A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 6: The Leper

"Please save Lady Chastel!"


Why is there an elf kowtowing in front of me now?  This is the fourth, fifth, person to kowtow today.  Oh yeah, all those idiots did too.  So this is the, fifteenth?  Maybe?  Though only the fourth begging to save the Leper Lady.


Right now?  I'm just trying to get back into the keep thru the fancy west doors.  Want to get to dinner before not-sebastian hunts me down again.  But an elf is in the way.  Got the apparently typical elf body, tall and skinny, though this one is even taller.  Gotta be seven feet.  Tall for an elf chick.  Long emerald hair.  Silver eyes.

She doesn't got much, but what she's got is admirably squeezed and lifted by a...   Priestess outfit?  Long white robes with ribbon things tying it here and there.  What's probably holy symbols are stitched into it everywhere.

The staff is interesting.  Are those bells built into it?  A music thing?  Maybe a spell using the bell sound?

I can feel recognition hit Red.


"My Lady Barton."  She turns slightly and kowtows to Edel.  "I beg you to not let what I did keep your husband from treating Lady Chastel."

I look at Red and lift an eyebrow.

"At Stormgarde there was a boy who was, interested in me."  Since condemning the elf bitch her face has been, colder.  "She didn't like that so she, took him."  Not a turd worth shitting among the lot of them.  "How is Pol?"

Priest bitch looks uncomfortable.  "He?  We.  Separated, soon after graduation and he went back, south."  Oh I have had fucking enough!


Priest bitch squeaks in surprise and pain as I step up and grab her by the hair.  Then pull her by that hair and throw her off the drawbridge.  Look and see her roll a few times when she hits the dirt.  Not bad, should probably go for overhanded next time though.

Oops, pulled out a bunch of hair.  Better just pat that off.

Left the brother's cell without promising anything but the wives gotta expect me too cave.  But I'm on the fence here.  Don't want another slave.  Don't want another poison pill.  Don't want to advertise.  Don't want to be a doctor.

I turn to Red.

"All these scum treated you like shit.  Why should I spare any of them?  Save, any of them?!"

Frankie wisely keeps her mouth shut.  Red pauses before answering.

"Before I went east, husband?  I could count my friends with one hand and have fingers to spare.  Ali was the best of them."  A painful sigh.  "And she was the only one to stay in touch.  No one in my family ever wrote to me."

Ushi sneaks in.

"Beloved master.  Killing is easy.  Saving is hard.  Please, save more."

Fine.  Whatever.  I turn to see the priest bitch is in my way, again.  Kowtowing, again.  She's fast.  Her white robes now covered in dirt and mud.  Guess it was still a bit wet down there from last night's sprinkles.  Looks like there is some blood too.

"Do what you will with me but please save Lady Chastel!"

Ushi feels, curious?

"Lady Chandrelle?  Forgive my curiosity but why is a graduate of Stormgarde, and an elf of high birth, a priestess of Amedee?"

The elf priest lifts her face and, ouch, there's blood.  Looks like her nose may be broken too.  Does she not, feel that?  Maybe she's an M?  And we're still standing on this drawbridge.  Shouldn't we go 'inside,' before getting chatty?

"Lord Pol was not my only male, friend."  Reverse harem?  "When I returned and everyone saw how, 'selfish,' I had become?  My fiance ended our engagement and my mother sent me to the temple."

Can we move this along?

"Congratulations, you're a whore."  That gets a gasp from the black and greens.  "So what?"

Its dinner time.  Smell it cooking with [Super Senses].  Step in again and grab her hair again before she can retreat.  This time I just pull her up to her knees.

"Why should I save her?"  Swing her head back and forth by her hair.  "You hurt one I love.  That earns you nothing from me but pain and death."  She's getting a little pale.  "What can you offer me?"

Her mouth opens and I suspect she's about to do the stupid offer herself thing.  Do not want another slave!  So I put the finger of my other hand against her lips.  Getting a jolt of surprise out of her.

