A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 18: Happy Grandma

Min sat on the floor, her back against the floor, entirely naked. White cum was leaking from beneath her legs, staining the floor. In her arms, she held crying, dark green baby.

“There there, little guy. Grandma’s gotcha,” Min said, while carefully caressing the orcish baby. Akon managed to find one of Min’s naked breasts in his hands, and immediately started nibbling on her nipple, thus stopping the crying. However, when nothing came out, the baby was quite puzzled.

“I’m sorry, but grandma doesn’t have any milk yet,” Min said, as she looked at the green child, still sucking on her nipple.

Min was still early in her pregnancy, and wasn’t even showing yet. Her belly was as flat as it always was.

“Oh well, let’s go pay a visit to your mommy,” Min said, before standing up. It had been a few weeks since Ellie gave birth, and today, she had officially gone back to work. Therefore, Min had gladly taken the responsibility of looking after baby Akon.

Min quickly got dressed in a short skirt and tight bra top. This particular top squeezed her boobs together, emphasizing her cleavage.

“Dralu, Akon and I are going to pay Ellie a visit,” Min said to Dralu, who was casually training.

“Alright. See you later,” Dralu replied. Min walked out the building, holding Akon in her arms. The chubby baby looked quite a bit older than he was, due to the size his orcish blood gave him. But Min still thought he was adorable, and loved holding him close to her body.

She was looking forward to seeing how he’d look when he grew up, but then again, she also dreaded the day. She was a bit worried that she’d end up like Ellie.

Ellie had grown up rapidly, before her aging slowed down. This was due to the Goblin blood in her, of course.

Luckily, Min wasn’t too worried about this in her new, still unborn child. Min no longer possessed goblin blood. Either the new baby would grow up at a somewhat normal pace, or much slower. Min wasn’t quite sure. Of course, it was also possible for something unexpected to happen.

Min soon arrived at the restaurant, the Saucy Chick. Min quite liked the place. It was nice and decadent, with all the waiters being female, and dressed in skimpy outfits. It wouldn’t be much different if they were naked.

If Min wasn’t apprenticed to Altraz, she wouldn’t mind working there. She’d definitely be popular, since she’d never say no to a customer who wanted to fuck her.

Min walked straight to the kitched, but when she didn’t see Ellie there, she walked to the nearest staff member present.

“Hey, do you know where Ellie is?” Min asked, drawing the cook’s attention.

“Ellie? She’s with the boss in his office. Is this Ellie’s baby? Green, no wonder,” the cook said, looking at the adorable Akon.

“Yup, this is Akon. He’s hungry, so I’m bringing him to his mommy for some milk. Thanks for the help,” Min said. Then, she walked straight towards the office. When she got closer, she started hearing moans coming from beyond the door. A smirk crept on Min’s lips.

“Your mommy seems to be having fun. A shame we have to interrupt her, but your needs are more important than sex, little guy. Believe it or not,” Min said. Finally, she opened the door into the office.

Indeed, Ellie was being ferociously pounded from behind. Min could clearly see the orc’s huge cock penetrate into Ellie’s pussy, spreading it wide.

Upon hearing the door open, Ellie looked behind her, seeing Min and Akon. A squeal escaped her, as she hurriedly moved away from the orc.

One thing was if Min saw her having sex, but Akon seeing her was still a bit too shameful for young Ellie.

“Mom,” Ellie said, as she quickly walked over to Min, and took her baby. Upon seeing her mother, Akon showed glee, as he made his way to her breast. In just a moment, Akon had started suckling on Ellie’s blue nipple, drawing warm milk from her.

“Hello, love. Little Akon was hungry, so I had to bring him over. A shame you had to stop having sex, but you can continue after Akon is done drinking,” Min said. However, as she spoke, Min wasn’t even looking at Ellie. Her eyes were stuck on the orc’s huge cock. It was one of the biggest Min had ever seen, and she was hungry for it.

“You know, the two of us can finish, while Ellie feeds the little one,” the chef said, looking at Min.

“I would definitely be into that. But it’d be sloppy seconds for you. I just had sex a little while ago. Look,” Min said, before spreading her leg into the air, revealing her still cum filled pussy.

Min didn’t bother clean her pussy out, since she enjoyed the feeling of semen inside her, anyway.

“You’re even easier than Ellie is. But I don’t do sloppy seconds. Oh well,” the orc said.

“If you say so. But I really want to get fucked by that huge cock of yours. I’ll certainly come back some other time,” Min said, a bit unwilling to let that massive slab of meat go.

“You really are a slut, aren’t you. Must be in your blood,” the orc said, before letting out a deep laugh.

“Of course! I bride myself in all girls with my blood being sluts! Although, right now, there’s only Ellie and me. But I’m already pregnant, and if I get another daughter, I’m sure she’ll be a good little slut, too. You know, I don’t get why people are so difficult when it comes to sex. The world would be a much better place, if every had sex with each other. Including family. You know, I’ve had sex with all my family members, except Akon, of course. I’ve had sex with my dad, my mom, my brother and sister, Ellie, and even Ellie’s boyfriend!” Min said, as if bragging. Min’s sexual history was something she took bride in.

