A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 8: Brand New Day



“Make us forget…”


“Uh?  Wha?  Who?  Ugh.  What a fucked up nightmare.  Honey, you are never going to believe… this?”

My eyes open not to our bedroom's ceiling.  A ceiling that I've seen most mornings for decades.  Instead?

“A tent?”

When did we go camping?  Geesh, when was the last time we went camping?  Wait, we didn’t go camping.  Then why am I in a- oh…


Really, really, don't want to do this.  But I gotta.

Slowly turn my head to the right.  The space seems a little smaller.  Like a room divider was added.  Don’t see the cots, but recognize the women kneeling there.


Five girls, already on their knees, lean over further and touch their heads to the floor.  Really starting to hate the kowtowing crap.  Weren't there six?  Where did this bed and blanket come from?

The one in the middle raises her head and goes back to just kneeling.  That one's, uh, Avi?  Right, the princess chick.

“Good morning master.  I hope you rested well.”

Oh yeah, she's my slave.  Great…

The other four lift their heads back up too and say, in stereo.

““Good morning master.””

Uh…  Is this still that nightmare?  They are acting differently though.  A new nightmare but with the same cast?  What is this, Hollywood?

Avi, speaks to another girl.

“Seylia, please relieve Darabym so she may also pay her respects.”

“Yes mistress.”

Catgirl stands and leaves.  Bouncing out the doorway.  Moments later a dwarf woman comes stomping in with a huge smile on her face.  Like she just won the lottery.  Hurries over, takes catgirl's former spot, and repeats the same kneeling routine.

“Good morning master.”

Wait a minute.  They are all smiling.  Happy as clams.  Okay, this is getting suspicious.  Weren't you all just gang raped by demons?

Confused, I look at Avi.

“What's going on here? Why are you all smiling?”

Their eyes are locked on me just like they were after I healed Avi.  Feel like a bird with a wounded wing caught in front of hungry cats.  Is elfy giggling?

“I apologize, master.  We are all just so very grateful to be yours.”

And there go the alarm bells.


I've got a bad feeling about this.

“Of course master, yours.”

In unison, like synchronized swimmers, they all cross their arms over their chests.  The left hand of each plainly showing the same weird tattoo that’s on the back of Avi's.

They are glowing like girls going to their first prom.  Son of a bitch.  That damn elf got me again.  Feel a whopper of a headache coming on.

“You, explain.  How did this happen?”

Uncomfortable with the whole slave thing to begin with.  Got no clue how I'm going to afford one slave.  But six?  Don't even know how to hunt.  Not a great cook either.  


Yeah, yeah.  Slave harem that obeys your every whim.  Whoop dee freaking do.

That might have been a favorite fantasy when I was a horny teenager?  But I've been an adult, sort of, for a long time.  So I have different perverted impossible fantasies now.  

Like paying all the bills on time.

Shit, is the gas bill due?

“Immediately, my beloved master.”  You're mocking me, aren't you.  “After breaking the demons' curse, restoring our bodies, soothing our minds, and comforting our souls?”  I did what with the who now?

“We each fell into a deep sleep.  When we woke we found you collapsed and in a dangerous state.”  Didn't I just go to sleep?  “Master had used an enormous amount of mana, and was near death.”  What's with the dreamy look?


“Because you had lifted the curse, we were able to use magic again.”  I did that?  “So we tended to your ‘needs,’ while you recovered.”  More giggling.  What's with the emphasis on “needs?”

“While you were resting, the others desired to also be bound to you forever.”  Of course I don't remember any of this.  “Master may not have been completely awake, perhaps, but you consented.”  What’s with all the giggling?  “So we are, all, yours.”

That’s swell, great, but where did my clothes go?  And why do my balls feel sore?  Pull the blanket to the side and, yep, buck naked again.  Has no one heard of underwear on this planet?

My dick is lounging about, looking quite pleased with itself.  Would swear it's even smiling.  In fact, what isn't sore?  Is numb.

Good god.  How hard were they riding me?

Look back at the girls and notice none of them are looking at my “face” anymore.  Is the dwarf lady drooling?  Hey, my eyes are up here!

Covering myself gets the girls looking where they should be, but they all seem a little lonesome now.  A little sad.  Yep, I've been used.

Not that I particularly mind.  My rear ain't sore or numb so they didn't get really freaky, but still.  I'm a married man you know!  I've got, like, ethics and stuff. 

And I really don't want to discover what crazy fantasy STD's this world has.  Herpes?  Shit, they probably got Zombie Chicken Herpes here.

Need to get these girls manhunting elsewhere.  Quick.  Time to deploy plan, “it's not you, it's me.”

Though we both know it's totally “you.”