"Don't offer me you.  I've had them tall.  I've had them small.  And I can tell.  From your smell.  That you're nothing special."

Good, that finally registered.  She's struggling to get up but I've still got her hair and I'm keeping her head too low for her to get enough leverage.

"You barbarian filth!  I told that idiot to not bring her here.  Told her to come with me to Granya."  A too tall struggling to stand but can't ranting elf looks, funny.  "You should be grateful I even looked your way!  This body has defeated many proud men.  But you spit on me?!"

Hehe.  Thank you.  I needed that laugh.  She's flailing her arms a bit too.  Yeah, this will work.  Let's make another, statement.


Priest screams as I yank her head to the side.  Causing her to topple over.  And then I start, walking.  Quite a few soldiers and servants look our way, see me, and go about their business.  This being in charge thing is kind of scary.

"Let go!" "Beast!" "Scum!" "Stop!" "Daddy!"

A stream of insults and demands flow as I finally finish crossing the drawbridge.  The feeling of relief hits once I'm on stone again.  I've always had a little problem with 'heights.'  Its okay if the floor feels solid enough.  A drawbridge clearly, doesn't.

The guards at the gate snap to and Butler is next to them.

"My lord barton."  Snappy bow.  "A guest for dinner?"  Hey, that was funny too.

"Ugh.  No.  This thing is too rotten.  It would spoil the meal's taste."  Is this, banter?  Back to business.  "Do you know the leper lady?"  On Mulberry Lane?

"I know where she is staying, my lord."

"Then lead the way."

"I know the way!" "Hey!" "Ouch!" "Embarrassing!" "How dare you!" "Never forgive you!"

As I follow butler, we get a lot of looks from, everyone.  A lot a lot of looks.  Its not often you get to see a high born elf in such a 'compromising' state.

Walking along I see though my shadows the many poses the elf makes trying to keep up with me.  Standing with her butt way up in the air.  Dogging it on her hands and feet.  Hands and knees.  And just being dragged on her front or back.

At various points her privates get exposed.  Causing her to try another stance.

After the first flight of stairs?  She stops yelling and settles for crying.  After the second flight?  She stops trying to stand and just lets herself be dragged.  Arms crossed with the funniest pouting face.

We end up at the end of a corridor in a corner of the keep's upper basement.  Damp and dark with only the occasional wall mounted lantern providing any light.  According to butler these are storerooms for furniture, linens, decorations, and such.  There is no heating here, no need for it, so it is quite cool.

Elf bounces the back of her head off the floor when I let go of her hair.  Struggles shakily to her feet and with what dignity she can manage, walks to the door.  Giving me a look of utter loathing on the way.  Knocks on the door a few times and after a brief silence, a muffled voice comes from the other side.


"Open up, I've come back."

Hear a bar being removed on the other side.  Security conscious?  Then pushed open by, oh, a cat girl.  This girl though?  She's not bouncy like Seylia.  Downright depressed instead.  Well, spending days in a light-less hole can have that effect.

She keeps her face down and stands beside the door.  A metal collar marks her as a slave.  Her clothing?  A maid's.

We file into the room and it looks as depressing as the hallway.  The furniture in here looks like its from the prison.  Plain.  Rough.  Worn.  A few beds, some chairs, a table, a heater stove, and some oil lamps, are it.

On one of the beds, blankets and furs are piled high.  Someone is laying on them.  Propped up by several pillows.  Covered from head to toe in blue robes.  Face covered by a silver veil.

"Chani?  Is that you?"  The veil turns.  "Is Tan with you?"

"Yes, my lady.  And I brought a guest.  Edy has come to see you."

The veil ruffles.  "Its not nice to tease a blind person Chani.  Dame Edelys is on the other side of th-"

"Ali?"  Red is slowly walking towards the bed.

"Edy!  Is it really you?"

Red walks up to the bed and wraps her arms around robe girl.  And there go the waterworks.

