A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 20: Prostitution

“Your task this time will be to kill the owner of a brothel local to this city. This should be done without causing much of a fuss. However, the secondary, optional objective is to take all the prostitutes away, both free and slaves. The client would like to enslave them for a new brothel that he is opening,” Altraz began. Dralu seemed a bit surprised at how quickly he was being put to work.

“Accomplishing this without causing a commotion will be more difficult. You’ll likely have to kill all the guards. However, this will draw the focus on the owner away. How you accomplish this, and whether you chose to complete the secondary objective, will, as always, be up to you and your team. But the target must die. You will go meet with the others tomorrow and discuss your plans. They will know to expect Dralu. With Dralu’s addition, manpower shouldn’t be a problem, at least. Now, I’ll leave the two of you alone. Farewell,” Altraz said, before standing up.

“Bye, Master. We’ll make sure to complete the mission flawlessly!” Min said, a cheerful smile on her rosy lips. She was extremely excited to go on her first mission with Dralu.

“So, how long have you been doing this exactly?” Dralu asked, after Altraz had left, his eyes looking into Min’s.

“Well, Master recruited me shortly after we arrived in Rymalona. But it’s only recently that I started doing missions with the others. I can’t wait to introduce them to you! You’ve already met Kemah, but the others are great too,” Min said.

“So that time you were out of town for a while, I assume you were doing a mission?” Dralu asked.

“Yup. We were just exterminating a group of bandits, but things went a bit wrong, and Kemah was heavily injured. That was my first mission with Kemah and the others. This will be the second. But I did another mission some time ago, where I posed as a prostitute. I killed the target while we were having sex, with a stiletto dagger I hid in my butt. Other than that, I did a scouting mission, where I actually ended up helping in the assassination. Killing that noble was what caused me to evolve,” Min explained.

“So you have a bit of experience, then. I hope nothing goes wrong,” Dralu said. Time passed, and soon, the next morning arrived.

Dralu and Min went out after the sun had risen, heading straight to the hideout where Kemah, Kor, and Haemir stayed at. Dralu was a bit surprised at how ordinary it looked.

When he heard hideout, he’d thought of maybe a dilapidated building, or old attic, or something along those lines.

But this was an ordinary building, just like all the others around it. It didn’t stand out.

Dralu and Min entered the house, and quickly met up with the others. Kemah was dressed as skimpily as always and had a trail of thick, white liquid flowing down between her legs.

Ever since she lost her virginity, she’d been having lots of sex with the guys. And apparently, they’d just returned from such a session.

“Good morning. You must be our newest recruit,” Kor said, as she shook Dralu’s hand.

“Indeed. I’m sure it will be a pleasure to work with you people,” Dralu replied.

“I’m sure it will. Now, let’s get to the task at hand. We have to kill the owner of a brothel, and extract all the prostitutes there. We can probably get the whores to follow us willingly, as long as we hide the fact that they’ll be enslaved. However, getting them out will still be difficult. Any ideas?” Kor said.

“I have a plan,” Min said, a confident smile on her lips.

“It’s quite simple. Kemah and I will infiltrate the brothel as prostitutes. Will work there for a few days as the other girls do, while gathering intelligence. We can figure out the patrol routes, how many guards there are, when there are the least guards, which are strongest, and so on. When there are the least amount of guards present, we’ll have you guys hire certain prostitutes that we specify, and we’ll all sneakily take out all the guards. A couple of us will also move to take out our target,” Min explained.

“We’ll be prostitutes? Doesn’t that mean we’ll have to have sex with random people?” Kemah asked, a look of discomfort on her face.

“Of course. But you told me you’d be alright with having sex for the sake of the mission. This shouldn’t be any problem, right?” Min replied.

“I, I’ll do it, of course. But do you think they’d even hire me? I’m not  the prettiest thing to look at, anymore,” Kemah said, looking downcast.

“Don’t say that. You’re still pretty. But we’ll hide all the scars with makeup. They make you too easy to recognize, after all. They’ll definitely hire us, though. We’re both very pretty girls,” Min said, completely confident in her plan.

“I agree, this seems like a sound plan,” Haemir said.

“It’ll do,” Kor and Dralu agreed.

“Great. Come Kemah. I’ll do your makeup, and you’ll do mine. When we’re done, we’ll go straight to the brothel. You know, if I didn’t already have a pretty good gig, I wouldn’t mind being a prostitute. Maybe not in a brothel, just working out of home, you know?” Min said, as she grabbed Kemah’s hand.

The two spent a good amount of time, applying makeup to their entire bodies. They changed their skin tone and made their faces look completely different. Naturally, they concealed Kemah’s scars, too.

This makeup they used was of a special kind. It was extremely hard to remove, and wouldn’t stain on any surfaces. It was very expensive, but it was provided to the assassins by the organization.

The only way to easily remove it, was by using a special soap, which the organization also gave them. Without the soap, you’d have to scrub your body for hours.

