A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 19: Dralu

Min walked through the packed streets, holding the little baby Akon in her arms. The two were on their way to pay a visit to Ellie at work. And Min was particularly excited today. After all, Min and that orcish boss of Ellie’s had made a deal that the next time they met, they’d definitely have sex.

Min entered the restaurant, filled with lecherous customers and scantily clad waitresses. By now, she was familiar enough with the restaurant that she walked straight for the kitchen, where Ellie usually worked.

Min quickly spotted her daughter. She was toiling over a counter, preparing food. When Ellie noticed Min, she handed her work over to someone else, and jogged straight for her mother.

Ellie actually somewhat of a high status around here, being able to just hand her work over to someone else. This was basically because she was the head chef’s bitch, and everyone knew it.

Those who were treated by the boss as fucktoys also had the added benefit that they could be more lax in their work.

Ellie immediately took Akon out of Min’s hands and hugged him as lovingly as only a mother would. At his mother’s embrace, Akon showcased clear excitement and happiness.

“You’re such a good boy,” Ellie said, as she nuzzled Akon’s cheek. It was tough for her, to be apart from her baby. However, Ellie had a dream she wanted to follow, and she wasn’t willing to completely sacrifice it, even if it was for her son.

Besides, Ellie only worked for six hours every day now, instead of the usual twelve. And Min also took Akon to visit every day. Due to this, Ellie was able to bear with it.

“Thanks for bringing him, mom,” Ellie said, smiling. She already missed the boy dearly.

“No problem! The boy needs his sustenance, you know? Shall we go visit that fiendish boss of yours? I also need sustenance, if you know what I mean,” Min said, smiling mischievously. It was rare for Min to get a taste of a truly enormous cock. She definitely had intention to have lots of fun with that Orc in thet future.

“Sure. You can have sex with him while I feed Akon,” Ellie said, as she started leading Min towards the office. Even though he called himself the head chef, the Orc spent remarkably little time outside that office of his.

He would only come out occasionally to shout and stuff. And to bring one of his so called bitches into his office for a good fuck.

“Ah, if it isn’t the mother daughter pair. Have you come to fulfill our little deal?” The Orc said, as he saw Min and Ellie enter the room.

“Definitely! I’ve been so eager to get fucked by you that I even dreamed about it. Let’s get started right away,” Min said, as she pulled her top off, revealing her nude breasts as they dropped and bounced out of the fabric.

The Orc looked hungrily at the two mounds, and Min immediately noticed a slight bulge growing in the man’s pants.

“Well, get over here and get me hard, then,” the Orc said, waving for Min to get closer.

“Yes!” Min said, eagerly. She ran over and jumped down on her knees. She unbuttoned the Orc’s pants, and pulled out the thick, but still mostly flaccid piece of meat out.

Min started jerking him off, and licking the shaft with her tongue. When the cock had gotten a bit harder, she enveloped it with her mouth, taking it into her throat. She massaged him with her tongue, as she bopped her head up and down, taking the entire length into her throat, repeatedly.

Ellie watched for a moment, as her mother gave her boss a blowjob. Then, she took a seat, and took off her own top. Akon quickly grabbed at her breast, and started sucking.

As Akon drank, Ellie alternated between watching him, and look at Min, while she sucked the Orc off.

After a while, the Orc finally came inside Min’s mouth, giving her a huge load to drink.

“So tasty!” Min squealed, after having swallowed the last mouthful. The orc had cum so much that Min couldn’t even contain it all in her mouth. By now, her chin and breasts had become covered in the slimy substance.

“Now please, good Sir, fuck me from behind!” Min said, as she turned around and got on all fours. Min was still wearing her skirt, but she never wore underwear, so her pussy was in plain sight for the Orc to see.

“Certainly!” The Orc said, as he placed himself behind Min. He grabbed the Dhampir’s ass with his two hands, and positioned the tip of his cock outside Min’s wet pussy. Then, with a single thrust, he pushed all the way into her.

“Aaaah!” Min moaned, as she felt her pussy lips part for the thick rod. The moment his cock slammed into Min’s cervix, he pulled back and and thrust back in.

With vicious force, the Orc slammed into Min repeatedly, drawing loud and rapid moans out of her mouth. Akon stared at her, a curious look in his eyes.

