A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 8: Cults R Us

I'm not just in a cult.

I am the cult.

Memories in the shadows continue to play like old security camera footage.  Wow.  Frankie is quite the gifted speaker.  Plus healing and blessing them with, dark magic?  Wha?  What the fuck is [Dark Reverence]?  Sounds too, chuuni.

Its a real, honest to god, cult.  This is bad.  I gotta stop this.

"Husband, please understand."  My head turns like a tank turret towards Red.


"Sister was a princess, an oracle."  Red looks at Frankie kindly.  "She wanted to save people.  Help the suffering.  But was controlled by the crown and church.  You gave her power.  Freedom.  Someone she can believe in.  How could she not praise you."

What are you talking about?  I tortured her.  Went completely psycho on her ass.  For hours!  Then nearly killed her.  Then did kill her.  What power?  What freedom?  She's a slave.  Even has a magic tattoo.

"Master..."  My raised finger stops Ushi from digging the hole any deeper.

Better do my damnedest to keep the rest of the film out of our link.

The movie keeps playing in my mind.  Red's there too.  So are Blue, Chani, some living shadows and slave maids.  And there go women up the stairs, to me. 


Those coming down are helped by the maid slaves.  Seems they can't walk to well.  This is crazy, right?  Too, freaky.  Right?  Even the ones with husbands waiting are, celebrating?  Huh.  When are the police and federales storming in?

The crowd is a mix.  Expected slaves and servants, but soldiers too?  Couple of black and greens even?

What are the girls and maids giving out?  Clothes?  Charms?  Potions?  I recognize a lot of it from the templar loot.  Are they giving away all my stuff?

Oh gee.  They are talking about me.  Uh, this is super uncomfortable.  Frankie and Red even sharing embarrassing stuff about me?  Hey, that rock was really sharp.  Stubbed toes are no joke.  Isn't this like a privacy thing?  Can I sue?  So much for my divine dignity. 

Huh.  Different people sharing news, resources, and requests.  This isn't just a cult.  Its a crowdsourcing cult.  Am I the groupon god?

The dvd keeps spinning.  Thru the night its like a vigil.  The next day it becomes some strange, church service?  Conference?  A couple hundred must have come thru by now.  Some even bring their kids.  Isn't this too much?  Not sure how to even begin processing this.

Even the 'we fucked up crew' appears.

Only a couple like chamber pot actually join the services though.  Yeah, don't see him a believer in anything besides 'how to keep your head attached.'

The rest, like rookie and patchy, seem to be there to make sure there's no trouble.  And congratulate Blue on her recovery.  Can't blame them.  Having a bunch of staff suddenly ask if its okay to go upstairs and pray to the passed out guy whose getting laid?  I would worry too.

Odd bit from patchy.  "Lady Alote?  Could he give me back, my eye?"

"I believe my love is capable of anything."  Blue is all smiles and basking in a beam of sunlight from the window.  "Ask darling when he wakes."

Patchy nods and leaves.

Rookie speaks at length with the girls, butler, and boss maid.  Might have to change his name to sneaky.  Definitely gives that schemer behind the scenes puppeteer kind of vibe.

This is just too much attention.  I don't like this.  I don't trust this.  Come on.  Calm.  Stay focused.  Eyes on the prize.

Oh, there's Jenette's mother and sister being brought in.  Wow, that's a lot of crying.  Chamber pot hires them on the spot?  Good work.  I'll most likely not kill you in the morning.

Some professor looking guys show up and talk to Blue.  There's that same kind of crystal ball thing they had in Colrac.  Nice and bright.  Well done Blue.

Wow, those old guys look really excited.  Why?  A couple even join the prayers?  Uh...  Don't get it.  Sounds like they want her to attend again.

Well things finally wind down as the sun goes down.

Quite a few proposals for 'rendezvous' are slipped to Frankie, Red, Blue, and Chani.  All shot down?  Huh.  Rookie even tries clever and persistent plays for Ushi and Edel.

Talking up Frankie about being a slave and hinting at support for the cult and freedom for slaves, to be discussed more in 'private meetings.'

Using promotion in the black and greens plus support for her marriage to me with Red.  Also to be discussed more in 'private meetings.'