"Please Edy.  I can't see or feel very well anymore.  So a hug is just a nice thought."  Red hastily lets go and steps back.

"So this is why you stopped writing?"

Veil nods.  "You would get even more suspicious if the letters showed up in someone else's handwriting."  A sigh.  "And my fingers stopped working a while ago."

"Ali, listen, my husband is a powerful mage.  He can heal you."  Red is kneeling beside veil's bed now.  Gripping the furs while she looks up at her friend.

"Thank you, my dear Edy.  But neither father nor Chani could find a healer that could cure this.  And..."  Pause.  "I lost the baby."

"Oh, Ali."

Geesh, women cry a lot.  Don't you start too Ushi!  L-let go of my arm.  Geesh.  Don't wipe your snot and tears on my sleeve.

"Its my fault.  I could never be what Tan wanted me to be."  Well he's a siscon so of course not.  "Could at least give him a son.  Disgraced myself and my House.  This is my punishment."

"Lady Chastel!"  Priest is mad.  "You wanted to please the man you loved!  That is never a disgrace!"  I've known women to do some really twisted disgusting shit trying to make their man happy.  But just having a miscarriage?

"Its too late now.  I've lost our son.  I've lost my love.  Let me die."

These idiots don't need an isekai hero.  They need an isekai therapist.  Are there any stories of psychiatrists getting isekai'd?

"Don't be silly Ali."  Red ain't buying it.  "Tan is still at the castle.  He asked my husband to heal you."

"That's only from guilt."  Priest gives Red a don't go there look.  "When I went to tell Tan I was pregnant?  Found him with, Aezeti."  Gross.  "Then she told me that he was negotiating to marry a Lady of Lianlaf in the east."  Uh oh.  "He said he didn't want you to be lonely."  Super gross.

Odd that I don't recall memories of elf bitch humping Tan.  Though, granted, I was only looking for the Edel related ones.  And even the saved memories end up in a pile like my [Recovery Magic] but even harder to search thru.

Could see her doing it though.

"Tan has always been weak to Aezi and obsessed with me."  Red's got the cool look again.  "I was saved from both of them."

"That is not the end of my shame.  I love you Edy but I was using you to get close to Tan.  He was the best a mana-less girl like me could hope for."  She's not using something like [Shroud]?  "I'm, sorry.  You deserve better than me."

That could explain why a count's kid had a shot at a duke's kid.  The size of your mana pool means a lot to nobles.  The less mana in the parents?  The less chance of having a magically gifted child.  No wonder she wanted to get knocked up.

If that kid had decent mana?  Marriage to Tan would be insisted on.  A little territory would surely follow.  Alote's future would be secure.

Instead?  She lost the baby, the man, and the future.  No wonder House Chastel wants Jenette to kill her.

"Ali.  I knew you were after Tan.  You still treated me like a real friend."  Red stands and leans over robe girl.  "You were there for me so many times.  I would not have made it without you.  Would never have had the courage to go east without your support."

Edel lifts the veil, exposing a lesion covered, flat nosed, milky eyed face that is wet with tears beneath it.  My knight wife cups that face with her strong hands.  And, kisses her?  Uh, did I just get dumped?  Red ends the smooching and gives the most radiant smile.

"Its my turn to save you."

Ali's mouth is still moving.  Tongue still looking.  Well, guess she felt that!  ...  Wow, huh, I'm jealous of a leper.  Damn.  Sense how happy Red is. 

My, possibly now lesbo, knight-wife turns and walks to me.  Oh you better not kowtow.

Guess the message got thru because she stops part way and switches to just kneeling instead.  Clasps her hands above the boob plate.  Bows her head and, prays?  God dammit!  Stop praying to me!  ...Ushi?

Frankie sits on her knees next to Red takes up the same praying pose.  Then priest bitch kneels next to Ushi.  And, of course, here come the cat-girl and dog-girl slaves kneel too.

