A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 7: Morning After After


A goblin weakly pushes at the spear that's pinned him to the cavern wall.  Can feel its blood and heat being leached from it.  Draining away.


Another goblin leaps from his impaled comrade's left swinging a rusted axe with both hands.



The axe wielding creature is flipped backward as a flying fist sized stone smashes into its face.

"[Festering Rot]"

Still another goblin rips at its face and throat as it skin putrefies and peels.

~Will never get used to a priest using dark magic.~  The spear wielding being states.

The now dark priest looks at him, shrugs, and waves its staff at goblins further in the cave.  Who start choking as a toxic fog envelops them.

~What's that Gyberg?~

*zhving* *slilch* *chohk*

The former paladin turns to see a comrade of his own trisect a little green monster into three equal pieces in less time than it takes to blink.

~Well Lanot, that one was part of my squad.  Quite the light magic whiz.  Seeing him now fling curses about so easily?  Strange.~

The sword wielding ex paladin glides over and rests a phantasmal hand on his shoulder.

~Ha!  Wouldn't it be more peculiar to see an undead casting divine spells?~

The abomination Gyberg, a shadow paladin, could only nod.  It was true after all.  Besides, even when they served the church of fools.  The results mattered more than how you got them.

Looking around again he sees the fighting is about done.  A few undead priests and knights easily overwhelmed the hundred plus goblins hiding in these caves.  Leaving the deceased templars not much to do.

The two feel the call and glide thru the tunnels until they end up at the edge of a large pit.  At the bottom is more carnage.  Corpses in various shades of green, bloody and strewn about.  Old, young, male, female.  All dead.  But not everyone is dead.

~Damn, they did have a few.~  Gyberg shakes his spectral skull sadly.

Nearly a dozen non-green shapes are also at the bottom of them pit.  Several pregnant.  All with empty hollow eyes no longer able to register the world around them.  Their minds long fled from the violations constantly inflicted upon them.

~The high inquisitor has not heard of any raided villages around here.~  Lanot's ghostly fingers rub his smokey chin.  ~Ah.  Bet they are refugees.  Easy targets even for goblins.~

A shadow priest moving among the living stops and looks up at the former elites.

~Tsk...  Not a one with anything left to save.  Pointless taking them to a village then.~  Gyberg nods to the priest.  Who turns and lifts its arms of smoke and ink.

"[Call of Charon]"

The unholy creature that once worshiped a goddess again wonders about the strange magic the priests and oracles can cast since converting.  Below, the women's eyes slowly go dark.  Their hearts and breaths stop.

All the One's flock kneel as the anguished spirits lift from the captives' abused bodies.  Slowly the filth and grime of the many pains staining them is cleaned from their astral form.  Once pure and true, their gratitude washes over the faithful.

The freed forms slowly disperse and fade.  Moving beyond the knowledge of men.

~May your next incarnation be a happier one.~  Gyberg prays.

Lanot slaps him on the back.  Causing a small eruption of smoke.  ~Let's go.  Want to see that second sun battles play again.~

The spearman shakes his head again.  ~You just want to see the fight with glowing swords.  I can't fathom why.  They swing them around like rank amateurs.~

His sword obsessed friend retorts.  ~Its not about the moves.  Its about the emotion behind them.  That's where their fighting spirit shines!~

Gyberg groans and rolls his eyes.  Or would if they weren't just two balls of glowing purple flames.

The undead rapidly exit.  Leaving only blood, flesh, and death behind.

---D-Day+24, Nizhen 28th---

"Good morning, master."

Really awesome things are happening downstairs.  Seriously.  Red's willing but not very talented.  Frankie though?  Is a genius.  Her whispering in my ear is great too.  I feel her large cool mounds wrapped around my right arm

"Good morning, husband."

Red nuzzling in my ear on the other side is wonderful too with her always warm mounds snuggling my left arm.

Huh.  Feels like I'm in bed.  Smells like I'm back upstairs.  That wood, hot bath, and earthy garden smell.  Did I pass out?  Guess I did.  Oh well.  At least they got me up here.

Wait.  If they are in my ears?  Then who is dow-  Don't look!  Don't look.  They'll go away if you don't look.  Isn't that how it works?

Maybe its just those slave girls.  Yeah we'll go with that.

Oops, oh baby, there she blows.  And, thank you for shopping at s-mart.  Whoa.  They are still, shopping.

"Master, you are going to have to open your eyes eventually..."  Frankie is teasing me.

"No I don't.  From now on call me the Blind Sage."

