A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 9: Change of Plans


Guess I slept straight through my first day as an isekai.  Not going to think too much about what they were doing to me for twenty-four plus hours.

Wouldn't be the first time a woman used me for comfort.  Or vice versa.  Will just keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't start burning when I pee.

Well this is a fantasy world so maybe it will just explode instead?  And the girl will be on the bed saying, “Maybe I should see a doctor about this.”

Hehe. Great stuff Eddie. 

After the girls dress me, now that wasn't awkward, I start heading towards the big top.

It's early enough in the morning that the canvas of the tents is still wet with dew.  Sun low enough to cast long shadows.  With a chilly but refreshing breeze.  And the ground is dry enough to just kick up some dust.

Oh, I have a wardrobe!  Two sets of armor, light and heavy, plus several sets of clothes.  Look like a real fantasy isekai now.  Wondered where the duds came from before Avi explained they had been made for the “vessel” before the ritual.

Duh, feel like an idiot again.  Of course they would do that.  They already know the body I’ll have.  Only smart to prepare clothing and stuff.

Not sold on the black and gold color scheme though.  And what’s the gold flowers on everything?  Apparently that's the royal family's colors and emblem.  Are they a family of gay edgelords?

Might also be a not so subtle hint to others about who my “owner” is.  Yeah.  Not going to happen, assholes.

Does this world have Hawaiian shirts?  Could really go for a nice pair of shorts and sandals.

Speaking of wardrobe, the girls managed to salvage most of their clothes and equipment from the original camp.  So that's where their new stuff came from. 

Of course lost their best gear in the battle but it was a proper expedition.  Meaning they brought spare clothes and equipment.

Because of this, none of my new “slaves” actually look like slaves.  Even the catgirl slave is dressed a lot better than I expected her to be.

Though she was a duke's personal guard and whore after all.

Girls refused to let me go alone to meet tin can so Avi and Vira are flanking me.  Armed but not armored.  Planned to go unarmed but that was vetoed too.  Beginning to wonder who the “master” actually is here.

Not like I actually want to be their master anyway.

Weird walking through camp with Sanctity hanging from my right, and Tormentor from my left.  Never wore swords before.  It's uncomfortable.  Not used to the extra weight on my sides.

Trying to walk all casual like it's just another day at the office but, probably look super dorky.

Girls had already found the belts and scabbards.  Even cleaned them up.  Means I'm looking downright snazzy right now.  Smokin’.  A grade S chuuni.

“It's the Beast.” “Is that the Oracle?” “The Cursed.” “Demon Whores.” “Have they no shame?” “Blasphemy.”

And the like are what we hear whispered as we pass.  Oh, and I'm called the “beast” now.  Well, hehe, they could hardly call me the “hero.”


With a slave harem now?  Figured I might start feeling protective.  Nope.  Pity them more than anything else.

Don't know where these girls are getting their ideas from, but I haven't really done anything for them.  Even the healing.  Only did that because I was pissed off no one else gave a shit.

Then got sort of carried away.

Being reminded by this new nickname.  Realize, I haven't given anyone my actual name yet.  Been here for two days and no one’s asked for it.  Even the girls just call me “master.”

Aren’t there stories where giving your “true” name is bad?  So, uh, what should my isekai name be?  Maybe something cool like Aragorn or Dredd?  Deadpool?  Ainz?

Fuck, what's some game names I used?  How well would whosyourdaddy43 translate into the local lingo?

Crap, here comes the huge tent.  Gotta think of something fast.  Hey.  Since my hair is white, apparently happened during the summoning, why not Geralt or Hajime?  Let's combine them.  Gerime?  Hejalt?  Hehe.  Gary.  Stop it.  Shit.  Hurry up brain!

Got it!  Action stars.  Escape from New York.  Snake Plissken?  Nah.  Big Trouble in Little China?  Yes!  What was his name…  John?  Jack?  Burton?  Barton?  Fuck it.  I'm now John Barton.

Just in time as we reach the clearing around the big top.  It's a bit crowded and they don't look like the knights I already know and loath.  So who are these losers and what's up with the flags?

Avi leans closer.

“The flags of the Lord General and Marquis Lianlaf.  If those flags are here, so is he.  Be cautious, master.  The Lord General commands all of the Tourin armies facing Drasritor.”  She looks thoughtful.  “If he is here something unexpected has occurred.”