Ellie on the other hand, almost looked envious. After all these months, she’d come to like getting fucked by the Orc to a tremendous degree. That pure, insane amount of pleasure was something only her boss’s cock could give her.

Of course, she still loved having sex with Kinder, but he wasn’t even close to as big as the Orc.

Min arched her back as she orgasmed with the cock still inside her. This was by far one of the best cocks she’d ever been fucked by.

“Aaaah! It feels amazing!” Min said, as she lost the power in her arms, letting her breasts and face press against the floor.

The Orc continued fucking Min for half an hour, before he came inside her, filling her up with his seed. Seeing the amount this man was capable of unleashing, Min wasn’t surprised at all that he’d gotted Ellie pregnant.

Min was filled to the brim, to the point where cum was leaking out of her, while the cock was still inside her pussy. When the cook finally pulled out, several more streams covered Min’s back, staining her skirt, as well.

Min slumped down on the floor, letting the cum leak on the floor. She’d just had several intense orgasms, and she was exhausted. Luckily, the Dhampir had great endurance, and was able to get back up.

“Man, that was great. I’ll definitely come back for more often. But for now, I’m going to back home. I’ve got a lot of studying to do,” Min said, as she walked towards Ellie, who was still holding Akon.

“Come on, Akon. Don’t worry, grandma was strong arms, so you won’t touch any of the cum at all,” Min said, as she grabbed the boy and held him in front of her, her arms stretched out.

“Oh, wait a second,” Min said, as she remembered her top. She quickly placed Akon down again, and grabbed her top, before taking Akon into her hands again.

However, she decided against wearing her bra, since her breasts were covered in cum. She’d rather not get the top dirty as well.

“See you later, guys! I’ll be back tomorrow,” Min said, looking towards Ellie and Akon’s biological father.

“See ya,” Ellie said, however, she was a bit distant. Min could see some liquid leaking down her thighs. She’d probably gotten horny from watching Min get fucked.

“Come on Ellie, it’s your turn now. Just because your mother is here, it doesn’t mean you don’t  have to fulfill your duty,” the Orc said.

“Yes!” Ellie said, as she hurriedly stood up and prepared to get fucked. She was perhaps a bit more eager than usual.

“Have fun,” Min said, before finally leaving the room. On the way back, Min garnered many peculiar stares, since she was covered in cum, and topless, letting her boobs breath in the afternoon air. It didn’t help that she was carrying Akon in a very strange way, either.

When Min returned, she heard the clashing of metal coming from the garden. The apartment building had a shared garden out back that the tenants could use. The children who lived there often played there. Additionally, Dralu often used it for training, and whenever Altraz felt like instructing him, the two would spar there, too.

As for Min, whenever she sparred, they’d always go outside the city walls, since there’d be a lot of blood involved.

Min chose to ignore the sounds for now, and entered the apartment. After putting Akon down with some toys, she immediately started cleaning herself. Akon was still less than a month old, but his Orcish blood game him a strong physique. By now, he could already crawl around.

After wiping the cum off her body, and getting dressed again, she picked up little Akon once more, and went outside.

There, she saw Dralu, drenched in sweat, and the ever calm Altraz, clashing swords. Dralu was doing his utmost to hit Altraz, while altraz nonchalantly deflected every single attack that came his way.

When the two men noticed the two newcomers, they eventually came to a stop. Seeing his grandson, Dralu immediately stepped forward to carry him, but Min quickly took a step back.

“No way, you’re covered in sweat! Go wash yourself first, if you want to carry our little baby grandson,” Min said, as she held the boy away from Dralu.

“Oh, fine. Say, Master Altraz, should we continue our sparring?” Dralu asked, hopeful that he’d get to continue. These sparring sessions were of tremendous use to him.

“That’s enough for now. Go wash yourself. I intend to have a word with Min,” Altraz said, as he put his hand on Min’s shoulder, leading her into the apartment.

“Alright,” Dralu replied, before leaving.

“What do you want to speak about?” Min asked, as she looked curiously up at her Master.

“I think Dralu is ready. It is time to induct him into our organization. Naturally, I will need your help to convince him. We can’t tell him anything about our organization, before we get him to sign the Magical Contract,” Altraz said.

“Alright. Let’s go talk with him,” Min said, as she grabbed her Master’s hand dragging him away. She was very excited about this. She’d been looking forward to the day where she’d get to kill people with the man she loved for a long time.

