not to officiate.  But to witness.  Already got “official” recognition for my other six wives.

Obliterating a count’s house in a matter of hours, does wonders for greasing the wheels of governance.  So the quasi-bureaucracy that serves at the king’s behest, in Raelera, coughed up seals of approval very quickly.

And if someone still wanted to contest any of my marriages?  Mel, back when she was a duchess, sending out proclamations recognizing my achievements, wives, and concubines, wrapped up things quite nicely.

So my spouses have as much legal backing as you can get, in this back assward world.

Hitomi, however, doesn't.  Ergo, quickie nuptials.  Not just to give the lady a pretty pageant that all women, including those who say they don't, want.  But also some legal recognition and protection. 


"Barton-sama, I…  I was lost.  A-ashamed of what I had become."  Shudders through her tears.  "Disgusted by w-what I had done."  Glowing smile.  "But then I found you."


That pushes Blue over the edge into outright bawling.  Red leans over and gives her a hug.

Oops, forgot.  While JK girl and I are on the stage.  My six wives and concubines are in a row on the wide steps leading up to it.  Something to do with getting hitched needing to be recognized by all of the wives.

Traditionally only the “wives,” Red, Frankie, and Blue, would be there but I made sure Lili, Oda, and Sim lined up too.  While “mistresses” stand to the right of the ceremony.  Big Ji, Duri, Foxy, Little Li, Lula, Mel, Mila, Nevi, Silvie, Taby, and Val are there.  Dolled up in their fantasy dress best.

Yep, Redbrand, Duri, Nevi, and Taby, are back in town and so is Blue’s bestie, Silvie.  Val has new “daughters,” but has not introduced them yet.

Jesus, eleven women consider themselves my mistress.  Yes, I gave them the option to stand there.  No, I didn’t think that many would actually accept.

A bit surprised none of the maidettes came.  Maybe it's a social cultural class thing?

But damn, that’s a lot of fucking.  Thank god I got a magic dick.  Otherwise, Mister Little Bighorn would have ground down to a stub by now.

And those aren’t the only ones who stormed the mistress section.  The two mana-less sacrificial lambs, Isa and Ymi, are also there.  As is wheelchair girl, Milti, and Hitomi’s new bestie, Lizzy the otome brit.  No Sonja though, prince douchebag’s fiance, but I saw her in the audience.

What the fuck.  Chicks I haven’t even touched are claiming to be my mistresses.

Did not offer the mistress title to any “one night stands.”  Like Juli, new old seneschal’s daughter.  Just don’t think it would be appropriate.

Appropriate, ha!  Like I have any right to use that word.


Who isn’t there?  Frosty, my knocked up breastless elf loli.  She did manage to get a note too me though.  And I’m doing my damndest to keep it from ruining my new bride’s special day.

Everyone else?  Standing on the ballroom floor.

Hitomi continues.

"You accepted me.  You forgave me."  Hard squeeze on my fingers.  "You gave me… something real."  Her teardrops land on my hands.  "I… I am complete… with you."


And there goes Milti.

Don't know how the maidettes knew to make Hitomi a white kimono, but they did.  Maybe it's another part of Sayo’s dream?  She does look fucking gorgeous in it.  Compliments her, now, dark elf looks.

Long pointed ears line up with large slanting golden yellow eyes.  Short spiky black hair frames a now more mature face.  Deep grey skin tones make her eyes stand out even more.

And while JK girl’s height hasn't changed?  Going up two cup sizes has completely destroyed her chances of ever pulling off the tomboy look again.  Her femme fatale theme though?  Went next level.

Well, after she learned how to walk again.  Those improved, and heavier, yabbos kept messing with her sense of balance.

In comparison, my murder hobo looking ass needs a serious makeover.  Battling a cultivating grumpy grandpa and then healing a highschooler didn't help.  Got, like, no sleep and only managed a quick bath before this shindig started.

Thank god I had this black and gold fantasy suit outfit.  I'm now borderline presentable!

With our vows, if you could call them that, done.  We both look at new old seneschal.

"As a representative of House Lianlaf and official of Lions Keep.  We recognize this union."  Looks past us to the audience.  "We call upon all to acknowledge the marriage of Lady Hitomi Chigusa of Japan to Viscount Jon Barton of Lianlaf!  May Metia bless them!"

*Clapping and Yelling*

Applause spreads after new old seneschal finishes his spiel.  There's even some whistling.  Guess that's universal.

Still on a knee, I accept the ring presented by a page, who was standing behind Ortwin, and ask my bride.

"Are you ready?"

My new dark elf bride has a big dopey smile and seems dazed, but manages to nod.

The black sparkling coil ring slides up her wedding finger.

*sharp inhale*

Hitomi gasps so I look up.  Her pupils have fully dilated.  Big golden irises are now just the rim of a bottomless black hole.

"Oh… Jon… I… I never imagined… this…"

In what I figure is my soul, a new connection forms.  Confusion, relief, and even awe, flood through.  I answer with warmth, devotion, and acceptance.  

*catch* *muah* *chu*

Wrap my arms around JK girl as her knees give out and she falls towards me.  Somehow we end up face to face and our lips sink into each other.  My little SM queen is feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.