Sneaky may soon, totally accidentally on purpose, fall off a tower.

Huh.  What should I do about my wives?

Okay, I'm experienced, but I'm no romeo or casanova.  Have had a couple of girls decide, 'you're mine,' before.  Was nice to be wanted.  Big ego moment.  But it didn't last because, they were crazy.

If she says she's glad she cast that spell the night you met?  And you are not in a fantasy world?  Not a sign you're entering a 'stable,' or even sane, relationship.

'Those pictures?  That's my husband.  Yes I'm married but its okay.  He's in the hospital on his deathbed.'



Hey, not even going to try to lie, I'm grateful.  I truly am.  No matter what their reasoning might be?  Beautiful women have been keeping my brain drowning in endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin?  Probably kept me from going, any further, down some really dark roads.

Anything that keeps the madness and despair at bay, gets a gold star.  Like...  Running an inner monologue.

I want these girls to be happy.  Really do.  This shitty world has, well, been shitting on them.  But I've already gotten six, sort of seven, ladies killed just by existing.  And that's only counting the ones jumping my bones.

Even if I stay off the dark roads.  Set the map app to happiest instead of fastest drive time?  Don't see this not being a very, very, bloody trip.  So what's best for them?  Probably isn't, me.

So even those I love to, hopefully not, death?  Do what I can to protect and provide for them and whatever minime's pop out?  Well, I'm not going to stand in their way if they choose to jump ship.  While depending on how they do it, I might kill them?  I'm not going to be a prick about it.

Yes I had, issues.  But, I'm feeling much better now.

Got lots of 'medieval' skills.  Can hunt, sort of.  Can cook, sort of.  Can camp, sort of.  Can actually ride a horse, sort of.  Even swing a regular sword around without chopping my own limbs off.

Plus?  Army of Death!  So the 'need' I felt with my first harem?  Isn't there anymore.  Now its about 'want.'  Which is nice.  So what do I do?

Frankie is crazy.  Can see her glued to me for the rest of her life.  And offing herself if I die first.  Can also see something, anything, flipping a switch in her brain and I instantly cease to matter to her.  She's crazy.

However, she's also a genius.  Incredible in the sack and pretty damn good out of it.  Watching the last day plus spin by again reminds me of just how good she is at manipulating people.  A very helpful asset to own.

Red?  Not crazy.  Just hurting.  Frankie fuels her crazy with the hell her life's been.  Red tries to overcome it.  Which makes her both stronger and weaker.  While it may be harder to keep her love?  It will also take longer to lose it.

Her devotion is more, earnest.  Less fanatical.  Yet it also needs more support.  At least Red having Blue now too, should help.  My knight-wife is a fighter.  Being my shield is where she'll shine most.

She's going to be a great mom but the kid will probably be spoiled rotten.

They are so different from, her.  So different from each other.  Okay, I'll keep them.  For as long as, they show me, they want to be kept.  God.  Really hope that wasn't a flag.

So...  Plan E?

Open my eyes to see a trembling Frankie sitting on a stool looking, nervous.  Plan E Phase 1.  Get up, step over, and wrap her in my arms. As her trembling continues I hear a muffled voice from my chest.

"Please master.  Please let me worship you.  I cannot breathe witho-"

"Ushi.  Pray to me if that makes you happy.  But also remember that I am a man."  Hear and feel her sniffling.  "One who is not always understanding.  Or forgiving."

Firm, but fair.

Feel nodding. "Yes master."  I miss having chest hair.

Can't really blame her.  If I didn't do godly things, no one would think I'm a god.  And she desperately needed a new god.  Spreading her newfound faith?  Well, she's an oracle.  Acting holy in the streets and unholy in the sheets?  That's just what the church trained her to do.

So of course she's going to attract the masses.  Speaking of which.

"You did this when I was unconscious at the monastery too?"

Another nod in my chest.  "Yes."

That gets a 'say what' look from Red.

"Your goal?"

She looks up at me.  There's that 'fanatic' sparkle in her eyes.  Sigh.

"They will come for you.  They have too.  Master is too strong."  Red looks like she agrees.  "Whoever deceived me into starting the ritual and the demons into finishing it?  Never wanted your son."  Now Red looks confused.  "They wanted you."

