A Fathers Wrath

Volume 2 Epilogue: Isekai ER

"My Lord!  By your command, the adventurer has been brought to room 152!"


Can barely hear the random dean over the lightning and thunder.  We've been lucky all week.  Only some light showers.  Well isekai mother nature is making up for it tonight.  Nigs sister is here and because of all the partying the first years are doing?

We didn't find out until she was already being carried up to room 152.

So my harem and I are hauling ass from the Grand Hall, to Kashiwa Hall.  Running as best we can across the wet bricks and trying not to fall.  Don't want to end up needing a doctor ourselves.

Nor are we alone.

An entire cast of characters has insisted on coming with us.  Every researcher wants to see major [Recovery Magic] in action.  The black sheep squadron squadron has been standing by, and is now helping to get the patient prepped.

On tonight's episode of Stormgarde ER.

All the deans are with us.  Even lamer saruman is doing an impressive sprint.  Good god.  Must be forty-fifty people, at least.  Hitomi is even tagging along.  Though she hasn't been told about room 152 yet.

Of course, with this crew?  Not a drop is falling on us.  Its pouring but multiple barriers are keeping the drops away.  Dozens of invisible umbrellas.  All we have to worry about is the slick ass ground.

Maids militant are waiting and the doors open as soon as we reach Kashiwa Hall.  Even have rugs laid out for us to dry our shoes on.  Its wet again though as soon as we reach the stairs.

No, the roof hasn't sprung a leak.  This is blood.  A lot of blood.  Combat maids are in action cleaning but, yeah, there's a lot.

In a carriage for days with 16/8 healing and she's still bleeding this much?  What kind of insane fucking curse is she under?


Yeah that sounds, unhealthy.  Heard it thru the barriers even.

Doors to 152 are open so I walk right in.  Black and greens, combat maids, and undead, are assembled and ready for anything.  My harem follows me.

Lili and Clari, who also scored in the top fifty, but I'm not jealous!  Ahem.  Lili and Clari stay at the door and coordinate the rest entering.  Making sure everyone stays out of my way.

The formerly table-less room now has one table at its center.  On top of it is a large powerful woman, in incredible pain.  Her mana and spirit look twisted to [Super Senses].  This goes beyond a curse.  This is more like...

"Possession."  Frankie beats me to the diagnosis.

I am impressed.  "Good eyes Frankie.  Do you know what type?"

"Wraith Lord.  A strong one, master."

This is why her wounds can't heal.  No matter how many times the healers close them?  No matter much blood they cause her body to produce?  The astral undead within her just rips them open again and forces the blood out.

At the same time its clawing at her soul too.  Within her aura.  So her spirit is more vulnerable than normal.  At some point during the battle it must have forced its way thru.  Perhaps at some point she was too injured to fight back?

She's fighting now though.  Thru all the agony, struggling with this thing that's gotten inside her.  Quite remarkable to hold on for this long.

"Huga..."  Nigs whimpers.  Huga?

His sister.  No, more like his twin.  Is suffering terribly.  Her right leg is severed at the knee.  Right arm and much of the right shoulder, gone.  Large "bites" have been taken out of the rest of her body.  How is she still alive?

Red looks, stunned.  Pale.  Almost, haunted.  She probably saw injuries like this during the demon invasion.

"Jon.  C-can you, save her?"

"I don't know Red.  But at least what I thought would be the hard part, isn't."

Hitomi has walked over.

"What do you mean Jo-, I mean, Lord Barton?"  Get too informal and you'll upset my wives, ninja girl.

"Well curses are diverse, so it can be hard to hunt down the source and clean it out."  Motion to the thrashing body.  "This though?  Its more possession than curse.  Not a demon either.  This is a child of death."  Hold up my hand.  "And death?"


Nigs sister's violently shaking body suddenly stills after I snap my fingers.

"Is sort of my thing."

While Huga may now be free of the hate filled spirit?  The wraith is also now freed from the fleshy prison.  Room 152 is immediately filled with cold terror and endless spite as a dark form begins taking shape above her.

For about a second.

After that second, Mr. Wraith Lord is ripped apart by dozens of spells, cantrips, charms, enchantments, and about every other type of magic you could imagine.  Yeah.  There is a whole shitload of firepower assembled in this room right now.

Goodbye Mr. Wraith Lord.  Should have saved him?  Meh...  He seemed like an asshole anyway.

Another random dean steps up.

"Lord Barton.  The material has been brought and is finished being setup."

"Thank you."  I approach the table, and what the school has setup beside it.