Uh, wouldn’t that be me?

Three knight looking types, much better gear compared to the grunts, in black and green approach.

“Hold!  Identify yourself or taste steel!”

Armor is the same metal colors as tin can's boys.  Similar looking pieces too.  Though these use horns for decorating instead of wings.  The cloth under and over the metal is colored in blacks and greens instead of whites and golds.

Their emblem is also a deer, I think.  Not a stupid flower.

These guys look different in another way too.  Tin can's boys look tough, but also pretty.  Like a parade unit.  These guys?  Vets all the way.  Gear is clean, mostly, but well used.  Wouldn't know what to do with themselves in a parade.  Bet they’ll give me a better fight.

Avi is now whispering, desperately, next to me.

“Master, p-please do not k-kill them.”

Stop with the cute stuttering.  Besides, I'm just going to kill this guy.  And maybe those guys.  Those guys over there could probably use a good killing too.

Can’t be murdered to death without murder.

Put my hands on the hilts of my swords and imagine how this guy will look shish kabobed.  Always important to visualize your goals.  See the shish.  Be the kabob.

A voice calls out from inside the giant tent's entrance.

“Captain!  If you want to survive the next few seconds I suggest you do not draw your sword!”  That gets the peanut gallery’s attention.

Hmm…  Do they have body bags in this world?

Why does everyone think it's fine to keep getting in my way?  I'm not pissy because the toasters were talking bad about Avi and Vira.  Already explained that I'm not, so definitely not in a murder mood because of that!

Captain black and green, is confused.

“Count Werclair?  My lord, I have orders to stop anyone approaching!”

A fancily uniformed fellow with a monocle, yes a fucking monocle, walks towards us.

“Count Petrus Werclair.  One of the Lord General's aides.”  Avi is whispering again.

The count stops a safe distance away.  Just beyond where he probably thinks my swords can reach, and bows to Avi.

“Oracle Avalina, it is an honor to meet you again.”  He quickly holds up his hand to stop her interrupting.  “I know you have been cursed and bound yourself to this man.  However, three years ago you stopped an epidemic in my domain.  Saving thousands of lives, including my wife and son.”  Avi starts tearing up.  “You will always be an Oracle to my family.”

Her fingers grasp mine as she gently rests her head on my arm.  Can feel her smiling.  Even if only slightly.  Okay, so maybe I won't kill him.  Well, if the trope sticks then monocle guy will be the spy type and know the other one too.

Monocle now bows to the lady on my other side.  Her fingers are already in my other hand.  Wait, when did that happen?  Didn't I have my hands on my swords?

“Viridia, the Viper, Lucretia.  Was relieved when I heard you joined the Oracle's expedition.  Hoped that would ensure its safety.”  Her grip tightens, ouch.  “When you are more comfortable.  I would like to discuss how the demons learned where and when the ritual was occurring.”

Guess it's my turn.  He goes eye to eye with me.  Well, eye to monocle.

“That must make you, the Beast.”  My hands are on the hilts again.  Avi and Vira’s fingers now gripping my sleeves.  “By the goddess it's really true.”  Eh?  “You really have tamed them both.  Amazing.”

Werclair now bows to me.

“Please forgive my goading.  You've only been here for two days and I have already heard so many unbelievable things about you.”  He adjusts his monocle.  “However, seeing proof that you are mighty enough to convince a divine blade and infernal sword to accept you?”  He shrugs. “It makes the unbelievable more believable.”  Turning his head.  “Satisfied, Lord General?!”

A deep commanding voice bellows from inside the big tent.

“Yes, yes!  Bring them in, Petrus!”

Count monocle leads us inside the big top like tent.  It's partitioned but this room is clearly the biggest.  A ring of stools circle it and on each is some too big for their britches type.

One stool, however, is in front of me and unoccupied.  No thanks, I'll stand.  Easier to start killing if I'm already standing.

As I walk around the outside of the circle, fuck what they wanted me to do, Avi is whispering their names.  Seems to stutter over one though.  

Bless her, but I've never been great with names.  They just seem to go in one ear and out the other.  Maybe it's because I'm an asshole?

“Rude.” “Peasant.” “Boor.”

Is whispered and mumbled as the big wigs turn their stools to keep me in sight.  See?  I can push buttons too. 

The fanciest pants in the room doesn't seem to care though.  Unlike many here?  His clothes show wear and tear.  Look like they've been slept in.