“Listen, you girls have been through hell.  I sympathize and couldn't stand how they abandoned you.  Still, I'm new here.  Got no money.  No job.”  Uhoh, doesn't look like they are buying it.

“And considering how my last meeting with the neighbors went?  No chance they’re going to want me to stick around.  So I really can't support you?”  Come on.  Stop with the giggling.

What is with that weird look in Avi's eyes?

“You raise us beyond the peak with your devotion master, but you should not concern yourself.”  She stands, followed by the others.

“We are not helpless.  We owe you debts that can never be repaid.  So we shall give you everything until death removes us from your side.”  Wait, is this a cult?  Am I in a cult now?

“Now that you are rested, we shall introduce ourselves properly.”

Avi steps forward all dignified like.  Definitely has the moves you'd expect from a princess.

Her ridiculously big and juicy T&A is stuffed into a tight dark leather vest over a blue short sleeved shirt that turns into a short skirt.  Snug black pants don't go far before running into dark leather boots reaching up to her knees.

“I am Avalina Faphyri Angelles.  The fourth child of King Arter the Second of Tourin and second child of Lady Filaurel Inialos Zimel Adceran of Granya.  So I am what many call a ‘half-elf.’  I was an Oracle of Metia.  My primary school is Light with secondaries in Water and Air.”

Wasn't paying attention to half of that.  I'll just call her “Avi.”

Avi steps back and the fantasy dwarf comes forward.  Now that's the hard step of a warrior. 

A sleeveless light leather and fur vest with metal studs over an also sleeveless white shirt covers her top.  Along with leather and fur gloves that reach up to her elbows.  Dark brown pants stretch down to short leather and fur boots.

“I shall forever bless the day you saved me, master.”  Hey, my eyes are up here.  “My name is Darabym Mudarmour of Thuribor.  Often branded a ‘dwarf,’ by humans.  Was a Paladin of Chezot.”  Stop staring down there!  “Skilled with mace and crossbow.  Also know a little of the Light school.” 

So they really weren't all priestesses.  Your name is now “Dara.”

Dara slides back, while a brunette steps forward and curtsies.  Definitely another warrior.

She's wearing a very long grey leather long sleeved jacket.  The left side over the right starting at the right shoulder and ending in a point behind her knees.  Tall grey leather boots end below the knees and meet dark green pants made of, felt maybe.

“My life for only you, master.”  Seriously, stop the worship.  “I am Olete the Owl of Boulderwind.  A silver-rank tourinese adventurer with ten years in my belt.”  Remember she was covered in scars.  “A Fighter.  I specialize in the spear but know some Earth school too.  Nothing fancy though.”

Your name is short enough.  I'll leave it.

Tall slender elf comes forward next.  Wow that's a lot of skin she’s showing off.

A white sleeveless shirt is held up at the shoulders by a green neckerchief.  That same green fabric leaf design is also on a girdle that continues into a short skirt ending not nearly far enough below her butt.

Possibly continuing from the shirt, a white skirt comes out the back reaching to the knees.  A light brown fabric is used for gloves almost reaching the elbow and boots almost reaching the knees.  She's not wearing pants.

“I shall beg you later master to visit my homeland and lift the curses of others.”  Do that many get NTR'd by demons?  “I am Chyal Elir Siora Trarendore of Granya.  We are often called ‘elves.’”  Am I being racist?  “A Priestess of Amedee in the past.  Primary schools are Water and Light.  And skilled in alchemy potions.”

Now it's platinum blonde's turn.

Short sleeveless and shoulderless dark grey leather vest that seems to only be held up by her breasts.  Same material is used for gloves that almost reach her shoulders.  Dark grey short shorts don't even come close to meeting the same color boots that reach up to her thighs.

How the fuck does she even get those shoes on?

“You shine upon me like the sun, master.”  And she's another crotch watcher.  “Viridia the Viper Lucretia.  An aquecian adventurer with nine years belted.  Silver rank.  Scout is my listed class.  Proficient with bows, daggers, and poisons.”  She's still staring.  Is this what sexual harassment feels like?  “Please, let me be your knife in the night.”

Well, whatever, you're “Vira” now.

Avi speaks up.  “Viridia, please replace Seylia so she can present herself.”  The Viper smoothly glides out the tent flap.  Scout?  Ha!  More like Assassin.

The catgirl comes leaping in.  Seriously, she takes like two steps where others take five.  Not staring at my eyes or crotch but my chest?

“Hey master!”  And the girl band is now complete with the addition of sporty spice.  Another skin lover.  Or in this case, fur lover.

A purple sleeveless and shoulderless blouse ties behind her neck and hangs down to her thighs.  Tied at the waist by a lighter purple sash.  Light leather, fingerless and toeless, gloves and sandals is the only other clothing.

