A Fathers Wrath

Volume 2 Extra: Demons

Xarkiun Keep, Kriotux.


In western Drasritor there sits a solitary fort among gloomy mountains.  These rough peaks are cold and bleak.  The stronghold looks equally unforgiving.  In its tallest tower, lies a room of dark marble with a giant fireplace.  The room's only source of light this late at night.


Among the exquisite furniture is a four poster canopied bed.  Large enough for two dozen to sleep comfortably.


On this bed is a large man.  A beastkin.  Demon-beastkin.  Lying on his back and releasing everything into the woman straddling him.  He does not know how many times this makes.  Does not even know the time.  He can only think of, her.

Her has red skin and long graceful dancer's legs.  Coming up to meet a snug but still plenty to grab heart shaped butt.  The hourglass body has a tight belly with just the slightest hint of muscle meeting large round shaped breasts.

Slender, but also showing a little muscle, arms end in elegant hands with long dark blue nails at the end of each finger.  One hand has a firm grip on the demon-beastkin's chest while also teasing one of his nipples.

The other is using a fingernail to draw intricate designs on her new lover's torso.  The nail is so sharp that it leaves a slight trace of blood along its path.  Behind her a soft sensitive ribbed tail teases her lover's flesh.

Above quivering shoulders is a neck that begs to be bitten and a heart shaped face.  With dark blue pouty lips, deep golden eyes, and straight dark blue hair reaching all the way down her back to her ass.  A pair of delicate horns reach back from behind her ears.

And coming out of her upper back.  Behind her shoulder blades.  Two, folded in, bat-like wings.

The Lady Khirsa Zuzzoros, the Ruin of Calador.

The Demon Lady of Kriotux slams her hips down on to her new Demon Lord's waist one last time.  Then watches her new 'masters' eyes roll back into his head as he loses consciousness.

"Humph.  At least he is better looking than the last one.  Not as much stamina though."

She deftly dismounts from her new 'lord' and lands, standing next to the giant bed.  Slaves rush in with cloth and pails of perfumed water from the corners of the room they have been cowering in.  Quickly but lightly scrubbing every inch of her clean.

Once she has been cleaned, and cleaned out.  Higher ranking slaves move in and dress the lady of this castle in the finest attire, looted from a dozen lands.  Dressed to impress, Lady Zuzzoros looks approvingly in a mirror brought over by still more slaves.

After finishing her inspection.  She turns and walks towards the balcony dominating another wall of the room.  Taking a left and entering a smaller room.  This one dominated by a desk, instead of a bed, that's covered with papers.

Her chamberlain is waiting for her and kneels as soon as she enters.

"My Lady.  How was your honeymoon?"

Khirsa narrows her eyes after she sits in the beautifully appointed chair behind the desk.

"Anything is an improvement over a demon-ogre.  The only thing I appreciated about Ignith?  His stamina."

Jorgun nods.  "Did Lord Dezzodag like his gift?"

Every male who lays with his Lady in that bed, does not leave it before her.  And when they do finally get up?  Their desire to please the Lady fills their heart, or hearts.  Well, there was one exception.

"Of course.  He was nothing like that, bastard."

His Lady can only grind out the last word.  Countless males have laid with his Lady in that bed.  Only one left it before the Lady Zuzzoros.  Only one conquered her, in that bed, instead of being conquered.

The reigning Demon King, Gazrakix.  The only male to ever bind her.  Ever since, she could not deny him.  Could not resist even the slightest request or whim.

Just the lightest whisper from him in bed during his last 'visit,' caused the Lady who brought low the mighty Calador to empty the treasury, gather a massive army, and send her husband to lead it into Tourin.

She despised being on the receiving end of what she had done to so many men.  Hated it with every cell of her being.  But knew, better than anyone, how powerless she was against it.


Grinding her slightly pointed teeth in frustration.  She resolved herself to deal with the mountain of documents that always seemed to magically grow on its own.

Then a pleasant thought attracted her stymied mind.

"Oh.  Jorgun.  How is my Beast?"

The chamberlain showed a frown for only the slightest second.  His Lady seemed to be becoming more and more enamored with the strange being that had been summoned by that oracle and her.  And he did not approve of it one bit.

But he would never let his opinion interfere with his duties.

"The agents around him continue to operate, almost openly.  Ours and others.  The senior on site reports again that it appears Lord Barton has seen thru their disguises but has no interest in exposing them or interfering."