Unshaven.  A grizzly who prefers the outdoors.  Has the vibe of a warrior and commander.  His chair is the biggest in the room.

Count monocle smoothly slides up next to grizzly.  So clean and neat that it's funny seeing the two next to each other.  Monocle positions himself so he can see everyone.

“My Lord General.  I present to you the summoned warrior, Jon Barton.”  Can somehow feel the dropped “h,” but don’t care enough to argue about it.  “Escorted by Oracle Avalina and Adventurer Viridia.”

Not going to call me “beast,” this time?

General grizzly looks me up and down before meeting my eyes.

“You want to kill me.  Do you not?”

The tension in the room goes through the roof.  My hands are still on the hilts of Sanctity and Tormentor.  The girls' hold on my sleeves turn into death grips.  Though Avi's is really shaking.  While a number of big wigs move hands to their own swords.

“I'm considering it.”

I don't see any reason to lie.

This guy is a big wig and he's here.  May know the ritual's details.  Which puts him on my kill list.  If I decide to go that route.  The girls have already caused “issues” with Plan A, killing everyone.

Though they are hardly the only hiccup for Plan A.  I really expected to show up in a palace.  Surrounded by lots of juicy targets and plenty of loot.  Not some remote as fuck ruined church.

The general's eyes narrow.

“You are no child.”  Others look confused except for monocle, who just nods.  “I was informed that the summoned would be a child and so a youth was prepared.”  Grizzly starts shaking his head.  “Yet you do not walk like a child.  Do not stand like a child.  Do not talk like a child.”  Disappointed?  “Who are you?”

Sad that toy soldiers were out of stock?!

Avi must feel me going “hard mode” because she has both hands gripping my arm now.  But what is up with the trembling?  She's yelling at grizzly but staring at me.

“Honorable Lord General!  Please!  The only fault here is mine!”  Sigh.  Tearing up again.  “The only one who must pay for this crime is me.”

No matter how much you keep trying to martyr yourself toots?  I will kill whoever I feel needs killing.

Monocle interjects.

“Consider reports of his terrifying aura confirmed.  My Lord General.”

“Indeed.”  Grizzly leans back and grabs his chin.  “I can see why they ran.  Monstrous.  So much rage.”

Viridia finally speaks.

“They?  Your lord?”

Monocle speaks again.

“The demons, Lady Viridia, have fled.”  Eh?  “Every camp, abandoned.  Every siege, lifted.  Their hosts are withdrawing across the River Black.”  Adjusts monocle.  “With the death of Demon Lord Urnithun and his officers, the demons should be in disarray.  Instead there is a well ordered, and complete, retreat.”

“They knew when and where.  So there must have been observers.  Spies.”  Grizzly comments.  “They should have seen that our casualties were just as important and severe.  As well as the summoned one's hostility to us.  So why retreat?”



I am such a fucking idiot.  Will I ever be clever?  Can't help but chuckle and shake my head.

Monocle is not impressed with me intruding and asks.


“You bitch!”  Oh, now you all gasp.  “So that's why you were so determined.”  Find Avi's eyes.  “Let me guess, plenty of demons know you're an oracle.”  And suddenly, she can't face me.  Knows she's busted.  Really want to stab her right now.  “You knew they were watching.  Didn't you!”

Captain tin can connects the dots first.  Probably some sort of record for his stupid ass.

“You mean, that bath?!  That was her doing?  Ha!”  About to kill that smug fuck.  “Beast.  Her royal siblings often complained about how clever she was.  ‘Tricky Avi’ was what they called her.”  What a shit eating grin.  “Maybe I should have warned you-”

Duke Airnett!  Maybe monocle can tell how close I am to killing everyone here.  “You need to explain this.  Now!

Feel the hilts almost floating in my hands.  Begging to be drawn.  To bathe in bastard and bitch blood.

But before tin can can gloat more?  Pitifulest princess drops to her knees and screams.

I failed!  Yeah that’s loud.  “Thought I would finally redeem myself.  Earn my heart's forgiveness.  Justify the violations.  The humiliations.”  Can she sob on demand?  “Show I was not just another sullied lord's daughter banished to the church.  Another holy whore condemned to serve perverted bishops and twisted dignitaries.”

Damn.  You could hear a pin drop in here.

