A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 45: The Witch and the Bitch

"Villain! I challenge thee-"


"Face me vile on-"


"Justice shal-"


Holy uncomfortably tight leotards, Batman.  What the fuck is going on here?

---D-Day+106, Dherus 13th, Thursday Morning---

---Lions Keep, Grand Suite---

No, seriously, what the fuck is going on?

It's very early on an Umoi, Thursday, morning.  And I’m awake.  Not for the usual, sex, reasons either.  The only lightsource is the big fireplace on the floor below, opposite the loft.

Leaving much of the Grand Suite in deep and dark shadows.

Normally I would have light from the moons shining in right now too but, yeah, the huge western window is still boarded up.  Going to be a week before the shattered glass, thanks gramps, starts getting replaced.

Isekai land glass is expensive and fragile so making sheets that big and clear?  Takes time.  Even when you are at the front of the queue as a priority.

Really miss the view.  Yeah, the eastern window is still there but that looks over the Gyren Hills.  Pretty, but cannot top the ocean view.

Yes, I know I can sit on the western balcony but it's just not the same.  Sitting on the loft inside and seeing it all spread out before me is so much more… majestic.

And with all the scaffolding and shit spread across the keep’s roof for the expansion’s construction?

I feel… unsettled.

Ha!  Get a load of my spoiled bitch ass.

Crazy how fast you can get used to something.  Start taking it for granted.  Like, sharing a bed with fourteen women.

Well, technically, beds.

Yep, finally ran out of room on the harem-king sized bed and not-sebastian attached smaller just king sized beds to both sides.

So, tonight, I’m sharing them with four wives, three concubines, and seven mistresses.  And even with three bunks?  Feels a bit crowded.

While the calm air is heavy with the smells of wood, sweat, and, uh, bodily fluids.

Huh?  Who?

Oh, there’s Oda, Sim, Frankie, Red, Blue, Lili, Hitomi, Little Li, Big Ji, Lula, Mel, Mila, Silvie, and Val.  

Get a couple floaters every night with the maidettes, but they go back to work as soon as they’re conscious again.  Frankie’s also been keeping her cultists off my balls lately.  Which is nice.

Again, how am I not dead?

So, I’m laying here with over a dozen beautiful naked sweaty sticky women and only the light of the huge fireplace and stars from the giant western window to see by, from the loft of this giant studio.

Somehow, I will endure these hardships and come out the other side a stronger person.

You know, if you listen very closely?  Sometimes you can actually hear the universe roll its eyes.  Give it a try.  It works.  Though you gotta get your ears right up to it.

But, that’s not why I’m awake right now.

I’m awake because I’m, well, worried.

Thought caspar the dumbfuck ghost was a one off.  But every day since?  I’ve been getting challenged to duels.  Two or three times a day.  And they’re not just Conrad’s cronies either.

At first, I listened to see if the challenge was legitimate or not.  Then, got tired of this shit and started bitch slapping them as soon as they opened their mouths.

Want to take my wives?  Slap.  Demand I dropout because I didn’t pass the exams?  True, but I’m here as a researcher too.  Pimp slap.  Claim I’m mind controlling girls with my magic penis?

Okay, that one might be true too but you’re just jealous.  Double pimp slap.

Even my teachers have been acting, well, “cold” lately.  The only one still being friendly is the Lecturer of Umbra, dark, Magic, Magdalen Bertheau.  Which makes me even more suspicious.

And yesterday?  For, like, the first time.  My 4th period elective?  In Room 152?  The mana cultivation session was “not” packed.

Yeah, after the initial surge your reservoir gains slow down, a lot.  But, from what I’ve been told, it's still a hell of a lot better than any other method out there.

Been meaning to ask Oda and Sim about it for a couple days now.  We’ve all just been so damn busy.  Fortunately the two Stormgarde teachers ended up on cleanup duty tonight.

Peek down at my diligent concubines.

*lick* *schlurp* *pop*


The brown eyed beauty stops her attentions and looks up at me with a sloppy besotted smile.  Her dirty blonde hair is tangled and stuck to her face.  Simone moans in gratitude and begins also slurping up what her fellow educator missed.