“I'm Seylia of the Eyjen and you like to call us ‘beastkin.’”  Actually points to herself.  “Duke Airnett's slave until he died.  A bodyguard for his grace on top of my night duties.  Only gifted to him a year ago, so I'm still fresh!”  Fresh?  “Pretty good with swords and the bow.”  Wink?  “Thank you master.”

Another short name.  Good.

What a fantasy fashion show.  But, uh, what's up with all the cleavage?  The only one not squeezing, pushing, and exposing as much as possible is the cat girl.

Possibly because her blouse's top is so loose that her nipples keep getting exposed whenever she starts bouncing.  Which is a lot.

I'm a guy so, hallelujah, but also a father.  If I'm their master now then I should make them dress more appropriately.  There are lots of guys out there who… who just…

What the fuck am I thinking?!  Oh my god.  Am I?  Have I become?  A… prude?

As Seylia bounces out, hi nipples, Vira comes back in.  About to speak but Avi interrupts me.

“Master.  We know you could not save our fertility.  We also know you want to restore it.”  A couple of the girls tear up immediately.  

“Please understand.  You have already done so much.  Revenge, against the demons that violated us.  Protection, from those who would harm us more.  Healing, beyond the means of this world.  And love, when everyone else abandoned us.”

Vira and Olete support the now sobbing Chyal to keep her from collapsing.  Dara cries quietly.

“While some of us do not wish for children.  Others do.  If you can find a way to resurrect that too?  It will simply be another reason to worship you.”  Avi is dangerous to anyone with an ego. 

“By your side, we can dream again.  It is easy to tell that you are not used to owning others.  Yet we beg.  Do not abandon us.”  Ah hell.  “This world is far crueler than you are.”

They've all locked onto my eyes.  Even Dara, for once.

What else can I do?  Can I really walk away?  They've got skills I don’t.  They know this world and I don’t.

I will protect my son from these scum.  No matter how slight the chance, others might aim for him.  But how do I stop it?  I'm not sure where to even begin.  A counter ritual?  Simply kill everyone who could perform the summoning?

Afterwards, can I even get home?  And I do really want to heal these girls?  I've known women who couldn't but wanted kids and it was hell for them.

Fuck it.

Get out of bed and stand before them. 

“Okay. I will be your master.”  Spread my arms.

The rest break into tears as I clumsily try a group hug.  Crap, I'm still naked aren't I?  Yep.  Dara, let go of that.  Vira, that hole is a finger free zone.


Wiping tears away, Avi steps back and resumes her dignified lady pose.

“Master.  The Knight Captain, Sire Theovald Airnett, came yesterday seeking an audience.”  What's with the bitter face?  “The Church of Metia wants the holy sword returned.”  That's a hateful look. 

“A messenger came before dawn.  He ordered us to prepare to leave the camp today but then another messenger arrived and ordered us to remain.”

Might as well get this over with.

“Let's pay captain tin can a visit.”

Angelles, Avalina Faphyri (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • Magic
    • Light (adv), Water (int), Air (bsc)
  • Slave
    • The Beast
  • Former Oracle of Metia
    • Universal Church of Metia
  • Daughter of King Arter II of Tourin and Lady Filaurel Inialos Zimel Adceran of Granya

Lucretia, Viridia (female, human, aquecian)

  • the Viper
  • Melee
    • Dagger (adv)
  • Missile
    • Short Bow (adv)
  • Alchemy
    • Poisons (adv)
  • Adventurer
    • Silver ranked
    • Scout class
      • Assassin
  • Slave
    • The Beast
  • "Vira"

Mudarmour, Darabym (female, dwarf, thuriborn)

  • Magic
    • Light (int)
  • Melee
    • Mace (adv)
  • Missile
    • Crossbow (int)
  • Slave
    • The Beast
  • Former Paladin of Chezot
  • "Dara"

Olete (female, human, turinese)

  • the Owl of Boulderwind
  • Magic
    • Earth (bsc)
  • Melee
    • Spear (adv)
  • Adventurer
    • Silver ranked
    • Fighter class
  • Slave
    • The Beast

Seylia (female, beastkin, barbarian)

  • of the Eyjen
  • Melee
    • Scimitar (adv)
  • Missile
    • Short Bow (adv)
  • Slave
    • The Beast
    • Formerly Duke Nigelle Airnett
  • Former Bodyguard of Duke Nigelle Airnett

Trarendore, Chyal Elir Siora (female, elf, granyan)

  • Magic
    • Water (adv), Light (adv)
  • Alchemy
    • Potions (adv)
  • Slave
    • The Beast
  • Former Priest of Amedee

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