Besides the difficulty with simplifying [Recovery Magic]?  There is the problem of fueling it.  No matter how much you have.  If you start draining your tank too fast?  It starts overflowing.  And you get into a dangerous situation.  Like when I healed Blue.


Don't burn your own mana.

So the first thing I wanted once Nigs accepted my condition?

Mana stones.

Lots and lots of mana stones.

The same mana stones that gave me the juice to survive the church ambush?  Will, hopefully, let me lower my mana consumption rate to a more manageable level.

So let's do this thing!


Whoa.  Oh yeah, feels like I just got a second gas tank.

"[Embrace of Hygieia]"

Clean her up.  Some spots already look gangrenous.  So much damage.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

Need to jump start tissue regeneration and blood production on top of what the guild healers have been doing.  Now that a wraith isn't destroying whatever they do, from the inside.

"[Vision of Isis]"

So I can see what everything looked like.  What was connected to what.  Feed mana into [Super Senses], turning me into a human cat-scan.

Time to go big or go home.  Well if I could go home, I would.  But I can't, so I have to go big?  ...  Need a better catchphrase.

[Bullet Time]

Lets slow everything way down.  Or rather, speed everything way up.

"[Chiron's Fingers] [Blessing of Imhotep] [Aceso's Spirit] [Skill of Chiron]"

White-hot spikes drive into my brain.  Is this the first time I've quad-casted?  There's so much severe damage that I need to rebuild, everything.  Phasing my fingers lets me reach into every nook and cranny.  Regrow the heavier denser bones and tissues.  Rebuild the more complex and dynamic tissues and organs.  Attach everything together.

The merged Sim-Fer and Oda-Mar are quickly beside me.  Supporting me.  Their corpse touch cooling the searing pain in my mind.  Their four spirits, soothing my strained concentration.  My fracturing focus.  Feels like my head now has a neck brace of boobs.

"Why is he suddenly smiling like that?"

Maybe you'll develop those powers someday too, princess loli Isabeau.

"Probably part of the incantation."

Sadly Frosty, you clearly don't have the "aptitude" for [Boob Magic].  Maybe if you massaged them every day?

"[Imhotep's Guidance]"

Since I'm recreating bones from scratch?  They are all, off a bit.  Need to mold and remold them until the shapes and alignment to fit [Vision of Isis] and my own opinion.

"[Touch of Menerva]"

With the blur phase of rebuilding and reshaping her body finished?  Time to quick-start, again, the more common tissues filling in and blood production.

"[Gift of Hepius]"

Mold the tissues and align them.  Closing gaping wounds.  Layering.  Curing the new raw flesh.

"[Hepius Weaving]"

With such horrendous damage, and replacement parts unavailable, many spots require suturing.

"[Airmed's Hands]"

Rub down the entire body.  Oda-Mar and Sim-Fer helping me move her as needed so I can reach every spot.  The finishing touches on restoring her skin.

"[Breath of Airmed]"

Of course with all the trauma and raw tissue the swelling is ridiculous.  Soothe the tender nerves.  Cool and reduce the inflammation.

"[Aid of Ourai]"

Her astral form has been thru a lot too.  Never used this one before.  Replenish the non-corporeal form?  Repair and strengthen the astral cutaneum?  Huh?  Wish my grimoire didn't read like stereo instructions.

"[Eyes of Ouroboros]"

Check the 'health' of the body.  Looking for possible sources of infection.  Misaligned repairs.  And shit I just screwed up.  Recast and revisit a few of those.  All minor though, thank god.

"[Kiss of Grannus]"

On her forehead.  Blessing of comfort.  Rest.  Emotional context and support.  The "it's gonna be alright" and "I am going to be alright."


Fuck.  Ha!  It worked.  Not getting that, I'm going to pass out and be reverse raped by every woman in town with a working womb, feeling.  Frankie might be disappointed though.  Meh...  She'll probably just slip a mickey into my whiskey, so all the girls, can get my dickey.

Need to update my resume.  Isekai Plastic Surgeon.  Isekai Therapist.  And now?  Isekai Poet.  See?!  Three hundred and forty-third place my ass.  But I'm not upset!

Wow.  She really does look like Nigs' twin.  The chick version.  Lots more muscle though.  She may not be as big as gorilla was?  But even passed the fuck out?  Looks like she could rip him into tiny itty bitty pieces.

So this is a Mithral rank adventurer.  With that wraith pulled out and her spirit and aura restored?  You can see this girl has monster level power.  Not a lady I would want to pick a fight with.  Even winning will probably hurt.  A lot.