Ugh.  Frosty taught them to call me that.  Yeah I get why.  Just feels weird to hear myself called that.  Senpai?  I could get.  Ikemen?  Okay, sure.  But sensei?  Oh well.  Another cross I will bravely bear.

“I know I was considered a delinquent.”  Sim snickers.  “Maybe even a ‘young master.’  But what is up this week?  Feels like I’ve been branded public enemy number one.”

Odaline’s smile fades.

“Ara ara.”  Dammit Frosty.  “Forgive me sensei.  I believed you already knew.”


“Knew what?”

The mature hottie nervously bites her lower lip.  So cute!

“Jon-sama, with Dean Frost’s departure?  Her eccentrics faction is weakened.”  Can no longer meet my eyes.  “Tharick’s purists are now unopposed.”  She sighs.  “And they loathe you.”

This is new.


Hey, I thought me and lamer saruman got along pretty well.  Yeah I’ve threatened him a couple of times but…  Challenged his authority too but…

Huh, okay, I get it.

*puwa* *kiss* *shlu-*

Simone must have sensed my mood because she stops too and turns her blue eyes my way.  Hehe, what I can see of them, at least, through all that matted black hair.

“Sensei, the purists never looked favorably on any lordship in Lions Keep.  Baron Lianlaf allowed Rector Habriel to rule Stormgarde nearly as a separate state.  You…”  Shrug.  “Remind him of his true place.”

Wow, this actually explains a lot.

Odaline dings in.

“Dean Frost, uh, safeguarded you.  Made it sparkling clear that anyone causing sensei trouble?  Would face her wrath.”  Kisses my abdomen.  “With her… withdrawal?”

Fuck me.

“It's open season on the Lord of Lions Keep.”

Simone looks hesitant but nods.

"Jon-sama?  There is more."

"Oh joy."

Teacher milf, Sim, wiggles her nose.  Adorable.

"Th-the members of Delta Tau Chi are… leaving."

"The frat?"

She shakes her head.

"Stormgarde, sensei."

And the hits keep coming.


Simone looks at Oda.  Who clears her throat before speaking.

"I failed you, Jon-sama."  She tears up.  "Once the compensations were negotiated?  I… I thought they would be free."  Chokes a little.  "Instead they are yet mistreated.  Remain, disgraced."

Reach down and wipe her fresh tears away with my thumb.  She presses her cheek into my palm.

"I will fix this."

My murdering muscles have been getting out of shape lately anyway.  Could use a workout.

"Sensei, f-forgive me but, this i-is not in your power."

Odaline shakes her head.


Probably only have to kill a handful.  Ten, tops.

She's still shaking her head no.

"Sensei, their families want them home.  Out of sight."  Her shoulders shudder.  "With the compensation even the poorest can provide tutors."  Rubs her cheek in my palm.  "Their futures are already ruined.  B-but this way?  M-maybe they c-can obtain p-peace."


Stormgarde Academy's Professor of Tellus, earth, Magic sends new tears down my thumb.  Sim's hand moves across my waist to comfort Oda's other cheek.

Sigh.  This is my fault.  I'm the one who exposed casanova's sex slave ring.

No, fuck that!

It was that douchebag's fault for being a douchebag!  As soon as he got in my face?  He was a dead man walking.  You know?  Never did get an answer from senior senior citizen about where casanova got that magic item from.

Maybe it's time to get that answer.

But first, some privacy.


Feel a bubble of mana solidify around the beds as I free my other hand, to run fingers through Simone’s hair.

“Have a question for you two.”  Both face me.  “If… if I leave.”  My eyes suddenly can’t focus for some reason.  “F-for good?”  Why am I nervous?  “Will you c-come with me?”

Suddenly find the wooden ceiling very interesting.  Intently watch the shadows dance across it.  Stormgarde is their home.  Their career.  Of course they’ll stay.  God, my chest feels tight.  

*badum* *badum*

Not here for them, right?  Not here for me.  They’re not even pregnant.  And they really want to prove they are more than used up ex-brainwashed whores.  That they can be good teachers again.  So, course they’ll stay.  Uh.  How do you divorce a concubine?

Christ, think I fucked up.

Finally manage to glance their way and what I see?  Puts my mind, and heart, at ease.  Would swear there are heart shapes in those lovely eyes.  Faces, flushed.  Smiles, tender.  Both are crying now.  Don’t sense any pain this time though, only joy.