After finishing with the makeup, they left for the brothel. They had to walk for roughly an hour, before arriving.

As was evident by the building in front of them, this brothel was of quite high a class. It almost looked like a mansion, and several finely dressed men could be seen walking in and out of the building.

Min was quite excited, while Kemah steeled herself, and followed her horny friend. The two entered through the front door, meeting a reception.

Behind the reception, sat a middle-aged woman, face full of powder. The woman looked at the two girls, her eyes squinted. Min and Kemah didn’t exactly look like the usual clientèle of a brothel.

“Can I help you two, girls?” The woman asked, a raspy voice speaking out.

“Yes. We were hoping to get some work here,” Min spoke. The woman raised an eyebrow. These girls didn’t seem like the prostituting type, either. Even if they dressed like whores.

“You’re certainly pretty enough to be whores here. Tell me your names and how old you are,” The woman said.

“My name is Mara, I’m sixteen, and this is Sila. She’s twenty,” Min replied. The woman behind the reception desk nodded, once.

“Pretty and young. You’re going to be popular. Now, our prostitutes live within the brothel, so if you work here, you won’t be able to leave, willy nilly. Is that okay?” The receptionist said.

“That’s totally fine, as long as we get some time off from time to time. Having sex for money sounds like an easy job, compared to labor, but it kinda beats the point if we don’t have any free time,” Min said. She couldn’t be to eager to sign away her freedom, since that would be quite suspicious.

“You’ll be on the clock most of the time. You’ll get a couple of hours every day to eat, and eight hours to sleep, but the rest of the time, you’ll be working in the brothel. However, your only job will be to have sex with clients, so how busu you are depends on how many clients you get. Additionally, as a free whore, you have two days off every week. Sometimes it’ll be in the weekend, and other times in t he middle of the week,” the woman spoke.

“As for your pay, it will be depend on how many clients you have. But if you aren’t getting many clients, there is also possibility for work in the restaurant, where you’ll be paid an hourly wage. Does this sound alright?” The woman asked.

“It sounds awesome!” Min said, expressing an excited smile, her pearly white teeth glistening in the light.

“How about you, Sila? I haven’t heard you say a word since you arrived. Not that that’s a problem. Some men like shy girls,” the woman said.

“It sounds good to me,” Kemah, also known as Sila, replied, showing a faint smile. She wasn’t normally all that shy, but the whole whoring herself out thing was slightly outside her comfort zone. After all, she’d only just started having sex.

“Good. I’ll get someone to cover for me here, then I’ll show you girls around. And unless you have something to take care of, you can start immediately,” the woman said.

“We’ve got nothing waiting for us. We can start whenever,” Min said.

“Fantastic. Just wait for a moment,” the receptionist said. The woman left for a moment, before returning with a beautiful young elvish woman.

Well, she had the appearance of a young woman, but it was always hard to tell with elves. She could very well be over a century old.

Dralu was more than a hundred years old now, but he still looked like he was in his late twenties. And Altraz was even older, but he looked like he was in his thirties.

“This is Tiara. She’s one of the most experienced prostitutes here, and she also mans the reception from time to time. If you ever have any questions, I’m sure she can help you. Or if you need any tips for the bed. Now, let’s go,” the woman said, waving for Min and Kemah to follow her.

“First of all, I should introduce myself. My name is Aleesia, and I’m in charge of recruiting girls, and receiving clients. I used to be a prostitute here, but I retired some time ago. Although, if there are some high tier clientèle interested in me, I might put out,” Aleesia said.

Aleesia kept talking about the establishment, as she showed Min and Kemah around. Eventually, they arrived in a wing with several numbered doors.

“This is one of the dorms. Each prostitute has her own room, where she sleeps and works. That means you’ll take your clients here, unless they wish to have you accompany them in the restaurant. I’ll show you to your rooms,” Aleesia said.

Min and Kemah had been assigned rooms in opposite ends of the hallway. Those two rooms were the only free rooms in this dorm.

As for the rooms, they were quite luxurious. After all, this wasn’t just where the whores would sleep, but also where they’d have sex with clients. In fact, it was even possible for clients to rent these rooms for several days, so they could sleep with a beautiful prostitute every night during their trips.

This establishment was a brothel, restaurant, and hotel, all in one.

“You’ll have enough time to get acquainted with your rooms later. Let’s continue the tour,” Aleesia spoke. Next they arrived in a larger room, decorated with sofas, couches, and all sorts of relaxing furniture.

Several scantily clad ladies were relaxing and chatting within  the room.

“This is the common room where the prostitutes can relax when they don’t have a client. You’ll be spending a lot of time here, in the future. Go ahead and introduce yourself. All these girls are your coworkers,” Aleesia said.

“Sure,” Min and Kemah replied. They stepped forwards and introduced themselves to the girls. They spent a few minutes chatting, before Aleesia took them away.

Finally, it was time for Min and Kemah to start their work as prostitutes.


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