“Dralu, honey, we need to talk to you about something,” Min said, as the two entered the apartment. Dralu was still drenched in sweat, as a few seconds really wasn’t enough to take a bath.

“What is it? Wasn’t it you who told me to go wash myself just a moment ago?” Dralu asked, as he looked at Min.

“That can wait! This is super important,” Min said, before taking a seat by the table. She pointed at the opposite seat, gesturing for Dralu to sit down too. Altraz sat down next to Min.

“So, the truth is, Master isn’t just my Master. Back when we first met, Master recruited me into a certain organization. And now, it’s we’ve decided it’s time for you to join too! Isn’t it cool?” Min asked. The excitement was clear in her expression, and she was even having a hard time sitting still.

“What does this organization do? I don’t know how much use I’d be anyway. I’m not a mage. All I know how to do is to fight with my sword. I’m no scholar,” Dralu said. Considering that Altraz was a master mage, and Min was his apprentice, he assumed this organization had something to do with magic.

“We can’t tell you what the organization does until you join. However, I can promise you’d definitely be of use. And we’d even get to travel and do tasks together. And you’ll certainly get many opportunities to level up. Just look at me! I’m not even seventeen years old yet, but I’m almost level sixty now! And since I have a Class, I’m even a bit more powerful than you are. This is really an amazing organization, and you definitely need to join! Come on, say yes already!” Min said. If Dralu ended up saying no, she’d be truly disappointed.

And Altraz would also have to wipe Dralu’s memory of this conversation, which really wasn’t healthy.

“Can you promise that I won’t regret it?” Dralu asked. He wasn’t against the idea of joining, since it would definitely be a better job than sailing the seas.

“Well, it can be dangerous. My friend almost died on the last mission, but I am pretty good at keeping people alive. My blood has healing properties, and I’m also better at healing magic now,” Min said. Dralu remained silent for a while, before finally speaking.

“Fine. I trust you Min, and I don’t believe you’d want anything bad for me,” Dralu said.

“Awesome!” Min exclaimed, her eyes shining with glee.

“Splendid, indeed. Here sign this,” Altraz said, as he caused a golden sheet of paper to appear on the table. The letters on the paper shone with an arcane light, stunning Dralu.

“Is this, is this a Magical Contract?” Dralu asked, completely shocked. What kind of organization needed their people to sign Magical Contracts?

“It’s just to ensure that you won’t spill any information about our organization, and so that you won’t betray us. Compared to Min’s contract, it’s actually much laxer,” Altraz explained.

Indeed, Min’s contract was extremely strict. It even took some free will away from her. She had to obey every order her Master gave her. Some might say she was like a slave, but she wasn’t treated like that.

Altraz cared for her, and even though her contract was so strict, he actually gave her more freedom than many apprentices were allowed.

For example, her teammates. They all had to live together in that house, and they had to write reports on their training and status every month to their handler.

Meanwhile, Min was allowed to have a family, and her Master visited her at least once a week. However, the downside to this was that she actually had to train much harder than her peers, even though she was much more talented.

She spent most of her time reading, practicing either magic or combat, or taking care of Akon and the rest of her family. The little free time she had, she usually spent having sex with whoever might have struck her fancy.

“Alright, I’ll sign,” Dralu said, as he grabbed the pen. He signed his name on the sheet. His calligraphy was nowhere near as pretty as Min’s was, but it wasn’t too bad, either.

“Welcome to our organization. Now, let me explain what it is we do,” Altraz said. He spent a while speaking about the organization, and he even spoke about the missions Min had undertaken so far.

That being, first the mission to kill the noble while undercover as a prostitute, then going undercover in Lord Caladri’s mansion to collect information, and eventually ending up helping in his assassination, and finally, the slaughter of the bandit group.

“You’ve actually drawn me into an assassin group. I didn’t expect that. It’s certainly not the career path I would have thought I’d end up in. But it’s not too bad. It’s not like I’ve never killed anyone before. I did almost end up in jail for that, once, but it wasn’t my fault. I swear. And it does seem quite nice to fight alongside the girl I love,” Dralu said, locking eyes with Min, who was absolutely ecstatic.

“Good. Because I already have a mission for you,” Altraz said.

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