I could see through my shadows but I refuse too.  Sense Mitsu and Juri finding this way to funny.

"Oh my, he can be so cute."

Nope, I have no idea who just said that.  Elf priest?  Never heard of her.  Not ringing any bells or draining any balls.

"If this is a dream, never, wake, me, up."

Not recognizing Robe girl's voice either.  Amnesia.  Yep, suffering from amnesia.  What's my name?  Sorry, don't remember.

"Husband, you have been asleep for over a day.  We were really worried about you."  Awe, Red, that's sweet.

"Worried enough not to ride me while I slept?"


"Hah!  Busted!"

Snap open my eyes and try to point at Edel.  Except Frankie has my right arm pinned.  And Red has my left arm.  And straddling one leg each?  Veil and elf priest wearing big eyes, big smiles, and nothing else.  Wow, since they are not milky white anymore?  Veil has the bluest eyes I've ever seen.


Ali, was it, raises her voice.

"Mister Provion?!"

"Yes, Lady Chastel?  Hear butler reply from the floor beneath the loft.

"Please inform the castle that Lord Barton is awake and healthy!"

"At once my lady."

Well I've already taken the plunge so I open my eyes in the shadows too.  See cat-girl and dog-girl are looking better and now wearing the same outfits and collars as my maids.

That smell.  Bacon and eggs cooking?  That's awfully heavy for a tourinese breakfast.

Boss maid is sitting patiently inside the main entrance.  Keeping an eye on the other maids and, huh, knitting.  Wow, Rowl is pretty far out. Is that Raelera?  Why is Yodo with him?  Oh, reconnaissance.  My chargers are in the hills and woods near Lions Keep with some paladins, knights and priests.

Found another goblin den.  Another?  Hmm...  Yeah, you're right.  Too close.  Wipe them out.

Who is that working on the elf's robes?  Jenette's mother and sister?  So she was telling the truth?  Huh.  Ushi even took care of the curse on the mother?  Well done.  Thank you Alex for retrieving them.

Should test just how far away my shadows can operate.  Ten miles?  More?  Really didn't think it would be as far as Raelera.

Ali's voice.  "Does he often do this?"

Red replies.  "Only when he's catching up with his undead."

"Amazing."  Veil?  With those eyes?  You are now, 'Blue.'

"Usually he doesn't even close his eyes.  He just sees, hears, smells, feels, ...everything."  Don't say it like that Red.  I'm still human.  Aren't I?

Juri completely narcs my wives out.  Thank you.  They've all taken turns on me.  Even the slave maids joined in.  Married with kids boss maid tried to be sneaky about it but got caught with me in her cookie jar.

My offspring should have great chances for large mana pools.  And I'm not a horndog flipping up every skirt that walks by.  So me being passed out for over a day?  An opportunity none of them wanted to miss.

And there's some I don't recognize.  From the conversations heard these are local wives who want the chance for a magically gifted child.  At least Frankie and Red only allowed married women whose husbands approved.  But none of the slave maids are married.

Not happy about this.  I'm not a fucking sperm bank!

Stop.  Settle.  Remember this world's rules.  This is not turning them into sex slaves.  This is not forcing or stealing them from husbands or children.  Women abandoning themselves.  Becoming just objects to be used.  Playthings.

In this shitty world its normal for magically gifted noblemen, not women, to 'sow their wild oats.'  Red explained once that the custom is one gold for taking a virgin and one silver for those who are not.  The money is supposed too help raise the child if its not magically gifted.

For babies with significant mana pools?  Everyone, even local lords, help support them and their families.

So except for the husband and sibling's ego, pride, and trust?  Nothing but win.  Right?  Well, ego, pride, and trust?  Are pretty god damn important to me.  So I'm on the husbands and siblings side.

At best?  You get a child who is another mouth to feed.  At worst?  You get a kid who takes over the family.  Becoming the center of attention and a constant reminder of how inadequate you are.

Fuck.  That.

And for the slaves?  You might get a ticket to freedom and become a favored servant.  Or make another mouth to feed that's doomed to a life of slavery.

This kind of pisses me off!

Worse?  Suspect my mana pool is 'artificial.'  Just from angel tits to make [Recovery Magic] usable.  May not be inheritable at all.  So I might be responsible for making children who don't stand a chance.  Who will be spit on their whole lives.

Of course my wives see right through me again with their [See Thru Husband's Antics] cheat.

"Husband."  Red adjusts my pillow.  "Forgive us but please think of the women too."  Eh?