What you talkin bout Frankie?

"Are you sure?"

Ushi's going for the nodding record.  "Master.  You were not brought to save the world.  You were brought to end it."

"So its too coincidental to be a coincidence?"

Ushi nods again.  "Others will eventually realize this and they will come for you, master.  The nobles, the church, the elves, the demons, the heroes, maybe even your own women."  That gets a sharp look from Red but, she might choose Blue over me.  "One or more, maybe all, will hunt you.  Master's holy undead will not be enough."

"Ushi..."  Try to kiss her new tears away.

"An army is what you need.  Legions of the broken, the beaten, and the damned.  Lead by your generals.  Your servants.  Your children.  All who cannot imagine turning on you.  Their savior.  Their father.  Their god."  Yep, she's crazy.  "Blessed with your power.  Your will.  Purging this world of its sickness.  Its disease.  Healing.  Restoring.  Cleansing."

Wackier than the Temptress of Waikiki.  Completely-

"Crazy.  Ushi, you can't mean that."  And the voice of reason tonight will be played by Dame Edelys.

Frankie stares back at her.  "So, what if I do?  Can Tourin protect master from the gods?"  Red knows they can't.  "Then master needs real strength.  Not empty vows and drunk lust."  Red flinches, hard.  "Needs blood, and steel."

"Husband needs promises that don't last a day?"  Hey.  "Be humiliated in front of allies?"  Ow.  "Disloyal [Servitude] bound slaves?!"

Both are standing now.  Davidette and Goliathette screaming at each other.

"A spinster who forces herself on a wounded man?!?"

"A slave on an unconscious one!?!"


My voice rolls thru the room.  Pushing and scaring the maids and cultis- ahem, 'volunteers.'  Okay...  Plan F?

"That's enough."  My hands cup Ushi's face.  "Build an army worthy of my name?  Fine.  But you are not allowed to pay the price for it."  A tearful nod this time.  "Not with your body.  Not with your heart.  Not with your spirit.  Not with your mind."  A light kiss.  "All of you is mine.  Understand?"

Another nod.

"Husband, please do not thi-"

Interrupt her with a long kiss.  Time for her to have her tonsils checked.  When I finally release her mouth she drops down onto the stool.

"You are mine too.  And your sister is right.  Just as she is also wrong."  Red, don't look at me with those puppy eyes.  "I will walk my own path thru this world.  Those who choose to be my enemies?  Will feel my blade.  Those who choose to be my allies?  Will have my shield."

My hands now cup her face and I stare deep into her eyes.

"Each of you, will have to choose which to be."

"Lord Barton."  Butler is suddenly beside me.

"Yes, Not-sebastian?"

He's completely unfazed.  "The seneschal informed me that the castle's staff is assembled and requests your presence."

Might as well get this over with.  "Please, lead the way."

Instruct the maids to eat up and share whatever is left.  Tell not-sebastian and boss maid that 'volunteers' are no longer allowed in my private chambers, balcony, bath, or garden.  May not get much privacy but they are staying out of my space.

Red and Frankie, with the maids' help, get ready pretty quickly.  Red as a knight, without the boob plate.  Frankie as a sorceress, without the bikini.  Both chose to dress quite a bit less 'risque' than usual.  Both are also not even looking at each other.

Feel, shame from them both.  But this is, different.  Something else is the source.  And my patience is wearing thin.


Ushi winces.  "Master.  Lord Moret.  Has been, insistent."

The sneaky seneschal?

"Husband, he offered to support our marriage if I helped him with, things.  Naked, things."  Edel looks very uncomfortable.

"Butler?  Explain."

"My Lord Barton."  Trademark that bow.  "Lord Moret is not married nor engaged.  There are rumors that he prefers the company of married women.  Especially, the lonely or vulnerable ones."

"Rape? Blackmail?"

Mini-butler's head shakes.  "More like just, determined, Master Barton."  Where did he come from?

Ushi shudders a little.  "He implied he could make things, difficult, for your worshipers unless I reassured him.  In private."

"My lord, he has also sent private messages to both of your wives."


"Husband, I." "Master, please."


Quickly received four notes and Butler confirmed that's all that had been delivered.  The contents?  Made absolutely no sense.  It wasn't spelled out but each note boiled down to 'come here and put out, or else.'