And while her skin may now be grey?  Her tongue is still very pink.

The volume of our audience increases as I'm very tempted to give them a show they'll never forget.  Hitomi’s interested too…

No, stop, better to do a full orgy later.  A, uh, nineteensome?

Haha, seriously, how am I not dead?

Finally finishing our oral exam, we turn to the audience.  And witness a riot of fashions and colors.  Like some costume warehouse in Hollywood exploded.

From stockings and tunics to slacks and jackets.  Dyed in yellow, red, green, blue, purple, white, and or black.  Bedazzled with jewels, gold, and or silver.  Bout makes my eyeballs want to hurl.

Ugh.  Might as well get this over with.

Once the wedding is done, there is usually a feast.  I nixed that and ordered a light buffet instead.  Everything in biteable bits.  Make it easier to graze.  Might do some meet and greet on the way out.  But I am not getting stuck here.

Meet and share hugs and gropes with the wives on the steps.  Then the mistress brigade swarms us the instant my foot leaves the bottom step.

"Lady Chigusa that dress…" "My Lord you look so…" "Sister Chigusa can we…" "Pit, it's about time…"

Of course everyone reacts to ninja elf joining the wives club differently.  Some proud, some jealous, though only her self proclaimed rival, Mila, is seething.

"My lords and ladies!"  A page in black and green has stepped up to the edge of the platform.  "The Lord Viscount thanks you for attending!"  Motions to the tables.  "His lordship will be retiring with his wives!  Please enjoy the food and drink!"

Sweet, let’s blow this popsicle stand.

"My Lord Barton, a moment, if you will."  Or not.

Not even half way down the carpet when lamer saruman, Tharick Habriel, head honcho of Stormgarde Academy, the senior senior citizen, steps out from the crowd.  Sliding through the Black Hart guard lining the red rug with seeming ease.


“Yes, Tharick, what?”

Frosty’s goodbye letter is about burning a hole in my pocket.  Wouldn’t mind seeing how tough this fucker is right now but, again, not going to ruin Hitomi’s day.

If lamer saruman is bothered by my aggravated tone?  He’s not showing it.

“Thank you, Guardian of Stormgarde.”  With a bow he motions to his left.  “I present to you Lady Magdalen Bertheau.  The new Lecturer for Umbra.”

Elvira?  No, Morticia?  Hmm…

Also about materializing from the crowd and through the Black Hart knights is a member of the Addams family.  Or a horror flick hostess from late night tv.

Her skin is as white as can be and her eyes as blue.  Cherry red lips lick beneath a straight nose.  With long coal black hair poofing up, then cascading down all the way to her ass.  And while that ass is tight?  Her tits are huge.  Gotta be double D’s.  And those smooth legs?  Go on for miles.

So, this is the bitch that hurt my Frosty.

A deep bow to show off her cleavage.  Must give props to that tight curve hugging black dress’s tailors.  Somehow it shows off a ton of boobs but keeps them from popping out.

“It is this humble and eager woman’s honor to meet you, my lord.”

Yep, those are some serious “come fuck me” eyes.

“Sure, nice tits by the way.”

Hear some gasps from the peanut gallery.  Who are of course not trying to hear every single thing we say.  Gossip kings and queens.

Unfazed, the Elvira wannabe straightens up and giggles while placing a hand on her tits valley.  Acting surprised.

“Oh my, my lord, you are just as bold as the honorable Rector Habriel said.”

Give her my completely not interested face.

“Yep, that’s me.  We done?”

Puts her arms behind her to make the tit-tanic pop out even more and swings them a bit.  Almost looking shy.  Almost.

“Sincerely I ask, sire, but might we spend some time together?”  Glances at Hitomi.  “In private?  I am something of a necromancer myself and would love to share… notes with you.”

Feel Hitomi tense up next to me and nervousness through the ring.

Don’t you fret, baby.

“No thanks.  Today is my wife’s day, and I’m thinking about dropping necromancy anyway.”

That stops both Tharick and Magdalen dead.  Lamer saruman sputters.

“D-drop…  M-my…”  Finally reboots.  “W-what is my lord considering?”

“Not sure, might leave this school completely.”  Chew on that, fuckers.  “Been wondering if Stormgarde is good enough for me anymore.”

Can practically feel lamer saruman’s leash on his temper slipping.  His aura’s shell, cracking.

“N-not good e-enough?”  Voice begins rising.  “You l-little piss-”

Seeing grandpa geezer vent, at last, is interrupted by the new dark magic teacher’s hand on his shoulder.  His trembling subsides and he quietly nods.  Let’s her guide him to the side.  Then over obviously winks at me.

The audacity of this bitch.

“Please, my lord, forgive us for interrupting your celebration.”  Another bow with even more cleavage.  Maybe the dress has a remote control?  “Let us discuss your options tomorrow, during class.”

“Sure, bye.”

The harem and I walk past and head for the western double doors again.  Hitomi gives me the “what was that about” look and I reply with a “will tell you later.”  Which satisfies her, for now.

Course I’m not really going to leave school.  Just wanted to get under Tharick’s skin.