"Your concern for their love and trust is remarkable master.  Please understand, those women will have more children.  With or without you.  With husbands most did not choose or love."  Oh yeah, arranged marriages.  Shit.

"You are giving these women the chance for a better life."  Blue?  "I refuse to let you feel guilt over it."  Ow, no need to pinch.

Elf priest chimes in.  "What a strange man.  Not a one of them could stand afterward."  Yeah but-  "They will remember their time with you for the rest of their lives.  You, blessed them.  Do not look down on their gratitude."

Okay.  Crisis of conscience solved.  Still not going to be flipping skirts everywhere.

"Thank you Red, Frankie, Blue, and, uh, Chani."

"Blue?"  You don't know your own name?

Ushi explains.  "He likes nicknames."

"Be glad you didn't end up like 'Chamber Pot' chamberlain."  Edel comments.

Hey, I think that was a good one.  Funny too.

"Ushi?  I have a question."

"Yes master?"  She knows exactly what I'm going to ask.

"No one been bound to me with [Servitude], right?"

"Fufu.  Right again Lady Ushinua.  You really know your master."

"Who could imagine a man who doesn't like enslaved women."

Blue.  You're mocking me, aren't you.

"Husband.  Ali and Priestess Chandrelle are not your slaves."

"I offered to.  I still want too.  But I was refused."  Blue gives Red a pout.

"Fine, can I get up now?  You two let far too many ride me."  Not here to roleplay Attila the Hun and end up related to half the planet.

While the priestess and Blue look sad?  They get up along with Frankie and Red.  I climb out of bed, pray for the souls of the maids who have to clean these sheets, and head to the wardrobe.

Never had any shame to begin with so I stand proud.  And let Edel and Ushi dress me.  While we discuss what I should wear, weather, breakfast, and other nonsense.  Doesn't take long for Blue and Chani to join in.  All chatting away about what else might look good on me.

Both the new girls do the same old I can hold Sanctity and Tormentor at the same time reaction.  Feels, nostalgic?

Move downstairs and share a late breakfast.  Love bacon and eggs.  Ushi told the staff that I eat heavier breakfasts in my 'country.'  So bless their hearts they started early so I can have a fresh hot meal.

That's too heavy for the others so they stick with bread, fruit, cheese, and wine.

"Magus." "Dark Savior." "Saint." "Gold Sage."

What happened to 'master' and 'lord?'  There must be a dozen slaves in here right now.  Do I even have a dozen slaves?  Wait, some of them are not even slaves.  No collars or shackles.  I'm about to start checking my shadows when.

"Ready Ali?"  Elf priest has finished and is getting up.

"Un."  Blue nods and gets up to.  "I'm off to train.  Have a lot of catching up to do."  She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a deep hungry kiss.  "We will look for you for lunch darling.  Okay?"  I better nod too.

"Thank you, blessed one."  Queue kiss two.  From Chani.  "Do not be concerned.  We already have guards prepared."

Ali shares a long 'should we start filming' kind of hug with Red.  They giggle and smile at each other.  Chani and Blue stop at the entrance, speak with butler, join a waiting escort of four black and greens, then head down stairs.

"Ushi?"  Red is giggling and blushing again.

"Yes, master?"

"What the fuck happened?"  Ushi starts giggling, and blushing too?

Red answers. "Ali loves me!"  Yeah, I got that lesbo vibe when you two met.  "And husband too."  That, though, is new.

"Good, I want you to be happy Red."  Edel's blush gets even blushier.  "But that is not what I'm asking about."

"Master?  How much do you remember from healing Lady Chastel?"

"That it was exhausting.  Both her body and spirit were compromised."  Yeah, it was bad.  "She wasn't cursed but it was as bad as healing Ushalen. Maybe worse."  Oh, yeah.  "And it was a lot more challenging to regrow the missing fingers and toes than I expected."

No wonder I passed out for a day.

"Do you remember Ferra and Margo, husband?"  Red's face has finally deblushed.

"I don't remember calling them, but yes.  They looked different though."  Angels?

Ushi nods.  "Master, you used too much mana too quickly.  Even for you."  Can I still cast?  Did I injure myself?  "It was so much that your shadows felt compelled to aid you."

Edel continues.  "You were using so much mana that it started spilling.  Husband, you were glowing."  Yeah, I remember that.

"It also changed the appearance of some of your shadows, master, such as Margo and Ferra."  Okay?  "They became golden and shining.  Looking more like servants of the divine than shadowy undead."  Yeah, those two even sprouted wings for some reason.