"Whenever the matter is brought up by anyone?  The Black Lion still repeats that as long as we do not interfere or bring danger to him or his lovers?  He does not care what we do."

"Black Lion?"  A confused look on the Demon Lady's face.

"That is what some are beginning to call him.  There was an incident where several thousand witnessed Lord Barton's strength.  Afterward the name began gaining more popularity."

Khirsa's eyes narrow again.  "What incident?"

"An assassination attempt."

"What?!"  The succubi is instantly standing.  "Is my Jon okay?"

Another moment of a frown.  "Viscount Barton was injured but has recovered.  He did not even need to summon his Shadow Dragon."

The Lady giggles.  "Fufu.  He beat four dragons and even stripped one of its soul while it was still alive."  A fist clenched tight enough to draw blood.  "That's something even that bastard can't do."

It is the chamberlain's turn to look confused.

"Fufu?  My Lady?"

A dismissive wave.  "Nothing Jorgun.  Just an expression from his world.  I have been practicing for his turn in that bed."  A tilted head.  "Why did our agents not step in?"

She wouldn't like this.  "They are still under orders from the Demon King to observe only.  They are not to interfere even if Lord Barton were to die."  Hopefully soon.


A priceless statuette from a long lost kingdom goes flying thru a glass window to plummet into the inky depths below.

"Bastard!"  Fingernails dig into the top of an ancient wood desk that once graced the private office of an elven king.  "I will find a way to break this charm curse and then I will break him!"

The disappointed demonette, slumps down and back into her chair.

"My lady, Lord Dezzodag is stirring."  Half the castle should be after that.

"Tch.  Send slaves and she-demons to exhaust him.  I do not care how many."

Jorgun signals to slaves in the corner who leap to obey.

"It is done, my Lady.  ...  There is, another matter."

He gets the side eye from his Lady.

"What is it Jorgun?"

"One of the Aquecian Heroes has arrived and plans to attend Stormgarde."  He mentally braces himself for another tirade.

"And?"  But one never comes.

"My Lady, she may have designs on Viscount Barton.  In fact it appears more women are arriving.  While he has only three wives and three concubines?  His list of mistresses seems to be growing by the-"

"Jorgun.  Why would I care about that?"

"Will they not be competition?  Rivals?"

"Haha-!"  Ahem  "Fufu."  His Lady adjusts her laugh.  "Chamberlain.  I do not care how many women my Beast keeps.  As long as he's mine.  As long as he's in that bed.  Vilesh's crabs!  He can fuck thousands, have hundreds of babies, and I will not give one damn!"

The dignified demon servant is confused.

"B-but...  M-my Lady?"

"Jorgun.  Understand this.  He has a magic penis.  I have a magic vagina.  When we make love, the pit itself will shake.  But that is nothing compared to what else he will give me."


"He has a vast supply of mana.  Yet he can also absorb mana from things like mana stones.  He can heal any injury.  He can even repair and resummon his undead army endlessly.  As long as he has enough, mana."

For possibly the first time in his life.  Jorgun Irzezath's face, turns pale.

"Vilesh have mercy."

Jorgun wants to shrink from the genuine madness he see's in his Lady's eyes.

"Ha!  See now?  A vast immortal undead and demon army.  A Lich King and Demon Queen.  No!  A Lich God and Demon Goddess!  Tourin?  Dirt.  Drasritor?!  Nothing!"

"My lady.  P-please calm yourself.  You have s-still not completely healed."

The Ruin of Calador's trembling fingers dig into the ancient desk.

"He will be mine, Jorgun.  I will be his.  And the entire world, will be ours."

Dezzodag, Xugloaz (male, demon, drasritorn)

  • Demon-Beastkin
  • Demon Lord
    • Kriotux

Gazrakix (male, demon, drasritorn)

  • Demon-Elf
  • Demon King
    • Drasritor

Irzezath, Jorgun (male, demon, drasritorn)

  • Demon-Human
  • Chamberlain
    • Xarkiun Keep

Zuzzoros, Khirsa (female, demon, drasritorn)

  • the Ruin of Calador
  • Succubi
  • Demon Lady
    • Kriotux
  • Relationship Status
    • In a relationship, but keeping her options open
  • "Demon girl," "Horny babe," "Sleazy"

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