Butler and the two black and greens behind me don't move.  Thank god.  Someone in this nut house, besides me, should keep their sanity.

"Husband?  Please answer my prayers."

Save her?  Duh.  [Recovery Magic] covers paper cuts to amputation.  Common cold to the black death.  Of course I can cure her.  Doesn't mean I want too.  Slaves are bad enough.  A fucking cult?  Oh hell no.

And making miracles that even people used to miracles think are miraculous?  That's how you get stuck with a cult.

No, don't you two look up at me with those oral eyes...


God dammit.

I walk over to Ali and move her as gently as I can until she's lying flat.

This will be expensive and difficult because of all the different stuff leprosy does.  But its doable.

She's lost a couple of fingers and a toe.  But I can deal with that.  This time I cup her face.

"Who are you-"

"[Hansen's Remedy]"

Oof.  Felt that one.  A spinning circle grows under Ali's bed until it fills half the room.  Each ring spinning separately.  My power is racing through her body.  Hunting and purging the bacteria responsible.  Of course this just cures the disease.  It does nothing about the damage its caused.

"[Embrace of Hygieia]"

Gotta clean up all the infected tissue the disease helped fester.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

Now lets repair the tissue and get the blood moving properly again.

"[Airmed's Hands]"

Message away all the lesions and rashes.  I have to roll her on her side to get the back.  Rubbing her from head to toe.

"[Vision of Isis]"

Let's look at what her body was and can be.

Okay, I can do this.  Don't wimp out.

"[Chiron's Fingers] [Blessing of Imhotep] [Aceso's Spirit]"

Three spikes of pain from triple-casting go deep into my brain.  Regrowing skin, muscle, and bone, is expensive and pointless if I can't get my fingers into every nook and cranny.  So they have to be done together.  There's that ozone smell.

Too much.  I'm burning too much mana.  Its leaking.  I'm, burning?  Glowing?  Used to my fingers or hands or even eyes glowing.  But my whole body?  Overcasting?  If I don't get these bones and muscle right she could be in constant pain.  End up with even more damage.

"[Skill of Chiron]"

Now lets get the muscle and cartilage attached like [Vision of Isis] showed it was.

"[Breath of Airmed]"

Her whole body is swollen up.  Need to soothe and cool her body so I can check everything.

"[Eyes of Ouroboros]"

Whew.  Shit.  Okay, let's see if there is anything I missed.  Check the condition of everything.  Crap, there is damage inside.  Organs.  Too much again.  Are my eyes bleeding?  Or is that my nose?

"[Gift of Hepius]"

Need to get in there and fix.  Fucking sloppy.  Scars on top of scars.  How many different times did some healer dump spells on this poor girl.


Sigh.  Here we go again.

"Nng!"  "Ahh!"

Sorry girl.  Almost there.

"[Caress of Dharti]"


And she's out.  Well everything looks good in [Eyes of Ouroboros] so, hopefully this is it.  Damn, this may have been even rougher than fixing the girls.  It was just so widespread.  Inside and out.

Okay, little dizzy here.  Shit, did I burn too much too fast?

Turn to see the ladies still doing that stupid praying pose but they turned to face me?  Wait, why is butler and the black and greens on their knees?  Dammit, stay awake.

"Frankie. Take them upstairs. Get them out of this hole."  Raise your head, girl.  Don't... just nod.  Eh?  Feathers?

Margo?  Ferra?  When did you get here?  What's with the gold?  What's with the wings?  You look, like, angels?

So tired.  I'll figure it out later.

Is that the flo-?


Ulaleth, Chandrelle Faraine Eilhice (female, elf, granyan)

  • 7'0", 50 years
    • tall and skinny
    • long emerald hair, silver eyes
  • Magic
    • Light (int)
    • Water (int)
  • Priest
    • Amedee
  • "Priest elf"

Chastel, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • Cured Illness
    • Leprosy
  • "Robe girl," "Veil"

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