“Yet I failed.  The ritual failed.  The goddess was not with me.”  Arm wipes her snot covered face.  “We ran out of mana.  Not enough without Metia’s intervention.  So I convinced our escorts.  Even the Grey Sage.”  Painful laughter.  “Ignored their warnings.  Nothing mattered but the shining hero of my dreams.”

Avi struggles to her feet, clenches her fists, and shudders as she breathes.

“The demons came while many were suffering from mana exhaustion.  My pride and fear killed them.  I will forever be stained with their blood!”  And she's laughing again.  “Yet I felt relief.  Was being punished for my crimes.  Earned this suffering.”  Madness in her eyes as they turn to mine.  “Then I failed even more.”

“The boy I longed for finally arrived.”  That's a really crazy smile.  “My failure was complete.”  Everyone, even monocle, looks at Avi with pity or disgust.  “Yet, instead of a son's death?  Witnessed a father's wrath.  I did not take a son from his father.  I took a father from his son.  Witnessed the rage of a god of fire and blood.”

Both monocle and grizzly lock onto me as the realization hits.

Is this pointy eared skank's rant done yet?  Nope.

“Hoped his rage would end with me.  I was wrong.”  You are so dead.  “He was going to kill one, I had yet to apologize too.  We were his enemy.  Not them.”  She's trembling.  “How could I make the demons believe otherwise?  I, a famous oracle, would clean him.  Outside, where everyone could see the new Hero of Tourin.”

She had spread her arms but they drop again as she turns to face me.

“I am your slave, master.”  Bitch, don't look at me.  “Whatever your whim, I will be.  Betraying you shows I am nothing.”  What is this look on her face?  “I tried to steal your son, like a thief.  Tricked you into enslaving me.  Then tricked you into making our enemies, your enemies.”

That look, its worship.  Religious rapture.  What the fuck?

“And how did you answer my sins?  By saving me.”  Crazy bitch is worshiping me?  “After I was sullied, my family threw me away.  After I was cursed, my church threw me away.  After I wronged you?  You healed me.” Totally wacko.  “Restored my broken body, mended my torn mind, and filled my hollow soul.”

Clasped hands and bowed head?  Is she praying to me?

“Master.  I am yours until I die.”

Wow.  That was a…  Christ, one hell of a confession.  Everyone looks exhausted.  Like she's sucked all the energy out of the room.  Even count monocle barely manages an, “I see.”  Well, my turn I guess.

I look at my earnest worshiper.  “Are you done?”

“Master?”  Guess that's a yes.


My right hook connects with her left jaw.  Can hear and feel the crack of breaking bone as Avi lifts several feet in the air and starts to spin counter clockwise.  Her body going horizontal as it follows the head it’s still attached too.  See one, maybe two, teeth go flying out of her mouth.

Around fifteen feet away she crashes back to earth.  Rolling a couple of times before finally coming to rest about dead center in the circle of bigwigs.

[Super Senses] says she's not dead.  Well, not yet.  Hit her hard enough that bone splinters may have gone into the brain.  For a moment I considered a right cross but hitting her face straight on would have definitely been fatal.  At least this way there's a chance she'll survive.

Considering what I just did I expected everyone to freak out.  No one moves a muscle.  Not even tin can.  Either they are still trying to process her confession?  Or that I just killed an oracle right before their eyes with my bare hands.  Well.  Maybe killed.

I don't look at anyone.  Don't speak to anyone.  Just walk out.

Not around the circle this time but straight through it.  Right past the, for now, still breathing slave on the floor.  Vira isn't following me.  Smart, might kill her too.  Pull back my senses because I do not want to see anything.  Do not want to hear anything.

At first?  I'm walking back to my tent.  But then I turn right and head towards the woods in the distance.  Need some space.  Some “me” time to process how fucked I am.

“What a shitty fucked up world.”

Lianlaf, Huguet (male, human, tourinese)

  • the Lion
  • Marquis of Tourin
    • March of Vaegia, one of two Tourinese marches
  • Lord General
    • Wartime rank
    • Commands all Tourinese forces fighting Drasritor
  • "Grizzly," "General grizzly"

Werclair, Petrus (male, human, aquecian)

  • the Clever
  • Count of Tourin
    • County of Cragspire
  • Expat
    • Aquecia
    • Married into Werclair
  • Retainer of Marquis Lianlaf
  • "Monocle," "Count monocle"

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