"Isn't he smarter than this?"

"Master?"  Ushi is blushing in shame.

"I killed two here already for messing with Red.  He seemed the schemer type to me.  Why would he think I wouldn't butcher him?"

Mini-butler replies.  "From his conversations with Stormgarde faculty, my lord.  He seemed convinced you were not going to wake up."

Ah.  Now that makes sense for an adulterer.  Wives with an incapacitated husband and no one else to rely on?  That hentai pretty much writes itself.  So.  How will he try to save himself?

Let's find out.

Expected a small meeting room on the fourth or fifth floor again.  Instead?  I'm led to the 'Grand Hall.'  The big room used for the balls, official audiences, and taking up most of the fourth and fifth floor.  Big windows but stained instead of clear.

Seen a bit of the hall before but this is my first time seeing it in all its splendor.  Chandeliers.  Thinner columns than I expected.  Long red rug ending at a raised platform on the east end of the room.  A tall backed throne looking thing on top of it.

Instead of ten losers?  Must be two hundred people in here.  All well dressed.  Many armed.  Some armored.  And...

The prisoners?  Is this sneaky's play?  Many witnesses and a show trial to show off his loyalty?  Maybe fellow conspirators in the crowd?  Plenty of spots for a crossbowman to shoot at me from.

As I walk down the rug I hear a voice bellow.

"Viscount Jon Barton!  Savior of the Blue Lady!  Bane of the Demon Lord Urnithun!  Rescuer of the Maidens of Sanriel!  Bearer of the Holy Sword Sanctity!  Tamer of the Demon Blade Tormentor!  Bronze Swordmage of the Guild of Adventurers!  Protector of Pearlden!  And Lord of Lions Keep!"

Holy crap that's a mouthful.  Feel sorry for the herald.

Two hundred people face me and kneel.  Even the prisoners.

"Darling!  huff-huff.  Wait for me!"

I turn to see Blue and Silvie, settled on naming elf priest for her eyes too, running towards us in what have got to be school uniforms.

Ridiculously over the top fantasy school uniforms.



Black leather looking shoes.  Tight dark sock slash hose looking things stretched up over the knees.  Bare legs climbing up from there until they disappear under a way too short checkered skirt.  Blue and white for Blue.  Green and white for Silvie.

From there a collared black button up long sleeve jacket does way to good a job of emphasizing their breasts while the collared white button up shirt underneath it does its best to assist.  Sewn patches and pinned medals on the jacket probably mean this or that.


What the fuck?

Most of the population wears simple tunics and trousers.  These girls run in like they just got off the set of a japanese anime.  If my nuts weren't pooped already from a twenty-four plus hour workout?  Blood would be spraying from my nostrils like a fountain.

Ali runs up and does a little spin.  Clearly showing off her dark short shorts to me and Red.  Silvie does a curtsy.  Though since the skirt is so short?  Ends up showing her short shorts too.

Too everybody in the fucking hall!


If I was their father?  I would ha- nope.  Stop right there.

"Your school uniforms?"  I ask and Blue excitedly nods.

"They've approved an exception!"  She's actually hopping.  "I'll be allowed to go to Stormgarde again since darling has given me so much mana."  She pulls my head down for a quick kiss and gives a seductive stare.  "Does it look good on me?"

She is acting like a school girl.

"It suits you Blue."  Gets me a huge smile as a reward.

"Is my appearance also, satisfying?"  With those legs that go on forever?  Oh yeah.

"It suits you as well, Silvie."

What's the confused look for?  Forget your own name?  Time for serious.

"Are you sure you want to be here?  This is going to get scary."

They look at each other, then at Frankie and Red, finally back at me, and nod.  Can't say I didn't warn you.

"Then let's go make things clear to everyone.  Shall we?"

Turn back around and resume walking thru the huge room.

Chastel, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • 5'5", 22 years
    • blue eyes, long curly blond hair, ringlets, fair skin
  • Student
    • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Ali," "Blue"

Ulaleth, Chandrelle Faraine Eilhice (female, elf, granyan)

  • 7'0", 50 years
    • tall and skinny
    • long emerald hair, silver eyes
  • "Chani," "Silvie"

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