"Husband?  When you fell?  All that magic and mana, burst and a ripple of light flowed across the castle."  I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Hearing your last instructions master?  Your servants insisted on carrying you and Lady Chastel.  Thru the castle."  I look into the shadows.

Oh god.  I was even still glowing?  Looks like half the castle saw that procession.  Did they really have to carry me that way?  Like it was some sort of divine funeral?

So, half the castle witnessed an explosion of light.  Followed by me and a perfectly healthy looking now leper.  Being carried by a mixture of divine and undead looking creatures.  Thru six plus floors of castle.


"Master?  Not everyone now believes you are a, god."  I give Frankie a glare.  "Some just think of you as the, reborn Saint Sanriel."  And that's better?!

Okay.  Be cool.  Calm down.

"Oh, and, husband?  There is, more."  My lifeless eyes now swivel to Red.  She's fidgeting.  Not a good sign.  "You know how you make your lovers, stronger?"  I nod so slow it creaks.  "You gave Ali some mana too."  Okay?  "A lot of mana."  Not okay.  "Like a lot a lot of-"  I get it!

"How?"  Be cool.  "Much?"

Ushi gives me that stalker look again.

"Enough to be considered among the most magically gifted in House Chastel, master."  Crap.  "Lady Chandrelle will help her train and she may even re-enroll in Stormgarde."

Red looks happy and sad.  "No one in her house would dare harm her now.  And suitors will come looking for her.  You really did save her.  Thank you husband."

Time for some sugar.

I lean over and kiss Red.  "Lady Barton.  You saved her.  It was your wish.  I just helped a little."  Nice, this blush is reaching the top of her ears.  Guts pose.  "Okay. So, people think I'm a god or the reincarnation of Tourin's legendary hero.  Yep, don't see this causing any trouble, at, all."


"Lord Barton."  Gah!  Not-sebastian, don't sneak up on me like that!  "There are others, like myself, who simply consider you the greatest mage since the Sorcerer Kings."  Smart bow.

You mean the guys who had so much magic they went to war with the gods and almost won?  How, exactly, is that better?

"Butler?  Who is the kid?"

"My grandson, Lord Barton.  His father asked me to help with Nileck's education."  He does look kinda like a mini-me of Butler.  Well dressed.  Of course.

"He going to be a butler too?"

"Yes Lord Barton.  His father serves a House in Raelera.  We agree that experience with the eccentric, unconventional, and extraordinary, could greatly help his development."

"Am I the eccentric, unconventional, or extraordinary?"

"All three and more, Lord Barton."

Hooray for me.

"And I have eight maids.  Correct?"

Even his nod looks dignified.  "You have ten maids now, Lord Barton.  Lady Alote sold Miss Olga and Miss Eri to you."

I wonder what the price was?

"And how many of my maids are here?"

"Six, Lord Barton.  Miss Olga, Miss Eri, Miss Celia, Miss Ingrid, Miss Chari, and Miss Mirada."

"Then why are there a dozen people here?"  A couple of them are even dudes.

"Lady Ushinua approved extra staffing as long as they are volunteers."

My eyes swivel to Frankie.

"Master, please..."

Search in the shadows and find something I don't want to see.  Women and men, kneeling to Ushi.  Praying to, Ushi?  No, with Ushi?  She's, preaching?  What are they saying?

"...and instead of a son?  A savior made of light?  A father came.  Bringing judgement and wrath.  A god of rage, covered in fire and blood.  A dealer in thunder and death.  The herald of change.  Whose touch brings salvation and damnation.  Bringer of the end of days.  Master of the million warriors.  Scourge of the gods.  The fall and rise of the world.  The Beast.  King of death.  God of shadows..."

What the fuck is that?!

Celia (female, halfling, tourinese)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Chari (female, human, granyan)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Chastel, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • 5'5", 22 years
    • blue eyes, long curly blond hair, ringlets, fair skin
  • Magic
    • Light (bsc)
  • "Blue"

Eri (female, beastkin, barbarian)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf
  • "Cat-girl"

Flerice (female, human, sezwythan)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Ingrid (female, dwarf, thuriborn)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Jenette (female, elf, tourinese)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Luvine (female, human, aquecian)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Mirada (female, human, tourinese)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

Olga (female, beastkin, aquecian)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf
  • "Dog-girl"

Provion, Nileck (male, human, tourinese)

  • 12 years
  • Butler in Training
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Grandson of Harin Provion
  • "Mini-me"

Sela (female, human, barbarian)

  • Maid
    • Grand Suite
      • Lions Keep
  • Slave of House Lianlaf

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