Or...  Maybe I should?  Necromancy seems to have fizzled for me.  Golemancy is looking more interesting.  And Agrag was very clear that if I want to really dig into golemancy?

The place to do it is Thurl, not Stormgarde.  No place is a hotspot for golemancy anymore, apparently.  But there is a lot more of it in the dwarven kingdoms, compared to Tourin, and Thurl is the nearest one.

Can I really leave though?

No way I’ll leave my wives behind.  Sure as shit don’t trust Tharick anymore and while I’m their boss?  New old seneschal, chamberpot, ex-patchy, and the others, ultimately answer to grizzly.

And he won’t be happy if I bail.  So can’t count on him to protect the girls either.

Maybe head to Yangxu?  The yanese sisters still want me to go and claim they’ve got golemancy there too.  Even necromancy.  Wouldn’t mind trying the cultivator thing.

Yeah, grandpa was tough but I could use that.  If I could get that strong…

Ugh, stop.  This is Hitomi’s day.  Talk with the wives later about this.  And, god damn!  How can she look that sexy in a kimono?

Really looking forward to giving her new body a worko-

“Hold villain!”

Oh, come on!

Quite smoothly, for once, the Black Harts step in front of me and draw their swords.


Because my doorway to sexy time is now blocked.  By a kid.  Well, a teenager.  Half expected Hitomi’s ex to show up but this boy is not japanese.  What was his name?  Kojo?  Cujo?  Abooboo?

Hear Lizzy, behind me, gasp and whisper.

“Jon, that’s Casper, uh, Gustaberg.  One of Prince Conrad’s mates.  And a muppet.”

I raise an eyebrow.


“A dolt, noddy, pratt, cockwom-”

“Okay, I get it.  He’s stupid.”

Of course he can’t be that dumb, if he got through exam week.

“My heder cannot bear you enslaving these fair maidens any longer!”  Enslaving?  “I challenge you to a duel!  And with my triumph, you shall release these ladies to better men!  Such as my lord prince!”

I’ll be damned.  He is an idiot.

A big idiot, but an idiot.  Vaguely recall seeing him on campus but don’t think we share any classes.  Taller than me with viking looks.  Blonde hair, fair skin, etc…  Got armor on too but just breastplate and bracers.

Dumbass is even pointing a mighty fancy looking rapier at me.  That is one annoying smile.



Blondie’s shocked.

“Got something in your ears, idiot?  I said, no.”

Been told numerous times that nothing “requires” me to accept a duel.  Yes, it can affect your, uh, virtue?  Measure?  Don’t exactly recall what the word is but, basically?  It can hurt my rep if I decline a legitimate challenge.

Key word there, however.  Legitimate.  Challenging a guy for his wives?  Not legitimate.  Red was very specific on that point since she expected relatives to start demanding duels.

Strangely enough, most of those said relatives just happened to, coincidentally, die, violently, before getting the chance to.  What a coinkydink.

“Ha!  The prince said you were a coward.”  Spreads his arms wide.  “Do not fear, maidens, Herre Casper shall show you what a real co-”

*CRAKOW* *crash*

You know, a bolt of lightning going past your ear?  Is loud.  Like really loud.

And caspar the dumbfuck ghost?  Gone.

There was that split second, not even a blink long, where I saw the lightning connect to his chest.  Then a cloud of dust or smoke or whatever it was, and there is now a capsar the dumbfuck ghost size whole in the window that was behind him.

Maybe he survived.  Maybe he didn’t.  I don’t know.  We are four stories up after all.

But what I do know?

We gotta stop breaking these freaking expensive windows.  Our insurance rates are going to go up.  And I don’t even know what the policy’s deductible is.

Eh?  Who shot him?  Well, who do you think would get the pissyest over some douchebag saying he’s better than me?

“Master?”  Of course it was Frankie.  “Please forgive me.”  She’s bowing.  Showing me the true best breasts in isekai land.  “This slave could not allow such… blasphemy, to go unanswered.”

I get it but…  Don’t you think you went a wee bit overboard?

A once bright red rug now has a jagged black strip down the middle.  Scorched.  Leading from priest-wife to the entrance.  Bits are even smoking.  Not to mention the sprawled knights.  Blasted aside by the flashbang.

We weren’t all the way out of the crowd either.  So a few dozen civies, on both sides, were blown over.  Everyone that I can see?  Who is still conscious.  Is now looking at Frankie with a healthy dose of fear in their eyes.

Reach back with my left hand and give one of her juicy g-cups a squeeze.  I’m rewarded with an aroused moan.

“It's okay, Ushi.”  Look over my shoulder and send her a kiss.  “You’ve always been more forgiving than me.”

Hear Lizzy whisper again.


My japanese elf bride, snuggling against my right arm, faces her bestie.

“Bokeh.  Jon-sama would have made it really hurt.”

The otome girl’s mouth hangs open.


I leisurely walk through the smell of ozone as my harem falls in behind me.  Leaving the audience hall and heading upstairs.  Remembering the last words Frosty left me in a note filled with love and pain.

“She may change her face.  She may change her name.  Inside she is always the same.  A lich.”

“Shujin, never trust her.”

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