“What? You two have really had sex together?” The orc asked, as he looked at Ellie and Min. Ellie only nodded in answer.

“Sure. The first time was one of the happiest days in my life! Ellie was feeling sad, so I made her feel better with my tongue. Next time I come, the two of, daughter and mother will make you feel real good. I’ve never had a three some with anyone else than Kinder, with Ellie. Us two sluts, and you. What do you say, honey?” Min said, as she took Ellie into a one armed hug.

“Sure, we can do that. It’d be nice, actually,” Ellie said. Ellie would feel more comfortable having sex with the orc in her mom’s company. Sex with the orc was definitely the best sex she had, but it made her a bit ashamed. If Min was there, it’d be better.

“Hah! Then I look forward to fucking the two of you!” The orc exclaimed.

“Of course! Well, it seems Ellie is about done. Remember orc, don’t start fucking my dear Ellie before I get here tomorrow! Tomorrow, I want first access to your cock! See ya,” Min said, as she took Akon from Ellie’s hands.

“See you later, mom,” Ellie said, as she walked towards her boss. Before leaving the room, Min saw Ellie kneel down between her boss’s knees, and take his cock into her mouth. She could also see just how wet Ellie was. She was clearly quite eager to get fucked again.

Of course, Min could definitely understand. If had been Ellie coming over with Min’s baby, Min wouldn’t have stopped having sex. She’d just have fed the child, while still getting fucked.

“Aren’t you excited, little guy? Tomorrow, you’re gonna watch your mom get fucked. You know, when your mom was just a baby, she saw me get fucked many times. Hmm, but you’re a boy, so it might be even better for you. Not that you even know how awesome sex is yet,” Min spoke, as she walked through the streets, happily holding the baby in her arms.

She got quite a few strange stares from the passersby. There were probably more than a few people who wanted to take poor Akon away from her hands. But how could they understand the intricacies of Min’s family? Akon would definitely grow up to be just like his mother and grandmother, when it came to sex.

Min was already thinking of how many great grandchildren Akon would spawn for Min. As he went about, he’d be sure to get quite a few girls pregnant. After all, contraception was a difficult thing to get your hands on.

Although, there was also the possibility Akon wouldn’t be quite as successful in sexual affairs as his relatives. After all, Kinder had only had sex with three girls, that being his two girlfriends, and Min.

But then again, Kinder didn’t really go around looking for girls to fuck. He was satisfied what he already had.

 Min soon arrived back home. When she entered the apartment, she saw Dralu, drenched in sweat. He was drinking a beverage, most likely alcoholic in nature.

“How’s our little grandson doing? Was he happy to see his mother?” Dralu asked, a smile growing on his face as he saw Akon. He was naturally quite doting on the child, since it was his grandson.

“He was very happy and got a big drink from his mommy. He also got to see his mommy get fucked for the first time. Ellie and her boss were really going at it, when we arrived,” Ellie said. Min knew that Dralu didn’t exactly like hearing about his daughter’s sexual exploits, but she told him anyway. It was fun teasing him.

And if she didn’t tell him about these things, he’d never grow to accept the sexual nature Min wanted him to have. It was Min’s dream to have a threesome with him and Ellie. Ellie wanted this, too.

Yes, Min’s family was close, closer than most. Most people would be disgusted by them, and in fact, Dralu was slightly disgusted. But Ellie took no shame in the fact that she wanted her father’s cock. She wouldn’t deny the part of her that was Goblin, and the part of her which bore Min’s blood.

But it was far harder to indoctrinate an old man like Dralu into their way if living, than it had been for the young Kinder. Dralu had already lived for a hundred years. Corrupting him was a challenge.

But the girls in his life still had hope.

“What? Ellie is still doing that with him? I thought that Orc would stop after getting her pregnant,” Dralu said, clearly dissatisfied with the chef. Dralu did little to hide his dislike for Ellie’s boss. If he was a bit stronger, Dralu might even confront him himself. But he was no match for the veteran adventurer.

“Of course they’re still fucking! After tasting a cock like his, it’ll be hard to let go. Mmh, he was so big. Tomorrow, I’m going to have sex with him as well. I would have done it today, but he said he didn’t like sloppy seconds,” Min said, her cheeks growing rosy, as she thought about that tasty girth.

“He must be quite big, if you’re all caught up with him like that. I don’t have to be worried you won’t want to have sex with me because I’m not big enough, do I?” Dralu said, half-jokingly.

“Of course not! He might be a bit bigger than you, but sex with you is still the best, because you’re the one I love. And besides, you’re pretty big yourself, you know. I wouldn’t trade your dick for anything!” Min said, her cheeks growing even rosier.

“That’s good to know. And I love you, too,” Dralu said.

“I know you do,” Min replied, before standing up on her toes and giving Dralu a wet kiss. Dralu took Min into his arms, one hand pressing against her curvy butt, only the thin fabric of the skirt between them.

The two lovers’ tongue intertwined and twirled around each other, as the two made out, careful not to crush the baby between their bodies.

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