What's that?  Huh.  The room is glowing again.  Not as bad as what my shadows showed from healing Blue though.  Good, progress.  Everyone is either staring at me or Huga.  Did I miss something?

Oh, shit, she's nekid.  Quick.  Ah, thank you, Blue.  Your cloak will work perfectly.

The mana stones are interesting.  Only about half of them have turned to dust.  That's a lot less than I expected.  My mana ocean isn't as empty as I figured either.  Is using two mana sources at once more efficient?  More magic bang per mana buck?

Hope the guild bought a "warehouse's worth" of mana stones, because I ain't doing this without them.

Turn to face the harem and about faceplant.  My angels of death catch and brace me.  Thank you loves.  May not be fainting but I'm still feel wiped the fuck out.

"The operation is complete.  She will need rest and time to adjust.  But her performance should return in time."  Got no idea how long that might take though.  I'm not a rocket scientist.

But I did stay at a medieval inn express.  Once.

Oh?  Good.  The glow is already starting to fade.  Easier to see.  Why?  Why is everyone still staring?  Wow, how long did this take?  Looks like the storm outside is over.

"Hello?  Is there a problem?"  Did I leave my fly open?

Well I am drenched in blood but, you know, the patient had a lot of blood in her.  Some of that, in this case a lot of that, was bound to get on me.  Memo to self.  Stop wearing white clothes.

Seems lamer saruman is the first to focus again.

"Uh...  No.  No, my Lord Barton.  We...  We have just not quite ever seen anything like... that, before.  It is, rather, remarkable and difficult to accept.  Even seeing it with my own eyes."

Random dean whispers.

"343?  Maybe he is an idiot savant?"

Thank you!  I figured that score had to be bogus.  Hey.  Wait.  Isn't that a bad thin-  Frosty?  She's suddenly in front of me with, ouch, a death grip on my wrist.  You know?  That's a kinda scary look in your eyes there.

"Onii-chan!  Baby!  Now!"

Yeah, someone's biological clock just started ringing.  Hard.


"Ow...  Ushi...  I just..."  Embarrassed loli is embarrassed.  "Oh, sorry.  Got excited there.  Nyan?"  No no no.  Don't you make that anime cat sound around me.  "We will talk about this, later.  O-nii-cha-n."

And practically skips over to the emergency huddle the rector and deans seem to have going on.

Oh boy.

"Nigs?  Where...  Am I?"

The jolly thief is leaning over his sister who has her eyes groggily opening as he runs his fingers thru her hair and has tears streaming down his face.

"There was an, accident."  Accident?  "You were badly hurt."  He points at me.  "My friend saved you.  Did what no one else could do.  You rest now.  I will take care of everything."

"O-okay broth..."  And she's out again.

Nigs gives me a super serious look.  Really doesn't fit his jolly face.

"Lord Barton?  Anything you want?  Tell me.  I will get it for you."

"Just take care of your sister for now Mister Nigs."

Not pass outy, but I am dizzy.  The rest of the harem joins in and helps me over to a stool against a window.  Wow, feel like I just pulled a double-shift.  Maybe even a triple.


Smoke?  Uumph.  Unm?  Hitomi?

Before I even think it, my arms are wrapped around Thief Hero and we are doing our damnedest to crawl inside each other thru our mouths.  Tongues, lips, even teeth.  Licking, sucking, biting.  Wow, she's a good kisser.

Finally, she releases my mouth.  We are both panting but I doubt my face is anywhere near as bright red as hers.  My mouth and brain aren't communicating too well right now.


She grabs the front of my now blood soaked dress jacket with both hands and looks deep into my eyes.

"M-me f-first.  W-why?  Why d-did you fight s-so hard to s-save her?"

What?  Isn't it obvious?

I cup her face with my hands.

"Hitomi.  I'm a necromancer.  Who in this world could possibly know more about how precious life is, than one surrounded by death."

Shinobi girl's face lights up.

"Thank you."

She's lost me again.


She gives me another kiss.  Shorter this time.  I want more.

"For being real."  Her hand cups my face now.  "And a great kisser."


And she's gone.  I wonder if she has a twin named Fook Yu.  Could finally line out that item on my list.

Where did she go?  Ah.  She's with Milti-Juri.  Outside?  And they're squealing, and jumping, and...  Yep, girl talk.  The unbreakable cypher.  So I'm not going to have any clue on what's being said.  Oh well.

That was some kiss.


Volume 2.

Huga (female, human, tourinese)

  • Adventurer
    • Mithral ranked
    • Fighter class

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