The Lecturer of Lumen, light, Magic speaks first.

“Jon-sama, when I was at my lowest.  In the depths of despair.  Where no virtue remained.  Only you comforted me.  Only you cared for me.”  Sim kisses my fingers.  “Wherever you go?  I follow.”

Oda leans her head even more into my palm.

“Sensei.”  Bites her lip again.  “Dean Frost?  Safeguarded us too.”  Closes her eyes.  “We have been informed that… that this… is our final year at Stormgarde Academy.”

That bitch!

Odaline begins stuttering as both turn gloomy again.

“Simone and I have s-spoken and… understand i-if you f-feel we can n-no longer be your c-con-concu-hmph!”

Interrupt her nonsense by moving my hands behind both their heads and pulling them into a hug.  Sort of.  Actually pulled their faces into my crotch, but it's the thought that counts.


And it also muffles their voices.

“Nng…”  “Mym…”

Which they don’t seem to mind.

Tilt their heads back so they are facing me again.  Sad eyes lock onto mine.  Meet their gazes with every bit of machismo and gravitas I can muster.

“Do you truly think so little of me?”

Heads frantically twist back and forth in denial.

“No, sensei!”  “Jon-sama, never!”

Soften my glare.

“If I let you go?”  A gentle smile.  “Who will tutor our children?”

*sniff* *sniff* *sob*

Smiles shine from their stunned faces for a moment before the faucets turn back on.  Two faces quickly bury themselves in my crotch again and I hear muffled declarations of devotion and gratitude.


“What am I going to do with you two.”  Turn to my right.  “Frankie?”

Now I do tend to travel around the bed as my different bobs find their different bits to, uh, entertain themselves with.  But I almost always end up back in the middle of the mattress.  Almost always with Frankie on one side and Red on the other.

And my priest-wife?  Is a light sleeper.

"Yes master?"


Red's not a light sleeper but we've made enough noise to wake up some of the girls.


I'm unreasonably, probably, happy that she's using my name more and more often.  Though "husband" still sneaks in from time to time.


Let's see if she’s awake too.



“Other Lili.”

Really need to sort out their nicknames.


Good, she’s awake too.


Groggy, she is sleeping for two, knight-wife is still first wife.  So Frankie and Lili wait for her to start.


“The Rector of Stormgarde is influential, but he is a commoner.  What he can do?  Limited.”  Red rubs her sleepy face on my shoulder.  “Challengers have been Lustonian and Tourinese nobility, so far.  A troublesome alliance.  They are the real danger.”

Frankie chimes in.

“The church has failed, thrice now, master.  But where is the inquisition?  We have only faced an inquisitor twice.  An oracle?  Once.”  Her eyes narrow.  “They are plotting something.”

Lili’s turn.

“Many guild seniors have been restored by you.  But even more seek to be, my lord.”  Can only hear her.  Several bodies are in between.  “They will seek to stop your departure.  By force, perhaps.”

Crap, forgot about that.

Frankie then delivers a right hook.

“Master, only a fool would cast you out.  And Tharick is no fool.”  A sigh.  “[Recovery Magic] is far too valuable.  That old sorcerer seeks to leash you.  Isolate you.”  Squeezes my arm.  “If you refuse to kneel?  He will aim through those around you.”

Red’s hand gently turns my face to hers.  Looks at me with those sweet hazel eyes, and drives the final nail in.

“Husband, I will follow you into the pit itself.  If that is the road you choose.”  Kisses my shoulder.  “But you are a member of House Lianlaf.  Responsible for Lions Keep.  Owing fealty to the Marquis of Vaegia.  The law compels you to serve.”

God damnit.

“My family, yes, all of you, come first.”  Kiss her forehead.  “Began to think of this place as home.”  Run my fingers through Sim’s hair.  “Now, wonder if it's a trap.”


More shoulder smooches.

“Don’t know where we’ll go yet.  But we may not get much warning.”  Channel my inner action hero.  “Be ready.”

Nods and yeses come from the haremites who are conscious and awake.  Red and Frankie snuggle back into my sides.  While Oda and Sim resume their duty with even more gusto.

Magdalen and Tharick.

The witch and the bitch.

You want to put a leash on me?


Try it.

This beast will fucking kill you.

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